How to fix extra space that MATLAB displays after first iteration - matlab

I have an fprintf statement which loops 3 times in order to display some data. After the first iteration, MATLAB displays a mysterious space even though I have not added an extra \t. It acts as if I had an if statement to display a different fprintf statement after the first iteration, but I have nothing like that on the code. See picture on the link for the result it displays
% Display results
fprintf('Panel\tPressure Cl\tCd\t| Panel\tPressure Cl\tCd\n')
for q = 1:length(AOA)
fprintf('--------------\t-------\t------- |--------------\t--
fprintf('AOA %.0f°\t\t%.4f\t%.4f\t|AOA %.0f°
fprintf('--------------\t-------\t------- |--------------\t--
for j = 1:length(pressure{1})
fprintf('%.0f\t%.4f\t |\t |\t|%.0f\t%.4f\n',j+1,pressure{q}

When you fprintf a \t character, there is an automatic space padding up to 4 spaces. If the string has less than 4 characters, the string will be placed at the start and be "space padded" until 4 characters have been filled (in reality, the space padded characters resemble just one character). If the string has more than 4 characters, then it will space pad at 8, 12, 16, etc...
Here is what your question is really about:
fprintf('Panel\tPressure Cl\tCd\t| Panel\tPressure Cl\tCd\n')
The first string Panel has 5 characters, and therefore will be space padded with the equivalent of 3 spaces at the end of the first Panel. However, the second string | Panel has 7 characters, and therefore will only need the equivalent of 1 space at the end of the second string.
To remove your spacing issue, and have a more uniform spacing between your text headers, you can place a tab character after every header you want, and change your formating for your other fprintf statements accordingly:
You can also view this link for another example of how space padding works.
Also, here is the MATLAB Documentation on Formatting Text.


How to truncate UILabel and leave specifically x trailing characters?

Examples (x=1):
(truncating after 5 characters is an arbitrary choice for this question - it will depend on the width of the label of course)
I'm basically looking for the same functionality as truncating in the middle, but where I can specify how many characters to leave on the trailing end. Is this available in Swift or is there a reasonable workaround?
You can measure any string with .size(withAttributes:) function. Where attributes is your font.
Here is the idea:
get length of the last x characters plus dots symbol
iteratively measure the string starting from the beginning and adding 1 char on each step
if width of the leading string plus tail excess the given width, take just the string from the previous step.

How can i get 6 digits after comma (matlab)?

I read from text some comma seperated values.
I write script below;
get_in = zeros(lendata,2);
nums = str2num(line); % auto comma seperation.(two points)
for x=1:2
it automatically round numbers. For example;
(first row convert to "-8.6186 , 41.1414")
How can i ignore round operation?
I want to get 6 digits after comma.
I tried "str2double" after split line with comma delimeter.
I tried import data tool
But it always rounded to 4 digits, too.
As one of the replies has already said, the values aren't actually rounded, just the displayed values (for ease of reading them). As suggested, if you just enter 'format long' into the command window that should help.
The following link might help with displaying individual values to certain decimal places though:
It suggests using the sprintf function. For example sprintf(%4.6,data) would display the value of 'data' to 6 decimal places.

Matlab read one digit at a time from text file

I have a file that contains byte values 0 or 1 that are formatted without any whitespace between, like 1010111101010010010101. I want to make a [1, 0, 1, ...] vector out of those, reading one digit at a time. How can I do that? I tried using fscanf(fileId,'%c') but I get ASCII codes instead of actual values. '%d' on the other hand reads the entire file as one number.
I also tried writing to file:
fprintf(file1,'%d ',matrix); //notice the space after `%d`
and reading
but I get a Nx1 matrix and I want to keep it as 1xN.
I could transpose it to be horizontal, but I still need to add space between digits, and I don't want to do that if possible.
You can convert easily from ascii char code to integer format as follows:
text = fscanf(fileId,'%c') - '0' ;
Note that you will also pick up end-of-line characters this way if there are any.
If you only have 0/1 in your file, using fileread will accomplish the same thing but also catches EOL characters:
text = fileread('test.txt');
text = text' - '0';
You can also read the entire file with textread:
text = textread('test.txt','%s');
text = char(text) - '0' ;
Now lines are returned in a cell array with one row per line. char then converts the cell array to a regular char array. This will not capture EOL characters but char will append blank spaces (ascii code 32) if the lines are not all equal in length.
Finally, you can also read line by line by looping and applying fgetl at each iteration until the function returns a -1.
while ~isnumeric(c)
c = fscanf(fileId,'%c')
c - '0';
This avoids reading EOL characters and appending blank space but you need to handle catenating the data.

TI-BASIC tab character / output formatting

I've written a program on my TI-nspire CAS calculator that outputs something similar to the following...
x = 2 and x = 4
y = 0
2x - 4
turning points
(2, -4)
This is obviously a fair bit of information to output over multiple lines in a calculator.
I was wondering how I might go about outputting this a little better, say, placing the x and y intercepts on the same line seperated by a tab, or having the turning points printed on the same line (if more than one were printed. They're currently kept in a list and iterated through, Disp 'ing each).
Does TI-Basic have a TAB character, or is there a method that allows things to be printed on the same line (through multiple statements. Like Disp but without a trailing newline suffix).
There is no TAB character in TI-BASIC.
I would suggest using spaces and determining the length of the first line if you want the spacing to be consistent.

matlab text input delimeters

I am trying to read a text file into matlab where the text file has been designed so that the columns are right-aligned so that my columns look like,
3 6 10.5
13 12 9.5
104 5 200000
This has given me two situations that I'm not sure how to handle in matlab, the first is the whitespace before the first data and the other is the variable number of whitespace characters in each row which seems to be beyond my knowledge of textscan. I'm tempted to use sed to reformat the text file but I'm sure this is trivial to someone. Is there a way that I can an arbitrary amount of whitespace as the delimeter (and have the line start with the delimeter)?
Use regexp on every line.
M = regexp(str, '\w+(\d+)','tokens')
Use the load command:
l = load('C:\myFile.txt')
It will work as long as you have only numbers, and same number of columns.