Give user ability to reduce icon size on activity bar - visual-studio-code

Is there a way for a user to reduce the icon size on the activity bar without it effecting the whole editor?
Perhaps similar to how Ubuntu allows the scaling of icons on the dock.
I use the activity bar and it's visual cues far to frequently to hide and unhide it, but it would be nice to reduce it's real-estate usage just a bit.

In VS Code Editor press CTRL+-, this will increase/decrease the size of the entire UI (all icons, text and menu items, etc.).


How to hide or dock result grid panel/toolbar in MySQL Workbench 6.3?

I am seeing the following panel in the result grid.
Based on the research I've done, for many people this panel is docked. However, in my application it's hidden then displayed upon hovering in that area. This has become very annoying because it's hard to use the scrollbar there.
I've looked all over in the preferences and toolbars but can't find a way to disable it.
Does anyone know how I can get rid of it altogether or make it static?
You probably activated the "hidden" mode. Klick on the small icon right beside the bar:

How to save vertical space in eclipse by removing status bar, quick access and splitted view controls?

Here my eclipse window. I want to save all these space in order to gain vertical visibility (for my text editor). And I am unable to find the way to do it.
I'm pretty sure you cannot disable either status bar nor toolbar. There is kind of solution though:
You can open a file and drag its tab with file name outside of eclipse window so it is detached from the main eclipse window. Then you can maximize this window and look on the code in kind of full-screen mode.

Set MATLAB Programming Environment fullscreen (without Title Bar) in Windows

I am currently setting up my MATLAB programming environment in windows. I am trying to remove the title bar at the very top of the screen while editing code. It is similar to the "Enter Full Screen" feature in IntellijIDEA based editors. I am well aware that this is possible MacOSX but did not find any feature supported in Windows. Thank you in advance for your help.
Matlab does not have a true full-screen option on Windows, but take a look at this help page: Optimize Desktop Layout for Limited Screen Space.
Title bars can be hidden by going to the Home tab > Environment section > Layout. Under Show, you can select or deselect "Panel Titles".
You can also hide the toolstrip by clicking the arrow in the upper right corner.
There appears to be no way to hide the Windows title bar and tabs at the very top, but combining these options should get you pretty close to the "full-screen" look you describe.

Hide top panel when inspecting elements

When we use Chrome developer tools for inspecting elements, top panel will show up where we can choose which device chrome will emulate, what network throttle setting, there will also be a ruler top and sideways... is there an option to temporarely remove all that?
I work on laptop and my screen isn't as big as I would like to, and when inspecting elements, it becomes even smaller, and at lot of times I don't need those options.
There is only a button for hiding media queries and it helps a bit.
It is the result of mobile emulation mode. There is a small button on the left side of the menu bar. It looks like a phone. You can click on and switch off the emulation mode.
In the main Dev tool window, click on the kebob menu and then Toggle device Toolbar.

Any way to increase figure size past screen size in MATLAB GUIDE?

I am working with a GUI in MATLAB created using GUIDE. There are quite a lot of components in it so it is not currently feasible to recreate it outside of GUIDE. I have been trying to implement Tabs into the GUI to display different Panels, each with their own set of components. I am doing this by adjusting the Visibility of each Panel to ON/OFF depending on which "tab" Button you click.
Now, when in the GUIDE editor, I would like to increase the figure size over the screen-size limit to allow me to easily work with each "Tab" Panel. When running the GUI, you would only ever see a single Panel, while all the other tabs will have their Visibility set to OFF.
Is there any way to have a larger figure size within the GUIDE editor itself?