How can I control the colors used of the popover controls appearing with the options to "Copy" / "Cut", "Paste"? - flutter

After a long press on an editable textfield, both in android and iOS, the expected control appear with the options to "Copy", "Paste" etc. For some reason, on both platforms, this control appears for me as dark text on a dark background.
I tried searching the docs for how can I control this in the Theme/Colors files, and couldn't find any mention of this control anywhere.
Screenshot of the dark text on dark background in the control
The documentation of the TextField widget has no mention of the copy/paste control and of the possible configurations of it.
How can I control the appearance of this control in flutter?

This is a Flutter bug that has been recently fixed: TextField editing menu text color reflects PrimarySwatch theme on iOS #26914.
Here's a quote from the bug report:
The editing menu on iOS when using a TextField widget now reflects the PrimarySwatch color theme which is unexpected. Type some text into a TextField and select it and observe the text color of the menu options. Building against the stable channel looks fine, but building against master shows the issue. This becomes noticeable when your PrimarySwatch happens to be grey or another darker color. Android looks ok, only iOS seems to be a problem.
The bug was fixed on Feb. 7, 2019, however the last release of Flutter, v. 1.2.0, was in January 2019. There's a good chance the fix will be in the next release of Flutter.


VSCode 1.73: focusing find widget darkens editor background

Beginning in VSCode 1.73, when I focus the find widget, the active editor background darkens.
Presumably, this is show that the find widget has focus, but since I go in and out of that widget 100's of times a day, the color flash is driving me crazy.
I have not been able to find a setting in "workbench.colorCustomizations": that addresses this.
What setting customizes color of active-editor-background-when-find-widget-focused, or reverts this behavior?
This happens with all extensions disabled.
Added GIF (I have my workbench customized for low contrast, but you can still see the background color change).

Xcode style toolbar SwiftUI for macOS

I am contributing to a project called CodeEdit, which is looking to make a code editor with a design similar to Xcode. In dark mode, I can't get the toolbar color to be the same as the toolbar in Xcode dark mode, it is always black in dark mode. The video below shows what is happening. All code is in I looked at Customizing the macOS toolbar with Swift UI but that is not what I need. I also looked at SwiftUI macOS Xcode Style Toolbar but that is more for something similar to Notes not Xcode.
Edit: I got the color to work, I don't know how to change the white background under the Tab Bar: Picture of sort of working toolbar color
I got it working by changing the most random line ever. If you are looking for a toolbar color similar to Xcode, change NSWindow.titlebarSeparatorStyle to .line.

How to remove the highlighting bar when typing code in Netbeans 11?

In Apache Netbeans 11.1, I use Nimbus and Netbeans light theme. This light theme has a problem that I find really annoying.
As shown in pictures below, when I type pub (for public) and stop half way, the row turns black, which makes the code not readable. If I finish the public keyword, the row will turn to a color set at Highlight Caret Row.
So how can I remove the black row when typing?
When Typing:
I found the answer. It's quite simple but I did not look up carefully. So here is the trick.
This black color bar comes from the Fixable Error of Annotations. So just changing the background of this Fixable Error category from dark color to any color will do the work. (Have to close and re-open the code editor to see the change) .
Here I changed to white background, and it's gone.
Try playing with these settings:
Auto Popup Completion Window
Auto Popup Documentation Window
Display Documentation Next to Completion

Notepad++ hover preview on link or color?

I was wondering if there is a option or plugin, which allows us on hover to preview either a CSS color or image, something like this:
And also if you hover over an img src - preview the img... ?
Try "Quick Color Picker for Notepad++". You double-click on the hex color and a color-picker pops up as well as a preview. Another cool thing is that it provides a few more colors that match the "theme" if you will.
Here is the link Quick Color Picker
SIDE NOTE: There used to be a feature or plugin, until very recently, that actually highlighted the text of the hex code with its color. It came out of nowhere after an N++ update and then it disappeared after another one. Can't figure out how to enable it again.
HTML color is the closest thing I have seen when it comes to color preview. With it installed you select the color code and click a button to show the preview. From the preview you can change the color by a few clicks. It can also be used to insert new color codes.
Image preview I have never seen.

Is there any way to fix the horrendous toolbar icons after the Juno update?

At least on Windows 7, it looks like the title bar color may have been changed to blue. However, the title bar icons were designed only to be used on a light gray bar rather than using alpha transparency for antialiasing. Note the white highlights around the edge of the green circle "run" icon.
The icons look horrendous, like we're in 1995. Is this how it appears on other Windows 7 user's installations as well? I noticed there's theming, and the closest I can find to something that works is the olive theme. I can't find a toolbar color in the Appearance/colors and fonts preferences though. Is there any way to revert the title bar back to the old color or replace the icons with correctly designed ones?
In the meantime, I filed an Eclipse bug for this.
Either select the classic theme under Appearance (and restart!) to go back to the 3.x look or install the Eclipse 4 Chrome theme, which can be tuned to your personal preferences in detail.