Locally cached stateManager... any risk in Service Fabric? - azure-service-fabric

What seems to be just common practice could be the wrong thing to do in Service Fabric. I suspect the below code where stateManager is saved as local cache could cause a potential issue when the 'Startup' class is instantiated within the return statement of 'CreateServiceReplicaListeners()' method in 'SomeService' stateful service.
The situation that can happen is when the state manager is somehow re-instantiated. I need more explanation as to whether the below practice is the right thing to do or not. If not, what could be the best practice instead?
internal class SomeService : StatefulService
protected override IEnumerable<ServiceReplicaListener> CreateServiceReplicaListeners()
return new[]{
new ServiceReplicaListener(
initParams =>
new OwinCommunicationListener("SomeService", new Startup(this.StateManager), initParams))
public class Startup : IOwinAppBuilder
private readonly IReliableStateManager stateManager;
public Startup(IReliableStateManager stateManager)
this.stateManager = stateManager;
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder appBuilder)
// other initialization codes..
UnityConfig.RegisterComponents(config, this.stateManager);

Whenever a Stateful Service change roles it triggers a IStatefulServiceReplica.ChangeRoleAsync(ReplicaRole newRole, CancellationToken cancellationToken).
ChangeRoleAsync(..) ensure that the new role uses the correct communications doing the following:
Call CloseCommunicationListenersAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) to close any listeners open
Call OpenCommunicationListenersAsync(newRole, cancellationToken) for Primary or ActiveSecondary roles
The method OpenCommunicationListenersAsync() will call CreateServiceReplicaListeners() to get the listeners and call CreateCommunicationListener(serviceContext) for each returned listener to open the related endpoints.
Change of Roles is very common to happen during upgrades and Load Balancing, so this is a very common event.
In Summary,
Every time a Change of Role happens, CreateServiceReplicaListeners() will be called, ChangeRole does not shutdown the service, so it might have side effects, for example if you register dependencies in a DI container, you might face duplicate registrations.


Time-driven lifetime scope in singleton ASP.NET Web API controller

Consider the web controller that implements some API by wrapping downstream service that requires token to be called. The token has the expiration, so I'm after some kind of time-driven scope that re-acquires the token and re-creates client in case the token is expired:
MyController: Controller
IServiceAPI _downstreamServcie;
MyController (IServiceAPI downstreamService)
builder.Register(c => {
Token token = generateToken() ..
return new ServiceAPIClient(token) ;
I don't want to register MyController with per-request-scope because of performance issues.
Having spring background, such kind of captive dependency is resolved in spring by injecting singleton dynamic proxy that forwards the call to the right scoped-object (request/session/custom).
What would be the right way to implement the same with Autofac?
Digging into Autofac documentation, I've found IResolveMiddleware interface that can be used to dynamically create/change scope :
class TokenScopeResolverMiddleware : IResolveMiddleware {
private ISharingLifetimeScope _currentTokenScope;
private ISharingLifetimeScope _prevTokenScope;
public void Execute(ResolveRequestContext context, Action<ResolveRequestContext> next) {
if (null == _currentTokenScope) {
lock (this) {
if (null == _currentTokenScope) {
if (!CanUseCurrentToken()) {
lock (this) {
if (!CanUseCurrentToken()) {
private bool CanUseCurrentToken() {
AuthenticationResult authResult = _currentTokenScope.Resolve<AuthenticationResult>();
TimeSpan expiresIn = authResult.ExpiresOn - DateTime.Now;
return expiresIn > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20);
private void RolloverScope(ResolveRequestContext context) {
if (null != _prevTokenScope) {
_prevTokenScope = _currentTokenScope; // give another `expiration time` grace period before disposing token scope
_currentTokenScope =
context.ActivationScope.RootLifetimeScope.BeginLifetimeScope("token") as ISharingLifetimeScope;
public PipelinePhase Phase { get; } = PipelinePhase.ScopeSelection;
Usage :
builder.Register(c => {
AuthenticationResult result = // acquire token
return result;
builder.Register(c => {
return new Client(c.Resolve<AuthenticationResult>().Token)
builder.RegisterServiceMiddleware<Client>(new TokenScopeResolverMiddleware());
Any better suggestions ?
I think you're likely looking for the Func<T> relationship, or something like it, where you inject a factory that dynamically resolves the client as you need it.
public class MyController
private readonly Func<IClient> _clientFactory;
public MyController(Func<IClient> clientFactory)
this._clientFactory = clientFactory;
public void DoWork()
var client = this._clientFactory();
Your lambda could be just about anything as long as it runs synchronously. Don't forget DI is more about injecting dependencies (object construction) than it is about managing your application's state, orchestrating logic, or executing factories on your behalf, though admittedly it's pretty convenient to try to multipurpose it in those ways.
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register(ctx =>
var token = GetOrRefreshToken();
return new Client(token);
A word of warning - you may run into memory leak trouble.
If the IClient implementation is also IDisposable, Autofac is going to hold onto every IClient created until the lifetime scope is disposed because the container is responsible for creating objects... and disposing them. If your controller is a singleton, that means the Func<IClient> will be resolving from the root lifetime scope (the container itself), which further means you can't dispose the captured IClient instances without disposing the whole application container.
You can disable that with ExternallyOwned but then you also will have to dispose things yourself.
It may be better to unwind things just a little and try to do less in DI, more with your own code. For example, actually create your own client factory that knows when to refresh the token, how to construct and dispose of clients, etc. You may even want to look at stuff like IHttpClientFactory which is specifically meant for stuff like this. Then instead of injecting the client, inject the factory and use the factory to get a client instance as you need it. That is, instead of injecting Func<IClient>, inject IHttpClientFactory or something similar, thus reducing the need to try to force the captive dependency to behave and instead addressing the challenge with a solution possibly more appropriate.

EF Core Migrations in Azure Function startup

According to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-dotnet-dependency-injection the service provider should not be used until AFTER the startup has completed running. Indeed, if I try to get a registered service it will fail.
[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(Startup))]
namespace Fx {
public sealed class Startup : FunctionsStartup {
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder) {
var configurationBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
var configuration = configurationBuilder.Build();
var serviceProvider = builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider();
public static class DependencyInjection {
public static async Task AddDatabase(IServiceProvider services) {
using var scope = services.CreateScope();
var serviceProvider = scope.ServiceProvider;
var context = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();
//Error generated here
if (context.Database.IsSqlServer()) {
await context.Database.MigrateAsync();
await ApplicationDbContextSeed.SeedSamplePersonnelDataAsync(context);
public static IServiceCollection AddInfrastructure(
this IServiceCollection services,
IConfiguration configuration) {
services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
b => b.MigrationsAssembly(typeof(ApplicationDbContext).Assembly.FullName)));
services.AddScoped<IApplicationDbContext>(provider => provider.GetService<ApplicationDbContext>());
return services;
This produces the following error
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore: No database provider has been configured for this DbContext. A provider can be configured by overriding the DbContext.OnConfiguring method or by using AddDbContext on the application service provider. If AddDbContext is used, then also ensure that your DbContext type accepts a DbContextOptions<TContext> object in its constructor and passes it to the base constructor for DbContext.
Is there a good option for migrating and seeding during startup?
The easiest way I found to run code after startup was by registering a custom IWebJobsStartup by using the WebJobsStartupAttribute (the FunctionsStartupAttribute actually also inherits from this attribute). In the WebJobsStartup class you'll need to register your extension using the AddExtension where you are able to use dependency injection and seed your database. My code:
[assembly: WebJobsStartup(typeof(DbInitializationService), "DbSeeder")]
namespace Our.Database.Seeder
public class DbInitializationService : IWebJobsStartup
public void Configure(IWebJobsBuilder builder)
internal class DbSeedConfigProvider : IExtensionConfigProvider
private readonly IServiceScopeFactory _scopeFactory;
public DbSeedConfigProvider(IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory)
_scopeFactory = scopeFactory;
public void Initialize(ExtensionConfigContext context)
using var scope = _scopeFactory.CreateScope();
var dbContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<YourDbContext>();
// Further DB seeding, etc.
According to your code, I assume that you're building something aligned to the CleanArchitecture Repository on Github. https://github.com/jasontaylordev/CleanArchitecture
The main difference between this repo and your apporach, is that you're obviously not using ASP.NET, which is not a problem at all, but requires a little bit more configuration work.
The article already mentioned (https://markheath.net/post/ef-core-di-azure-functions) refers another blogpost (https://dev.to/azure/using-entity-framework-with-azure-functions-50aa), which briefly explains that EntityFramework Migrations are not capable of auto-discovering your migrations in an Azure Function. Therefore, you need to implement an instance of IDesignTimeDbContextFactory. I also stumbled upon it in the microsoft docs:
You could for example place it inside your Infrastructure\Persistence\Configurations folder. (Once again, I'm only assuming that you're following the CleanArchitecture repo structure)
DI in AZURE Functions
A series of registration steps run before and after the runtime processes the startup class. Therefore, keep in mind the following items:
The startup class is meant for only setup and registration. Avoid using services registered at startup during the startup process. For instance, don't try to log a message in a logger that is being registered during startup. This point of the registration process is too early for your services to be available for use. After the Configure method is run, the Functions runtime continues to register additional dependencies, which can affect how your services operate.
The dependency injection container only holds explicitly registered types. The only services available as injectable types are what are setup in the Configure method. As a result, Functions-specific types like BindingContext and ExecutionContext aren't available during setup or as injectable types

How to resolve InstancePerLifetimeScope component from within SingleInstace component via Func?

The idea is just simple and works in the other containers, not limited with .Net:
Singleton component being referenced from within request context references transient component which in turn references request-scoped component (some UnitOfWork).
I expected that Autofac would resolve the same scoped component in both cases:
- when I request it directly from request scope
- when I request it by invoking Func<>
Unfortunately the reality is quite a bit different - Autofac sticks SingleInstance component to the root scope and resolves InstancePerLifetimeScope component on
the root component introducing memory leak (!!!) as UnitOfWork is disposable and becomes tracked by root scope (attempt to use matching web request scope would just fail finding request scope which is yet more misleading).
Now I'm wondering whether such behavior is by design or just a bug? If it is by design I'm not sure what are the use cases and why it differs from the other containers.
The example is as follows (including working SimpleInjector case):
namespace AutofacTest
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using Autofac;
using NUnit.Framework;
using SimpleInjector;
using SimpleInjector.Lifestyles;
public class SingletonComponent
public Func<TransientComponent> Transient { get; }
public Func<ScopedComponent> Scoped { get; }
public SingletonComponent(Func<TransientComponent> transient, Func<ScopedComponent> scoped)
Transient = transient;
Scoped = scoped;
public class ScopedComponent : IDisposable
public void Dispose()
public class TransientComponent
public ScopedComponent Scoped { get; }
public TransientComponent(ScopedComponent scopedComponent)
this.Scoped = scopedComponent;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
catch (Exception ex)
catch (Exception ex)
private static void AutofacTest()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
var outerSingleton = container.Resolve<SingletonComponent>();
using (var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope())
var singleton = scope.Resolve<SingletonComponent>();
Assert.That(outerSingleton, Is.SameAs(singleton));
var transient = scope.Resolve<TransientComponent>();
var scoped = scope.Resolve<ScopedComponent>();
Assert.That(singleton.Transient(), Is.Not.SameAs(transient));
// this fails
Assert.That(singleton.Transient().Scoped, Is.SameAs(scoped));
Assert.That(transient.Scoped, Is.SameAs(scoped));
Assert.That(singleton.Scoped(), Is.SameAs(scoped)); // this fails
Assert.That(singleton.Transient(), Is.Not.SameAs(transient));
private static void SimpleInjectorTest()
var container = new SimpleInjector.Container();
container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = new AsyncScopedLifestyle();
var outerSingleton = container.GetInstance<SingletonComponent>();
using (var scope = AsyncScopedLifestyle.BeginScope(container))
var singleton = container.GetInstance<SingletonComponent>();
Assert.That(outerSingleton, Is.SameAs(singleton));
var transient = container.GetInstance<TransientComponent>();
var scoped = container.GetInstance<ScopedComponent>();
Assert.That(singleton.Transient(), Is.Not.SameAs(transient));
Assert.That(singleton.Transient().Scoped, Is.SameAs(scoped));
Assert.That(transient.Scoped, Is.SameAs(scoped));
Assert.That(singleton.Scoped(), Is.SameAs(scoped));
Assert.That(singleton.Transient(), Is.Not.SameAs(transient));
public static class SimpleInjectorExtensions
public static void AllowResolvingFuncFactories(this ContainerOptions options)
options.Container.ResolveUnregisteredType += (s, e) =>
var type = e.UnregisteredServiceType;
if (!type.IsGenericType || type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof(Func<>))
Type serviceType = type.GetGenericArguments().First();
InstanceProducer registration = options.Container.GetRegistration(serviceType, true);
Type funcType = typeof(Func<>).MakeGenericType(serviceType);
var factoryDelegate = Expression.Lambda(funcType, registration.BuildExpression()).Compile();
The short version what you're seeing is not a bug, you're just misunderstanding some of the finer points of lifetime scopes and captive dependencies.
First, a couple of background references from the Autofac docs:
Controlling Scope and Lifetime explains a lot about how lifetime scopes and that hierarchy works.
Captive Dependencies talks about why you don't generally shouldn't take an instance-per-lifetime or instance-per-dependency scoped item into a singleton.
Disposal talks about how Autofac auto-disposes IDisposable items and how you can opt out of that.
Implicit Relationship Types describes the Owned<T> relationship type used as part of the IDisposable opt-out.
Some big key takeaways from these docs that directly affect your situation:
Autofac tracks IDisposable components so they can be automatically disposed along with the lifetime scope. That means it will hold references to any resolved IDisposable objects until the parent lifetime scope is resolved.
You can opt out of IDisposable tracking either by registering the component as ExternallyOwned or by using Owned<T> in the constructor parameter being injected. (Instead of taking in an IDependency take in an Owned<IDependency>.)
Singletons live in the root lifetime scope. That means any time you resolve a singleton it will be resolved from the root lifetime scope. If it is IDisposable it will be tracked in the root lifetime scope and not released until that root scope - the container itself - is disposed.
The Func<T> dependency relationship is tied to the same lifetime scope as the object in which it's injected. If you have a singleton, that means the Func<T> will resolve things from the same lifetime scope as the singleton - the root lifetime scope. If you have something that's instance-per-dependency, the Func<T> will be attached to whatever scope the owning component is in.
Knowing that, you can see why your singleton, which takes in a Func<T>, keeps trying to resolve these things from the root lifetime scope. You can also see why you're seeing a memory leak situation - you haven't opted out of the disposal tracking for the things that are being resolved by that Func<T>.
So the question is, how do you fix it?
Option 1: Redesign
Generally speaking, it would be better to invert the relationship between the singleton and the thing you have to resolve via Func<T>; or stop using a singleton altogether and let that be a smaller lifetime scope.
For example, say you have some IDatabase service that needs an IPerformTransaction to get things done. The database connection is expensive to spin up, so you might make that a singleton. You might then have something like this:
public class DatabaseThing : IDatabase
public DatabaseThing(Func<IPerformTransaction> factory) { ... }
public void DoWork()
var transaction = this.factory();
So, like, the thing that's expensive to spin up uses a Func<T> to generate the cheap thing on the fly and work with it.
Inverting that relationship would look like this:
public PerformsTransaction : IPerformTransaction
public PerformsTransaction(IDatabase database) { ... }
public void DoSomethingWithData()
The idea is that you'd resolve the transaction thing and it'd take the singleton in as a dependency. The cheaper item could easily be disposed along with child lifetime scopes (i.e., per request) but the singleton would remain.
It'd be better to redesign if you can because even with the other options you'll have a rough time getting "instance per request" sorts of things into a singleton. (And that's a bad idea anyway from both a captive dependency and threading standpoint.)
Option 2: Abandon Singleton
If you can't redesign, a good second choice would be to make the lifetime of the singleton... not be a singleton. Let it be instance-per-scope or instance-per-dependency and stop using Func<T>. Let everything get resolved from a child lifetime scope and be disposed when the scope is disposed.
I recognize that's not always possible for a variety of reasons. But if it is possible, that's another way to escape the problem.
Option 3: Use ExternallyOwned
If you can't redesign, you could register the disposable items consumed by the singleton as ExternallyOwned.
Doing that will tell Autofac to not track the disposable. You won't have the memory leak. You will be responsible for disposing the resolved objects yourself. You will also still be getting them from the root lifetime scope since the singleton is getting a Func<T> injected.
public void MethodInsideSingleton()
using(var thing = this.ThingFactory())
// Do the work you need to and dispose of the
// resolved item yourself when done.
Option 4: Owned<T>
If you don't want to always manually dispose of the service you're consuming - you only want to deal with that inside the singleton - you could register it as normal but consume a Func<Owned<T>>. Then the singleton will resolve things as expected but the container won't track it for disposal.
public void MethodInsideSingleton()
using(var ownedThing = this.ThingFactory())
var thing = ownedThing.Value;
// Do the work you need to and dispose of the
// resolved item yourself when done.

Autofac, OrchardProject and AsyncControllers

I'm working on trying to get an AsyncController to work in OrchardProject. The current version I'm using is
I've had 2 people eyeball my code: http://www.pastie.org/2117952 (AsyncController) which works fine in a regular MVC3 vanilla application.
Basically, I can route to IndexCompleted, but I can't route to Index. I am going to assume i'm missing something in the Autofac configuration of the overall project.
I think the configuration is in the global.asax: http://pastie.org/2118008
What I'm looking for is some guidance on if this is the correct way to implement autofac for AsyncControllers, or if there is something/someplace else I need to implement/initialize/etc.
Orchard appears to register its own IActionInvoker, called Orchard.Mvc.Filters.FilterResolvingActionInvoker.
This class derives from ControllerActionInvoker. At a guess, in order to support async actions, it should instead derive from AsyncControllerActionInvoker.
Hope this helps!
The Autofac setup looks ok, and as long as you can navigate to something I cannot say that your assumption makes sense. Also, the pattern you are using for initialization in global.asax is used by others too.
The AsyncController requires that async methods come in pairs, in your case IndexAsync & IndexCompleted. These together represent the Index action. When you say you can navigate to IndexCompleted, do you mean that you open a url "..../IndexCompleted"?
Also, and this I cannot confirm from any documentation, but I would guess that AsyncController requires that all actions are async. Thus, your NewMessage action causes trouble and should be converted to an async NewMessageAsync & NewMessageCompleted pair.
I did too needed to have AsyncController which I easily changed FilterResolvingActionInvoker to be based on AsyncControllerActionInvoker instead of ControllerActionInvoker.
But there was other problems because of automatic transaction disposal after completion of request. In AsyncController starting thread and the thread that completes the request can be different which throws following exception in Dispose method of TransactionManager class:
A TransactionScope must be disposed on the same thread that it was created.
This exception is suppressed without any logging and really was hard to find out. In this case session remains not-disposed and subsequent sessions will timeout.
So I made dispose method public on ITransactionManager and now in my AsyncController, whenever I need a query to database I wrap it in:
using (_services.TransactionManager) {
new TransactionManager :
public interface ITransactionManager : IDependency, IDisposable {
void Demand();
void Cancel();
public class TransactionManager : ITransactionManager {
private TransactionScope _scope;
private bool _cancelled;
public TransactionManager() {
Logger = NullLogger.Instance;
public ILogger Logger { get; set; }
public void Demand() {
if (_scope == null) {
Logger.Debug("Creating transaction on Demand");
_scope = new TransactionScope(
new TransactionOptions {
IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted
_cancelled = false;
void ITransactionManager.Cancel() {
Logger.Debug("Transaction cancelled flag set");
_cancelled = true;
void IDisposable.Dispose() {
if (_scope != null) {
if (!_cancelled) {
Logger.Debug("Marking transaction as complete");
Logger.Debug("Final work for transaction being performed");
try {
catch {
// swallowing the exception
Logger.Debug("Transaction disposed");
_scope = null;
Please notice that I have made other small changes to TransactionManager.
I tried the AsyncControllerActionInvoker route as well to no avail. I would get intermittent errors from Orchard itself with the following errors:
Orchard.Exceptions.DefaultExceptionPolicy - An unexpected exception was caught
System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncResultWrapper.WrappedAsyncResult`1.End()
at System.Web.Mvc.Async.ReflectedAsyncActionDescriptor.EndExecute(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncControllerActionInvoker.<>c__DisplayClass3f.<BeginInvokeAsynchronousActionMethod>b__3e(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncResultWrapper.WrappedAsyncResult`1.End()
at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncControllerActionInvoker.EndInvokeActionMethod(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncControllerActionInvoker.<>c__DisplayClass37.<>c__DisplayClass39.<BeginInvokeActionMethodWithFilters>b__33()
at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncControllerActionInvoker.<>c__DisplayClass4f.<InvokeActionMethodFilterAsynchronously>b__49()
at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncControllerActionInvoker.<>c__DisplayClass4f.<InvokeActionMethodFilterAsynchronously>b__49()
at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncControllerActionInvoker.<>c__DisplayClass4f.<InvokeActionMethodFilterAsynchronously>b__49()
NHibernate.Util.ADOExceptionReporter - While preparing SELECT this_.Id as Id236_2_, this_.Number as Number236_2_,...<blah blah blah>
NHibernate.Util.ADOExceptionReporter - The connection object can not be enlisted in transaction scope.
So I don't think just wrapping your own database calls with a transaction object will help. The innards of Orchard would have to modified as well.
Go vote for this issue if you want AsyncControllers supported in Orchard:

Is there a disposing TransientLifetimeManager

I have a WPF view that has a corresponding ViewModel. All instances are resolved via an unity container. Because I'm using prism I need two independent instances of the view to add it into two different regions the view is registered to. If I'd try to add one instance into both regions I get an
InvalidOperationException: Specified
element is already the logical child
of another element. Disconnect it
when the view is added into the second region because it is already added to the first region.
This problem can easily be solved by using a TransientLifetimeManager that always returns a new instance so both regions would be filled with an independent instance.
But we have decided to create a child container when a new user logs on. Every session related view and view model are resolved using this child container. When the user's session ends, the child container is disposed so that also every session related instances are disposed. But using a TransientLifetimeManager the unity container cannot dispose those instances.
What we need is a lifetime manager that always returns a new instance, but is also capable of disposing those instances. Is there already such an lifetime manager around? Or is there another way to achieve what I described above?
What you want sounds like a variant of the ContainerControlledLifetime manager that does not maintain a singleton instance, but a collection of instances. Unfortunately this is not one of the built-in lifetime managers.
You can look at the code for the ContainerControlledLifetimeManager and see that it is pretty simple. Your "SynchronizedGetValue" implementation would always return null (signaling to the container that a new instance needs to be instantiated). You could just subclass ContainerControlledLifetimeManager and override that method.
I've pretty much written it. I suppose I could give you the code. :)
public class ContainerTrackedTransientLifetimeManager :
protected override object SynchronizedGetValue()
return null;
That should work. I've not tested it... from the interface, it looks like it's designed for a 1 to 1 LifetimeManager to Object relationship, but if it turns out it is more than that, you might have to override SetValue (adds to a collection of objects) and dispose (disposes that collection of objects). Here's that implementation:
public class ContainerTrackedTransientLifetimeManager :
SynchronizedLifetimeManager, IDisposable
private ConcurrentCollection<object> values = new ConcurrentCollection<object>();
protected override object SynchronizedGetValue()
return null;
protected override void SynchronizedSetValue(object newValue)
public override void RemoveValue()
public void Dispose()
protected void Dispose(bool disposing)
var disposables = values.OfType<IDisposable>();
foreach(var disposable in disposables)
I'm not sure which of these is the right answer. Let me know how it goes for you.
When you use transient lifetime manager (which is the default), Unity does not keep a reference to the created instance.
Thus, when there are no more reference to the instance, it will be GCed.