Why can't we use "Local tag" & "Remote tag" to identify a dialogue? - sip

A per the "RFC 3261 Session Initiation protocol", I have read that Call-ID, From and To tags are used to identify a "Dialog". Why we need Call-ID here? Why can't we identify a "Dialog" using "Local tag(i.e From tag)" and Remote tag(i.e To tag)? Anyway "Remote tag" is different over multiple clients, right?

From rfc2543, the OLD SIP, you can find information on the FROM tag header Section 6.21
The From field MAY contain the "tag" parameter.
and information on the TO tag header Section 6.37
The UAS or redirect server copies the To header field into its
response, and MUST add a "tag" parameter if the request contained
more than one Via header field.
Thus, both to and from tag can be missing with rfc2543 SIP Endpoints.
Thus, using the Call-ID+local-tag+remote-tag is mandatory to remain compatible
with older version of SIP where one or both of the tag !


What is the "Restful" way to command a server?

I have a REST endpoint to create an application configuration as such
POST /applications
With a body
"appName" : "my-new-app"
I returns a newly created application configuration:
"appName": "my-new-app",
"appId": "2ed17ff700664dad9bb32e400d39dc68",
"apiKey": "$2a$10$XVDH9F3Ix4lx2LdxeJ4ZOe7H.bw/Me5qAmaIGF.95lUgkerfTG7NW",
"masterKey": "$2a$10$XVDH9F3Ix4lx2LdxeJ4ZOeSZLR1hVSXk2We/DqQahyOFFY6nOfbHS",
"dateCreated": "2021-03-28T11:00:07.340+00:00",
"dateUpdated": "2021-03-28T11:00:07.340+00:00"
Note: The keys are auto-generated in the server and not passed from the client.
My question here is, what's the RESTful way to command the server to reset the keys for example:
PUT /applications/my-new-app/update_keys is not noun-based and thus, not restful, also passing a command as query parameter does not also seem to be restful since this is not a GET method rather it's a PUT (update) method.
Here's one way to send a command that is as much as possible RESTful:
POST /application/:appName/actions
Example Payload:
"actions" : [
"action" : "name_of_command",
"arguments" : {
"arg1" : "param1"
"action" : "reset_keys",
"arguments" : {
Actions would be nouns that are part of the endpoint, and the server will process actions that are submitted (or posted) within the endpoint. And an array of actions would be best suited to allow multiple actions to be sent. And each action having arguments would also be desirable for future actions that would need arguments.
what's the RESTful way to command the server to reset the keys for example:
How would you do it with a web site?
You would be looking at some web page like /www/applications/my-new-app; within the data or the metadata you would find a link. Following that link would bring you to a form; the form would have input controls describing what fields you need to provide to send the message, in addition to any "hidden" inputs. When you click the submit button, your user agent would collect your inputs, construct from them the appropriate message body, then use the form metadata to determine what request method and uri to use.
The client never has to guess what URI to use, because the server is providing links to guide the way.
Hypertext is at the heart of the uniform interface
REST is defined by four interface constraints: identification of resources; manipulation of resources through representations; self-descriptive messages; and, hypermedia as the engine of application state.
Because the server is providing the URI for each of the links, you've got some freedom ot choose which resource "handles" which message.
One interesting way to resolve this to look at HTTP's rules for cache invalidation. The short version is that successful unsafe requests (PATCH/POST/PUT) invalidate the representations of the target-uri.
In other words, we take advantage of cache-invalidation by sending the command to the resource that we are trying to change.
So, assuming that retrieving the representation of the app occurred via a request like:
GET /applications/my-new-app HTTP/x.y
Then we would ask the server to change that resource by sending a request with that same target-uri. Something analogous to:
POST /applications/my-new-app HTTP/x.y
Content-Type: text/plain
Please rotate the keys
Form submissions on the web are usually a representation of key/value pairs, so a more likely spelling would be:
POST /applications/my-new-app HTTP/x.y
Content-Type: applications/x-www-form-urlencoded
Your form that describes this request my have an "action" input control, that accepts text from the client, or more likely in this case action would be a hidden control with a pre-defined value.
Note: if we have multiple actions that should invalidate the /applications/my-new-app representations, we would probably use POST for all of them, and resolve the ambiguity at the server based on the request-body (if our routing framework gives us the degree of control we need, we can use that - but more common would be to have a single POST handler for each Content-Type, and parse the request body "by hand".
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of “this action isn’t worth standardizing.” -- Fielding 2009
PUT /applications/my-new-app/update_keys is not noun-based and thus, not restful,
That's not true: REST doesn't care what spelling conventions you use for your resource identifiers. For example
These all work fine, just like every other resource on the web.
You absolutely can design your resource model so that editing the update_keys document also modifies the my-new-app document.
The potential difficulty is that general purpose components are not going to know what is going on. HTTP PUT means "update the representation of the target resource", and every general purpose component knows that; the origin server is allowed to modify other resources as a consequence of the changes to the "update-keys" resource.
But we don't have a great language for communicating the general purpose components all of the side effects that may have happened. Without some special magic, previously cached copies of my-new-app, with the original, unrotated, keys, will be left lying around. So the client may be left with a stale copy of the document that describes the app.
(An example of "some special magic" would be Linked Cache Invalidation, which affords describing caching relationships between resources using web linking. Unforunately, LCI has not been adopted as a standard, and you won't find the described link relations in the IANA registry.)

Istio - Dynamic request routing based on header-values

Dynamic request routing based on header-values
For our QA environment we need to configure a special kind of routing for the incoming (Ingress), but also for the outgoing (Egress) requests. So for outgoing requests the rule should evaluate a header value with a regex and capture a value from the header and build with that value the URL where the request should be redirected. The value in the header is dynamically changed, so the redirect URL can not be hardcoded.
For example if the outgoing requests goes to services-master.anydomain.com, but there's a header value forwarded-for-feature with the value verbu-1234 the request should be redirected services-verbu-1234.anydomain.com.
For incoming requests it's a similar condition. If the origin points to webapp-verbu-1234.anydomain.com, but the request goes to services-master.anydomain.com the regex should extract verbu-1234 from the origin domain and replace master in the URL with the extracted value.
I know, that it's possible to use a regex to match header values, but I'm not sure, if it's possible to use captured values from a match to influence the target URL, at least I couldn't find that in the documentation.
I don't think this is possible
But if your QA system knows the features available, and you need to do that in Istio, you might try creating a VirtualService for each feature. And multiple VirtualServices would be merged by Istio...

adding callid in sip-servlets

I am using sip servlets api to make sip calls,
My requirement is to connect two calls in conference, for this I need to modify call-id for one of the invite request, but it is not allowing me to modify call-id in header part and my code is as follows:
SipServletRequest forkedRequest = linkedSession.createRequest("INVITE");
ipFactory sipFactory = (SipFactory)getServletContext().getAttribute("javax.servlet.sip.SipFactory");
SipURI sipUri = (SipURI)sipFactory.createURI("sip:msml#");
and I was getting following error:
Header[Call-ID] is system header, cant add,cant modify it!!!
Can any one suggest on this? make sure how to modify call-id
SIP Servlets Specification specifically forbids to modify the Call-ID Header which is a System Header. Please read the specification at https://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=289
Which conference provider enforces you to have the same Call-ID for 2 different calls to be able to join the same conference ? This seems like a very bad design and against the SIP RFC itself https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3261#section-

Is it bad practice to allow specifying parameters in URL for POST

Should parameters for POST requests (elements of the resource being created) be allowed to be added to the URL as well as in the body?
For example, let say I have a POST to create a new user at
With the full set of parameters name, email, etc... in the body of the request.
However, I've seen many API's would accept the values in either the body or URL parameters like this:
Is there any reason this second option, allowing the parameters in the URL is bad practice? Does it violate any component of REST?
The intent of a query parameter is to help identify the target resource for a request. The body of a POST should be used to specify instructions to the server.
The query component contains non-hierarchical data that, along with
data in the path component (Section 3.3), serves to identify a
resource within the scope of the URI's scheme and naming authority
(if any).
    -- RFC 3986 Section 3.4
The hierarchical path component and optional query component serve
as an identifier for a potential target resource within that origin
server's name space.
    -- RFC 7230 Section 2.7.1
The Udacity Web Development course, be Steve Huffman (the man behind Reddit), recommends only using POST requests to update server side data. Steve highlights why using GET parameters to do so can be problematic.

Is there a URI schema for addressing individual email messages?

When someone loses track of an email that has been sent to them, and brings that to the sender's attention, it is common practice for the sender to simply forward or re-send the original email. I want to know if there is any [semi-]standard way to reference a specific email, such that a mail client could open that email if it has a copy of it. This might be in the form of a URI, or possibly some other form. Such a URI might reference the sender, recipient, date, time, or other headers that [should] remain intact between sender and recipient.
The Message-ID is a globally unique identifier for messages.
Note that the Message-ID header is optional, but recommended:
Though listed as optional in the table in section 3.6, every message SHOULD have a "Message-ID:" field.
RFC 2392 specifies the URI scheme mid (which was already reserved in RFC 1738):
The "mid" scheme uses (a part of) the message-id of an email message to refer to a specific message.
An example from RFC 2392:
previous message, shows how the approach you propose can be used to accomplish ...