I'm using PipelineDB together with pgAdmin, and when I go to create a foreign table the "arrival_timestamp" field does not appear. Furthermore, when I create a continuous view, an error is generated: unidentified sw parameter.
This is the guide I followed to install PipelineDB. I do the paragraph commands "apt" and "Creating the PipelineDB Extension".
These are the queries I wrote:
I am trying to find out how to do dynamic creation of tables in MySQL using Talend.
In other ETL tools such as Pentaho they have a specific component called "metadata" to do this.
So my use case is the following:
1) Create database manually in MySQL
2) Use Talend to read CSV Header info, and use this as the fields of a table to be created in MySQL using Talend.
I have searched and could not find anything for this specific feature online.
[Note : using Talend Open Studio for Big Data Version: 6.4.1]
I have made progress on this, but running into issues trying to generate a primary key on the MySQL output using the NumericSequence function.
My data does not have natively a primary key, but wish to include one:
I have a screenshot of the tMap attached here:
Also I am getting a compile/build error. It seems it does not like the primary key generation it seems.
See attached image.
And here also is the tMySQLOutput settings for Primary Key:
More Work Done:
I have changed the name of the Primary Key in the tMySQL component to match the name of the tMap output area component, i get the same compile error.
I will attach this error here:
To create dynamically MySQL tables in Talend, you can use one of the "Action on table" options in tMysqlOutput components (in your case, "Create table...").
Don't forget to define correctly PK fields for further inserts, updates, deletes...
Then, if necessary, through your favorite Database Tool (MySQL Workbench, DBeaver or other), you can retrieve the DDL (and DML) script(s).
I hope this answers to your problem/question.
We have a MySQL Workbench project with two tabs (two schemas/two databases).
If we create a table in the first tab, it's attached to the schema
If we create a table in the second tab, it's attached to the schema
If we copy-paste/duplicate a table from the first tab to the second tab, the resulting table remains in the first schema. How can you change a table's schema?
Each schema is linked with a specific database, so when we use the "Synchronize Model..." feature, it links all the tables properly.
Use the model tab. You can cut out a table from one schema tab and insert it into another.
The cut-and-paste method described in another answer works well for tables with no foreign keys, and for a reasonable number of tables.
An alternative that preserves foreign keys is to export the model as a SQL script, edit it, and then import the new script into a new model.
Using MySQL Workbench v6.3:
File -> Export -> Forward Engineer SQL Script
Carefully edit SQL script. Replace references to one schema with the other, for the tables you want to move. Do this both for CREATE TABLE commands and foreign key references.
File -> New Model
File -> Import -> Reverse Engineer SQL Script
Unfortunately you will then need to recreate any diagrams. But that can be straightforward if you have the original diagram as reference (take a screenshot or export it to PNG or PDF.)
Follow this simple steps (never miss step 4 and 5) :
Open Model Tab
Choose source schema. In my case, I want to copy table users from schema abc_develop_v1 to schema abc_develop_v2 then paste to diagram . So I choose schema abc_develop_v1, right-click table users then Copy 'users'
Go to the targeted schema. In my case is schema abc_develop_v2, right-click then Paste 'users'
Next, copy table users from schema abc_develop_v2. Right-click table users then Copy 'users'
Go to your diagram and Paste 'users'.
That's all. Your table is ready in your diagram with the right schema :-)
Notes: You can double check by double-click on the table in your diagram, and look at the right corner. It will show the Schema name.
I found a less painful way to do this.
Save and backup your diagram and your schema.
Display schema's name before table's names in diagram. This will make the next step easier.
Right-click on the tables which are on the wrong schema, and select "Copy SQL to clipboard". Paste the script in a new SQL window. Repeat for each table you want to migrate.
Edit the script to change the schema name. Watch for any miss in entries, the wrong schema might be a reference at any line. Mine was mydb, which I don't remember creating. Execute the script. Now you have the tables on the right schema.
Synchronize your model. Be sure to check "Update the model" for each missing table, otherwise, the tables will be deleted from the schema :)
Drag'n'drop the newly created tables into the diagram. Then remove the ones which are using the wrong schema. Tip: tables that are not in diagram won't display a dot next to their name.
Optionally, you can delete the faulty schema from the model so this never happens again. Be sure to know what you're doing first!
I've been tasked with finding a way to migrate data into a DB2 AS400 database. When the data is entered (currently manually) on the front end, the system is doing some calculations and inserting the results in a table.
My understanding is that it's using a trigger to do so. I don't know very much about this stuff, but I have written code to directly insert values into that same table. Is there a way for me to figure out what trigger is being fired when users enter data manually?
I've looked in QSYS2/SYSTRIGGERS and besides not making much sense to me, I see no triggers that belong to the SCHEMA with my table in it.
Any help here would be awesome, as I am stuck.
Should work fine.
If you'd prefer to use a 5250 command line, the Display File Description (DSPFD) command will show you the triggers on a file (table)
Lastly, trigger information is available via the IBM i Navigator GUI. Either the older fat client version or the newer web based one.
I have a database with about 50 something tables. I would like to run the report "Data Dictionary" on each table.
Ideally, I would like them all to be in one report, for example, in PGAdminIII, if I right click select "Tables" I will get a report of all the 'objects' and under each one a data dictionary report.
Is there an automatic way of doing this, or an plugin that I can install to postgres? Or is there something analogous to this?
If I understand correctly, you're referring to the ability to right mouse click on a table in PgAdminIII and select Reports > Data Dictionary report?
I'm not aware of any way to do that from PgAdminIII. You could look into using a different tool such as SchemaSpy. Another option (as alluded to by #kgrittn) is to use psql \d with the \H flag to generate html output. My solution (since SchemaSpy didn't do what I needed, and I needed the same output for both Postgres and Oracle) was to roll my own using perl, DBD::Pg and Template::Toolkit.
Update: Added GitHub link.
I wrote a fairly simple Postgres data dictionary generator in Python that spans all schemas and tables within a specified database. If it doesn't have exactly what you want it would be fairly easy to modify.
I'm sure this is something very simple, but for the life of me can't
find the correct keywords on google.
Basically I've updated a couple models since my last deployment. Dev is set up with the jpa.ddl default setting of create-drop. Now I read that prod isn't supposed to run with jpa.ddl=update, so does that mean I have to manually script a schema change? I couldn't find any documentation saying the correct way. I am also using playapps, so the database is set up there. I set up ssl, so I should have sql access via command line. However, I was having difficulty figuring out the syntax for modifying the db. I'm so used to a gui environment such as phpMySQL or microsoft's sql server. The errors specifically I'm getting are the following two (when running the application after uploading to prod).
Unsuccessful: alter table PhotoSlide add index FK57E3FABF5C905145 (aPhoto_id), add constraint FK57E3FABF5C905145 foreign key (aPhoto_id) references StorePhoto (id)
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (play/#sql-2e29_32, CONSTRAINT FK57E3FABF5C905145 FOREIGN KEY (aPhoto_id) REFERENCES StorePhoto (id))
you can achieve that by using the migration module.More details you can find #
The flow will be like the below:
You push new code to prod --> you run migrations --> restart the server
More documentation at :
With the latest version play supports migrations :