Neo4j import postgres data from VM - postgresql

I'm trying to import a Postgres database from a VM, and use Neo4j to visualize the graph.
For a sample of such a database, I am able to load the data using ETL tools and run it on my local Windows machine using Neo4j desktop.
However, when I try to load the database from VM (Centos), I can not load it from ETL. It gives me this error:
Connection failed. SQL state: 08001, message: Connection to localhost:7687 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
And on my VM, my Neo4j status looks like this:
Am I doing correctly? Or I should not use ETL tool for loading external database in the beginning? What is the best approach in my case?
Please advise and thank you so much!

You need to specify the username and password appropriate for logging into the neo4j server.


Failed PostgreSQL database connection in Pentaho Data Integration PDI

Objective: Set up a connection with PostgreSQL db in PDI. I'm a noob in all this stuff, so each step forward requires long resolution time.
I'm trying to set up the connection to a PostgreSQL database in order to prepare some queries for an ETL process in PDI. But there's no way to succeed with the connection.
I've tried with PostgreSQL connection type and with Generic database connection type and the error is always related with the drivers.
The version of the PostgreSQL db I'm trying to connect is 9.5.25 and I'm working in Ubuntu 20.04 and Java 8 as demands Pentaho Data Integration.
Below the error message after failed connection:
"Connection failed. Verify all connection parameters and confirm that the appropriate driver is installed. Connection to [IP]:[Port] refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections."
I am literally in despair, don't know what I'm doing wrong. Will be very grateful with anyone who can help me.
You need to add the jdbc driver to connect to postgresql DB in the pdi-installation/lib directory, you just put the *.jar file there and restart spoon to have the library available.
That driver can be downloaded from postgresql downloads. The Community Edition of PDI only comes with a small number of jdbc drivers, for each type of database you need to connect to, you should check if the jdbc driver is available in that directory, and if it's up to date or if you need a more recent version of the driver.
This is a link for the official Pentaho documentation, looking for information in Hitachi Vantara documentation is becoming more and more difficult, they don't always clarify what steps apply only for the Enterprise Edition and are not available for the Community Edition:

Connecting to MongoDB from AWS Glue

I am trying to create a connection from AWS Glue to MongoDB, but when I test the connection it fails with error: "Check that your connection definition references your Mongo database with correct URL syntax, username, and password. Exiting with error code 30". I know that my connection parameters are correct because I can connect with the same host, port, database, user name, and password from another client application (DataGrip). And I know that my VPC configuration should be correct too because I have another connection in the Glue, to connect to the PostgreSQL database on-premise with public IP, that works just fine.
My MongoDB version is 4.4.1. I am out of ideas what else can cause the problem. Is anyone successfully connects to MongoDB form Glue and run the Crawler?

Google Cloud SQL MySQL 5.7 denies connection when doing large import

I'm having difficulties migrating a database (~3gb sql file) from MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 5.7 on Google Cloud SQL.
First I made a dbdump of the MySQL 5.6 server database:
mysqldump -hxx.xx.xx.xx -uroot -pxxxx dbname --opt --hex-blob --default-character-set=utf8 --no-autocommit > dbname.sql
I then tried to import the database with cloudsql-import:
.go/bin/cloudsql-import --dump=dbname.sql --dsn='root:password#tcp(xx.xx.xx.xx:3306)/dbname'
The import starts but after a while (around 10 minutes) I receive the following error message:
2016/06/29 13:55:48 dial tcp xx.xx.xx.xx:3306: getsockopt: connection refused
Any further connection attempts to the MySQL server are denied with the following error message:
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'xx.xx.xx.xx' (111)
Only a full restart (made from the google cloud platform console) makes it possible to connect to again.
I made a full migration from 5.5 to 5.6 using this method not so long ago. Any ideas why this doesn't work with 5.7?
would you check the storage disk usage on the Console Overview page of the instance? If the storage is full, you can increase the storage size of your instance by changing the storage size value in Edit page.
If the binary logging is enabled, lots of space will be taken by binary logs. You could consider to turn it off when you are running the import.
If you still have trouble with the instance, you can send an email to for further investigation. Thanks.
I tried analyzing the different rows where the import had timed out, but didn't find anything out of the ordinary. I then fiddled with the available parameters in Google cloud SQL and when using mysqldump.
I finally just tried using a better Machine Type (from two core 8GB Ram to 8 core 30GB ram) and it "solved" the problem.

Connection between spark and tableau on tableau desktop

I am trying to connect the spark to tableau, I had installed Simba ODBC driver for 64bit, but I am facing issues while connrecting to spark.
Unable to connect to the ODBC Data Source. Check that the necessary drivers are installed and that the connection properties are valid.
[Simba][ODBC] (10000) General error: Unexpected exception has been caught.
In some doc, I saw that tableau requires some special license key. Can you please explain it
Basically spark works with the hive but with difference engine(algorithm for fetching data)
so initially to connect spark from tableau we need to install ODBC Hive drivers then spark driver.
Hive Driver:
Spark driver :
while installing spark on your cluster we need to configure thrift server with the hive server and need to give new port address.
you can go through using link to install spark in ambari :
And the respective port address need to be specified in tableau while connecting.
If your Cluster is secured with user name and password we need to specify the Authentication as "USERNAME AND PASSWORD" and need to give credentials there..
Even though if it raises error, then look into below areas:
An incorrect port and/or service defined in the connection
Web Proxy or Firewall settings are blocking connection from Tableau Desktop
The data server is not started.

How does ODBC pull database connection details?

I currently have a Macro which is connecting to a sybase database using ODBC. It's making the connection by running the following:
Set conX = wrkODBC.OpenConnection("Connection1", , True, strConn)
where strConn = "ODBC;DSN=Server_Name;APP=Daily Task;DB=db_name;UID=uname;PWD=pwd;"
The problem I am having is that this connection is working for some Server_Name's but not others. When it doesn't work I get a Error "3146 - ODBC--call failed".
What I don't understand is where it is pulling the server details from. So for example, when using embarcadero rapid to connect to a sybase database, it will use the sql.ini file to pull the server connection details based on the server_name.
I have checked and all the Sybase Servers I am testing are in the sql.ini file and my env variables are pointing to the correct sybase version. I've checked ODBC and it is only picking up a SQL Server driver.
Can anyone please explain how ODBC pulls the server name connection details? I don't understand why it works for some server names, but not others (FYI, I have tested the uname and pwd is rapid to make sure it is correct).
Any information would be much appreciated.
So, the issue was that I was looking at my odbc connections under control panel. I should mention that I am on windows 7. What I had to do was update my ODBC connection details here:
--This is for 32bit!
This had some connections set up which is why I could connect to some servers but not all of them.