Validation Error (Error Code 422) while trying to POST Hyperledger Transaction on REST API using POSTMAN - rest

I was trying to test Transactions via Playground, Composer-Rest-server and Finally POSTMAN.
The Transactions worked perfectly on Playground (Figure 1 and 2) and also on the Composer-Rest-Server (Figure 3 and 4). But then I tried the same using POSTMAN, for which I am getting an Error ( Status Code 422 )(Figure 5).
I'm using the basic-sample-network. And the Transaction just updates the value of the asset.
Figure 1 - Executing Sample Transaction On Playground
Figure 2 - Updated Value of Asset #3952
Figure 3 - Executing the Transaction on the composer Rest Server
Figure 4 - Updated Value of Asset #3952 after the Rest Server Transaction
Figure 5 - Error While Using POSTMAN
The Error
"error": {
"statusCode": 422,
"name": "ValidationError",
"message": "The `org_example_basic_SampleTransaction` instance is not valid. Details: `asset` can't be blank (value: undefined); `newValue` can't be blank (value: undefined).",
"details": {
"context": "org_example_basic_SampleTransaction",
"codes": {
"asset": [
"newValue": [
"messages": {
"asset": [
"can't be blank"
"newValue": [
"can't be blank"
"stack": "ValidationError: The `org_example_basic_SampleTransaction` instance is not valid. Details: `asset` can't be blank (value: undefined); `newValue` can't be blank (value: undefined).\n at ...
What is the reason for this Error and How can I solve it?

You have to post data in JSON format.


Dialogflow - Firestore - Webhook call failed. Error: UNAVAILABLE, State: URL_UNREACHABLE, Reason: UNREACHABLE_5xx, HTTP status code: 500

I am trying for a fulfillment in Dialogflow using Firebase. There is data in Firestore and the intent is expected to retrieve the results based on the given parameter in the related intent. The intent is enables for webhook call. But the intent returns with one of the predefined responses.
I always get the error "message": "Webhook call failed. Error: UNAVAILABLE, State: URL_UNREACHABLE, Reason: UNREACHABLE_5xx, HTTP status code: 500."
Following is the Diagnostic Info from the test console
"responseId": "e27d24ba-cb14-4170-a7d8-a97314aee001-cad07fe1",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "novaluron",
"parameters": {
"chemical": "novaluron"
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"fulfillmentText": "This molecule is useful",
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"text": {
"text": [
"This molecule is useful"
"intent": {
"name": "projects/ppcagent-ahe9/agent/intents/6d9df198-9517-4d61-a480-87c158accdc5",
"displayName": "ChemicalDetails"
"intentDetectionConfidence": 0.3,
"diagnosticInfo": {
"webhook_latency_ms": 106
"languageCode": "en",
"sentimentAnalysisResult": {
"queryTextSentiment": {
"score": 0.3,
"magnitude": 0.3
"webhookStatus": {
"code": 14,
"message": "Webhook call failed. Error: UNAVAILABLE, State: URL_UNREACHABLE, Reason: UNREACHABLE_5xx, HTTP status code: 500."
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
This error could be due to different reasons, you can check these points:
Use of insecure connection.
You need to use HTTP requests. The service must use HTTPS and the URL must be publicly accessible in order for the fulfillment to function. DialogFlow does not support self-signed SSL certs. For information on SSL setup:
Permission errors.
Server files and folders need correct permissions and ownerships set in order to work properly. If Websites request files for which the server has no access then it will lead to an error.You can see more documentation about permission.
Bad scripting.
You need to check the code and check if there are any errors and modify them.

"The agent returned an empty TTS" when action is not opened separately to asking an intent

When I invoke the skill with 'okay Google, ask {skillname} to {utterance}' I get the response 'The agent returned an empty tts" and the conversation closes. It doesn't even seem to hit my backend - I've tried hosting the backend code on both a local server and on AWS and the same issue happens in both cases. There's no log of the request being made either on Stackdriver on Google or on CloudWatch on AWS. The only response I get is the following in the debug tab:
"response": "The agent returned an empty TTS.",
"expectUserResponse": false,
"conversationToken": "EosDS2o4d0...",
"audioResponse": "",
"ssmlMarkList": [],
"debugInfo": {
"sharedDebugInfoList": [
"name": "Response Validation",
"debugInfo": "The agent returned an empty TTS.",
"subDebugEntryList": []
"conversationBuilderExecutionEventsList": []
"visualResponse": {
"visualElementsList": [
"displayText": {
"content": "The agent returned an empty TTS."
"suggestionsList": [],
"agentLogoUrl": ""
"clientError": 0,
"is3pResponse": true,
"clientOperationList": [],
"projectName": "",
"renderedHtml": ""
Nothing in any of the other tabs. When I try invoking the phrases in the same way on my phone, I just see a loading symbol and again nothing in the logs to say it's even hitting the backend.
Weirdly, this doesn't happen when I say 'okay Google, talk to {skillname} {utterance}' - this works absolutely fine.
All the intents work perfectly well when I've opened my action first, and then invoke them. I've built this using Jovo and published on Alexa also and the problem is only happening on Google.

is there a way to put web-activity result into sql-table (sink)

Unable to get the output of a web activity into a sql-table using azure-data-factory.
This is what i have done and where im getting stuck (Step 3).
1.Get a token from a API-call
Get the results from API Call using token from step 1
and tkae this results in a successfull query that provides me with 'JSON'
Take the result from previous activity 'JSON' and put in in a azure sql database table.
azure-datafactory - web activites
Can you not get this done using a copy activity ? You should configure the source as Web activity and sink as SQL. I was playing with this and we needed to introduce the structure . This is what I did and it work .
"source": {
"type": "RestSource",
"httpRequestTimeout": "00:01:40",
"requestInterval": "00.00:00:00.010",
"structure": [
"id": "id"
"employee_salary": "employee_salary"
"sink": {
"type": "SqlServerSink",
"writeBatchSize": 10000
"enableStaging": false
You can read more .

cakephp crud plugin return validation errors

When PATCHing to a record using the Crud plugin and Crud.Api listener, a successful PATCH returns a 200 OK with an empty data array in the response.
"success": true,
"data": []
When validation fails after a PATCH, a 422 Unprocessable Entity with the following response is returned:
"message": "A validation error occurred",
"url": "\/admin\/users\/edit\/4.json",
"code": 422,
"file": "\/app\/vendor\/friendsofcake\/crud\/src\/Listener\/ApiListener.php",
"line": 189
but I expected something like:
"success": false,
"data": [
"errors": [...]
If success is false a HTTP response code of 422 will be returned,
along with a list of validation errors from the model in the data
property of the response body.
Does the plugin need to be configured to return the errors?
I'm not overly familiar with the Crud plugin, but that response looks like the default CakePHP exception renderer response, so I'd guess that you probably haven't configured your app to use the Crud exception renderer:
'Error' => [
'exceptionRenderer' => \Crud\Error\ExceptionRenderer::class,
// ...
Quote from the docs:
Note: However if you are using CakePHP 3.3+’s PSR7 middleware feature the exceptionRenderer config won’t be used and instead you will have to set the Error.exceptionRenderer config in config/app.php to 'Crud\Error\ExceptionRenderer' as following
See Crud Docs > Listeners > API > Exception handler

How to get code coverage percentage for latest build from TFS 2017u2 using PowerShell & REST API

Using PowerShell, how can I query Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 2 (on-premises) to get the code coverage percentage metric from the latest completed gated check-in?
I've not found a clear API call to use in the MS reference documentation. In the web interface, I can see in the dashboard for a given completed build the percentage value and a link to download the entire Visual Studio coverage file. I don't want the file, though. I just want to make an API call and get the percent coverage value for the last successful build of a given definition.
Unfortunately, the docs for VSTS's REST API are down right now, but this should get you started (pulled from Google's Cache).
This endpoint handles everything related to Tests and Code Coverage.
Provide values for the following and then run this Invoke-RestMethod to get the data back.
$Instance = '' #your URL here
$ProjectName = #YourProjectNameHere
$buildID = #YourBuildIDHere
$version = '2.0-preview'
Invoke-RestMethod -uri https://$Instance/DefaultCollection/$ProjectName/_apis/test/codeCoverage?api-version=$version
Here's a sample response you can get back:
Status code: 200
"value": [
"configuration": {
"id": 51,
"flavor": "Debug",
"platform": "Any CPU",
"uri": "vstfs:///Build/Build/363",
"project": {}
"state": "0",
"lastError": "",
"modules": [
"blockCount": 2,
"blockData": "Aw==",
"name": "fabrikamunittests.dll",
"signature": "c27c5315-b4ec-3748-9751-2a20280c37d5",
"signatureAge": 1,
"statistics": {
"blocksCovered": 2,
"linesCovered": 4
"functions": []
"codeCoverageFileUrl": "..."
"count": 1
It looks like blocksCovered and livesCovered are probably the closest you'll get from the API. Let me know if you need some help or get stuck. Eventually, the docs will be back online at this URL.