Creating an SKAction extension for SKAudioNode - sprite-kit

I have decided to break off my very painful relationship with SKAction.playSoundFileNamed and move on to using SKAudioNodes in our project -- the breaking point was their being totally broken by interruptions without any consistency.
We are trying to create an extension to SKAction s.t. it will mimic playing SKAudioNodes without adding delay, similar to when you set the waitForCompletion property in playSoundFileNamed to false. However, we are adding the SKAudioNode and then disposing of it after a short period (3.0 s), but in an extension this would add that 3.0 s delay onto any action. I think we must have this delay and then remove because otherwise we would be accumulating SKAudioNodes unnecessarily. Here is our current code:
func playAudioNode(node: SKSpriteNode?, sound: SoundType, delay: Double)
if node == nil
let audioNode = audioNodeDictionary[sound]!.copy() as! SKAudioNode
let playSound =
node!.run(SKAction.sequence([SKAction.wait(forDuration: delay), playSound, SKAction.wait(forDuration: 3.0), SKAction.removeFromParent()]))
Does anyone use SKAudioNodes in a similar ad hoc way and use them in SKAction sequences and have any thoughts on best way to implement this?


Animating SCN Objects with CAKeyframeAnimation in Swift SceneKit

I'm writing an application that displays chemical reactions and molecules in 3D. I read in all the values and positions of each atom from a text file and I am creating each atom shape with SCNSpheres. I have all the other values I need read in properly, but I can't figure out how to add keyframe animations to each node object in my scene.
I set up the molecules like this in ViewController.swift
func makeAtom(atomName: String, coords: [Double], scene: SCNScene) {
guard let radius = atomRadii[atomName]?.atomicRadius else { return }
atoms.append(Atom(name: atomName, x: coords[0], y: coords[1], z: coords[2], radius: radius, positions: []))
let atomGeometry = SCNSphere(radius: CGFloat(radius))
let atomNode = SCNNode(geometry: atomGeometry)
atomNode.position = SCNVector3(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2])
I know that the CAKeyframeAnimations are supposed to be set up like this
let animation = CAKeyframeAnimation()
animation.keyPath = "position.y"
animation.values = [0, 300, 0]
animation.keyTimes = [0, 0.5, 1]
animation.duration = 2
animation.isAdditive = true
vw.layer.add(animation, forKey: "move")
I just don't know where I should be declaring these animations and how the layers factor into all this. What layer should I be adding the animations to? And how can I trigger them to play? I've been searching all over the internet for help with this but I can't find anything that just shows a simple implementation.
I can provide more code if need be, I'm pretty new to StackOverflow and want to make sure I'm doing this right.
You can do it different ways, but I like this method: 58001288 (my answer here) as you can pre-build some animations using scenekit and then run them as a sequence.
Per the comment.. needed more room.
A sequence is a fixed thing. You can start, repeat, and stop it. However, it's hard to interact with it during phases.
If you really need to do that, then one way is to break up your sequence into its parts and call the next one yourself after a completion handler of the current one. I keep an array and a counter so that I know where I am. So basically it's just a queue of actions that I manage - if I'm on a certain step and the button is pressed, then I can cancel all current actions, set the desired effect, and restart it.
The completion handler calls itself at the end of the function and advances its own array count so that the next one in the list can be called. This is obviously a bit dangerous, so I would use sparingly, but that's how I did it. I started mine on a timer, then don't forget to clean it up. I had a global GAME_ACTIVE switch and within the code I checked for it before calling myself again.
Edit2: This is actually a moveTo, but it's still just a custom set of SCNActions that calls itself when complete based on duration so that it immediately goes to the next one without a delay.
func moveTo()
let vPanelName = moves[moveCount]
let vLaneNode = grid.gridPanels[vPanelName]!.laneNodes[lane]
let vAction = SCNAction.move(to: vLaneNode.presentation.position, duration: TimeInterval(data.getAttackSpeed(vGameType: gameType)))
node.runAction(vAction, completionHandler:
self.moveCount += 1
if(self.moveCount >= self.moves.count - 1)
self.killMe(vRealKill: false)

ARKit Adding node causes frame drop even after using `prepare`

I am adding a 3D model containing animations to the scene that I previously download from the internet. Before adding this node I use prepare function on it because I wan't to avoid frame drop. But still I get a very short frame drop to about 47 fps. This is caused by executing this prepare function. I also tried using prepare(_:, shouldAbortBlock:) on other dispatch queue, but this still didn't help. Can someone help me resolve this or tell me why there is this happening?
arView.sceneView.prepare([mediaNode]) { [mediaNode, weak self] (success) in
guard let `self` = self else { return }
let currentMediaNode = self.mediaNode as? SCNNode,
currentMediaNode === mediaNode,
else { return }
By the way this is a list of files I'm using to load this model:
DAE file is already compiled by Xcode tools so that it can be loaded after being downloaded from the internet. And this is the code I use to load it after it's downloaded:
class func loadModel(fromURL url: URL) -> SCNNode? {
let options = [SCNSceneSource.LoadingOption.animationImportPolicy : SCNSceneSource.AnimationImportPolicy.playRepeatedly]
let sceneSource = SCNSceneSource(url: url, options: options)
let node = sceneSource?.entryWithIdentifier("MDL_Obj", withClass: SCNNode.self)
return node
I was experiencing the same issue. My nodes were all taking advantage of physically-based rendering (PBR) and the first time I added a node to the scene, the frame rate dropped significantly, but was fine after that. I could add as many other nodes without a frame rate drop.
I figured out a work around to this issue. What I do is after I create my ARConfiguration and before I call I add a test node with PBR to the scene. In order for that node to not appear, I set the node's material's colorBufferWriteMask to an empty array (see this answer: ARKit hide objects behind walls) Then before I add my content I remove that node. Adding and removing this test node does the trick for me.
Here is an example:
var pbrTestNode: SCNNode!
func addPBRTestNode() {
let testGeometrie = SCNBox(width: 0.5, height: 0.5, length: 0.5, chamferRadius: 0)
testGeometrie.materials.first?.diffuse.contents =
testGeometrie.materials.first?.colorBufferWriteMask = []
testGeometrie.materials.first?.lightingModel = .physicallyBased
pbrTestNode = SCNNode(geometry: testGeometrie)
func removePBRTestNode() {
func startSessionWithPlaneDetection() {
// Create a session configuration
let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
if #available(iOS 11.3, *) {
configuration.planeDetection = [.horizontal, .vertical]
} else {
configuration.planeDetection = .horizontal
configuration.isLightEstimationEnabled = true
// this prevents the delay when adding any nodes with PBR later
// Run the view's session
Call removePBRTestNode() when you add your content to the scene.
Get 3D model for AR app with no more than 10K polygons and a texture of 1K x 1K. The best result can be accomplished with 5K...7K polygons per each model. Totally, SceneKit's scene may contain not more than 100K polygons. This recommendation helps you considerably improve rendering performance and, I suppose, you'll have a minimal drop frame.
The simplest way to get rid of drop frame in ARKit/SceneKit/AVKit is to use Metal framework. Just imagine: a simple image filter can be more than a hundred times faster to perform on the GPU than an equivalent CPU-based filter. The same things I could say about realtime AV-video and 3D animation – they perform much better on GPU.
For instance, you can read this useful post about using Metal rendering for AVCaptureSession. There's awesome workflow how to use Metal.
P.S. Check your animated object/scene in 3D authoring tool (if it's OK) before writing a code.

SKAction runBlock doesn't seem to be working as expected

let randomize = SKAction.runBlock({ [unowned self] in
self.footstepFile = "Content/footstep\(RandomInt(1, max: 4))"
sprite.runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever(SKAction.sequence([randomize, SKAction.playSoundFileNamed(footstepFile, waitForCompletion: true)])), withKey: "footsteps")
When this action runs, the footstepFile shows its randomizing when I print it, but in reality it's just playing the same sound file over and over. Why is this?
I play this action whenever the sprite is moving, and pause it whenever he stops. When it pauses and unpauses the footstepFile changes but if I'm continuously running, it just plays the same one over and over. Shouldn't the runblock be randomizing it continuously?
I believe the issue is that the footstepFile that is active when the SKAction.sequence is created is the one that is used repeatedly. This is because the sequence only gets created once, and then used repeatedly.
To solve this, try creating an array of playSoundFileNamed actions all using random file names and pass that to SKAction.sequence:
var actions = [SKAction]()
for _ in 1...16 {
footstepFile = "Content/footstep\(RandomInt(1, max: 4))"
actions.append(SKAction.playSoundFileNamed(footstepFile, waitForCompletion: true))
sprite.runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever(SKAction.sequence(actions)), withKey: "footsteps")

Swift SKAction.waitForDuration Executing Too Fast

this is my first post. I've looked everywhere for an answer and it appears I am doing it right, but it just does't seem to be working.
I'm trying to execute a combat sequence between two nodes in Swift. After each node attacks, it is supposed to wait for its specified attack speed duration before attacking again.
Here is my code for the combat sequence:
func playerMonsterCollision(player: Character, monster: Character) {
let playerFight = player.dealDamage(monster)
let playerWait = SKAction.waitForDuration(player.attackSpeed)
let monsterFight = monster.dealDamage(player)
let monsterWait = SKAction.waitForDuration(monster.attackSpeed)
player.runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever(SKAction.sequence([playerFight, playerWait])))
monster.runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever(SKAction.sequence([monsterFight, monsterWait])))
And this is the dealDamage function that is called:
func dealDamage(target: Character) -> SKAction {
let action = SKAction.runBlock()
if ( > 0 && > 0)
let damageDelt = self.calcAttack()
print("Damage delt: \(damageDelt), \(!) health: \(")
if! == "Monster"
if !self.isAlive()
if !target.isAlive()
return action
The player.attackSpeed is a double, 3.0, and monster.attackSpeed is also a double, 3.5. As far as I understand, the double would represent a time in seconds, however, when I run my program it seems to be less than half a second between executions.
Found the problem!
I was indeed doing everything correct, but thank you to this answer I figured out that I had changed the speed property in the creation of my objects. Once I fixed it, my code executed as expected. A few other speed related issues popped up, but they will be easy enough to fix now that I know what caused it!
Hopefully this helps others who stumble across a similar issue with things executing too fast (or too slow). Be careful not to unintentionally change the SKSpriteNode.speed property.

How can I create delay inside while loop in Swift 2?

I would need help with this while loop - what I'm trying to do is slow down the whole process of removing and adding new circles while radius is changing every time this happens. I'm becoming really desperate, I've tried using both dispatch_after and sleep inside the loop (which I found online) but neither of them is suitable, they basically stop the whole app. If I put them in the while loop, nothing happens. Thanks in advance!
while radius < 100 {
Basically you just need to do few simple things:
Wait for a certain duration and add a node to the scene
Repeat this step forever (or certain number of times)
Here is the example of how you can do it. The important part is action sequence. You create the step above, and repeat it forever. Each time you check radius value and based on that you stop the action (remove it by the key). And that's it. You can change spawning speed by changing action's duration parameter.
Using NSTimer might seem like an easier solution, but NSTimer doesn't respect node's (or scene's or view's) paused state. So, imagine this situation:
You start spawning of nodes
User receive phone call and app automatically goes to background
Because NSTimer is not automatically paused, the nodes will continue with spawning. So you have to take an additional step and invalidate/restart timer by your self. When using SKAction, this is done automatically. There are some other flaws of using NSTimer in SpriteKit, search SO about all that, there are some posts which covering all this.
import SpriteKit
class GameScene: SKScene{
var radius:UInt32 = 0
override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
func startSpawning(){
let wait = SKAction.waitForDuration(0.5)
// let wait = SKAction.waitForDuration(1, withRange: 0.4) // randomize wait duration
let addNode = SKAction.runBlock({
[unowned self] in // - read about strong reference cycles here
if(self.radius >= 30){
if self.actionForKey("spawning") != nil {
let sprite = self.spawnNode()
sprite.position = CGPoint(x: Int(arc4random()) % 300, y: Int(arc4random()) % 300) // change this to randomize sprite's position to suit your needs
//wait & add node
let sequence = SKAction.sequence([wait, addNode])
//repeat forever
runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever(sequence), withKey: "spawning")
func spawnNode()->SKSpriteNode{
let sprite = SKSpriteNode(color: SKColor.purpleColor(), size: CGSize(width: 50, height: 50))
//Do sprite initialization here
return sprite
The sleep stops the whole app because you are running the loop on the main thread.
You can solve this problem in one of two ways...
1) Use an NSTimer. Set it to the amount of time you want to delay. Put the body of the loop in the timer's trigger function and disable the timer when it has been called enough times. This is the best solution.
2) Wrap the loop in a dispatch async block to a background thread and put a sleep in the loop. If you do this though, you will have to wrap the UI code in another dispatch async block that comes back to the main thread.