Choosing a margin for contrastive loss in a siamese network - neural-network

I'm building a siamese network for a metric-learning task, using a contrastive loss function, and I'm uncertain on how to set the 'margin' hyperparameter for the loss.
My inputs to the loss function are currently 1024-dimension dense embeddings from an RNN layer - Does the dimensionality of that input affect how I pick a margin? Should I use a dense layer to project it to a lower-dimensional space first? Any pointers on how to pick a specific margin value (or any relevant research) would be really appreciated! In case it matters, I'm using PyTorch.

You don't need to project it to a lower dimensional space.
The dependence of the margin with the dimensionality of the space depends on how the loss is formulated: If you don't normalize the embedding values and compute a global difference between vectors, the right margin will depend on the dimensionality. But if you compute a normalize difference, such as cosine distance, the margin values won't depend on the dimensionality of the embedding space.
Here ranking (or contrastive) losses are explained, it might be useful


TensorFlow: Binary classification accuracy

In the context of a binary classification, I use a neural network with 1 hidden layer using a tanh activation function. The input is coming from a word2vect model and is normalized.
The classifier accuracy is between 49%-54%.
I used a confusion matrix to have a better understanding on what’s going on. I study the impact of feature number in input layer and the number of neurons in the hidden layer on the accuracy.
What I can observe from the confusion matrix is the fact that the model predict based on the parameters sometimes most of the lines as positives and sometimes most of the times as negatives.
Any suggestion why this issue happens? And which other points (other than input size and hidden layer size) might impact the accuracy of the classification?
It's a bit hard to guess given the information you provide.
Are the labels balanced (50% positives, 50% negatives)? So this would mean your network is not training at all as your performance corresponds to the random performance, roughly. Is there maybe a bug in the preprocessing? Or is the task too difficult? What is the training set size?
I don't believe that the number of neurons is the issue, as long as it's reasonable, i.e. hundreds or a few thousand.
Alternatively, you can try another loss function, namely cross entropy, which is standard for multi-class classification and can also be used for binary classification:
Hope this helps.
The data set is well balanced, 50% positive and negative.
The training set shape is (411426,X)
The training set shape is (68572,X)
X is the number of the feature coming from word2vec and I try with the values between [100,300]
I have 1 hidden layer, and the number of neurons that I test varied between [100,300]
I also test with mush smaller features/neurons size: 2-20 features and 10 neurons on the hidden layer.
I use also the cross entropy as cost fonction.

How to remove unwanted connections from an trained caffe model?

I have trained a fastercnn model to detect human faces in an image using caffe. My current model size is 530MB. I wanted to reduce the size of my model, so I came accross Deep Compression By Song Han.
I've updated the less significant weights with 0 in my model using Pycaffe. The model size isn't reduced now, how to remove those insignificant connections from the trained caffe model, so that the size of the model is reduced?
Since Blob data type in caffe (the basic "container" of numerical arrays) does not support "sparse" representation, replacing weights with zeros does not change the storage complexity: caffe still needs space to store these zeros. This is why you do not see a reduction in model size.
In order to prune connections you have to ensure the zeros follow a certain pattern: For example, an entire row of an "InnerProduct" is zero - you can eliminate one dimension of the previous layer, etc.
These modification can be made carefully manually using net surgery. Read more about it here (this example is actually on adding connections, but you can apply the same steps to prune connections).
You might find the SVD "trick" useful for reducing model complexity.
#Shai 's answer explains well why your model size wasn't reduced.
As a supplement, to make the weights more sparse to obtain model compression in size, you can try the caffe for Structurally Sparse Deep Neural Networks.
Its main idea is to add in the loss function some regularizers, which in fact are L2-norms of weights grouped by row, column or channel etc(assume the weights from a layer has a shape (num_out, channel, row, column)). During training, these regularizers can make weights within the same group decay uniformly and thus the weights become more sparse and it's more easy to eliminate the weights in a whole row or column or even a whole channel.

Self-Organizing Maps

I have a question on self-organizing maps:
But first, here is my approach on implementing one:
The som neurons are stored in a basic array. Each neuron consists of a vector (another array of the size of the input neurons) of double values which are initialized to a random value.
As far as I understand the algorithm, this is actually all I need to implement it.
So, for the training I choose a sample of the training data at random an calculate the BMU using the Euclidian distance of sample's values and the neuron weights.
Afterwards I update it's weights and all other neurons in it's range depending on the neighborhood function and the learning rate.
Then, I decrease the neighborhood function and the learning rate.
This is done until a fixed amount of iterations.
My question is now: How do I determine the clusters after the training? My approach so far is to present a new input vector and calculate the min Euclidian distance between it and the BMU . But this seems a little naive to me. I'm sure that I've missed something.
There is no single correct way of doing that. As you noted, finding the BMU is one of them and the only one that makes sense if you just want to find the most similar cluster.
If you want to reconstruct your input vector, returning the BMU prototype works too, but may not be very precise (it is equivalent to the Nearest Neighbor rule or 1NN). Then you need to interpolate between neurons to find a better reconstruction. This could be done by weighting each neuron inversely proportional to their distance to the input vector and then computing the weighted average (this is equivalent to weighted KNN). You can also restrict this interpolation only to the BMU's neighbors, which will work faster and may give better results (this would be weighted 5NN). This technique was used here: The Continuous Interpolating Self-organizing Map.
You can see and experiment with those different options here: (not a SOM, but a close cousin). Click "Apply" to do regression on a curve using the reconstructed vectors, then check "Draw Regression" and try the different options.
BTW, the description of your implementation is correct.
A pretty common approach nowadays is the soft subspace clustering, where feature weights are added to find the most relevant features. You can use these weights to increase performance and improve the BMU calculation with euclidean distance.

Training data range for Neural Network

Is it better for Neural Network to use smaller range of training data or it does not matter? For example, if I want to train an ANN with angles (values of float) should I pass those values in degrees [0; 360] or in radians [0; 6.28] or maybe all values should be normalized to range [0; 1]? Does the range of training data affects ANN learing quality?
My Neural Network has 6 input neurons, 1 hidden layer and I am using sigmoid symmetric activation function (tanh).
For the neural network it doesn't matter whether the data is normalised.
However, the performance of the training method can vary a lot.
In a nutshell: typically the methods prefer variables which have larger values. This might send the training method off-track.
Crucial for most NN training methods is that all dimensions of the training data have the same domain. If all your variables are angles it doesn't matter, whether they are [0,1) or [0,2*pi) or [0,360) as long as they have the same domain. However, you should avoid having one variable for the angle [0,2*pi) and another variable for the distance in mm where distance can be much larger then 2000000mm.
Two cases where an algorithm might suffer in these cases:
(a) regularisation: if the weights of the NN are force to be small a tiny change of a weight controlling the input of a large domain variable has a much larger impact, than for a small domain
(b) gradient descent: if the step size is limited you have similar effects.
Recommendation: All variables should have the same domain size whether it is [0,1] or [0,2*pi] or ... doesn't matter.
Addition: for many domain "z-score normalisation" works extremely well.
The data points range affects the way you train a model. Suppose the range of values for features in the data set is not normalized. Then, depending on your data, you may end up having elongated Ellipses for the data points in the feature space and the learning model will have a very hard time learning the manifold on which the data points lie on (learn the underlying distribution). Also, in most cases the data points are sparsely spread in the feature space, if not normalized (see this). So, the take-home message is to normalize the features when possible.

relation between support vectors and accuracy in case of RBF kernel

I am using RBF kernel matlab function.
On couple of dataset as I go on increasing sigma value the number of support vectors increase and accuracy increases.
While in case of one data set, as I increase the sigma value, the support vectors decrease and accuracy increases.
I am not able to analyze the relation between support vectors and accuracy in case of RBF kernel.
The number of support vectors doesn't have a direct relationship to accuracy; it depends on the shape of the data (and your C/nu parameter).
Higher sigma means that the kernel is a "flatter" Gaussian and so the decision boundary is "smoother"; lower sigma makes it a "sharper" peak, and so the decision boundary is more flexible and able to reproduce strange shapes if they're the right answer. If sigma is very high, your data points will have a very wide influence; if very low, they will have a very small influence.
Thus, often, increasing the sigma values will result in more support vectors: for more-or-less the same decision boundary, more points will fall within the margin, because points become "fuzzier." Increased sigma also means, though, that the slack variables "moving" points past the margin are more expensive, and so the classifier might end up with a much smaller margin and fewer SVs. Of course, it also might just give you a dramatically different decision boundary with a completely different number of SVs.
In terms of maximizing accuracy, you should be doing a grid search on many different values of C and sigma and choosing the one that gives you the best performance on e.g. 3-fold cross-validation on your training set. One reasonable approach is to choose from e.g. 2.^(-9:3:18) for C and median_eval * 2.^(-4:2:10); those numbers are fairly arbitrary, but they're ones I've used with success in the past.