Bunifu Flat Button: Selected Property Problem (deselect itself) - bunifu

When I click the button the bt.selected = True works, but when I move my mouse cursor the button deselects.. what should i do?
I'm using Bunifu 1.5.3 and Devexpress Framework
Private Sub btnNavi_Dashboard_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNavi_Dashboard.Click, btnNavi_AddStudent.Click, btnNavi_Dept.Click, btnNavi_Sched.Click, btnNavi_StudentInfo.Click, btnNavi_ViewAcct.Click
Dim bt As BunifuFlatButton = DirectCast(sender, BunifuFlatButton)
bt.selected = True
End Sub

Enable the IsTab property to true
Private Sub btnNavi_Dashboard_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNavi_Dashboard.Click, btnNavi_AddStudent.Click, btnNavi_Dept.Click, btnNavi_Sched.Click, btnNavi_StudentInfo.Click, btnNavi_ViewAcct.Click
Dim bt As BunifuFlatButton = DirectCast(sender, BunifuFlatButton)
bt.selected = True
bt.isTab= True
End Sub


VISUAL BASIC 6 :: Unload Splash Form With Timer

My code is working properly up until the point when I want to unload the newly generated form.
I have 2 timers :: 1 for load the splash form and 1 for unload the splash form.
Option Explicit
Private frmSplash As Form
Private Sub splashForm()
Set frmSplash = New myForm
With frmSplash
.Width = 4000
.Height = 3000
.Caption = "Splash"
End With
frmSplash.Show vbModal
unloadSplash.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
Me.Move (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2, (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
splashTimer.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub splashTimer_Timer()
End Sub
Private Sub unloadSplash_Timer()
'MsgBox "Am I alive ?"
Unload frmSplash
Set frmSplash = Nothing
unloadSplash.Enabled = False
splashTimer.Enabled = False
End Sub
Seems like unloadSplash_Timer is not enabled after splashTimer.Enabled = True...
The "vbModal" stop your code in that command. You must to move the timer of unload splash form in to the splash form.
The events order is this:
-> sub Form_Activate
-> sub splashTimer_Timer
-> sub splashForm
---> frmSplash.Show vbModal (here the code stop until your form is not unload)
/* If you close manualy the "frmSplash" the the timer "unloadSplash" start. */
You can move your timer in your splash form and execute it from there and only have single time if you wish. So in a nut shell:
Application starts > Splash screen shown
Splash screen on load > Timer starts (specified interval - Tick)
Timer Tick event > Close the Splash screen > Load main form.

Trap onClose event for instantiated form object

How do you trap the onClose or onUnload events for a manually instantiated form object?
I notice that if (within my controller class), I dimension an Access.Textbox or Access.CommandButton object using the WithEvents keyword, then the Access VBA IDE will automatically show that object, and its available events in the comboboxes immediately above the code window.
If however, I dimension a Form object, or a custom Form Object using the WithEvents keyword, there is no object nor available events listed.
Form_Popup_Credentials (Form Code):
Public Event CustomUnLoad()
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
RaiseEvent CustomUnLoad
End Sub
FormController Class:
Dim WithEvents Loginfrm As Form_Popup_Credentials
Dim WithEvents Loginbtn As Access.CommandButton
Public Sub GetCredentials()
' If the Popup Credential form is not instantiated,
' then bring it into existence
If Loginfrm Is Nothing Then
Set Loginfrm = New Form_Popup_Credentials
End If
' Set up a reference to the "Login" button
Set Loginbtn = Loginfrm.SignInButton
' Set up the Login Button Click() event
Loginbtn.OnClick = "[Event Procedure]"
' Set up the Login Form's events
Loginfrm.OnUnload = "[Event Procedure]"
Loginfrm.OnClose = "[Event Procedure]"
' Show the form and give it focus
Loginfrm.Visible = True
End Sub
' Fires Correctly
Private Sub Loginbtn_Click()
MsgBox "Login Button was Clicked"
' If I uncomment this, then the CustomUnLoad() event fires
' DoCmd.Close acForm, Loginfrm.Name, acSavePrompt
Set Loginbtn = Nothing
Set Loginfrm = Nothing
End Sub
' Doesn't Fire
Private Sub Loginfrm_onClose()
MsgBox "Login Form onClose() fired"
Set Loginfrm = Nothing
Set Loginbtn = Nothing
End Sub
' Doesn't Fire
Private Sub Loginfrm_Close()
MsgBox "Login Form Close() fired"
Set Loginfrm = Nothing
Set Loginbtn = Nothing
End Sub
' Doesn't Fire
Private Sub Loginfrm_onUnload()
MsgBox "Login Form onUnload() fired"
Set Loginfrm = Nothing
Set Loginbtn = Nothing
End Sub
' Doesn't Fire
Private Sub Loginfrm_Unload()
MsgBox "Login Form Unload() fired"
Set Loginfrm = Nothing
Set Loginbtn = Nothing
End Sub
' This fires if the user clicks the X button to close the form,
' but not if the controller unloads the Loginfrm object
Private Sub Loginfrm_CustomUnLoad()
MsgBox "Login Form CustomUnLoad() fired"
Set Loginfrm = Nothing
Set Loginbtn = Nothing
End Sub
You have to declare your class level form variable as Form (or more explicit Access.Form) to get the standard events of Access forms:
Dim WithEvents Loginfrm As Access.Form
BTW, depending on the Access version it can be vital to make sure to set the references in your controller class to Nothing on Class_Terminate.

Access VBA Form Controls Disabled

I have a book database and a simple form to browse through it and edit or create new records. I have a 'Go to first', 'Go to previous', 'Go to next', and a 'Go to last' button. What I was wanting, was for the 'first' and 'previous' to be disabled when the user was viewing the first record, and the 'next' and 'last' disabled when viewing the last record.
I'm using this code in the 'On Current' event for the form:
Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.CurrentRecord = 1 Then
Me.Prev_Rec.Enabled = False
Me.First_Rec.Enabled = False
Me.Prev_Rec.Enabled = True
Me.First_Rec.Enabled = True
End If
If Me.CurrentRecord = Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount Then
Me.Next_Rec.Enabled = False
Me.Last_Rec.Enabled = False
Me.Next_Rec.Enabled = True
Me.Last_Rec.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
When I open up the form (it opens to the first record), all the buttons are grayed out; however, if I fiddle with the controls (just clicking them and/or moving them) in Design mode, and then switch back, the 'next' and 'last' buttons are enabled again (I'm on the first record, so the 'first' and 'previous' buttons are disabled, as they should be). What am I doing wrong?
I suspected the initial RecordCount was not reliable because the form had not yet loaded all the rows into its recordset when you first checked RecordCount.
You were able to force the recordset to finish loading before you checked RecordCount by inserting this as the first line of the procedure ...

In MS Access VBA determine the next control to have focus

Understanding the order of operations, is there a way for an OnExit or OnLostFocus script to know what control was clicked to take that focus?
I have a form that has a list box from which you have to select an item for the the rest of the data entered into the form to be saved, so that control has the focus when you open the form. If you click on any other control without selecting an item from the list, an OnExit gives you a warning that you haven't made a selection.
The problem that creates is, should you open the form and then decide you don't want it, you get that message when you close the form (either with the close button on the form or the built-in closer).
I would like to be able to tell the OnExit that either the close button has been clicked or the form itself is closing, so don't show the no entries message.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Not that I know of.
If your form is rather simple(not to many controls.) Move the warning out of the onExit to a sub. Call it from the other controls when they get focus. But not from the Close button.
Dim bDidUserSelectSomething As Boolean
'In the list box
Private sub ListBox1_Click()
'Do some code here
'Set the flag that they did something
bDidUserSelectSomething = True
End sub
'When you enter the other controls, check if they have done what they should have.
Private Sub TextBox1_Enter()
If bDidUserSelectSomething = False Then
End If
End Sub
Consider altering your warning check.
Instead of an OnExit() Event of the listbox, add a validation in all other pertinent controls' BeforeUpdate() events. Usually this event is where validation checks are made.
First, build a general function behind the form that calls your warning:
Public Function WarningMessage() As Boolean
If IsNull(Me.Listbox) Then
Msgbox "Please first select an option in listbox.", vbExclamation, _
WarningMessage = True
WarningMessage = False
End If
End Function
Then call the function to each control:
Private Sub cntr1_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Cancel = WarningMessage
End Sub
Private Sub cntr2_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Cancel = WarningMessage
End Sub
As you can see from above, if the listbox is null then the message appears and returns True which is passed back to the control's BeforeUpdate() subroutine to cancel the update.
Now, if there are too many controls to make this doable. Consider hiding all relevant controls in Form's OnCurrent() event except the listbox. When listbox is updated, render the other controls visible. Many softwares and web applications run dynamically like this to prevent users from missing important fields.
Private Sub Form_Current()
If IsNull(Me.listbox) Then
Me.ctnrl1.Visible = False
Me.ctnrl2.Visible = False
Me.ctnrl3.Visible = False
Me.ctnrl1.Visible = True
Me.ctnrl2.Visible = True
Me.ctnrl3.Visible = True
End if
End Sub
Private Sub listbox_AfterUpdate()
Me.ctnrl1.Visible = True
Me.ctnrl2.Visible = True
Me.ctnrl3.Visible = True
End Sub

How do I make PDF the default export option for a Crystal Report?

I am working with CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument in WinForms in Visual Studio 2008. Right now when the users click the export button the dialog defaults to saving the report as a CrystalReports formatted file. It's possible to change the selector to PDF, but the specific request that I've been given -- and I've searched for too many hours trying to find -- is to make the 'export report' dialog default to PDF format option.
Does anyone know how to do this?
As of CR XI, the only way I know is to replace the export dialog with your own. You can add your own button to the CrystalReportViewer control and hide their export button.
Here's vb.net code to replace the export button with your own button/eventhandler...
Public Shared Sub SetCustomExportHandler(ByVal crv As CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer, ByVal export_click_handler As EventHandler)
For Each ctrl As Control In crv.Controls
'find the toolstrip
If TypeOf ctrl Is ToolStrip Then
Dim ts As ToolStrip = DirectCast(ctrl, ToolStrip)
For Each tsi As ToolStripItem In ts.Items
'find the export button by it's image index
If TypeOf tsi Is ToolStripButton AndAlso tsi.ImageIndex = 8 Then
'CRV export button
Dim crXb As ToolStripButton = DirectCast(tsi, ToolStripButton)
'clone the looks of the export button
Dim tsb As New ToolStripButton
With tsb
.Size = crXb.Size
.Padding = crXb.Padding
.Margin = crXb.Margin
.TextImageRelation = crXb.TextImageRelation
.Text = crXb.Text
.ToolTipText = crXb.ToolTipText
.ImageScaling = crXb.ImageScaling
.ImageAlign = crXb.ImageAlign
.ImageIndex = crXb.ImageIndex
End With
'insert custom button in it's place
ts.Items.Insert(0, tsb)
AddHandler tsb.Click, export_click_handler
Exit For
End If
Exit For
End If
'hide the default export button
crv.ShowExportButton = False
End Sub
Then in the click handler you'd show a customized SaveFileDialog and eventually call the ReportDocument.ExportToDisk method. This way you can set the dialog's title and filename to something useful and of course set the default export type.