How to fix character bug in existing .db file - firebird

I'm trying to import a .db file into a existing database through a tools called 'Import Data' in IBExpert.
I have a problem with the encoding of the .db file, when the import is done characters like 'ç, ã, õ' are not recognized.
I've been trying to change the character set of the table to UTF8 and WIN1252 or the character set of the .db file, but it did not work.
The word ASCEN€ÇO for example, would have to be ASCEÇÃO.
How can I fix this character set problem?


SAS import problem with utf-8 and u+2019 character

I am trying to import a value from a csv, using an input statement with encoding at utf8.
The value contains a u+2019 character, which sas doesn't recognize at all and displays a box instead.
Anyone knows what could the problem be?
The session needs to be running UTF8, otherwise SAS will try to transcode the text into the session encoding. Ask your SAS admin to show you how to connect to an application server that is running using UTF8 encoding.

CSV export with the wrong character set (utf-8 ?)

I have exported the data is CSV format but it contains funny character like é, .
What is the charset? UTF-8 or the one of my computer?
Is there a way to specify the charset at export?
It is unfortunately impossible to specify Charset at the export... But I think you can define encoding during CSV import process in LibreOffice or MS Excel. Tell me if it solves your issue.

Winjs, error reading file with FileIO.readTextAsync

I am reading a .json file from disk using Windows.Storage.FileIO.readTextAsync.
All is fine until I put some non english letters in the file, like Æ Å Ø
The error I get is (rough translation from Danish language):
WinRT: No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page.
any idea how to read those chars in WinJs?
I found the problem.
when I created the file manually with notepad I set it to type ANSII instead of utf8.
I reopened the file -> save as and the changed the type and overwrote it.
You may be able to solve this by changing the encoding from the default (Utf8) to Utf16. The readTextAsync method accepts a second parameter which is a UnicodeEncoding flag:
).done( ... );
Or if you need to, you can use utf16BE flag (see link above).

windows right single quote error when copying data into postgres from csv file

i'm trying to import csv file into a postgres db (ver 9.3, with database encoding set as UTF8). using the command below, i get the error (also below)
copy mytable from 'C:/candidate_analyze.csv' delimiter ',' csv;
ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x96
after researching, i see that this error is related Windows-1252 or the windows version of the right single quote mark instead of apostrophe.
there is a text field in the csv file (called "orig_text") that has the right single quote mark in it.
this copy functionality is something that is going to be automated, so i can't go in there and manuually do a search and replace for the windows right quote mark everytime.
any ideas as to a solution to this problem?
any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you in advance.
The COPY command has an ENCODING option:
Specifies that the file is encoded in the encoding_name. If this option is omitted, the current client encoding is used.
So if your file really is encoded in windows-1252 then you could say:
copy mytable from 'C:/candidate_analyze.csv' delimiter ',' encoding 'windows-1252' csv;

Importing German values in openerp 7

I would like to import German language values in Openerp 7. Currently, the import fails due to special characters. Importing English text works perfectly.
Some of the sample values are:
öffentlich nach Einzelgewerken
Do I need to change the language preference to German first, before importing?
Also, do I need to know German to accomplish this task?
Any advice?
Changing the language of your User account to German is only useful if you'd like to load the German version of translatable fields. For example, if you were importing a list of Products as a CSV file, it would allow you to load the German translation of the product names. If you don't, the names will simply be stored as the master translation (English).
However it is very likely that your import fails due to encoding issue. Encoding comes into the picture because of German special characters, such as Umlauts. In that case you basically need to make sure that you are importing the CSV file using the same Encoding setting that was used to export it.
If your CSV was produced on Windows using Excel or something similar, there is a good chance it was produced with Windows-1252 encoding. By default OpenERP will select utf-8, so you will need to change that in the Encoding selection box of the File Format Options that appear after you select the CSV file to import (in OpenERP 7.0).