VSCODE : Prevent Double Clicking from Expanding Pane - visual-studio-code

In vscode when you are working with multiple panes split both horizontally and vertically or a combination of the two, and you double click inside of a pane i.e. the content body it automatically expands. This pushes around all of your panes which sucks to continuously reorganize.
Is there a way to shut this off? I can not find the setting.
Here is a gif of what this looks like http://recordit.co/ClOxfe0CYz

Try resetting the editor sizes with the "Reset Editor Group Sizes" from the command palette. Thereafter, the focused editor will not expand in size.
Maximizing the focused editor only starts to work if one of the editors was previously minimized or maximized. See how to maximize an editor.

I found that double click on any tab(when you have any tab split) will Toggle auto group size what you experience I believe. So if this happens just double click again on any tab to disable auto resizing.

After some searching in the settings I was able to resolve this by disabling:
Workbench > Editor: Centered Layout Auto Resize


VSCode editor not filling all space available

When I open a file in VSCode, its not filling all editor space but instead of that, it stays in the middle and with a small width. How could I fix it to not resize and fill all space available.
The screenshot shows this behavior
Go to View > Appearance > Untick Centered Layout

Page down/up when clicking in the VSCode scrollbar

Is there a setting to change the click behavior in the scrollbar to page up/down instead of jumping to the location in the file? This is the usual scrollbar behavior in almost every other applications except maybe unix applications.
A suggestion could be:
Left click: page up/down
Right click: jump to location
There is a setting for this now:
Editor: Scroll by Page
Controls whether clicks scrolls by page or
jumps to click position.
With that setting enabled, the editor will scroll by one viewport page when clicking anywhere above or below the scrollThumb. With it not enabled (the default) it will scroll to the position in the scroll track where you clicked.
This behavior does not currently exist. I suggest opening a feature request on github.
If, like me, you've been brought to this page despite putting "Visual Studio" into your web search, you can modify this behaviour in the full blown Visual Studio as follows:
Tools > Options > Text Editor > All Languages > Scroll Bars
Under "Behavior", toggle between bar mode and map mode
More information can be found by reading the Microsoft Docs for this feature.

Visual Studio Code: How to split the editor vertically

In Visual Studio Code, a while ago, when I used menu View → Split Editor, it would split vertically. (One file on the left and one file on the right.)
I updated Visual Studio Code and when when I do menu View → Split Editor, it always splits horizontally. (One file on the top and one file on the bottom.)
How can I split vertically?
Change editor split layout from horizontal to vertical
In 1.20
ALT+SHIFT+0 PC (Windows, Linux)
⌘+⌥+0 Mac
ALT+SHIFT+1 PC (Windows, Linux)
⌘+⌥+1 Mac
In 1.25
You can split editor into Grid layout. Check View=>Editor Layout
It is nicely presented in Release notes v1.25: VS Code grid editor layout
In 1.58.2 **
** Someone update this with the lowest version where this became true.
The menu entry with the shortcut given above is View=>Editor Layout=>Flip Layout
The Command Palette entry is labeled "Toggle Vertical/Horizontal Editor Layout"
The settings entry is
"key": "alt+cmd+0",
"command": "workbench.action.toggleEditorGroupLayout"
If you're looking for a way to change this through the GUI, at least in the current version 1.10.1 if you hover over the OPEN EDITORS group in the EXPLORER pane a button appears that toggles the editor group layout between horizontal and vertical.
To split vertically:
⌘+\ Mac
command: workbench.action.splitEditor
To split orthogonal (ie. horizontally in this case):
⌘+k+⌘+\ Mac
command: workbench.action.splitEditorOrthogonal
Method 1
View -> Command palette -> type 'split'
Add a Keyboard Shortcut for split Editor
Press CMD + SHIFT + P (MAC) and search for Toggle Editor Group
In version 1.23.1, it is Ctrl+Shift+P and Split Editor
This will divide the screens vertically and you can move through them using Ctrl+K+LeftArrow
By default, editor groups are laid out in vertical columns (e.g. when you split an editor to open it to the side). You can easily arrange editor groups in any layout you like, both vertically and horizontally:
To support flexible layouts, you can create empty editor groups. By default, closing the last editor of an editor group will also close the group itself, but you can change this behavior with the new setting workbench.editor.closeEmptyGroups: false:
There are a predefined set of editor layouts in the new View > Editor Layout menu:
Editors that open to the side (for example by clicking the editor toolbar Split Editor action) will by default open to the right hand side of the active editor. If you prefer to open editors below the active one, configure the new setting workbench.editor.openSideBySideDirection: down.
There are many keyboard commands for adjusting the editor layout with the keyboard alone, but if you prefer to use the mouse, drag and drop is a fast way to split the editor into any direction:
Keyboard shortcuts#
Here are some handy keyboard shortcuts to quickly navigate between editors and editor groups.
If you'd like to modify the default keyboard shortcuts, see Key Bindings for details.
⌥⌘→ go to the right editor.
⌥⌘← go to the left editor.
⌃Tab open the next editor in the editor group MRU list.
⌃⇧Tab open the previous editor in the editor group MRU list.
⌘1 go to the leftmost editor group.
⌘2 go to the center editor group.
⌘3 go to the rightmost editor group.
unassigned go to the previous editor group.
unassigned go to the next editor group.
⌘W close the active editor.
⌘K W close all editors in the editor group.
⌘K ⌘W close all editors.
Simply in windows
ctrl + # (the button 2 in the upper horizontal row of numbers in keyboard)
The key bindings has been changed with version 1.20:
SHIFT+ALT+0 for Linux.
Presumably the same works for Windows also and CMD+OPT+0 for Mac.
Use Move editor into Next Group shortcut:
Mac: ^ + ⌘ + Right/Left arrow
If you want to change shortcut:
Open Command Pallette (macOS keyboard shortcut: ⌘ + Shift + p)
Select Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts
Search View: Move editor into Next Group
To change the editor in Landscape and Vertical mode, follow the steps below.
For example, open two files that you have in your left or right side bar, depending on where you are placed. By default it is always on the left.
Now that you have both windows open, you have to use the key combination for PC (Alt + Shift + 1) for (Windows and Linux Operating Systems) or for MAC (Cmd + Option + 1), as commented here v-andrew.
I just found a simple solution. You can drag an opened file and move towards the four sides of the Editor, it will show a highlighted area that you can drop to. It will split the view automatically, either horizontally, vertically, or even into three rows.
VSCode v1.30.2
Update: you can also drag a file from the Explorer to split the Editor in the same way above.
Right-click on the tab that you want to split it into another screen.
Then choose whether you want to split it (up-down | right-left).
I find this is the quickest way, and You can split it to as many screens as you want.
The best way is to configure the VSCode settings to make the default behavior the way you want:
Split Editor (to a new editor group)
"workbench.editor.openSideBySideDirection": "right" // left/right (default)
"workbench.editor.openSideBySideDirection": "down" // up/down
Split Editor in Group (does not create new editor group)
"workbench.editor.splitInGroupLayout": "horizontal" // left/right (default)
"workbench.editor.splitInGroupLayout": "vertical" // up/down

Netbeans Project Panel toggle

Is there any keyboard short cut in netbeans for toggling between project panel.
For example if I'm working on a laptop and sometime I need for space for see the code window and always I have to click on the project's panel to hide it.
Is there any way I can quickly hide and show that left side thing?
You can use Shift + ESCAPE to maximize the current window (e.g. the code editor).
Alternatively, right click on the editor's tab for the current file and choose "Maximize"
you can use shift+esc to hide or show your project panel.

How can I scroll left and right in Eclipse editor with the keyboard without moving the cursor?

To scroll within the Eclipse editor without moving the cursor up and down one can use CTRL+Down or CTRL+Up. But what about left and right?
It is not possible. If you search keys in Eclipse's Preferences, you will find out that you only have Scroll up and Scroll down that you can set hotkeys on.
My recommendation would be changing the maximum line length in the editor.
Make your code shorter. After all, looooong lines of code are not so readable.
Also, resize your editor area. If you feel strangled, remove the Outline, TaskList, and Build view from your right side of Eclipse, and enlarge the editor.