Unwind children array of objects - mongodb

I have an array of objects in a collection. I show two documents to show the structure of these array.
The property "tipos" is an array of objects. And inside this child array, the property "ingredientes" is another array of objects.
"_id" : ObjectId("5c6c32337acdd946b66f76e9"),
"name" : "Ensaladas",
"tipos" : [
"name" : "Rusa",
"name" : "Cesars",
"ingredientes" : [
"name" : "Lechuga",
"amount" : 20
"name" : "Vinagreta",
"amount" : 10
"name" : "Campesina",
"ingredientes" : [
"name" : "Beterraga",
"amount" : 55
"_id" : ObjectId("5c6c32337acdd946b66f76e9"),
"name" : "Carnes",
"tipos" : [
"name" : "Estofado de pollo",
"name" : "Lomo saltado",
"ingredientes" : [
"name" : "Lomo fino",
"amount" : 50
"name" : "Tomate",
"amount" : 15
I need to unwind it enough to get this result:
Ensaladas Rusa
Ensaladas Cesars Lechuga
Ensaladas Cesars Vinagreta
Ensaladas Campesina Beterraga
Carnes Estofado de pollo
Carnes Lomo saltado Lomo fino
Carnes Lomo saltado Tomate
I have been trying double unwind but not getting the result I need.

You need to use $unwind with preserveNullAndEmptyArrays set to true since not all the documents contain tipos.ingredientes path. Then you can use $concat with $rtrim to build the name as single string, try:
{ $unwind: "$tipos" },
{ $unwind: { path: "$tipos.ingredientes", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } },
{ $project: { _id: 0, name: { $rtrim: { input: { $concat: [ "$name", " ", "$tipos.name", " ", { $ifNull: [ "$tipos.ingredientes.name", "" ] } ] } } } } }
{ "name" : "Ensaladas Rusa" }
{ "name" : "Ensaladas Cesars Lechuga" }
{ "name" : "Ensaladas Cesars Vinagreta" }
{ "name" : "Ensaladas Campesina Beterraga" }
{ "name" : "Carnes Estofado de pollo" }
{ "name" : "Carnes Lomo saltado Lomo fino" }
{ "name" : "Carnes Lomo saltado Tomate" }


How to write mongo query

How I can get the total number of seats available for a particular movie (seats present in all the theatres for that movie) from the mongodb schema below.
I need to write a mongo query to get the results
"_id" : ObjectId("5d637b5ce27c7d60e5c42ae7"),
"name" : "Bangalore",
"movies" : [
"name" : "KGF",
"theatres" : [
"name" : "PVR",
"seats" : 45
"name" : "IMAX",
"seats" : 46
"name" : "Avengers",
"theatres" : [
"name" : "IMAX",
"seats" : 50
"_class" : "com.BMS_mongo.ZZ_BMS_mongo_demo.Entity.CityInfo"
I have written this code :
db.cities.aggregate( [
{ "$unwind" : "$movies" }, { "$unwind" : "$theatres" } ,
{ "$group" : { _id : "$movies.theatre`enter code here`s.seats" ,
total : { "$sum" : "$seats" } }
] )
My schema:
The following query can get us the expected output:
Data set:
"_id" : ObjectId("5d637b5ce27c7d60e5c42ae7"),
"name" : "Bangalore",
"movies" : [
"name" : "KGF",
"theatres" : [
"name" : "PVR",
"seats" : 45
"name" : "IMAX",
"seats" : 46
"name" : "Avengers",
"theatres" : [
"name" : "IMAX",
"seats" : 50
"_class" : "com.BMS_mongo.ZZ_BMS_mongo_demo.Entity.CityInfo"
{ "movie" : "Avengers", "totalSeats" : 50 }
{ "movie" : "KGF", "totalSeats" : 91 }
db.movie.aggregate([{ $unwind: { path: "$movies",} },
{ $unwind: { path: "$movies.theatres",} },
{ $group: { _id: "$movies.name", "moviename": { $first: "$movies.name" },
"totalSeats": { $sum: "$movies.theatres.seats" }} }])
I got the answer using this query ...
db.cities.aggregate( [
{ "$match" : { "name" : "Bangalore" } },
{ "$unwind" : "$movies" } ,
{ "$match" : {"movies.name" : "KGF"} },
{ "$unwind" : "$theatres" },
{ "$group" : { _id : "$movies.name", total : { "$sum" : "$movies.theatres.seats"
} } }
] )

MongoDB join two collections with between clause

There is a collection "Printers":
"_id" : ObjectId("5cc02f9b9931de72296ba6c2"),
"model" : "Xerox WorkCentre 3315",
"serial" : "3255498494",
"date" : ISODate("2019-04-25T08:57:48.001+0000"),
"pages" : NumberInt(4868),
"location" : "New location",
"ip" : "",
"ip_int" : NumberInt(178192419)
and "Branches" collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("5cb4799b8c0cfe35e4a4c266"),
"name" : "Office 1",
"ip_start" : NumberLong(178192384),
"ip_end" : NumberLong(178194431)
// ----------------------------------------------
"_id" : ObjectId("5cb479e68c0cfe35e4a4c269"),
"name" : "Office 2",
"ip_start" : NumberLong(3232258048),
"ip_end" : NumberLong(3232258303)
"Branches" collection contains ip addresses converted into integer value, i.e. is 3232235521. Each record in Branches describes subnet.
Each printer located in one branch.
If printers.ip_int between branches record [ip_start;ip_end] then query should return all fields from Printer and one field "Name" from "Branches" collection.
How can i do this?
You need a lookup with custom pipeline where you can specify "between" condition:
$lookup: {
from: "Printers",
let: { ip_start: "$ip_start", ip_end: "$ip_end" },
pipeline: [
$match: {
$expr: {
$and: [
{ "$gte": [ "$ip_int", "$$ip_start" ] },
{ "$lte": [ "$ip_int", "$$ip_end" ] },
as: "Printers"
"$lookup" : {
"from" : "branches",
"let" : {
"ip_int" : "$ip_int"
"pipeline" : [
"$match" : {
"$expr" : {
"$and" : [{"$gte" : ["$$ip_int", "$ip_start"]},
{ "$lte" : ["$$ip_int", "$ip_end"]}
], "as" : "Printers"
"$sort" : {
"ip_int" : 1.0
"$unwind" : {
"path" : "$Printers"
"$addFields" : {
"filial" : "$Printers.name"
"$project" : {
"Printers" : false, "ip_int" : false

monogdb nested array items exact match

I have a collection as below what I want is to fetch the items that has exact match of Tag="dolore", I tried different ways but I am getting all the elements if any of the embedded element has tag as dolore
"_id" : 123,
"vendor" : "ut",
"boxes" : [
"boxRef" : 321,
"items" : [
"Tag" : "dolore",
"Tag" : "irure",
"Tag" : "labore",
"boxRef" : 789,
"items" : [
"Tag" : "incididunt",
"Tag" : "magna",
"Tag" : "laboris",
"boxRef" : 456,
"items" : [
"Tag" : "reprehenderit",
"Tag" : "reprehenderit",
"Tag" : "enim",
If you are expecting to get only the matching embedded documents you have $unwind, $match and then $group to reverse the $unwind. Like this:
"_id" : 123.0,
"vendor" : "ut",
"boxes" : [
"boxRef" : 321.0,
"items" : [
"Tag" : "dolore"

Update a nested array objects in a different collection and position in MongoDB

I have a douments like as follows.
How do I update a skillcluster name. Suppose the other document has name :"c" in 4th position.
Job: {
post: { name:"x" }
skill: {
skillcluster: [
Job: {
post: { name:"x" }
skill: {
skillcluster: [
You need to query to match the "name" field at the embedded level of the document using "dot notation", and then pass that match with the positional $ operator within the update:
{ "Job.skill.skillcluster.name": "c" },
{ "$set": { "Job.skill.skillcluster.$.name": "Simple C"}},
{ "multi": true }
Also use the "multi" flag to match and update more than one document.
The result will be:
"_id" : ObjectId("55dbfd0ed96d655eb0ed2b4f"),
"Job" : {
"post" : {
"name" : "x"
"skill" : {
"skillcluster" : [
"name" : "c++",
"id" : "23"
"name" : "Simple C",
"id" : "898"
"_id" : ObjectId("55dbfd0ed96d655eb0ed2b50"),
"Job" : {
"post" : {
"name" : "x"
"skill" : {
"skillcluster" : [
"name" : "c++",
"id" : "23"
"name" : "java"
"name" : "python"
"name" : "Simple C",
"id" : "898"

how to get this query in mongoDB

I have this collection...
> db.banks.find().pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("54f37cbb44aec3b01b7db8f4"),
"name" : "A",
"branches" : [
"branch_id" : 8561,
"name" : "X",
"branch_id" : 8576,
"name" : "Y",
"_id" : ObjectId("54f37cbb44aec3b01b7db8f5"),
"name" : "B",
"branches" : [
"branch_id" : 3238,
"name" : "Z",
with this command :
get this result :
{ "branches" : { { "name" : "X" }, { "name" : "Y" } } }
{ "branches" : { { "name" : "Z" } } }
but; how I get this result?
(In fact, one object and without "branches".)
{{"name" : "X"}, {"name" : "Y"}, {"name" : "Z"}}
very thanks...
One way you could go about this is to do an $unwind first in the aggregation pipeline to get a deconstructed array with a document for each element and then group by the array element $branches.name:
{ $unwind: '$branches'},
$group: {
_id: {
name: '$branches.name'
$project: {
_id: 0,
name: '$_id.name'
{ $sort : { "name" : 1 } }
"result" : [
"name" : "X"
"name" : "Y"
"name" : "Z"
"ok" : 1