metalLB vs nodeport in kubernetes - kubernetes

In metalLB mode, one node attracts all the traffic for the ingress-nginx
By node port we can gather all traffic and loadbalance it podes by service
what is diffrence between node port and metalLB?

It's detailed fairly well here in the Kubernetes Service here:
To summarise:
NodePort exposes the service on a port, which can then be accessed externally.
LoadBalancer uses a Cloud Providers option for exposing a port. E.G. Azure Load Balancers are used and can potentially expose multiple public IP addresses and load balances them against a larger pool of backend resources (Kubernetes nodes)

A Nodeport offers access to a service through a port on the node (hence node+port). A port is allocated that you can access the service through on any node in the cluster.
MetalLB is a load balancer for on-prem clusters. It allocates services with separate dedicated IP addresses allocated from a pool. So, if you want to access a service (an ingress controller or something else) on a dedicated IP then MetalLB allows you to do this.
MetalLB works in two ways, either BGP or Layer2 ARP. The latter is easier to set up if you're working on a "lab" environment. Basically the MetalLB responds to ARP requests sent by clients trying to connect to a service to which it's allocated an IP.

I was also struggling a bit to understand: why would i need a service of type loadbalancer, if i can use a nodePort service, which would allow me to access a service through a nodeport on all the nodes (loadbalanced by kube-proxy).
I think the main reason is security. Nodeport service forces you to expose your k8s nodes ip adresses to users.
Whereas when using loadbalancer service (either with metallb or any cload-provider), as #starfry mentioned it allocates services with separate dedicated IP addresses allocated from a pool.
Nodeport service allows only exposing ports of the range 30000-32767. As the port is exposed on the K8s node and would be possible otherwise to tromp on real ports used by the node.
So another reason would be for exposing a service outside of this range.


What is a Kubernetes LoadBalancer On-Prem

I understand that, in Cloud scenarios, a LoadBalancer resource refers to and provisions an external layer 4 load balancer. There is some proprietary integration by which the cluster configures this load balancing. OK.
On-prem we have no such integration so we create our own load balancer outside of the cluster which distributes traffic to all nodes - effectively, in our case to the ingress.
I see no need for the cluster to know anything about this external load balancer.
What is a LoadBalancer* then in an on-prem scenario? Why do I have them? Why do I need one? What does it do? What happens when I create one? What role does the LoadBalancer resource play in ingress traffic. What effect does the LoadBalancer have outside the cluster? Is a LoadBalancer just a way to get a new IP address? How/why/ where does the IP point to and where does the IP come from?
All questions refer to the Service of type “LoadBalancer” inside cluster and not my load balancer outside the cluster of which the cluster has no knowledge.
As pointed out in the comments a kubernetes service of type LoadBalancer can not be used by default with on-prem setups. You can use metallb to setup a service of that type in an on prem environment.
Kubernetes does not offer an implementation of network load balancers (Services of type LoadBalancer) for bare-metal clusters. [...] If you’re not running on a supported IaaS platform (GCP, AWS, Azure…), LoadBalancers will remain in the “pending” state indefinitely when created. [...] MetalLB aims to redress this imbalance by offering a network load balancer implementation that integrates with standard network equipment, so that external services on bare-metal clusters also “just work” as much as possible.
You can for example use the BGP mode to advertise the service's IP to your router, read more on that in the docs.
The project is still in beta but is promoted as production ready and used by several bigger companies.
Regarding your question in the comments:
Can I just broadcast the MAC address of my node and manually add the IP I am broadcasting to the LoadBalancer service via kubectl edit?
Yes that would work too. That's basically what metallb does, announcing the IP and updating the service.
Why need a software then? Imaging having 500 hosts that come and go with thousends of services of type LoadBalancer that come and go. You need an automation here.
Why does Kubernetes need to know this IP?
It doesn't. If you don't use an external ip, the service is still usable via it's NodePort, see for example the istio docs (with a little more details added by me):
$ kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system
istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer <Pending> [...],80:32123/TCP,443:30994/TCP,[...]
Here the external IP is not set and stays in <Pending>. You can still use the service by pointing your traffic to <Node-IP>:32123 for plain http and to <Node-IP>:30994 for https. As you can see above those ports are mapped to 80 and 443.
If the external ip is set you can direct traffic directly to port 80 and 443 on the external load balancer. Kube-Proxy will create an iptables chain with the destination of you external ip, that basically leads from the external IP over the service ip with a load balancer configuration to a pod ip.
To investigate that set up a service of type LoadBalancer, make sure it has an external ip, connect to the host and run the iptables-save command (e.g. iptables-save | less). Search for the external ip and follow the chain until you end up at the pod.

What is a loadbalancer in Kubernetes, Why do different Kubernetes engines like GKE have their own loadbalancer

Loadbalancer is used to handle a request and forward that request to a particular pod, but my question is how does the GKE LoadBalancer work, how is it different from the LoadBalancer we have in minikube, and how should we use LoadBalancer properly.
In GKE when you add a Service of type LoadBalancer, it makes the necessary Google Cloud API calls to create either an external network LB, or an internal TCP/UDP LB.
The "Internal" annotation denotes an internal LB; otherwise, GKE creates an external network load balancer. This type of LB operates at layer 3/4, and is not an application load balancer, and thus not aware of HTTP requests or headers.
The LB service was designed for deployments in external cloud providers. In Minikube you need to use the tunnel feature to expose it. tunnel runs as a process, creating a network route on the host to the service CIDR of the cluster using the cluster’s IP address as a gateway. The tunnel command exposes the external IP directly to programs running on the host OS.

Expose services inside Kubernetes cluster behind NAT

I have a GKE cluster set up with Cloud NAT, so traffic from any node/container going outward would have the same external IP. (I needed this for whitelisting purposes while working with 3rd-party services).
Now, if I want to deploy a proxy server onto this cluster that does basic traffic forwarding, how do I expose the proxy server "endpoint"? Or more generically, how do I expose a service if I deploy it to this GKE cluster?
Proxy server running behind NAT ?
Bad idea, unless it is only for your kubernetes cluster workload, but you didn't specify anywhere that it should be reachable only by other Pods running in the same cluster.
As you can read here:
Cloud NAT does not implement unsolicited inbound connections from the
internet. DNAT is only performed for packets that arrive as responses
to outbound packets.
So it is not meant to be reachable from outside.
If you want to expose any application within your cluster, making it available for other Pods, use simple ClusterIP Service which is the default type and it will be created as such even if you don't specify its type at all.
Normally, to expose a service endpoint running on a Kubernetes cluster, you have to use one of the Service Types, as Pods have internal IP addresses and are not addressable externally.
The possible service types:
ClusterIP: this also uses an internal IP address, and is therefore not addressable externally.
NodePort: this type opens a port on every node in your Kubernetes cluster, and configures iptables to forward traffic arriving to this port into the Pods providing the actual service.
LoadBalancer: this type opens a port on every node as with NodePort, and also allocates a Google Cloud Load Balancer service, and configures that service to access the port opened on the Kubernetes nodes (actually load balancing the incoming traffic between your operation Kubernetes nodes).
ExternalName: this type configures the Kubernetes internal DNS server to point to the specified IP address (to provide a dynamic DNS entry inside the cluster to connect to external services).
Out of those, NodePort and LoadBalancer are usable for your purposes. With a simple NodePort type Service, you would need publicly accessible node IP addresses, and the port allocated could be used to access your proxy service through any node of your cluster. As any one of your nodes may disappear at any time, this kind of service access is only good if your proxy clients know how to switch to another node IP address. Or you could use the LoadBalancer type Service, in that case you can use the IP address of the configured Google Cloud Load Balancer for your clients to connect to, and expect the load balancer to forward the traffic to any one of the running nodes of your cluster, which would then forward the traffic to one of the Pods providing this service.
For your proxy server to access the Internet as a client, you also need some kind of public IP address. Either you give the Kubernetes nodes public IP addresses (in that case, if you have more than a single node, you'd see multiple source IP addresses, as each node has its own IP address), or if you use private addresses for your Kubernetes nodes, you need a Source NAT functionality, like the one you already use: Cloud NAT

What's the difference between ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer service types in Kubernetes?

Question 1 - I'm reading the documentation and I'm slightly confused with the wording. It says:
ClusterIP: Exposes the service on a cluster-internal IP. Choosing this value makes the service only reachable from within the cluster. This is the default ServiceType
NodePort: Exposes the service on each Node’s IP at a static port (the NodePort). A ClusterIP service, to which the NodePort service will route, is automatically created. You’ll be able to contact the NodePort service, from outside the cluster, by requesting <NodeIP>:<NodePort>.
LoadBalancer: Exposes the service externally using a cloud provider’s load balancer. NodePort and ClusterIP services, to which the external load balancer will route, are automatically created.
Does the NodePort service type still use the ClusterIP but just at a different port, which is open to external clients? So in this case is <NodeIP>:<NodePort> the same as <ClusterIP>:<NodePort>?
Or is the NodeIP actually the IP found when you run kubectl get nodes and not the virtual IP used for the ClusterIP service type?
Question 2 - Also in the diagram from the link below:
Is there any particular reason why the Client is inside the Node? I assumed it would need to be inside a Clusterin the case of a ClusterIP service type?
If the same diagram was drawn for NodePort, would it be valid to draw the client completely outside both the Node andCluster or am I completely missing the point?
A ClusterIP exposes the following:
You can only access this service while inside the cluster. It is accessible from its spec.clusterIp port. If a spec.ports[*].targetPort is set it will route from the port to the targetPort. The CLUSTER-IP you get when calling kubectl get services is the IP assigned to this service within the cluster internally.
A NodePort exposes the following:
If you access this service on a nodePort from the node's external IP, it will route the request to spec.clusterIp:spec.ports[*].port, which will in turn route it to your spec.ports[*].targetPort, if set. This service can also be accessed in the same way as ClusterIP.
Your NodeIPs are the external IP addresses of the nodes. You cannot access your service from spec.clusterIp:spec.ports[*].nodePort.
A LoadBalancer exposes the following:
You can access this service from your load balancer's IP address, which routes your request to a nodePort, which in turn routes the request to the clusterIP port. You can access this service as you would a NodePort or a ClusterIP service as well.
To clarify for anyone who is looking for what is the difference between the 3 on a simpler level. You can expose your service with minimal ClusterIp (within k8s cluster) or larger exposure with NodePort (within cluster external to k8s cluster) or LoadBalancer (external world or whatever you defined in your LB).
ClusterIp exposure < NodePort exposure < LoadBalancer exposure
Expose service through k8s cluster with ip/name:port
Expose service through Internal network VM's also external to k8s ip/name:port
Expose service through External world or whatever you defined in your LB.
ClusterIP: Services are reachable by pods/services in the Cluster
If I make a service called myservice in the default namespace of type: ClusterIP then the following predictable static DNS address for the service will be created:
myservice.default.svc.cluster.local (or just myservice.default, or by pods in the default namespace just "myservice" will work)
And that DNS name can only be resolved by pods and services inside the cluster.
NodePort: Services are reachable by clients on the same LAN/clients who can ping the K8s Host Nodes (and pods/services in the cluster) (Note for security your k8s host nodes should be on a private subnet, thus clients on the internet won't be able to reach this service)
If I make a service called mynodeportservice in the mynamespace namespace of type: NodePort on a 3 Node Kubernetes Cluster. Then a Service of type: ClusterIP will be created and it'll be reachable by clients inside the cluster at the following predictable static DNS address:
mynodeportservice.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local (or just mynodeportservice.mynamespace)
For each port that mynodeportservice listens on a nodeport in the range of 30000 - 32767 will be randomly chosen. So that External clients that are outside the cluster can hit that ClusterIP service that exists inside the cluster.
Lets say that our 3 K8s host nodes have IPs,,, the Kubernetes service is listening on port 80, and the Nodeport picked at random was 31852.
A client that exists outside of the cluster could visit,, or (as NodePort is listened for by every Kubernetes Host Node) Kubeproxy will forward the request to mynodeportservice's port 80.
LoadBalancer: Services are reachable by everyone connected to the internet* (Common architecture is L4 LB is publicly accessible on the internet by putting it in a DMZ or giving it both a private and public IP and k8s host nodes are on a private subnet)
(Note: This is the only service type that doesn't work in 100% of Kubernetes implementations, like bare metal Kubernetes, it works when Kubernetes has cloud provider integrations.)
If you make mylbservice, then a L4 LB VM will be spawned (a cluster IP service, and a NodePort Service will be implicitly spawned as well). This time our NodePort is 30222. the idea is that the L4 LB will have a public IP of and it will load balance and forward traffic to the 3 K8s host nodes that have private IP addresses. (,, and then Kube Proxy will forward it to the service of type ClusterIP that exists inside the cluster.
You also asked:
Does the NodePort service type still use the ClusterIP? Yes*
Or is the NodeIP actually the IP found when you run kubectl get nodes? Also Yes*
Lets draw a parrallel between Fundamentals:
A container is inside a pod. a pod is inside a replicaset. a replicaset is inside a deployment.
Well similarly:
A ClusterIP Service is part of a NodePort Service. A NodePort Service is Part of a Load Balancer Service.
In that diagram you showed, the Client would be a pod inside the cluster.
Lets assume you created a Ubuntu VM on your local machine. It's IP address is
You login into VM, and installed Kubernetes. Then you created a pod where nginx image running on it.
1- If you want to access this nginx pod inside your VM, you will create a ClusterIP bound to that pod for example:
$ kubectl expose deployment nginxapp --name=nginxclusterip --port=80 --target-port=8080
Then on your browser you can type ip address of nginxclusterip with port 80, like:
2- If you want to access this nginx pod from your host machine, you will need to expose your deployment with NodePort. For example:
$ kubectl expose deployment nginxapp --name=nginxnodeport --port=80 --target-port=8080 --type=NodePort
Now from your host machine you can access to nginx like:
In my dashboard they appear as:
Below is a diagram shows basic relationship.
Exposes the Service on an internal IP in the cluster.
Exposing services to external clients
Exposing services to external clients
This type makes the Service only reachable from within the cluster
A NodePort service, each cluster node opens a port on the node itself (hence the name) and redirects traffic received on that port to the underlying service.
A LoadBalancer service accessible through a dedicated load balancer, provisioned from the cloud infrastructure Kubernetes is running on
It is default service and Internal clients send requests to a stable internal IP address.
The service is accessible at the internal cluster IP-port, and also through a dedicated port on all nodes.
Clients connect to the service through the load balancer’s IP.
Yaml Config
type: ClusterIP
type: NodePort
type: LoadBalancer
Port Range
Any public ip form Cluster
30000 - 32767
Any public ip form Cluster
User Cases
For internal communication
Best for testing public or private access or providing access for a small amount of time.
widely used For External communication
Kubernetes in Action Services
Kubernetes Services simply visually explained
clusterIP : IP accessible inside cluster (across nodes within d cluster).
nodeA : pod1 => clusterIP1, pod2 => clusterIP2
nodeB : pod3 => clusterIP3.
pod3 can talk to pod1 via their clusterIP network.
nodeport : to make pods accessible from outside the cluster via nodeIP:nodeport, it will create/keep clusterIP above as its clusterIP network.
nodeA => nodeIPA : nodeportX
nodeB => nodeIPB : nodeportX
you might access service on pod1 either via nodeIPA:nodeportX OR nodeIPB:nodeportX. Either way will work because kube-proxy (which is installed in each node) will receive your request and distribute it [redirect it(iptables term)] across nodes using clusterIP network.
Load balancer
basically just putting LB in front, so that inbound traffic is distributed to nodeIPA:nodeportX and nodeIPB:nodeportX then continue with the process flow number 2 above.
Practical understanding.
I have created 2 services 1 for NodePort and other for ClusterIP
If I wanted to access the service inside the cluster(from master or any worker node) than both are accessible.
Now if I wanted to access the services from outside the cluster then Nodeport only accessible not ClusterIP.
Here you can see localhost wont listening on port 80 even my nginx container are listening on port 80.
Yes, this is the only difference.
ClusterIP. Exposes a service which is only accessible from within the cluster.
NodePort. Exposes a service via a static port on each node’s IP.
LoadBalancer. Exposes the service via the cloud provider’s load balancer.
ExternalName. Maps a service to a predefined externalName field by returning a value for the CNAME record.
Practical Use Case
Let be assume you have to create below architecture in your cluster. I guess its pretty common.
Now, user only going to communicate with frontend on some port. Backend and DB services are always hidden to the external world.
There are five types of Services:
ClusterIP (default): Internal clients send requests to a stable internal IP address.
NodePort: Clients send requests to the IP address of a node on one or more nodePort values that are specified by the Service.
LoadBalancer: Clients send requests to the IP address of a network load balancer.
ExternalName: Internal clients use the DNS name of a Service as an alias for an external DNS name.
Headless: You can use a headless service when you want a Pod grouping, but don't need a stable IP address.
The NodePort type is an extension of the ClusterIP type. So a Service of type NodePort has a cluster IP address.
The LoadBalancer type is an extension of the NodePort type. So a Service of type LoadBalancer has a cluster IP address and one or more nodePort values.
Illustrate through Image
ClusterIP is the default and most common service type.
Kubernetes will assign a cluster-internal IP address to ClusterIP service. This makes the service only reachable within the cluster.
You cannot make requests to service (pods) from outside the cluster.
You can optionally set cluster IP in the service definition file.
Use Cases
Inter-service communication within the cluster. For example, communication between the front-end and back-end components of your app.
NodePort service is an extension of ClusterIP service. A ClusterIP Service, to which the NodePort Service routes, is automatically created.
It exposes the service outside of the cluster by adding a cluster-wide port on top of ClusterIP.
NodePort exposes the service on each Node’s IP at a static port (the NodePort). Each node proxies that port into your Service. So, external traffic has access to fixed port on each Node. It means any request to your cluster on that port gets forwarded to the service.
You can contact the NodePort Service, from outside the cluster, by requesting :.
Node port must be in the range of 30000–32767. Manually allocating a port to the service is optional. If it is undefined, Kubernetes will automatically assign one.
If you are going to choose node port explicitly, ensure that the port was not already used by another service.
Use Cases
When you want to enable external connectivity to your service.
Using a NodePort gives you the freedom to set up your own load balancing solution, to configure environments that are not fully supported by
Kubernetes, or even to expose one or more nodes’ IPs directly.
Prefer to place a load balancer above your nodes to avoid node failure.
LoadBalancer service is an extension of NodePort service. NodePort and ClusterIP Services, to which the external load balancer routes, are automatically created.
It integrates NodePort with cloud-based load balancers.
It exposes the Service externally using a cloud provider’s load balancer.
Each cloud provider (AWS, Azure, GCP, etc) has its own native load balancer implementation. The cloud provider will create a load balancer, which then automatically routes requests to your Kubernetes Service.
Traffic from the external load balancer is directed at the backend Pods. The cloud provider decides how it is load balanced.
The actual creation of the load balancer happens asynchronously.
Every time you want to expose a service to the outside world, you have to create a new LoadBalancer and get an IP address.
Use Cases
When you are using a cloud provider to host your Kubernetes cluster.
Services of type ExternalName map a Service to a DNS name, not to a typical selector such as my-service.
You specify these Services with the spec.externalName parameter.
It maps the Service to the contents of the externalName field (e.g., by returning a CNAME record with its value.
No proxying of any kind is established.
Use Cases
This is commonly used to create a service within Kubernetes to represent an external datastore like a database that runs externally to Kubernetes.
You can use that ExternalName service (as a local service) when Pods from one namespace talk to a service in another namespace.
Here is the answer for the Question 2 about the diagram, since it still doesn't seem to be answered directly:
Is there any particular reason why the Client is inside the Node? I
assumed it would need to be inside a Clusterin the case of a ClusterIP
service type?
At the diagram the Client is placed inside the Node to highlight the fact that ClusterIP is only accessible on a machine which has a running kube-proxy daemon. Kube-proxy is responsible for configuring iptables according to the data provided by apiserver (which is also visible at the diagram). So if you create a virtual machine and put it into the network where the Nodes of your cluster are and also properly configure networking on that machine so that individual cluster pods are accessible from there, even with that ClusterIP services will not be accessible from that VM, unless the VM has it's iptables configured properly (which doesn't happen without kubeproxy running on that VM).
If the same diagram was drawn for NodePort, would it be valid to draw
the client completely outside both the Node andCluster or am I
completely missing the point?
It would be valid to draw client outside the Node and Cluster, because NodePort is accessible from any machine which has access to a cluster Node and the corresponding port, including machines outside the cluster.
And do not forget the "new" service type (from the k8s docu):
ExternalName: Maps the Service to the contents of the externalName field (e.g., by returning a CNAME record with its value. No proxying of any kind is set up.
Note: You need either kube-dns version 1.7 or CoreDNS version 0.0.8 or higher to use the ExternalName type.

Difference between NodePort and LoadBalancer?

I have just started with Kubernetes and I am confused about the difference between NodePort and LoadBalancer type of service.
The difference I understand is that LoadBalancer does not support UDP but apart from that whenever we create a service either Nodeport or Loadbalancer we get a service IP and port, a NodePort, and endpoints.
From Kubernetes docs:
NodePort: on top of having a cluster-internal IP, expose the service
on a port on each node of the cluster (the same port on each node).
You'll be able to contact the service on any NodeIP:NodePort
LoadBalancer: on top of having a cluster-internal IP and
exposing service on a NodePort also, ask the cloud provider for a load
balancer which forwards to the Service exposed as a NodeIP:NodePort
for each Node.
So, I will always access service on NodeIP:NodePort.
My understanding is, whenever we access the node:NodePort, the kubeproxy will intercept the request and forward it to the respective pod.
The other thing mentioned about LoadBalancer is that we can have an external LB which will LB between the Nodes. What prevents us to put a LB for services created as nodeport?
I am really confused. Most of the docs or tutorials talk only about LoadBalancer service therefore I couldn't find much on internet.
Nothing prevents you from placing an external load balancer in front of your nodes and use the NodePort option.
The LoadBalancer option is only used to additionally ask your cloud provider for a new software LB instance, automatically in the background.
I'm not up to date which cloud providers are supported yet, but i saw it working for Compute Engine and OpenStack already.
Difference between Node port and Load Balancer services.
Node Port
Load balancer
By creating a NodePort service, you are saying to Kubernetes reserve a port on all its nodes and forwards incoming connections to the pods that are part of the service.
There is no such port reserve with Load balancer on each node in the cluster.
NodePort service can be accessed not only through the service’s internal cluster IP, but also through any node’s IP and the reserved node port.
Only accessible by Load balancer public IP
Specifying the port isn’t mandatory. Kubernetes will choose a random port if you omit it( default range 30000 - 32767).
Load balancer will have its own unique, publicly accessible IP address and will redirect all connections to your service
If you only point your clients to the first node, when that node fails, your clients can’t access the service anymore
With Load balancer in front of the nodes to make sure you’re spreading requests across all healthy nodes and never sending them to a node that’s offline at that moment.