I am trying to hide a small number of backstage buttons/tabs using the CustomUI interface. All my research suggests that the following xml should do it:
<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui" >
<button idMso="FileSave" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabSave" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabShare" visible="false"/>
but it doesn't. I am trying this with Office 365. Can anyone see anything wrong with the xml or has this functionality been removed from 365?
The answer it seems relates to my .rels file which was referring to the 2006 schema and needed to refer to 2007.
There is this old chat that suggests writing your own fragment wrapper, but I understand that fragment should now be natively supported.
However I couldn't quickly find the correct syntax for it.
Example of what I'm looking for:
<button label="foo"/>
<button label="bar"/>
Here is the official documentation page on reason-react and fragments.
The syntax for using React fragments in reason-react is this:
<button label="foo"/>
<button label="bar"/>
The terse syntax may be easy to miss if you are looking hard for something like <Fragment> (this is what happened to me). I first found the answer in the release notes for version 0.5.0
Is there a way to add a new service next to "Invite People", "Email", "Present Online", and "Publish as blog post"? I know you can add another source for the "save" and "open" tabs, but what about the "Share"?
You can do that via "backstage" customization - i.e. you can embed your items in any of the built-in tabs in fact. You could do that either on document/template level (so that this new option is only available for a specific document/for a documents created out of specific template), or on "application" level by building an add-in for Word which adds this option.
Check out these articles:
Introduction to the Office 2010 Backstage View for Developers
Customizing Office 2013 backstage
Note that visual ribbon designer (in visual studio) does have support for the extending built-in tabs, you will need to extend office ribbon "backstage" by defining your "additions" in XML. For the "Share" tab you may need some xml like this (note the "idMso").
<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui">
<tab idMso="TabShare">
<taskFormGroup idMso="GroupShare">
<category idMso="Share">
<task id="SayHelloTask" insertBeforeMso="ShareWithPeople" label="Say Hello Task">
<group id="HelloGroup" label="Say Hello" helperText="This group contains say hello button.">
<button id="SayHelloButton" label="Say Hello" onAction="ThisDocument.SayHello" />
Download sample document (Doc1.docm)
The full list of built-in "idMso" names can be downloaded from Microsoft
We are working on a project with JSF and PrimeFaces and we are looking to add dynamic inline validation on our forms. I'm not sure if PrimeFaces can handle this (correct me if I am wrong) so I am looking for some alternatives
Does anyone know of any plugins we could use to do this? Prefer something that incorporates JSF too...
I'm not a developer but a UX guy so sorry if some of the terminology is incorrect.
Standard JSF supports server side validation by ajax (live example here) and PrimeFaces definitely also supports it (live example here). You can add <f:ajax event="blur" render="message_id" /> inside input components to perform validation directly on blur (see also this tutorial).
<h:inputText id="foo" value="#{bean.foo}" required="true">
<f:ajax event="blur" render="foo_message" />
<h:message id="foo_message" for="foo" />
I'm design Elements with UiBinder, but I cant find a description of the property fieds an element can have, beside ui:field, ui:style
Does anybody know where it is documented.
PS: the thing I'm currently looking for is how I can speciffy a class from my CSS file.
Since I cant answer it, I'll write it here:
Actuall the thing I was searching for was this site:
Google Web Toolkit API Reference
To my PS question, setting the style name works with styleName="[CSS-tag-name]" or addSytyleName"[..]"
Did you check the official documentation for UiBinder? There it says the following:
See how the g:ListBox element has a visibleItemCount='1' attribute? That becomes a call to ListBox#setVisibleItemCount(int). Every one of the widget's methods that follow JavaBean-style conventions for setting a property can be used this way.
# your PS: If you're working with a ClientBundle you can access it with
<ui:with field="res" type="path.to.Resources" />
<div class="{res.css.myStyle}" />
I have Flash xml of eg
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<screen type="TEXT_PIC_RIGHT" asset="WT01010.swf" audio="WT01010.mp3" filter="learningObjectives">
<area type="title"><![CDATA[Chapter Learning Objectives]]></area>
<area type="text"><![CDATA[After completing this chapter, you should be able to:]]></area>
<area type="textbullet"><bullet><![CDATA[1.]]></bullet><text><![CDATA[Describe the primary functions and the 2 main divisions of the nervous system]]></text></area>
<area type="textbullet"><bullet><![CDATA[2.]]></bullet><text><![CDATA[Identify the subdivisions of the <font color="#0000FF"><b>peripheral nervous system (PNS)</b></font> and how they operate]]></text></area>
It used to display webpage Using Flash. How Can i convert it to Html so that i can display that page in a webview? Can anyone one help me with this?? thanks in advance!!!!
If any question is related to Converting any xml format to any other format i always recommend using XSLT because XSLT is made exactly for that purpose and therefor the best way to do it.
So i'm not familiar with the iphone but i'm pretty sure there is an XSLT implementation for it.