Pymongo - find multiple different documents - mongodb

my question is very similar to how-to-get-multiple-document-using-array-of-mongodb-id, however, I would like to find multiple documents without using the _id.
That is, consider that I have documents such as
document = { _id: _id, key_1: val_1, key_2: val_2, key_3: val_3}
I need to be able to .find() by multiple parameters, as for example,
query_1 = {key_1: foo, key_2: bar}
query_2 = {key_1: foofoo, key_2: barbar}
Right now, I am running a query for query_1, followed by a query for query_2.
As it turns out, this method is extremely inefficient.
I tried to add concurrency as to make it faster, but the speedup was not even 2x.
Is it possible to query multiple documents at once?,
I am looking for a method that returns the union of the matches for query_1 AND query_2.
If this is not possible, do you have any suggestions that might speed a query of this type?
Thank you for your help.


Mongo DB search based on multiple conditions

I am trying to search based on multiple conditions which works but the problem is that does not behave like this.
Assuming i have a search query like
Orders.find({$or: {"status":{"$in":["open", "closed"]},"paymentStatus":{"$in":["unpaid"]}}}
and i add another filter parameter like approvalStatus it does not leave the previously found items but rather it treats the query like an AND that will return an empty collection of items if one of the queries does not match.
How can i write a query that regardless of what is passed into it, it will retain previously found items even if there is no record in one of the conditions.
like a simple OR query in sql
I hope i explained this well enough
Using $or here is the right approach, but its value needs to be an array of query expressions, not an object.
So your query should look something like this instead:
Orders.find({$or: [
{"status": {"$in": ["open", "closed"]}},
{"paymentStatus": {"$in": ["unpaid"]}},
{"approvalStatus": {"$in": ["approved"]}}

How do I make a mongo query for something that is not in a subdocument array of heterodox size?

I have a mongodb collection full of 65k+ documents, each one with a properties named site_histories. The value of it is an array that might be empty, or might not be. If it is not empty, it will have one or more objects similar to this:
"site_histories" : "[{\"site_id\":\"129373\",\"accepted\":\"1\",\"rejected\":\"0\",\"pending\":\"0\",\"user_id\":\"12743\"}]"
I need to make a query that will look for every instance in the collection of a document that does not have a given user_id.
I'm pretty new to Mongo, so I was trying to make a query that would find every instance that does have the given user_id, which I was then planning on adding a "$ne" to, but even that didn't work. This is the query I was using that didn't work:
db.test.find({site_histories: { $elemMatch: {user_id: '12743\' }}})
So can anyone tell me why this query didn't work? And can anyone help me format a query that will do what I need the final query to do?
If your site_histories really is an array, it should be as simple as doing:
db.test.find({"site_histories.user_id": "12743"})
That looks in all the elements of the array.
However, I'm a bit scared of all those backslashes. If site_histories is a string, that won't work. It would mean that the schema is poorly designed, you'd maybe try with $regex

MongoDB skip & limit when querying two collections

Let's say I have two collections, A and B, and a single document in A is related to N documents in B. For example, the schemas could look like this:
Collection A:
{id: (int),
propA1: (int),
propA2: (boolean)
Collection B:
{idA: (int), # id for document in Collection A
propB1: (int),
propB2: (...),
propBN: (...)
I want to return properties propB2-BN and propA2 from my API, and only return information where (for example) propA2 = true, propB6 = 42, and propB1 = propA1.
This is normally fairly simple - I query Collection B to find documents where propB6 = 42, collect the idA values from the result, query Collection A with those values, and filter the results with the Collection A documents from the query.
However, adding skip and limit parameters to this seems impossible to do while keeping the behavior users would expect. Naively applying skip and limit to the first query means that, since filtering occurs after the query, less than limit documents could be returned. Worse, in some cases no documents could be returned when there are actually still documents in the collection to be read. For example, if the limit was 10 and the first 10 Collection B documents returned pointed to a document in Collection A where propA2 = false, the function would return nothing. Then the user would assume there's nothing left to read, which may not be the case.
A slightly less naive solution is to simply check if the return count is < limit, and if so, repeat the queries until the return count = limit. The problem here is that skip/limit queries where the user would expect exclusive sets of documents returned could actually return the same documents.
I want to apply skip and limit at the mongo query level, not at the API level, because the results of querying collection B could be very large.
MapReduce and the aggregation framework appear to only work on a single collection, so they don't appear to be alternatives.
This seems like something that'd come up a lot in Mongo use - any ideas/hints would be appreciated.
Note that these posts ask similar sounding questions but don't actually address the issues raised here.
Sounds like you already have a solution (2).
You cannot optimize/skip/limit on first query, depending on search you can perhaps do it on second query.
You will need a loop around it either way, like you write.
I suppose, the .skip will always be costly for you, since you will need to get all the results and then throw them away, to simulate the skip, to give the user consistent behavior.
All the logic would have to go to your loop - unless you can match in a clever way to second query (depending on requirements).
Out of curiosity: Given the time passed, you should have a solution by now?!

How to make distinct operation more quickly in mongodb

There are 30,000,000 records in one collection.
when I use distinct command on this collection by java, it takes about 4 minutes, the result's count is about 40,000.
Is mongodb's distinct operation so inefficiency?
and how can I make it more efficient?
Is mongodb's distinct operation so inefficiency?
At 30m records? I would say 4 minutes is actually quite good, I think that's just as fast, maybe a little faster than SQL does it.
I would probably test this in other databases before saying it is inefficient.
However, one way of looking at performance is to see if the field is indexed first and if that index is in RAM or can be loaded without page thrashing. Distinct() can use an index so long as the field has an index.
and how can I make it more efficient?
You could use a couple of methods:
Incremental map reduce to distinct the main collection once every, say, 5 mins to a unique collection
And Pre-aggregate the unique collection on save by saving to two collections, one detail and one unique
Those are the two most viable methods of getting around this performantly.
Distinct() is not outdated and if it fits your needs is actually more performant than $group since it can use an index.
The .distinct() operation is an old one, as is .group(). In general these have been superseded by .aggregate() which should be generally used in preference to these actions:
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$field",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
Substituting "$field" with whatever field you wish to get a distinct count from. The $ prefixes the field name to assign the value.
Look at the documentation and especially $group for more information.

union on same collection in mongodb

I need the most viable way to search docs with the following structure.
{ _id:"",
var1: number,
var2: number,
var3: number,
In the sql way the resultset i need would be UNION of these three (n records sorted by var1,n records sorted by var2,n records sorted by var3)
with UNION I expect the duplicates to be removed.
Being new to mongodb i am not able to find the right way to write a query for such an operation, i believe it must be possible in mongodb.
If in case its not possible, could you please suggest an alternate nosql solution.
The closest MongoDB operator to what you are looking for is an $or, but that isn't quite the same as an SQL UNION which combines two separate queries into a single result. MongoDB queries are always against a single collection, but $or allows you to have multiple query clauses.
For example:
// Find documents matching any of these values
{var1: 123},
{var2: 456},
{var3: 789}
// Sort in ascending order
{var1:1, var2:1, var3:1}
Since you are limited to querying a single collection, results will already be de-duplicated at the document level and all results will share the same sort order if one is specified.
If you want to simulate a UNION (or other operation working with multiple collections/queries) in MongoDB, you will have to write multiple queries and merge the result sets in your application code.