Using global variables in a ps1 - powershell

I can't seem to find good enough solution to my problem. Is there a good way of grouping variables in some kind of file so that multiple scripts could access them?
I've been doing some work with Desired State Configuration but the work that needs to be done cannot be efficiently implemented that way. The point is to install Azure Build Agent on a server and then to configure it. There are some variables that really should not be inside a script file just copypasted like Personal Access Token. I just want to be able to easily change it without the need to go inside every script that would be using it. In DSC you can just make a .psd1 file and access the variables like for example AllNodes.NodeName. The config file invocation and parameters look like this:
.\config.cmd --unattended --url $myUrl --auth PAT --token $myToken --pool default --agent "$env:COMPUTERNAME" --acceptTeeEula --work $workDir'
I want to make the variable $myToken accessible from outside file for better security and having a centralized place from where I can change values. $myUrl is also important to have access to due to it changing with new update to Build Agent.
Thank you in advance for your effort. If anything is not clear please let me know.

I have two very different answers to your question, although either one of them may miss your point.
First, it's possible to define veriables inside your profile script. Most people only use the profile script to define a library of functions or classes. But a variable can be made global the same way.
I have a variable named $myps that identifies the folder where I keep my PS scripts (in subfolders).
When I start a session I generally switch to this directory (oops, I called it a folder above.
The second way involde storing values of variables in a CSV file, while the names are stored in the CSV header.i then have a quickie little comandlet that steps through a CSV file, record by record, generating different expansions of a template each time through.
These values are not quite global, but they can be used in more than one context.

Thank you for the help. Those are very useful solutions in some cases, but I dug a bit deeper and found solution that suits my purpose. Basically if you have a psd1 file suited for DSC use you can also access its content via normal ps1 file. For example:
NonNodeData =
Pat = 'somePAT'
Let's say this section of a psd1 file called ENV.psd1 is on your local machine in C:/Configuration
To access the content of this file you have to make a variable inside your script and use Import-PowerShellDataFile like so:
$configData = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "C:\Configuration\ENV.psd1"
And now you are free to use anything stored inside ENV.psd1. For example if I want to extract my PAT from config file to be able to store it in a variable in the script:
$myPat = $configData.NonNodeData.Pat
Thanks to that I can just pass $myPat as a parameter when invoking config.cmd like so:
.\config.cmd --unattended --auth PAT --token $myPat
Keeping my code cleaner and easier for any future updates.


Azure DevOps - Can we reuse the value of a key in the same variable group?

I have lots of URL values and their keys. But there is no way to batch import the variables and the "value" controls are also not text boxes in the Variables Group page to perform chrome browser extensions assisted find and replace.
If this is possible, what is the syntax to refer to the key?
As in, I have a variable App.URL :
I am using the key to substitute value in my next variable like this Login.URL : $(App.URL)\Login and this doesn't work.
GitHub link :
This isn't currently available, not sure if it will be. Can you create a task early in your pipeline that sets the variables you need in subsequent tasks/steps? This gives you more control as you can store the script along with your source. You could then use a pipeline variable for the environment you're in and let your script use that to set values appropriately.
See Set variables in scripts in the MS docs.
If it's not possible to re-architect your app to concatenate the url strings in the application, what the previous commenter said about creating a simple script to do that for you would be the way to go. Ie:
#full login url
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Login.URL]$fullLoginUrl
Otherwise, perhaps playing around with the run time vs compile time variables in YAML pipelines might be worth trying.

VSTS: Built in variable for organization name?

In many of the calls described in the Azure DevOps REST API documentation, I need to supply the name of the organization, e.g.:{organization}/{project}/_apis/release/releases?api-version=5.0-preview.8
The project I can get from System.TeamProject. I would have expected something similar for organization name, something like:
This does not seem to be available. I've even printed out all of my environment variables on the agent and don't see anything that fits the need exactly. Sure, I can parse it out of one of the other values, but this seems fragile since MS seems to like to change the format of URLs.
I also can't hard code the organization name because this release definition will live in multiple organizations and we don't want to have to manually update it for each. How are others solving this problem?
Try using System.TeamFoundationServerUri and System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri to build your API requests. They have the organization included in them.
edit: SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONSERVERURI/BUILD_PROJECTNAME/_apis/release/releases?api-version=5.0-preview.8
It looks like currently there is no such variable for the organization, also, the variables return the old URL ( and not the new URL ( so if you use the System.TeamFoundationCollectionName the API should work without the {organization}:
In Powershell, do this:
([System.Uri]$Env:SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI).Host.split('.')[-3] # returns 'some_org_name'
Now, just assign that to a variable and use it anywhere you like. "SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT" is the Project Name, so no need to do any parsing there. It is already available.

How to Load PowerShell Functions On-Demand?

In my personal PowerShell profile that loads whenever I start PowerShell, I want to include a set of functions by calling a function.
So I want to do something like this:
function loadMyFunctions{
. \MyFunctions.ps1
Now, in MyFunctions.ps1 I have a function:
function bobtest{
write-host "My name is Bob Newhart."
I am able to load the script MyFunctions.ps1, but after that is loaded I am not able to call bobtest in the console - I get the error message The term bobtest is not recognized...
However, if I just load the script outside the function then that script is loaded and I can call bobtest normally - but that means that I can't just not load MyFunctions when the profile is loaded - I have to load MyFunctions and cannot choose.
You see, I want to load the other functions on demand and not have them available until I choose.
Is there another way to do this or can it even be done?
Have a look at this page, How to Create PowerShell Modules and Manifests.
This will enable you to create a module which will have all your custom functions! Then inside of your loadMyFunctions cmdlet add Import-Module NewModuleName.
This will enable you to use your cmdlets.
Hope this Helps,
Best way is to use modules. But still if you want to get in some different ways , then you can try with your approach.
See the below screenshots which I have performed.
I have a function addition which simply does addition and I saved it as funct1.ps1
Now I am calling the same function from another function of the other script just using dot source without using as module and it results me properly.
Triggered the function from another function in another script .
Hope it helps...!!!

Jenkins How can i upload a text file and use it as a parameter

I have a txt file that is holding a string inside, I want to be able to use this string in one of my scripts, so I'm wondering if there is a way to set the content of the file as one of the build properties or parameters which I'll be able to use in my scripts it should be the same as using one of the build environment properties.
For example : ${JOB_NAME} which is holding the the job name, so in the same way I want to access the content of the file which is holding some value inside.
Is it possible?
You can upload a file from your computer to the workspace through the File parameter of the job.
You can use Extended Choice plugin parameter, to read value(s) from a file and display them in a dropdown/radio-button/checkbox for the user to select, dynamically, every time the build is triggered.
You can use EnvInject plugin to read value(s) from a file and inject them into the build as environment variables, so that they can be used by the rest of the build steps/scripts.
Your question is very unclear on what your are trying to do. Pick one of the 3 methods above based on what you need, or clarify your question.

Powershell script: read an AD attribute and set is an environment variable

I have a problem with some old apps and I need to set an environment variable from AD (hurray)
I'm quite new to PS scripting, so I can use some help.
In my AD I have filled the attribute departmentNumber with information, that part works fine.
Now I need to create a logon script which reads this field from the current user (attribute: departmentNumber, derived from: inetOrgPersonUser) and set this as an environment variable called AFDELING.
I know this can be done using a VB script, but I prefer PS. Can anyone help me with this one?
Thanks in advance for your help,
Working with environment variables in PowerShell involves the special variable $Env and unfortunately you need to use a .NET method to set environment variables as no cmdlet exists (at least as of v2):
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("AFDELING", "DeptNo", "User")
The first string parameter is the variable name, the second is the value and the third is basically the persistance level requested for the variable: Machine, User or Process - both machine and user will survive a reboot and future applications will have access to them, though you will need to be running PowerShell with an administrative account to modify the machine-level variables.
Getting the user info should be equally easy. There are a variety of ways that you can access Active Directory, though one of the simplest in your case would be to use the System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry class:
$de = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
$DeptNo = $de.Properties["departmentNumber"]
That should query the current user record from a domain controller, and assign the value from the departmentNumber attribute to the $DeptNo variable. You can then just pop that variable into the second parameter from the first example.