How to change path to credentials file (without environment variable) - scala

I currently set path to a credentials file like this:
credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".myfolder" / "my.credentials")
on my local computer this works because Path.userHome results in ~. However, on Jenkins Path.userHome results in /root and I'm unable to create .myfolder under /root at build time because I get a permission denied error.
I am trying to change the path to the credentials file to /home/jenkins/.myfolder/my.credentials. However, when I do
credentials += Credentials("/home/jenkins/.myfolder/my.credentials")
I get a runtime error because apply method for Credentials accepts
How can I pass in /home/jenkins/.myfolder/my.credentials to Credentials?

If it expects a File, then look at the File docs to see how to make one.
credentials += Credentials(new"/home/jenkins/.myfolder/my.credentials"))

To expand Brian McCutchon's answer further:
According to SBT's Path.scala source, the Path.userHome returns a and Path contains an implicit method implicit def richFile(file: File): RichFile = new RichFile(file) to convert File to RichFile.
And, the slash operator (/) is overloaded for RichFile types to create objects of with appended string path.
Hence, if we want to pass a standalone string without a RichFile or File as a path to the Credentials constructor which requires a instance as a parameter, we need to specifically create a object with the string path, like, File("path/to/file")


How to copy whole directories containing subdirectories to /boot (i.e bootfs) in Yocto while inheriting core-image class?

I have a directory which again contains subdirectories, which are built has part of other recipe and moved to DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE using deploy bb class. So now I want to copy it to main image boot partition.
If it was a single file then appending required filename to IMAGE_EFI_BOOT_FILES variable, then yocto copies it to /boot. But same doesn't work for directories containing subdirectories please provide style to include even the subdirectories. Thank you
PS: I have tried appending IMAGE_EFI_BOOT_FILES += "parent_dir/*" didnt work.
It is obvious that IMAGE_EFI_BOOT_FILES is acting like the well known IMAGE_BOOT_FILES and other variables that are responsible for having the files necessary to be shipped in the boot partition. And that needs files and not directories.
So, if you do not need to specify all the files by hand, but instead you want to pass the directory, I suggest you use a python method to collect the files for you and append them to the variable.
See the following example I developed and tested:
def get_files(d, dir):
import os
dir_path = dir
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dir)):
dir_path = d.getVar(dir)
return ' '.join(f for f in os.listdir(d.getVar(dir)) if os.path.isfile(f))
IMAGE_EFI_BOOT_FILES += "${#get_files(d, 'DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE')}"
The method will test if the argument is a real path then it will directly check for files, if not it will assume that it is a bitbake variable and it will get its content, so if DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE is, for example, /home/user/dir, passing DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE or /home/usr/dir will give the same result.
It is obvious also that IMAGE_EFI_BOOT_FILES is used in a .conf file such as local.conf or a custom machine configuration file. So adding that python function in .conf file will not work. I suggest creating a class for it and inherit it globally in your .conf file:
INHERIT += "utils"
IMAGE_EFI_BOOT_FILES += "${#get_files(d, 'DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE')}"
Try this and let me know in the comments.
I have just realized that bitbake already imports os within python expressions expansions, so you can do it in one line without any need for a separate python function:
PATH = "/path/to/directory/" or
PATH = "A variable containing the path"
IMAGE_EFI_BOOT_FILES += "${#' '.join('%s' % f for f in os.listdir('${PATH}') if os.path.isfile(f))}"
Note: I am looking for Yocto built-in which can achieve solution for above mentioned , would like to share other way to resolve the functionality for community's benefit.
Add following in bb file if you are using one or refer to talel-belhadjsalem answer to use utils.bbclass.
def add_directory_bootfs(d, dirname, bootfs_dir):
file_list = list()
boot_files_list = list()
deploy_dir_image = d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE')
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(os.path.join(deploy_dir_image, dirname)):
file_list += [os.path.join(dirpath, file) for file in filenames]
for file in file_list:
file_rel_path = os.path.relpath(file, os.path.join(deploy_dir_image, dirname))
boot_file_entry = os.path.join(dirname, file_rel_path) + ';' + os.path.join(bootfs_dir, dirname, file_rel_path)
return ' '.join(boot_files_list)
IMAGE_EFI_BOOT_FILES += "${#add_directory_bootfs(d, 'relative_path_to_dir_in_deploy_dir_image', 'EFI/BOOT')}"

Scala config lookup secrets

I have application.conf file which contains secrets(password for DB etc..) And this secret will be mounted as a file(the file content will contain the actual secrets) in the running pod. How can scala config library be tweaked to handle this. i.e
instead of normal application.conf
db {
user = "username"
password = "xxx"
I would have something like this...
db {
user = "username"
password = "${file_location}"
As the file is parsed, it should identify that the value of key password, needs to be resolved by looking up the file and loading its contents.
A simple function can be written to load the content of this file, how can this is be integrated with seamlessly with scala config. ie. The rest of the code will continue to use
I assume you are using configuration of HOCON format and Typesafe configuration library for it.
I don't think it has such feature out of the box, but as an possible alternative you can take a look at include feature - you can include content of another file into your application.conf:
db {
user = "username"
include /path/to/pod.conf //include env specific configuration file
and put inside /path/to/pod.conf:
db {
password = "pod_db_pass"
So eventually contents of both files will be merged inside application during loading, and your final config will contain password at path db.password
Another possible option load password from file and merge into config file with withFallback method. Example:
import com.typesafe.config._
val passord = "password_from_file"
val passwordConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"db.password=$passord")
val applicationConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"db.user=db_user")// Replace this with `ConfigFactory.load()`
val config = applicationConfig.withFallback(passwordConfig)
Printout result:

citrus waitFor().file fails to read a file

I’m trying to use waitFor() in my Citrustest to wait for an output file on disk to be written by the process I’m testing. I’ve used this code
outputFile = new File “/esbfiles/blesbt/bl03orders.99160221.14289.xml");
after a few seconds, the file appears in the folder as expected. The user I’m running the test code as has permissions to read the file. The waitFor(), however, ends in a timeout.
09:46:44 09:46:44,818 DEBUG dition.FileCondition| Checking file path '/esbfiles/blesbt/bl03orders.99160221.14289.xml'
09:46:44 09:46:44,818 WARN dition.FileCondition| Failed to access file resource 'class path resource [esbfiles/blesbt/bl03orders.99160221.14289.xml] cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist'
What could be the problem? Can’t I check for files outside the classpath?
This is actually a bug in Citrus. Citrus is working with the file path instead of the file object and in combination with Spring's PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver this causes Citrus to search for a classpath resource instead of using the absolute file path as external file system resource.
You can fix this by providing the absolute file path instead of the file object like this:
Issue regarding broken file object conversion has been opened:
Thanks for pointing to it!

How to do File creation and manipulation in functional style?

I need to write a program where I run a set of instructions and create a file in a directory. Once the file is created, when the same code block is run again, it should not run the same set of instructions since it has already been executed before, here the file is used as a guard.
var Directory: String = "Dir1"
var dir: File = new File("Directory");
var FileName: String = Directory + File.separator + "samplefile" + ".log"
val FileObj: File = new File(FileName)
// blahblah
// set of instructions to create the file
When the programs runs initially, the file won't be present, so it should run the set of instructions in else and also create the file, and after the first run, the second run it should exit since the file exists.
The problem is that I do not understand new File, and when the file is created? Should I use file.CreateNewFile? Also, how to write this in functional style using case?
It's important to understand that a is not a physical file on the file system, but a representation of a pathname -- per the javadoc: "An abstract representation of file and directory pathnames". So new File(...) has nothing to do with creating an actual file - you are just defining a pathname, which may or may not correspond to an existing file.
To create an empty file, you can use:
val file = new File("filepath/filename")
If running on JRE 7 or higher, you can use the new java.nio.file API:
val path = Paths.get("filepath/filename")
If you're not happy with the default IO APIs, you an consider a number of alternative. Scala-specific ones that I know of are:
Or you can use libraries from the Java world, such as Google Guava or Apache Commons IO.
Edit: One thing I did not consider initially: I understood "creating a file" as "creating an empty file"; but if you intend to write something immediately in the file, you generally don't need to create an empty file first.

Protobufs import from another directory

While trying to compile a proto file named UserOptions.proto which has an import named Account.proto using the below command
protoc --proto_path=/home/project_new1/account --java_out=/home/project_new1/source /home/project_new1/settings/Useroptions.proto
I get the following error :
/home/project_new1/settings/UserOpti‌​ons.proto: File does not reside within any path specified using --proto_path (or -I). You must specify a --proto_path which encompasses this file.
PS: UserOptions.proto present in the directory /home/project_new1/settings
imports Account.proto present in the directory
Proto descriptor files:
package settings;
import "Account.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "UserOptionsVOProto";
package account;
option java_outer_classname = "AccountVOProto";
message Object
optional string userId = 1;
optional string service = 2;
As the error message states, the file you pass on the command line needs to be in one of the --proto_paths. In your case, you have only specified one --proto_path of:
But the file you're passing is:
Notice that the file is not in the account subdirectory; it's in settings instead.
You have two options:
(Not recommended) Pass a second --proto_path argument to add .../settings to the path.
(Recommended) Use the root of your source tree as the proto path. E.g.:
protoc --proto_path=/home/project_new1/ --java_out=/home/project_new1 /home/project_new1/settings/UserOpti‌ons.proto
In this case, to import Account.proto, you'll need to write:
import "acco‌​unt/Account.proto";
For those of us who want this really spelled out, here is an example where I have installed the protoc beta for gRPC using NuGet Packages Google.Protobuf, Grpc.Core and Grpc.Tools. My solution packages are one level above my Grpc directory (i.e. at BruTrader\packages). My .proto files are at BruTrader\Grpc\protos.
1. My .proto file:
syntax = "proto3";
import "timestamp.proto";
import "enums.proto";
package BruTrader.Grpc;
message DividendMessage {
double amount = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp dateUnix = 2;
2. my GenerateProto.bat file:
..\packages\Google.Protobuf.3.0.0-beta2\tools\protoc.exe -I..\Grpc\protos -I..\packages\Google.Protobuf.3.0.0-beta2\tools\google\protobuf --csharp_out=..\Grpc\Generated --grpc_out=..\Grpc\Generated --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=..\packages\Grpc.Tools.0.13.0\tools\grpc_csharp_plugin.exe %1
3. my BuildProtos.bat
call GenerateProto ..\Grpc\protos\masterinstrument.proto
call GenerateProto .\protos\instrument.proto
4. BuildProtos.bat is executed as a Pre-build event on my Grpc project like this:
CD $(ProjectDir)
CALL "$(ProjectDir)BuildProtos.bat"
For my environment, Windows 10 Pro operating system and C++ programming languaje, I used the that you can downloat it from here. You should open a Windows PowerShell inside the protoc-3.12.2-win64\bin path and then you must execute one of the next commands:
.\protoc.exe -I=C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\SRC --cpp_out=C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\DST C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\SRC\addressbook.proto
.\protoc.exe --proto_path=C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\SRC --cpp_out=C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\DST C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\SRC\addressbook.proto
1- My source folder is in: C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\SRC
2- My destination folder is in: C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\DST
3- My .proto file is in: C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\SRC\addressbook.proto