Flutter show marker's infoWindowText by default in Google map widget - flutter

Can anyone suggest if there is a way of keeping infoWindowText showing when I open the Google map widget in Flutter (without having to click the marker first)? or a similar way of keeping a Text widget above a specific marker? Thanks in advance ~~


Create Vertical List in Flutter

I want to create this type of listview using flutter.
You can find out more by clicking on this link. But I don't know how to create this type of list. I mean, you can see in the GIF that the list is indexed based.
A fixed indexed item container is colored.
How can I achieve it?
Flutter provides you with a widget very similar to the result you want to achieve called NavigationRail.
You will not have the animation by default, but you can maybe search in the source code of this widget how to create a custom widget that will implement animations.

How to add custom widgets as markers in Flutter MapboxGL?

Is there a way to add custom Flutter widgets as markers to the Mapbox MapView on Flutter? For example, markers as shown in the below image.
I have looked through tickets regarding Mapbox on both StackOverflow and Github but couldn't find any luck. The relevant component I found is the Symbol but it doesn't seem to support custom widget or custom photo.
Custom markers
I'm looking for the same thing. Unfortunately, it seems that the only option is to use flutter_map, an other plug in that is less efficient with Mapbox...

Flutter Extract Method vs. Extract Widget vs. Extract Flutter Widget in androidStudio

Hi I'm new to Flutter and I have several questions regarding Extract Method and Extract Widget in Android Studio.
When it comes to making code clean and reusable,
what is the difference between Extract Method and Extract Widget?
When do I know what to use? It seems they both work fine to me.
If I Right click on a Widget that I want to extract and go to Refactor -> Extract Flutter Widget then it works, however if I Left click on a Widget to focus and use the hotkey Command+Option+W, it doesn't work. Why is it happening? Moreover if I go to Flutter outline -> select the Widget -> Right click -> Extract Widget then it shows the same result. What's the difference between Extract Flutter Widget and Extract Widget?
Thank you.
If you want to show a widget use the Extract widget and method is basically a function needs to be executed basically logical part.
You can do same by return the widget in methods but it's not a right choice as per performance basis.
But if you are a beginner then it's ohkk to use for now.
This comment is basically posted by Satyarth Mittal.

Screen widget with flutter?

Can you make a screen widget with flutter? Is there a resource to learn, if any?
You can do it simply by using a bottom tab navigations and google api for calling the current weather and corresponding data.

Flutter SliverAppBar similar of iPhone Google Maps

I try to implement in Flutter a similar Google Maps AppBar using CustomScrollView and SliverAppBar with an flexibleSpaceBar, but I don't found any option to display an widget only on "opened" state of AppBar.
The representation of result pretended is this:
Opened View
Bar View
After try develop this, I don't have success.
Any idea how to make this?
The needed effect is visualized in that gif:
Hi, I think you are looking for something like this.
if yes, you can find the code in flutter gallery app.
Hope it helps :)