Eclipse Plugin Development: German Umlauts stored as UTF8 showing up wrong in SWT controls but correct in String constant - eclipse

I am writing an Eclipse Plugin. All my source files are encoded as UTF8 (Alt+Enter shows "Text file encoding: UTF8").
When I run my plugin using "right click -> Run as eclipse application" everything works fine.
However, when I install my plugin using an update site in another (but identical, i.e., copied) Eclipse application, German Umlauts (Ä Ö Ü...) get messed up in all SWT-controls, but not in String constants.
public class MyWizard extends Wizard{
public NewEntityWizard() {
setWindowTitle("This will NOT work: Ä");
public void foo() {
String contents = "This WILL work: Ä";
ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(contents.getBytes());
// write stream to file test.txt
The window title will show up as: "This will NOT work: ä"
When opening the file test.txt in Eclipse, with UTF8 encoding, it will contain the correct test: "This WILL work: Ä"
Both will work when run by using Run as, i.e., when not installing the plugin.
How do I resolve this?
I figure, the compiled plugin / bin files might (correctly) be encoded in UTF8, but read in a different encoding by the second Eclipse installation. If so: How do I tell the JVM / Eclipse to read the Plugin's bin files in UTF8?
Any help is appreciated.

Solved the problem myself. The issue was a Bug in Eclipse (I am running Oxygen, not sure if the problem exists in other versions).
The bug was, that the PDE Builder, which builds the product, does not respect the encoding settings configured in Eclipse. It uses the default encoding of the plattform, which is not UTF8. This seems to be a Windows only problem. The java builder does not suffer from this bug, that's why the problem did not occur during testing.
Bug Description:
As workaround I added the following line to the eclipse.ini of the building Eclipse installation, build the product again and installed it again. The setting makes UTF-8 the default encoding for the whole VM.:
This solved the issue.


Apache NetBeans IDE 15 doesn't display special characters on console

With NetBeans 15 I can write characters like 'à' and 'è' in the editor but if I try to print them in the console they are not displayed and this also happens if I enter the ASCII code of the characters. If I compile and run the program manually everything is fine.
the problem rises on one of the changes implemented in Java 18 that is JEP 400: UTF-8 by Default. In it is stated: "Standardize on UTF-8 throughout the standard Java APIs, except for console I/O".
I have resolved adding (only for JDK 18)
if(!"UTF-8".equals(System.out.charset().displayName())){ System.setOut(new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.out), true, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); }

Colored output in netbeans console with ansicodes

I am trying to get a colored output in my Netbeans output window.
Ansi-Output in Linux and Windows console works perfectly fine. However not in the IDE.
Is there a way to make this work in Netbeans' output window?
According to this
it should work, but it doesn't in my current Netbeans 8.0.1 installation (neither Linux nor Windows).
Any hints on how to do that?
I am using Netbeans 8.0.1 myself, on Windows 7. I just tried ANSI escape code, and it works. Example:
String greenBold = "\033[32;1m";
String reset = "\033[0m";
System.out.println("before" + greenBold + " green " + reset + "after");
There seems to be a problem when using Maven 3.5.x.
I tried NB 8.2 with the old Maven 3.3.9 first and it worked fine out of the box. The whole output remained as it had been but my application's own logs were colored as expected.
With Maven 3.5.2 and 3.5.4 the colors didn't work at all. So I had to set MAVEN_OPTS environment variable to "-Djansi.passthrough=true" (as suggested in the first link) and restart NetBeans. The problem is that now the whole output is colored differently and error stack traces don't contain links to code any more. So I'm switching back.
BTW. When using log4j2's %highlight{}, I also had to set disableAnsi="false" to get the desired effect:
<Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %highlight{%-5level} [%t] %location --- %msg%n%throwable" disableAnsi="false" />
I'm using NetBeans 12.3 and I had same problem. Problem is with bundled Maven (version 3.6.3).
When I changed to Maven which I installed on my system it works. Note that version of Maven installed on my system is the same as the bundled one - 3.6.3.
I have changed location of Maven in settings:
#YoungFrog solution was the best for me.
I spent all day to get NetBeans 14 working with hyperlinks and ANSI colors simultaneosly.
chmod -r /path/to/netbeans-14/netbeans/java/maven/lib/jansi*
did the job.
Actually, for me it was bad to change the default maven installation folder. In order to have all the output correctly working (hyperlinks in stack trace, ANSI colors in output, no NETBEANS-EXEC lines) I suggest you to use the one bundled with the specific NetBeans version you have installed.

Buckminster headless build utf-8 encoding

We have an Jenkins CI, which creates our Eclipse RCP application. It was set up with this tutorial: . So far so good, we didn´t have any problems until we decided to use utf-8 encoding for our project instead of the default cp1252 encoding. So the problem is if we start the created application that the encoding is damaged. I tried everything especially with jvm -dfile.encoding="utf-8" arguments. I tried this in, jenkins arguments and build.xml build properties.
Have someone any idea how i can fix my problem?
thanks for every response
We have the same issue as well, unfortunately unsolved so far. I think the charset must be set in time of compilation. So this may be a jvm argument instead of program argument.
Make sure you have saved the encoding information in the project. If there is no such information, the eclipse instance default encoding will be used, which in turns defaults to the platform's default encoding.
Buckminster build uses the eclipse build which honors the resource meta data.
An anti pattern is to change the default in Eclipse, and not save it in projects. The next user with a different default then risks creating a complete mess, especially if they also change the default and save.

Overriding acm.program init() method; does Java have to be this hard?

Java problems
I am a student of Java. I managed to write about 15 Java programs so far and get them working on the PC. But I have not yet written a init() method like my latest assignment requires in order to initialize some instance variables. The compiler tells me that my init() method is attempting to override the final init() method in the acm.program. Isn’t that what an init() method is supposed to do? After exhausting all avenues on PC for the last week, I thought maybe it is an Eclipse problem on the PC. All the example code in the Java documentation shows little Mac windows. So I thought I would try moving my code to a Mac running Lion OS 10.7.2.
Switching to MAC environment.
The Mac claims to have Java installed but I think it’s just the run time environment, not a development environment. All I could find for applications is the Java VisualVM, which I assume is the virtual machine so there is no java development software. So… I downloaded Eclipse for Mac from Stanford’s website and got Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Version: Helios Service Release 2 and tried to run a simple program which included an import statement.
The import acm.program.*; statement is giving the compiler a problem: "acm cannot be resolved”. After researching this I think the problem is I have not downloaded the acm.jar archive and added that to my build path. Why this isn’t already done for me, as part of Eclipse I have no clue. I guess everything has to be difficult.
So I downloaded the acm.jar archive and it’s sitting in my download folder. I tried double clicking it and thankfully the mac won’t execute it. I tried dragging it into my source folder in Eclipse and then adding it to the build path. Once in the build path, Eclipse tells me the jar is missing. So I removed it from the build path and instead from inside Eclipse went to Properties/Java Build Path/Libraries/add External JARS… and navigated to my downloads folder where the acm.jar folder is to select the JAR. However, Eclipse seems to be looking for a .jar;.zip file, which there are none because my Mac helpfully already unzipped the folder. So I changed the open window to look for all files (.) and now I see individual .java files that are too numerous to add to the build path individually.
So back to the PC and download the acm.jar zip file and copy it over to the Mac in unzipped form and again add it to the build path as a zip file. This resolved the compiler error and my simple program executed on the Mac!
Next I will try my program with the init() method to see if that now works. Nope. Same problem on the Mac. This init method causes the following error: Multiple markers at this line
overrides acm.program.Program.init
Cannot override the final method from
public void init() {
canvas = new HangmanCanvas();
Does it have to be this hard or am I missing something?
Generally Macs have the whole JDK installed. Eclipse is nice, though.
This "acm" package isn't installed because it's not any kind of standard thing; this is like asking why your refrigerator doesn't come with asparagus already in it.
That last dialog was the right one; you need the original jar file. Try again, right-click and "Save As..." the link to save the file from your browser.
See 3. I find it particularly funny that anybody would use a Windows computer to make up for shortcomings of a Mac; in reality the Mac is infinitely more flexible and more powerful.
If you got a message that complains you're trying to override a final method, then you are indeed trying to do something wrong; final actually means "You're not allowed to override this." Perhaps you didn't fully understand the instructions for the assignment.
It gets better, I promise. Just be sure to use each of these annoyances as a learning experience.
There is no reasons why Java for the Mac would be any better than Java for the PC. The language and tools should work the same ... assuming that you are using the same versions of the language and similar versions of the tools.
Your problem with init is nothing to do with PCs versus Macs. So don't waste your time switching platforms to try to fix it. You need to figure out what the
On the face of is, the compiler / IDE is telling you the truth. Java won't let you override a final method. In fact the whole point of declaring a method to be final is to prevent overloading.
However, this does not make sense. According to the documentation I found here, the acm.program.Program.init() method is designed to be overridden. So why won't it let you?
I suspect that the cause of your problems is that you've downloaded or been given a copy of the JAR file that someone has messed around with. Someone has changes the method to be final (for some reason best kown to themselves), compiled it and put it up for people to download. Google is not always your friend ...
So, what I suggest you do is review all of the handouts and the files that were provided to find either the copy of the JAR that is provided, or the instructions on WHERE to download it from. Then replace the copy of the JAR you are currently using with the recommended one.
Why this isn’t already done for me, as part of Eclipse I have no clue. I guess everything has to be difficult.
How is Eclipse supposed to know what this "acm" stuff is? Which version you require? Where to download it from?

Glassfish encoding

I'm using the code in this example example and in the runUpdate() function which i put in a javabean in a web application in Netbeans 6.8 with Glassfish v3.
It seems i have an encoding problem because question marks appear in the table.
I have tried so far:
In nbproject->private-> add runtime.encoding=UTF-8>
In project->properties->sources->encoding utf-8
In program files->netbeans->etc->netbeans_conf in netbeans_default_options i add -J-DFile.encoding=UTF-8
In project->properties->build->compiling->additional compiler options -encoding utf-8
In sun-web.xml i added <locale-charset-info default-locale="UTF-8">
<locale-charset-map locale="" charset=""/>
<parameter-encoding default-charset="UTF-8"/>
Also when i use system.out.print() in the glassfish output panel i get gibberish.
I'm in the last level of madness please take a look.
Thank you.
Also when i do listing .5 i get a glassfish error:
WARNING: WEB0500: default-locale attribute of locale-charset-info element is being ignored
Have you tried using glassfish-web.xml instead of sun-web.xml ?
To change default Glassfish POST fields encoding, I put this to WEB-INF/glassfish-web.xml, and it worked (I use glassfish 3.1.2):
<!DOCTYPE glassfish-web-app PUBLIC "-//
GlassFish Application Server 3.1 Servlet 3.0//EN"
<parameter-encoding default-charset="UTF-8" />
I'm not sure if it will help you, but may help other people having the same problem as me.
Glassfish uses ISO-8859-1 encoding by default. See for more information.
Are you sure your browser is set to UTF-8. By default most browsers do not display in UTF.
Start with the browser and work backwards. Is your datasource storing the data in UTF-8? By default Java is in UTF-8 so I am not sure that GF is your real issue.