AWS CloudFormation: Detect Drift - aws-cloudformation

While updating s3 bucket name through cloudformation, Its getting UPDATE_ROLL_BACK automatically and Please let Is it possible to update S3 bucket name through cloudformation and how drift detecting works?.

Updating bucket name requires a replacement. That means that CloudFormation will delete the bucket and then create a new one with the new name. CloudFormation won't delete buckets unless they're empty. That's probably why it fails for your case. To confirm this go to the CloudFormation console page, click on the stack and go to the events tab. Look at some of the latest events and one of them should be about failing to delete the bucket.
To get around this you need to empty your bucket before updating your stack. You probably want to backup all of its content, update the stack, and upload the content back to the new bucket.


ADF doesnt create BlobCreation event with dataflow

I have pipeline and a dataflow activity inside which copies the data to blob storage. I have trigger activated.
Problem is, the trigger works If I place the file manually on storage. But it doesn't get triggered when the dataflow puts file on the blob storage with copy activity.
Here is the trigger info:
The problem is that a sink in dataflow when using parquet format generates a BlobRenamed event instead of BlobCreation. Therefore, the trigger doesn't get the right event.
I tried and it's working fine for me. it is detecting blob is getting added in particular container.
It appears that the trigger is set up to only react when new files are added to the blob storage and not when old files change. It's possible that the dataflow activity updates an existing file rather than producing a new one when it moves data to the blob storage.
Agreed with #Joel Cochran in Blob path ends with you are passing train_data.parquet if trigger did not find any particular file with name contain similar pattern it will not trigger the pipeline.
You may tweak the trigger to look for changes in both new and current files to fix this. This may be achieved by including the only .parquet in the Blob path ends with section of the trigger setup, which will make the trigger react to any changes to files in the supplied path.
Specify the correct details.
It's possible that the trigger is not configured to detect changes made by the dataflow activity. Check the trigger's settings to ensure that it is monitoring the correct blob container and that it is set up to detect the appropriate types of changes, such as new or modified blobs.
I ended up using web activity to send custom blob events to custom events and using custom triggers on the receiving pipeline.

Supabase error when trying to upload image

When I try to upload an image to supabase to a public bucket I created I get the following error
new row violates row-level security policy for table \"objects\
I am wondering why that is for a public bucket?
I found out that there are also policys for storage, which are pretty straight forward. Since I did not read about this functionality in the official docs I thought I might save some people some time search around.
Under "Storage" you can find a policies section.
you need to use the secret not the public key to upload files open this image in the top

Is there a way to change the google storage signed url to not include the name of the file?

I have a method that gets a signed url for a blob in a google bucket and then returns that to users. Ideally, I could change the name of the file shown as well. Is this possible?
An example is:<bucket>/<path to file.mp4>?Expires=1580050133&GoogleAccessId=<access-id>&Signature=<signature>
The part that I'd like to set myself is <path to file.mp4>.
The only way I can think of is having something in the middle that will be responsible for the name "swap".
For example Google App Engine with an http trigger or Cloud Function with storage trigger that whenever you need it will fetch the object, rename it, and either provide it to the user directly or store it with the new name in another bucket.
Keep in mind that things you want to store temporarily in GAE or Cloud Functions need to be stored in "/tmp" directory.
Then for renaming, if you are using GAE possibly you can use something like:
import os
However, the easiest but more costly approach is to set a Function with storage trigger that whenever an object is uploaded it will store a copy of it with the desired new name in a different bucket that you will use for the users.

Setting up a BigQuery to Google Cloud Storage pipeline with overwriting

I am trying to setup a really simple pipeline in Data Fusion which takes a table from BigQuery, then stores that data into Google Cloud Storage. With the pipeline setup below it's fairly easy. We first read the bigquery table and schema, then sink the data into a Google Cloud Storage bucket. This works, but the problem is that a new map and a new file gets created for each new transfer that I run. What I would like to do is to overwrite a single file in the same filepath with each new transfer that I do.
What I ran into that in this setup, a new map and a new file gets within Google Cloud Storage created using a timestamp prefix. Looking at the sink configuration below, indeed, by default you see a timestamp.
Alright, that would mean if I would remove the prefix a new map shouldn't be created. The hover-over confirms this: "If not specified, nothing will be appended to the path".
However, when I clear this value and then save it, the full time format automatically pops up again. I can't use a static value because this results in errors. For example I just tried creating a map with the number "12" in Google Cloud Storage and then setting the prefix to that, but as you would guess this doesn't work. Is anyone else running into this problem? How do I get rid of the path suffix so I don't get a new map for each timestamp within Google Cloud Storage?
This seems to be an issue with Data Fusion UI. Have filed a JIRA for this
I understand this can be confusing when you open the configuration again. The reason this is happening is whenever you open the configuraion modal we pre-populate fields with default values from plugin widget json (if no value is present).
As a workaround can you try,
Export pipeline - Once you have configured all the properties in the plugins you can export the pipeline. This step should download a JSON for you where you can locate the property and remove it and import the pipeline and publish without opening the specific plugin.
Or, simply remove the property from the plugin configuration modal and close and publish the pipeline directly. UI will Re-populate the value every time you open the plugin configuration. Once you delete and close the modal it should retain that state until you open the configuration again.
Hope this helps.

How to use AWS iOS SDK to delete a folder and all its objects in side bucket?

I am uploading objects to amazon s3 using AWS iOS SDK in Iphone, sometime error occurs and some of the objects are uploaded, remaining are not uploaded. I have created bucket and inside bucket i have created folder in which i have store my objects. I want to delete folder and all its object. Can anyone help me?
First of all, there is not such thing as "folders" in S3. Most S3 clients (including the AWS web console) show them as folders only for convenience (grouping stuff), but in fact, what you see as a "folder name" is merely a prefix.
Being that said, my suggestion to you is using the listObjectsInBucket API call, passing in your "folder name" as prefix in the S3ListObjectsRequest parameter.
When you have obtained all the keys (file names including prefix) matching that prefix, use the deleteObjects API call, passing in the keys in S3ListObjectsRequest parameter.
For more details on folder/prefix and deleting stuff, please see these related links:
Delete files, directories and buckets in amazon s3 java
Thread on AWS forum regarding this subject