Gravity Forms - Dynamically populate a drop down based on entries from another gravity form - gravity-forms-plugin

So I am looking at dynamically populating a drop down field in a form with entries from another gravity form. Based on that choice, I will populate a second drop down dynamically based on entries from a gravity form.
More or less I am creating the ability to submit a work order. In that work order I want users to select a piece of equipment then based on that piece of equipment they can select a part.
I have looked at gform_get_entries_args_entry_list as a way of snagging entries, but I am not overly sure how to set it so it pulls from a particular form.
add_filter( 'gform_get_entries_args_entry_list', 'machine' );
function populate_posts( $form ) {
foreach ( $form['fields'] as &$field ) {
$items = gform_get_entries_args_entry_list( 'NOT SURE WHAT TO PUT HERE' );
$choices = array();
foreach ( $items as $GRAVITY FORM ENTRY VARIABLE) {
$choices[] = array( 'text' => $GFEV->THE MACHINE NAME, 'value' => $GFEV ->The Name Field of the machine );
$field->placeholder = 'Select a Post';
$field->choices = $choices;
return $form;

The Gravity Forms Dynamic Population Pro plugin uses the GFAPI:get_entries function, which you can just directly pass the form ID.
Here's the definition:
public static function get_entries( $form_ids, $search_criteria = array(), $sorting = null, $paging = null, &$total_count = null )


CakePHP 3 - Exclude fields by default in query unless specifically selected

Title pretty much says it all. I have some tables with fields that contain a lot of data. To save some performance I would like to not SELECT these by default.
The emphasis on the new default behaviour, differentiating the question from e.g. Select all except one field in cakephp 3 query
$cities = $this->Cities->find();
// A $city does not include the field `shape` (which is a huge polygon)
$cities = $this->Cities->find(['id', 'name', 'shape']);
// A $city now does include the `shape` property
I looked at the accessible and hidden properties of an entity, but these don't seem to affect the SELECT statement.
EDIT: The selectAllExcept query seems usefull. I combined this with the beforeFilter event like this:
public function beforeFind($event, $query, $options, $primary)
$query->selectAllExcept($this, ['shape']);
This works well for empty queries, shape is now excluded. But now I have no control over the other fields that might want to include or not:
$this->Cities->find()->select(['id', 'shape']) will then also select the other fields because the selectAllExcept().
You can simple overwrite find('all') method in your table.
For example in UsersTable:
public function findAll(Query $query, array $options)
$query->selectAllExcept($this, ['password']);
return $query;
then in your controller:
// select all except password
$users = $this->Users->find();
// we try to select some fields, without success
$users = $this->Users->find()->select(['id', 'username', 'password']);
// we try to select some fields incl. password, with success
$users = $this->Users->find()->select(['id', 'username', 'password'], true); // <-- this overwrite select / selectAllExcept in custom finder

Add a Field to a CrudController that ONLY passes values to Store / Update Methods

I'm trying to handle how a field within a CrudController stores or updates the data on the particular model in a completely custom way. I would like the traitStore() and traitUpdate() methods to ignore this field entirely, but would like the data to still be passed in via the request. This is specifically in reference to a many-many relationship using a select2_multiple field.
I would like it so that the relationship ID's are passed via the request object to the Store or Update methods, but I DO NOT want the traitStore() or traitUpdate() methods to actually perform updates on that particular field reference.
For example...
I have this field within my crud controller
'label' => "Groups",
'type' => 'select2_multiple',
'name' => 'groups',
'entity' => 'groups',
'attribute' => 'title',
'model' => "App\Models\Group",
'pivot' => true
And I'm overriding the Store and Update Methods like so.
public function store()
$response = $this->traitStore();
$groups = $request->groups
return $response;
public function update()
$response = $this->traitUpdate();
$groups = $request->groups
return $response;
Looking at my comments I would like to get a reference to the groups and handle updating the model however I want.
I've tried to unset the groups value in the request, unset($this->request{'groups'}), but it still updates / removes the relationships when I do that.
Here is what you need to do to remove the references from being updated by the CrudController.
public function update()
$request = clone $this->request;
$groups = $request->groups
$response = $this->traitUpdate();
return $response;
I found an easy way to ignore/pass form field.
In your form fields have first_name, last_name, gender and in your database is only have fullname, gender then you wanna create/update the form, it will show Column not found: 'first_name' not found...,
How to fix it:
Add $fillable in the model and fill the array data with name field that you want to store/update. In example case $fillable = ['fullname', 'gender'];
Then, just use mutators inside the model too.
public function setFullnameAttribute(){
return $this->attributes['fullname'] = \Request::input('first_name') . ' ' . \Request::input('last_name');
NB: You should have hidden field name 'fullname' in your CrudController.
$this->crud->addField(['name' => 'fullname', 'type' => 'hidden']);

How should a `FormType` be structured in order to include an `EntityType` field which doesn't exist in the `FormType` entity?

Taking the below as an example, OrderType is based on the entity Order. The form that is required needs to contain the following two EntityType dropdowns within it:
Category (this does not exist in Order - it is just to subset the dropdown of Product to make it more manageable)
The identifying Category variables (Category_id and CatName) only exists within the Product entity (the Order can include multiple Products) and as a result, Symfony throws back an error saying:
Neither the property "category_id" nor one of the methods "getcategory_id()", "category_id()", "iscategory_id()", "hascategory_id()", "__get()" exist and have public access in class "AppBundle\Entity\Order".
Is there a way that this Category field can be included even though it doesn't exist in the Order entity?
It doesn't seem right to add category_id to the Order entity. I was thinking of something along the lines of below using 'mapped'=>'false' but I can't get it to work:
'placeholder' => '-- Choose --',
'query_builder'=>function(EntityRepository $er) {
return $er->createQueryBuilder('p');
...and then after an Ajax response, feed in the category back in with $category?
'placeholder' => '-- Choose --',
'query_builder'=>function(EntityRepository $er, $category ) {
return $er->createQueryBuilder('p')
->where('p.category_id = :id')
->setParameter('id', $category )
As you say, adding a Category property to the Order entity just for forms is less than ideal. What I would do is make a OrderCategoryType and pass in Order and Category as an array.
// Controller
$order = new Order();
$category = new Category(); // Or create from $order->getProduct()
$data = ['order' => $order, 'category' => $category);
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($data)
->add('order',new OrderType(),
->add('category',new CategoryType()
You will have to do some messing around to keep everything in sync but it should work just fine.

Symfony form and iterator input checkbox / text

I have this form:
->add('task', 'text')
->add('dueDate', 'date')
->add('save', 'submit')
I would like to iterate an input text / checkbox using data from database.
[update] in other words I want to print fields according to data inside my database.
Like a foreach but all using the form symfony ($result as $val){ print'input type="checkbox" value="valore"' }
Can you help me ?
What you are looking for is likely the form bulder:
//In your controller
$results = //get data from the database here
$form = $this->createFormBuilder();
foreach($results as $result){
//Where field_name would be something like task, dueDate, save, etc.
// field_type would be something like, text, choice, hidden
//then to set the data for the field you pass it in the data option aka field_value

How to perform add action in a form only one time, after update the record everytime

I have a form element. When I click the submit button it will add the data to the table.
that is working fine. But my need is to add data to the table only the first time, after each submission data should we can do this?
function add(){
$this->Defineroute->save($route_data); //route_data is data from the form
I have one more doubts, I have a view.ctp in the controller I have a view() function for that. But in the view.ctp I use one form element.
How we can write function for that element in the controller? When I try to write function, it shows the error missing view..
CakePhp determines if it should update an existing record or insert a new record based on the presence of the primary key ('id') inside the data you're saving;
This will insert a new record:
$route_data = array(
'Defineroute' => array(
'name' => 'I am a new record'
And this will update an existing record;
$route_data = array(
'Defineroute' => array(
'id' => 123,
'name' => 'I will update record with ID 123'
To accommodate this in a single form, create the form inside your view/element and only add an input for the id field if you're editing an existing record
Also see Saving your data