Disable keyboard navigation in file explorer after 1.31 update - visual-studio-code

Update 1.31 added keyboard navigation to tree widgets, where it will now filter items in the file explorer tree based on a search result.
Previously, when the file explorer was focused, I was able to use A or shift+A to create a new file or folder in my current directory. I am now unable to do this, as any keystrokes enter a filtering mode in the tree, rather than performing the keyboard shortcut.
The developers have added a setting to control this: workbench.list.keyboardNavigation, however none of the options appear to revert it to the old behaviour.
Changing this option simple, rather than the new default highlight, allows the keyboard shortcuts to work as they did previously, however the new file/folder I create are now created in what feels like an arbitrary location in the file tree, rather than the current directory which was the previous behaviour.
If anyone could shed some light on how to revert back to the previous functionality, or if I am misunderstanding how the simple behaviour works, that would be great.

For anyone stumbling across this question, this has been solved as of the 1.32 update. With the tree focused, press / to toggle between filtering mode and operation mode.


Folder View Focus Disable Automatic Search

I would like to change the automatic find that happens when the Explorer Folder View is in focus:
Steps to reproduce (provided you have default bindings):
Open a workspace with files
Focus on the folders view
Start typing anything
This is to find files based on what you type (notice the find query in the top right) and the arrow keys skip to them. I would like to remap this feature to something like Ctrl+F (with a 'when expression', if possible) that way I can use other shortcuts for things like adding a new file. If this can not be remapped, I'm ok with disabling it, provided that's allowed.
I used to have the atom keymap extension that changed this but I removed it so I would be forced to learn all the default shortcuts so when I go into work I wouldn't be phased no matter what device I am on
I was looking through the atom keymap repo and found a comment on the main js file about 'new explorer filtration'. Interesting to see documentation being useful :p Anyways, I noticed they added a context setting so I changed the following user setting:
workbench.list.automaticKeyboardNavigation = false
Controls whether keyboard navigation in lists and trees is automatically triggered simply by typing. If set to false, keyboard navigation is only triggered when executing the list.toggleKeyboardNavigation command, for which you can assign a keyboard shortcut
We need either better setting id naming conventions or better ways to find settings, especially now that the list has grown substantially. I would have never guessed this would be the name of the setting, or list.toggleKeyboardNavigation being a trigger, since you aren't actually navigating

Can't edit files in Vscode

I've just started using Vscode and have a created a WebAPI project. On trying to open any of the default code files (Startup.cs and Program.cs) whatever I type starts to appear in the blue bar as shown below instead of where I have placed the cursor. I have no idea what's going on or what that blue bar is.
I am able to add my own code files and edit these as I would expect.
I'm running Vscode 1.29.1 on Win 10 on a Dell Latitude 12 7275. The vscode extension
Enabled extensions :
That's caused by Vim extension. Uninstall or disable it, otherwise use insert key on your keyboard to put it in insert mode.
I'l leave this here for future readers
Basically, if I split files in tabs in VS Code, I could work with the files on the left hand side but could "read-only" all the files on the right hand side.
When I went to the extensions tabs I noticed that whatever I typed was being typed in the field in the extensions search bar. After deleting that, and clicking back on the "Files" tab, it went back to normal and can basically edit files on the both sides of my split screen.
If cannot type
Check where whatever you type is going (e.g. Extensions > Search bar)
Delete wherever it's being typed, and click back on the "Files tab"
Check if it works
I had to change the parent folders permission...
Try changing the entire folder to:
Read & Write: Allows a user to open the item and change it.

Visual Studio Code explorer view scrolling

My project contains a LOT of folders, many of which I routinely have open, making for a lengthy explorer view. I find scrolling this view quite frustrating for two reasons:
There is no equivalent of the editor.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity setting for the explorer view. I'm also generally happy with the scroll speed for my mouse in other applications, so don't want to go messing with a system wide setting to compensate for VSC.
The scrollbar is frustratingly difficult to grab at and requires precise mouse placement. The number of times I accidentally grab at the slider and resize the view rather than scroll it is ridiculous.
I've found no useful extension to help in this matter. Has anybody any suggestions? I'll raise an enhancement request in Github if necessary.
Here are 2 shortcuts that can speed up navigation between files:
With Ctrl then Tab you can browse a history of your last viewed files. Great for switching around when working on multiple files.
With Ctrl+P (Go to File... command) you can quickly go to a file by name. You can also search for files inside folders like this: folder/subfolder/file.ext. This is great if you know what you are looking for.
Source and more navigation tips: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/editingevolved#_quick-file-navigation
This PR in vscode 1.59 may have fixed this issue: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/pull/110059/commits/61efc577e038ac772f12511fb823de27296dbc69
New settings:

Restoring all GUI items to their default size / positions in NetBeans

I was wondering if there was a quick key combination in NetBeans to get the various GUI items placed on it back to their default sizes and something approaching a default position. I ask because, when swapping between Layouts / playing with NetBeans / trying to get the various items to display properly, they have the odd tendency to teleport to places I cannot find, or change size to something less than useful. Admittedly, this is quite annoying, when you have more than a few items in a form, and have to use the Navigator to find out whether the damn thing even still exists!
You can use the Window > Reset Windows menu item. This will reset the IDE's GUI back to the default state.
Use the Help>About menu to find the User Directory. Then navigate to it and delete directory config>Windows2Local. Restart the IDE and you will have the default windows settings. (The deleted dir will be recreated by netbeans)

How to programmatically reload a text editor in Eclipse?

In Eclipse, if I change a file programmatically, and it is open in a text editor, it doesn't always reload, not even when refreshing the resource programmatically. How can I forcibly reload the text editor from code so that it show the changed file contents?
In your project explorer or navigator, you can right-click on the file that's currently open and select refresh. This has always worked for me, even when editing files with several programs. Make sure to click the file itself, not parent objects like packages or folders or projects.
Refreshing programmatically? I would look into an Eclipse scripting tool:
I guess there was another one called Monkey, but it doesn't appear to be maintained.
I don't know of any possibility to programmatically reload the file.
Some editors (e.g. GMF editors) look for changes in the underlying files, and refresh themselves, but this is not required at all.
I don't think that a forced reload is an option implemented globally, as in some cases there could be some merging steps involved that can be quite erroneous.
My ideas to solve this:
Have a specific editor that refreshes its content when the used resource changes (this can be timeconsuming);
Or close the editors of the file and reopen them (this is ugly in the eye of the user).
Since the Luna release of eclipse there's no need to reload files with F5/manual Refresh.
Really nice, especially as there was a bug with the F5 key binding.