using category tags in a nav bar on landing page - tags

I have build a landing page to show case recipes using the product and products document types from Umbraco starter kit.
On the single recipes I put some category tags for the purpose to make them appear in a nav bar on the landing page.
I would like to use some code similar to this
<nav class="nav-bar nav-bar--center nav-bar--air-bottom">
<a class="nav-link nav-link--black nav-link--active" href="">All</a>
<a class="nav-link nav-link--black" href="">Vorspeisen</a>
<a class="nav-link nav-link--black" href="">Suppen</a>
<a class="nav-link nav-link--black" href="">Eintoepfe</a>
<a class="nav-link nav-link--black" href="">Hauptgerichte</a>
<a class="nav-link nav-link--black" href="">Deserts</a>
I am sure that the above code won't work as it is right now. I have some basic experience with HTML but have no real clue about Razor and how to use the Umbraco Aliases etc.
I know what the above will build a nav bar on my landing page what I want. So that's fine. Only issue I have is that I don't know what to code to use in "" here: href="" to fetch the category tags instead of using a URL for a landing page which is not what I want and also not the ID of a property as I do not have an ID for each tag??? Or where may I find an ID of the tags I create on the content like shown on the screenshots below?
How can I fetch the category tags for the nav bar
Would really appreciate some help as I am no developer
Adding some screenshots to show what I am trying to use:
property on document type
actual category tags examples I want to use
As mentioned before, I am no developer so might need to share some more info to get the guidance I need. So if anybody would be willing to help but wants/needs to see some more code please just let me know what to share and I'll be happy to share what might be needed.
Update 16/02/19:
Structure would look like this:
| -landingpage
| -parent landingpage (that's the page I want to use a nav bar that
filters the childs
| -child elements
| -landingpage
Tree Structure and structure of the landing page in question
pretty similar to a classic blog page.
I have used the default products template and product template from the Umbraco starter kit. and altered this a bit to fit my needs.
This works perfectly fine for my purpose.

I can't understand much since it's not in English but you should be able to do this in your view:
rootPage = Model.AncestorOrSelf(1);
#foreach (var child in rootPage.Children) {
var categoryTag = child.GetPropertyValue<string>("category");
//do whatever else you want in there with the category tags.
Here's the cheat sheet for traversing in Umbraco
Make sure you visit the cheat sheet to find different ways of traversing.
.Children is for the children (in the tree structure) of your current page.
.Descendants is for any node under your current page.
.Descendants("nodeAliasHere") is to find any descendant with a specific DocumentTypeAlias under your current page.
The idea behind the code should be: 'Go to the root page, get a descendant page, then find the property with value 'category''.


data-nav-section from second html back to index.html not working correcty

Good day, I'm stuck here.
In my index.html there are header options to navigate directly to the following sections:
This al works well. So far so good.
Now I have a portfolio html page with the same sections in the header that should navigate back to the index page.
When I click on any option in the header (of the portfolio html) it does navigate to the index page but not to the correct section but always to the top of the page (home).
So what I want is that I click "Contact" in the header of the portfolio html and that I get to the contact section in the index page.
Does anyone have advice for me how to get it done?

Addthis button size class stopped working

We have a sharing toolbox that defaults to 32x32 px but we also use the same toolbox code to display at 20x20 px in other parts of our site. The code below (including Drupal tokens) worked fine for a few months but last month it started showing the icons at 32x32 even though it has the class addthis_20x20_style. It also changed the behavior on another system outside Drupal that uses the same toolbox code.
<div addthis:title="[node:title]" addthis:url="[node:url]"
class="addthis_sharing_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_20x20_style">
I tried changing addthis_sharing_toolbox to addthis_toolbox per the support page at, but then the buttons do not display at all. The AddThis support pages are incredibly disorganized and outdated and they seem to have abandoned their user forum. I don't even know where else to ask.
Here's a reply I received from AddThis support. Hopefully this will be of use to others:
JAN 07, 2016 | 03:26PM EST
We recently made a change to our code that affected some of our older
You will need to use our advanced configuration code in the locations
that you would like our buttons to appear in 20x20.
Replace the current code in these locations with the following:
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_20x20_style">
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_2"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_3"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_4"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>
Additional advanced configuration code information can be found here:
Please let me know if you need any additional help
I am having the same problem. It looks like they have removed support for 20x20 sized buttons, as it is no longer listed on the academy support page you provided. It is a shame because it is the only size that has a constant height for facebook, facebook_like, tweet, etc buttons.
The below css styles, while feeling a little hacky, go some distance in repairing the broken functionality:
.addthis_20x20_style .at-icon-wrapper,
.addthis_20x20_style .at-icon {
height:20px !important;
width:20px !important;
That didn't fix the size of the google_plusone button. I happen to be using drupal as well - the addthis module - and the below 'customize services' settings worked pretty well.
Service code: google_plusone
HTML classes: addthis_button_google_plusone
HTML attributes: g:plusone:size="medium"
(Re the addthis service, the phrase "you had one job!" comes to mind...)

jQuery Toggle in SharePoint using XSLT, but all the instances toggle not just the clicked one

I am having a problem with my XSLT, I am using SharePoint 2010 and I am building a custom front-end that will pull data from lists and render the data in a nice manner. I have figured out how to use XSLT with HTML to render a SharePoint list, I wasn't able to add an image of my news feeds because my rep is too low but I will get it up!
Now here is where my problem starts:
I am using jQuery toggle to show/hide the body paragraph of this news feed. The Continue Reading button is where my issue is, every time I click on the "Continue Reading" button in the lower right of each news post, it show/hides all the news items, not just the one I click on.
I have tried using Bootstrap collapse and now I am using jQuery Toggle() however I run into the same issue! Take a look at my XSLT code snippet to display thee body paragraph and the corresponding jQuery code snippet that actives the show/hide toggle:
<tr class="spacer">
<td valign="top" class="td-newscontent">
<div class="news content">
<!-- start excerpt -->
<xsl:value-of select="#BodyExcerpt" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
<div class="moving">
<xsl:value-of select="#Body" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
<!-- end news excerpt -->
<!-- start continue reading link -->
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[<br class="continue-br" />]]></xsl:text>
<a class="butt pull-right continue-right">Continue Reading</a><br /><br />
<!-- end continue reading link -->
Javascript (jQuery)
$(".butt").click(function() {
$(".moving").toggle("slow", function() {
.moving is the actual #body being shown/hidden
.butt is the "continue reading" button (I know butt was a bad name to use)
I have read a few things on the net about "this" but I am not sure how to use it.
First time posting so I couldn't post any images, but when you click on "continue reading" all the body news articles expand then you click it again and all the body news items contract, what I would like it to do is open just the one I am clicking on!
I have a lot going on, everything is housed in SharePoint, using HTML5, Css3, jQuery and XSLT. I started by using IDs but I switched to classes, not sure if that was a good idea but it functions, but not as intended.
Any help would be appreciative, I have been researching this issue for almost 2 weeks so I finally decided to ask some experts :) (Feel free to ask any questions or ask for more information, I will answer with everything I got!)
You are close, so well done for getting this far! Your problem lies in your JavaScript. If you look at the rendered code using your browser's developer tools (F12), you will find that all of the different body texts have the same class (moving) and all of the buttons have the same JavaScript onclick, which is to toggle everything of class .moving.
Thus the solution you are looking for is to match each button with its respective body text. There are two main ways you can do this.
You can give each text div and each button a unique ID by assigning it to some unique feature of the list item (SharePoint list items already have a unique identifier as the field ID). Using xsl:value-of within HTML attributes would violate XML rules, so you can use something called an Attribute Value Template, which is the bit in the curly braces:
<div id="newstext_{#ID}">
<xsl:value-of select="#Body" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
<!-- etc... -->
<a onclick="$('#newstext_{#ID}').toggle('slow', function() {});">Continue reading</a>
Modify just the JavaScript to target the parent of the button. The following code selects the parent DOM element of the button, which should be the div of class .news, then finds the child of class .moving, then applying your toggle:
$(".butt").click(function() {
$(this).parent().find(".moving").toggle("slow", function() {
The second method is easier but can get complicated if you end up running a lot of JavaScript. It is easier (and more efficient) to select elements by ID, so personally I think the extra effort is worth it. I haven't tested this code so let me know if it doesn't work. On some of your other points:
no, butt is not a good name for a class - remember, you can use element types in your jQuery selectors, so there is no need to duplicate the type as the class. For example, $('a') selects all the anchor tags on the page.
IDs should be used when elements need to be uniquely identified (e.g. for scripts), classes when you are grouping elements together (e.g. for styles).

How do I make disable-for-touch work in Zurb Foundation?

I'm working on a site that another designer built: The products in the New Products and Recently Viewed areas on that page have two buttons with tooltips on them, and when they are clicked, they are supposed to trigger other link events: "More Information" goes to the detail page, "Add To Cart" triggers a modal. This works fine on desktops, but not on touch devices. On my iPhone and iPad, touching the links only triggers the tooltips and nothing else. I added data-options="disabled-for-touch:true" to the links, but it does not seem to be working.
foundation makes it easy to disable or enable on touch-enabled devices, just add class= "show-for-touch" or "hide-for-touch" to the element you want to disable. code example below.
<p class="panel">
<strong class="show-for-touch">You are on a touch-enabled device.</strong>
<strong class="hide-for-touch">You are not on a touch-enabled device.</strong>
Ahem... according to the tooltips documentation, it is better to add data-options="disable_for_touch:true" to your link. Like this:
<span data-tooltip data-options="disable_for_touch:true" class="has-tip" title="Tooltips are awesome!">
Your Cart

Show/hide Iframe

I am using wordpress for my website and I am trying to set up my pages so that a user has to click a button to view the content. Yes, very simple with show/hide etc but the button I Want the user to click is this
To display that in my page i need to use an iframe which is where it gets tricky. I have set up the show/hide code so that when a user clicks the like button (or anywhere in the iframe) it will display the content. But, no such luck!
This is my code
<div id="imagebox" style="display:none;"><?php $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_field('image'), 'full'); ?>
<img src="<?php echo $image[0]; ?>" alt="<?php get_the_title(get_field('image')) ?>" /> </div>
<div onclick="ShowDiv()"><iframe src=" href=" allowTransparency="true">
<script language="javascript">
function ShowDiv()
document.getElementById("imagebox").style.display = '';
I know that it is hard to use iframes to do what I am trying to do, but i am a total newbie when it comes to this stuff. Any help would be great!
Have tried giving your div an id="imagebox"?
This was already answered here.
But, I didn't realize at first sight that you're loading something in the iframe that is not coming from your own domain, so you're going to fall in a cross site scripting event, which is not allowed.
Afaik, you have to redesign some way your implementation.
For instance, you could retrieve the generated html from facebook using curl and then outputting in your own div. Something like that should work.