Free IPA - Replacing expired 3rd party domain certificate - freeipa

I'm using FreeIPA version 4.5
My 3rd party domain certificate expired. Can I just copy the new crt & key files over the old ones (they have the same file names) and restart ipa?
Or do I need to use the ipa-server-certinstall command to install the new certificate?

The problem I ran into was that I could not start the ipa service because of an expired certificate. To get around this issue I completed the following steps:
Changed the server date to a date prior to the cert expiration date
by executing: date -s "1 FEB 2019 00:00:00"
Started the ipa service by executing: systemctl start ipa
Changed the server date back to the current date by executing: date
-s "17 FEB 2019 11:45:00"
After completing those steps I was then able to execute:
ipa-server-certinstall -p DMPassword -w -d /etc/pki/private/mycert.pem /etc/pki/public/mycert.crt
where the mycert.pem & mycert.crt files are the new key and cert.
Finally I restarted the ipa service by executing: systemctl restart ipa
IPA is now running as expected with the new certificates.


Updating Certificates on OpenShift + Kubernetes 4.6+

I'm wondering if anyone could share the steps for updating the certificates on OpenShift + Kubernetes 4.6? I've checked using the below command and some are expired.
find /etc/kubernetes/ -type f -name "*.crt" -print|egrep -v 'ca.crt$'|xargs -L 1 -t -i bash -c 'openssl x509 -noout -text -in {}|grep After'
I'm not able to find relevant steps to my UPN install. The following certificates are expired as well.
81789506 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 59 Jan 9 00:32 kubelet-server-current.pem -> /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-server-2021-06-18-20-35-33.pem 81800208 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 59 Jan 9 00:32 kubelet-client-current.pem -> /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-2021-06-19-13-16-00.pem
Since the API server is offline, I'm not able to renew the certificates via oc commands. All OC commands return an error since the API server ( port 6443 ) is offline. This cluster is installed on VMware using the UPI method. There was a failure sometime back taking the cluster offline. When the cluster was brought back up, the certs were already expired and could not renew since services needed for that were offline I think?
Wondering if anyone managed to recover from this scenario and would be able to help?
Did you check the official doc on that subject?
It may help you
But if you can't login to your cluster, it may be quite difficult...

How to automate to check when a code signing certificate expired

I have a desktop application created with signed binaries and a code signing certificate that expires in a year, just as a reminder I want to keep checking when the certificate expires. Is there a way I can automate this?
You can run openssl command line utility to print the expiration time of the certificate:
openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in <your certificate file>
The output is something line this:
notAfter=Feb 10 12:05:45 2023 GMT
Then you can create a script that will run periodically and will check this value

puppet server not able to provision itself - certificate verify failed

I installed a new Puppet Server (Version 6.11) on CentOS 8 to get rid of our old 3.8 Installation on CentOS 6.
After the migration of all of our modules and testing them on a CentOS 7 and 8 Server, I now wanted to add the Puppet Server itself as a node.
While the CentOS 7 and 8 Testserver are running fine, I am not able to get the puppet Server itself running as also a puppet client.
I added it as a node with just one Module and tried to run puppet agent:
[root#puppetmaster /]# puppet agent --test --server
Info: csr_attributes file loading from /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml
Info: Creating a new SSL certificate request for
Info: Certificate Request fingerprint (SHA256): E8:F3:69:50:53:43:32:4F:D8:D1:EF:18:17:98:70:15:3C:3B:B6:A1:6B:CA:0F:F0:A4:C3:EF:FE:3B:C5:3C:01
Error: certificate verify failed [unable to get certificate CRL for]
Error: Could not run: certificate verify failed [unable to get certificate CRL for]
I tried deleting the Certs in /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ as well as in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl and /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/sslmaster/.
I always get the same result. Looking into puppetserver ca list --all I get a 3 existing Server:
Signed Certificates: (SHA256) A8:EF:33:B6:92:F2:B7:42:DA:F8:B3:B5:67:DD:5A:68:6E:C1:40:97:23:B7:35:7C:A4:36:52:EB:3A:0D:C9:7F (SHA256) 35:CE:E7:7D:44:5B:93:C0:80:44:DB:75:BE:9C:CF:04:81:02:00:D7:49:D7:51:52:47:38:CA:E6:77:1D:01:19 (SHA256) 7E:F5:A4:24:47:F6:90:2D:54:BB:D0:A9:5E:EF:B8:61:C9:E9:D4:7F:AE:68:82:7A:6A:C3:13:F9:21:72:3F:3F alt names: ["", "DNS:puppetmaster", ""] authorization extensions: [pp_cli_auth: true]
The 2 Testservers are still running fine (besides I had to of course add them again after deleting all certs).
Now I am a little confused how to add the puppet server itself as a working agent (which does work fine in the old setup).

Creating certificate with certreq tool where I have csr generated using openssl

I have created CSR using openssl and I want it to be signed by the Microsoft CA using command line with template as webServer.
This is the way to generate. Got it! .. On a Microsoft CA server machine issue below command:
"certreq.exe -submit -attrib "CertificateTemplate:WebServer" certifcatesigningrequest.csr "

Batch script importing certificate for all users

The below command adds a certificate to trusted root:
certutil.exe -addstore -f "root" "wienticket.cer"
But this seems to add the certificate only for the current user. What changes do I need to make to install it for all users ?