Remove duplicate records from mongodb 4.0 - mongodb

i have a collection which has duplicate records. I am using mongodb 4.0. How do i remove the duplicate records from the entire collection?
the record are getting inserted with the following structure
{ item: "journal", qty: 25, size:15 , status: "A" }
All i need is to have unique records for one document.

You can group duplicated records using aggregation pipeline:
{$group: {_id: {item: "$item", qty: "$qty", size: "$size", status: "$status"}}},
{$project: {_id: 0, item: "$_id.item", qty: "$_id.qty", size: "$_id.size", status: "$_id.status"}},
{$out: "theCollectionWithoutDuplicates"}
After the execution of aggregation pipeline, the theCollectionWithoutDuplicates collection contains a document for each group of original duplicated documents, with a new _id - you can verify the output, removing original collection (db.theCollection.drop()) and rename the new collection (db.theCollectionWithoutDuplicates.renameCollection('theCollection')). Drop and rename can be combined in db.theCollectionWithoutDuplicates.renameCollection('theCollection', true).
EXPLANATION of aggregation pipeline usage:
db.theCollection.aggregate([]) executes an aggregation pipeline, receiving a list of aggregation stages to be executed
the $group stage groups document by fields specified as subsequent _id field
the $project stage changes field names, flattening nested _id subdocuments produced by $group
the $out stage stores aggregation resulting documents into given collection

You can remove duplicated records using forEach:
db.collection.find({}, { item: 1, qty: 1, size: 1, status: 1 }).forEach(function(doc) {
db.collection.remove({_id: { $gt: doc._id }, item: doc.item, qty: doc.qty, size: doc.size, status: doc.status })

I recently create a code to delete duplicated documents from MongoDB, this should work:
const query = [
$group: {
_id: {
field: "$field",
dups: {
$addToSet: "$_id",
count: {
$sum: 1,
$match: {
count: {
$gt: 1,
const cursor = collection.aggregate(query).cursor({ batchSize: 10 }).exec();
cursor.eachAsync((doc, i) => {
doc.dups.shift(); // First element skipped for deleting (dupId) => {
await collection.findByIdAndDelete({ _id: dupId });


How to retrieve specific keys when grouping on mongo while using $max on a field?

How can i retrieve keys beyond the grouped ones from mongodb?
Documents example:
{code: 'x-1', discount_value: 10, type: 1}
{code: 'x-2', discount_value: 8, type: 1}
{code: 'x-3', discount_value: 5, type: 2}
$match: {
type: 1
$group: {
_id: null
discount_value: {$max: '$discount_value'}
This query will retrieve the max value from discount_value (10) key and the key _id but how i can do to retrieve the code and type key as well if i don't have operation to do those keys?
The current result:
{_id: null, discount_value: 10}
Expected result:
{_id: null, discount_value: 10, type: 1, code: 'x-1'}
You can try below query :
$match: { type: 1 }
$group: {
_id: null,
doc: {
$max: {
discount_value: "$discount_value",
type: "$type",
code: "$code"
I believe it would get $max on field discount_value and get respective type & code values from the doc where discount_value is max.
In another way, since you're using $match as first stage, I believe your data will be less enough to perform $sort efficiently :
$match: { type: 1 }
$sort: { discount_value: -1 } // sort in desc order
$limit: 1
Test : mongoplayground
Note :
Test the first query on DB itself rather than in playground. In first query you can use $replaceRoot as last stage if you wanted to make doc field as root of your document.

Getting all unique field-array combinations from the entire collection in MongoDB

Lets say I have the following collection
I would like to get the following results:
[{"cat", "A"}, {"cat", "B"}, {"cat", "C"}, {"dog", "C"}, {"dog", "D"}]
Basically creating the combinations between item and keywords and removing duplicates.
Is that possible?
You have to use $unwind on array and then you can use $group (by constant value) to get all elements into one array and $addToSet will handle uniqueness of specified pairs:
$unwind: "$keywords"
$group: {
_id: null,
unique: { $addToSet: { item: "$item", keyword: "$keywords" } }
You can then use onother $unwind on unique field to get a list of documents instead of single document as a result.

Counting data per user with mongo aggregation framework

I have a collection, where each document contains user_ids as a property, which is an Array field. Example document(s) would be :
_id: 'i3oi1u31o2yi12o3i1',
unique_prop: 33,
prop1: 'some string value',
prop2: 212,
user_ids: [1, 2, 3 ,4]
_id: 'i3oi1u88ffdfi12o3i1',
unique_prop: 34,
prop1: 'some string value',
prop2: 216,
user_ids: [2, 3 ,4]
_id: 'i3oi1u8834432ddsda12o3i1',
unique_prop: 35,
prop1: 'some string value',
prop2: 211,
user_ids: [2]
My goal is to get number of documents per user, so sample output would be :
{user_id: 1, count: 1},
{user_id: 2, count: 3},
{user_id: 3, count: 2},
{user_id: 4, count: 2}
I've tried couple of things none of which worked, lastly I tried :
{ $group: {
_id: { unique_prop: "$unique_prop"},
users: { "$addToSet": "$user_ids" },
count: { "$sum": 1 }
But it just returned the users per document. I m still trying to learn the any resource or advice would help.
You need to $unwind the "user_ids" array and in the $group stage count the number of time each "id" appears in the collection.
{ "$unwind": "$user_ids" },
{ "$group": { "_id": "$user_ids", "count": {"$sum": 1 }}}
MongoDB aggregation performs computation on group of values from documents in a collection and return computed result through executing its stages in a pipeline.
According to above mentioned description please try executing following aggregate query in MongoDB shell.
// Pipeline
// Stage 1
$unwind: "$user_ids"
// Stage 2
$group: {
// Stage 3
$project: {
In above aggregate query initially $unwind operator breaks an array field user_ids of each document into multiple documents for each element of array field and then it groups documents by value of user_ids field contained into each document and performs summation of documents for each value of user_ids field.

mongodb aggregation framework group + project

I have the following issue:
this query return 1 result which is what I want:
> db.items.aggregate([ {$group: { "_id": "$id", version: { $max: "$version" } } }])
"result" : [
"_id" : "b91e51e9-6317-4030-a9a6-e7f71d0f2161",
"version" : 1.2000000000000002
"ok" : 1
this query ( I just added projection so I can later query for the entire document) return multiple results. What am I doing wrong?
> db.items.aggregate([ {$group: { "_id": "$id", version: { $max: "$version" } }, $project: { _id : 1 } }])
"result" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5139310a3899d457ee000003")
"_id" : ObjectId("513931053899d457ee000002")
"_id" : ObjectId("513930fd3899d457ee000001")
"ok" : 1
found the answer
1. first I need to get all the _ids
db.items.aggregate( [
{ '$match': { '': '9e748c81-0f71-4eda-a710-576314ef3fa' } },
{ '$group': { _id: '$', dbid: { $max: "$_id" } } }
2. then i need to query the documents
db.items.find({ _id: { '$in': "IDs returned from aggregate" } });
which will look like this:
db.items.find({ _id: { '$in': [ '1', '2', '3' ] } });
( I know its late but still answering it so that other people don't have to go search for the right answer somewhere else )
See to the answer of Deka, this will do your job.
Not all accumulators are available in $project stage. We need to consider what we can do in project with respect to accumulators and what we can do in group. Let's take a look at this:
$match: {
funding_rounds: {
$ne: []
}, {
$unwind: "$funding_rounds"
}, {
$sort: {
"funding_rounds.funded_year": 1,
"funding_rounds.funded_month": 1,
"funding_rounds.funded_day": 1
}, {
$group: {
_id: {
company: "$name"
funding: {
$push: {
amount: "$funding_rounds.raised_amount",
year: "$funding_rounds.funded_year"
}, ]).pretty()
Where we're checking if any of the funding_rounds is not empty. Then it's unwind-ed to $sort and to later stages. We'll see one document for each element of the funding_rounds array for every company. So, the first thing we're going to do here is to $sort based on:
In the group stage by company name, the array is getting built using $push. $push is supposed to be part of a document specified as the value for a field we name in a group stage. We can push on any valid expression. In this case, we're pushing on documents to this array and for every document that we push it's being added to the end of the array that we're accumulating. In this case, we're pushing on documents that are built from the raised_amount and funded_year. So, the $group stage is a stream of documents that have an _id where we're specifying the company name.
Notice that $push is available in $group stages but not in $project stage. This is because $group stages are designed to take a sequence of documents and accumulate values based on that stream of documents.
$project on the other hand, works with one document at a time. So, we can calculate an average on an array within an individual document inside a project stage. But doing something like this where one at a time, we're seeing documents and for every document, it passes through the group stage pushing on a new value, well that's something that the $project stage is just not designed to do. For that type of operation we want to use $group.
Let's take a look at another example:
$match: {
funding_rounds: {
$exists: true,
$ne: []
}, {
$unwind: "$funding_rounds"
}, {
$sort: {
"funding_rounds.funded_year": 1,
"funding_rounds.funded_month": 1,
"funding_rounds.funded_day": 1
}, {
$group: {
_id: {
company: "$name"
first_round: {
$first: "$funding_rounds"
last_round: {
$last: "$funding_rounds"
num_rounds: {
$sum: 1
total_raised: {
$sum: "$funding_rounds.raised_amount"
}, {
$project: {
_id: 0,
company: "$",
first_round: {
amount: "$first_round.raised_amount",
article: "$first_round.source_url",
year: "$first_round.funded_year"
last_round: {
amount: "$last_round.raised_amount",
article: "$last_round.source_url",
year: "$last_round.funded_year"
num_rounds: 1,
total_raised: 1,
}, {
$sort: {
total_raised: -1
In the $group stage, we're using $first and $last accumulators. Right, again we can see that as with $push - we can't use $first and $last in project stages. Because again, project stages are not designed to accumulate values based on multiple documents. Rather they're designed to reshape documents one at a time. Total number of rounds is calculated using the $sum operator. The value 1 simply counts the number of documents passed through that group together with each document that matches or is grouped under a given _id value. The project may seem complex, but it's just making the output pretty. It's just that it's including num_rounds and total_raised from the previous document.

Mongodb aggregate on subdocument in array

I am implementing a small application using mongodb as a backend. In this application I have a data structure where the documents will contain a field that contains an array of subdocuments.
I use the following use case as a basis:
As you can see from the example, each document have a field called carted, which is an array of subdocuments.
_id: 42,
last_modified: ISODate("2012-03-09T20:55:36Z"),
status: 'active',
items: [
{ sku: '00e8da9b', qty: 1, item_details: {...} },
{ sku: '0ab42f88', qty: 4, item_details: {...} }
This fits me perfect, except for one problem:
I want to count each unique item (with "sku" as the unique identifier key) in the entire collection where each document adds the count by 1 (multiple instances of the same "sku" in the same document will still just count 1). E.g. I would like this result:
{ sku: '00e8da9b', doc_count: 1 },
{ sku: '0ab42f88', doc_count: 9 }
After reading up on MongoDB, I am quite confused about how to do this (fast) when you have a complex schema as described above. If I have understood the otherwise excellent documentation correct, such operation may perhaps be achieved using either the aggregation framework or the map/reduce framework, but this is where I need some input:
Which framework would be better suited to achieve the result I am looking for, given the complexity of the structure?
What kind of indexes would be preferred in order to gain the best possible performance out of the chosen framework?
MapReduce is slow, but it can handle very large data sets. The Aggregation framework on the other hand is a little quicker, but will struggle with large data volumes.
The trouble with your structure shown is that you need to "$unwind" the arrays to crack open the data. This means creating a new document for every array item and with the aggregation framework it needs to do this in memory. So if you have 1000 documents with 100 array elements it will need to build a stream of 100,000 documents in order to groupBy and count them.
You might want to consider seeing if there's a schema layout that will server your queries better, but if you want to do it with the Aggregation framework here's how you could do it (with some sample data so the whole script will drop into the shell);;{ "items.sku": 1}, {unique:false});[
_id: 42,
last_modified: ISODate("2012-03-09T20:55:36Z"),
status: 'active',
items: [
{ sku: '00e8da9b', qty: 1, item_details: {} },
{ sku: '0ab42f88', qty: 4, item_details: {} },
{ sku: '0ab42f88', qty: 4, item_details: {} },
{ sku: '0ab42f88', qty: 4, item_details: {} },
_id: 43,
last_modified: ISODate("2012-03-09T20:55:36Z"),
status: 'active',
items: [
{ sku: '00e8da9b', qty: 1, item_details: {} },
{ sku: '0ab42f88', qty: 4, item_details: {} },
]);"aggregate", {
pipeline: [
{ // optional filter to exclude inactive elements - can be removed
// you'll want an index on this if you use it too
$match: { status: "active" }
// unwind creates a doc for every array element
{ $unwind: "$items" },
$group: {
// group by unique SKU, but you only wanted to count a SKU once per doc id
_id: { _id: "$_id", sku: "$items.sku" },
$group: {
// group by unique SKU, and count them
_id: { sku:"$_id.sku" },
doc_count: { $sum: 1 },
Note that I've $group'd twice, because you said that an SKU can only count once per document, so we need to first sort out the unique doc/sku pairs and then count them up.
If you want the output a little different (in other words, EXACTLY like in your sample) we can $project them.
With the latest mongo build (it may be true for other builds too), I've found that slightly different version of cirrus's answer performs faster and consumes less memory. I don't know the details why, seems like with this version mongo somehow have more possibility to optimize the pipeline."aggregate", {
pipeline: [
{ $unwind: "$items" },
$group: {
// create array of unique sku's (or set) per id
_id: { id: "$_id"},
sku: {$addToSet: "$items.sku"}
// unroll all sets
{ $unwind: "$sku" },
$group: {
// then count unique values per each Id
_id: { id: "$", sku:"$sku" },
count: { $sum: 1 },
to match exactly the same format as asked in question, grouping by "_id" should be skipped