Giving enemies Health/Multiple hits - sprite-kit

I am trying to make a game with multiple types of zombies that take multiple hits to kill. For example, I have a runner zombie sprite node that has 2 health. When it is hit once it speeds up and when it is hit again it dies. I have been trying to get my enemies to be multiple hits and I never figured it out. Do I make a class with various properties such as a health variable or do I make a function? Identify all of the enemies and their health? Help Please!

Obviously, there are many ways of doing this, but if you are using GameplayKit's Entities and Components, then it would be logical to store this kind of data in a health component.
In general, if your game is getting complex, have a look at GameplayKit's guidelines and likely you will find all the answers.


How to make a networked enemy in unity and mirror

I'm making a multiplayer game and for kind of all of it I need to have enemies and AI characters.
-for example 5-10 players in a match fighting a monster together. and the monster needs to be synced for all clients.
-or when there are not enough players online the server would add AI bots to the match so the player wouldn't get board.
I tried to make the AI and spawn it and give its authority to one of the players so the AI calculation doesn't cost the server.
Even though I couldn't have the server-side AI because Match Interest Management and that wasn't possible by that.
The problem starts when for example 2 players join a 4-player match and server adds 2 more bots everything works fine until when the match starts the first player which controls the AIs is fine but the other player gets freeze. I look for any infinite loops in my codes but I didn't find anything. I tried delaying spawns but still nothing.
The freezing happens when I use the dedicated server. in the editor and local network there is a very low chance it would happen.
if anyone knows Mirror Please help me if you think you can.
Thank You. Sorry if I didn't explained well.

Sending game state only for entities that are "visible"?

Let's say I have an open world game that supports multiple players.
The game stores their positioning by X and Y in this world.
Also, whoever is playing the game can see a canvas of 11x11, where his player-self is represented on this screen, always centered.
The game world has 1000x1000 squares to walk using keys.
What I know is that:
I could emit events whenever a player walks,
check this event data at the server-side (to see if it is possible and the speed is correct/anti-cheating measures),
update the game state which contains all players and positioning,
re-emit this state from the server so every client would be able to render properly this new player.
The problem is, should I really update someone who isn't even being seen?
When everyone is walking around, moving items, earning levels, etc - those events are being emitted from the client, and that's okay, but thinking about the server-side, it will re-emit that for each update state, and, maybe that will be overloaded?
Also, sending the whole game state, even if it isn't being rendered, opens so many breaches to cheating that this made me think that there is another option.
I'm a beginner at Networking and Game Development, and that is being hard to get into my mind - so I decided to try and put it into a question. This way, maybe with someone reading what I'm thinking about, I might get some clarification. Perhaps I'm just thinking about it the wrong way.
Q: should I really update someone who isn't even being seen?
There is no need.
The normal way MMORPG games do in the server side is to cyclely process network packages and some other calculations like the connection of players like skill cast or something else.
The central of a server may look like below
void run()
while (true)
The loop will run several times a second, like 20 frames a second is enough cause players can not feel the little frame, they think they move/play smoothly but the trueth is not.
For your question, player only need to see some little area, when he moves, the server will braodcast his postion to others in the area and the players in his area in the next frame.
And that is just the simpliest model, actual model will be more complicated and we will detach different functions of the game to different server, sucn as chat server, battle server, auction server and others.

Multiple or single NetworkManager in Unity

ok so I'm trying to get multiple matches going in an online multiplayer unity game and I need to know:
Is it better performance to manage all connections from a single NetworkManager or break up user connections into multiple ones? I ask with respect to performance. So will this be more costly for my server or the reverse?
danke sehr
ok so i thought about it a little more and since you can only have one active NetworkManager per scene (according to documentation ) I suppose I can't have multiple ones to break up connections as I was thinking.
My idea now is to use matchIds using Mirror but I'm stilling running into an issue. Collisions can still occur between GameObjects even though they have different matchIds.

When we should use NSThreads in a cocoa Touch?

I am writing a small game by using cocos2d. It is a shooting game. Player on one side and enemy on other side. To run the both actions of player shooting and enemy shooting do we should use threads ? Or can we do without using them. At present I am not using threads. But I can manage to do both actions of player and enemy at same time. Should I use threads compulsory good performance ?
Or am I doing wrong without using threads ? Please help me from this confusion.
Thank you.
You should use threads when it makes sense, i.e., when you would otherwise block the main (UI) thread during a time-consuming operation. Examples of expensive operations include loading images and sounds from disk and retrieving information from a network. For the event loop of a game, threads are not essential because the events in a game are not perfectly simultaneous (indeed, two operations are never simultaneous on the iPhone because it is a single-processor system). Instead, you can perform all of your game logic sequentially and update the UI as necessary. If I'm not mistaken, though, a framework like Cocos2D probably uses a dependency inversion model that calls into your client code, and as such it will create any necessary threads behind the scenes. I'd suggest looking at a tutorial on that specific framework to see what the recommended style is.

How the dynamics of a sports simulation game works?

I would like to create a baseball simulation game.
Are these sports management games based on luck? A management game entirely based on luck is not fair, but it cannot be too predictable either. How does the logic behind these games work?
It's all about probability and statistics. You set the chance of something happening based on some attributes you assign, and then the random factor comes in during play to make things less predictable and more fun. Generally you get a load of statistics from some external source, encode them into your game's database, and write a system that compares random numbers to these statistics to generate results that approximate the real-life observations that the stats were based on.
Oversimplified example: say your game has Babe Ruth who hits a home run 8.5% of the time, and some lesser guy who hits one 4% of the time. These are the attributes you test against. So for each pitch you simulate, pick a random number between 0 and 100%. If it's less than or equal to the attribute, the batter scores a home run, if it's greater than the attribute, they don't. After a few pitches you'll start to see Babe Ruth's quality show relative to the other guy as he will tend to hit over twice as many home runs.
In reality you'd have more than 1 attribute for this, depending on the kind of pitching for example. And the other player might get to choose which relief pitchers to use to try and exploit weaknesses in the batter's abilities. So the gameplay comes from the interplay between these various attributes, with you trying to maximise the chance that the attribute tests work in your favour.
PS. Apologies for any mistakes regarding baseball: I'm English so can't be expected to understand these things. ;)
As you have already figured out, the core component of such games is the match simulation engine. As Spence said so, you want that simulation to "look right" rather than to "be right".
I worked on a rugby game simulation some time ago and there's an approach that works quite well. Your match is a finite state machine. Each game phase is a state, has an outcome which translates to a phase transition or changes in game state (score, replacements, ...).
Add in a event/listener system to handle things that are not strictly related to the structure of the game you're simulating and you have a good structure (everytime something happens in your simulation, a foul for instance, fire an event; the listeners can be a comment-generation system or an AI responsible for teams' strategies).
You can start with a rough simulation engine that handles things at a team level using an average of your players' stats and then move on to something more detailed that's simulating things at a player level. I think that kind of iterative approach suits a game simulation very well because you want it to look right, and as soon as an element looks right you can stop iterating on it and work on another part of your system.
Random is of course part of the game because as you said so, you don't want games to be too predictable. A very simple thing to do is to have virtual dice rolls against a player and team statistics when they are performing a particular action (throwing the ball for instance).
Edit: I make the assumption that we're talking about management games like Hattrick, where you're managing a roster and simulating game results rather than 2D/3D graphical simulations.
Usually timing plus a randomness to make the game replayable EDIT To clarify I mean in terms of when the pitch comes at you, if it was exact you could learn to play it perfectly, you would need a small randomness around the exact time that you swing to make the game have some chance). AI has a big part in this if you do things like curve balls, add the ability to steal bases etc.
Getting games "right" isn't a factor of design or maths so much as a feel. You will try something, play it, and see if it was fun. If it isn't try different algorithms or gameplay until you get it right.
A simulation is very much about an imagined world in that you create classes that represent all aspects of an imagined world. You need to model the players, specify the game rules, and game dynamics.
Look here for agent based model:
One great thing about creating your own game is that you get to decide how the game logic is going to work. If you want the game to have a high degree of luck you can design that in. If you don't want the game to have a high degree of luck then you can design it out.
It's your game, you get to make up the rules.
Are you talking about a baseball game you play or a game simulator? Baseball games can be arcade-like or fantasy sports like or a blend.
I was at Dynamix when Front Page Sports Baseball was made. It was stats-based, meaning that you could play out games and seasons using the stats of the various players. That meant licensing Major League data. It used stats to influence outcomes.
There was a regular mode and a "fast-sim" mode that could breeze through the games faster.
I think Kylotan has the right strategy. Baseball has stats for everything. Simulate a game to the most detailed level you can manage. Combine player stats to determine a percentage chance for every outcome. Use randomness to decide the outcome.
For instance: The chance of a hit is based on Batting Average, Pitcher's ERA, etc. The opposing team's feilding percent determines the chance an out becomes an error.
Every stat you display to the 'manager' when selecting lineups should have some effect on gameplay - otherwise the manager is making decisions based on misleading information.
you ought to check out franchise ball. there is a browsable demo.