explanation on HTTPS Records Query - rest

Can anyone please explain how first set, previous set, next set, and the last set of records can be used to query HTTP rest message data. what exactly does this do?
I got some information in ServiceNow website, where i am not able to understand.
Can we use this instead of sysparm_limit/sysparm_offset technique to fetch the records?

Yes, it's there for pagination on your side.
To get the first 10 records you can set sysparm_limit=10 and sysparm_offset=0. To get the next 10 records you should set sysparm_limit=10 and sysparm_offset=10.


IBM Cloudant DB - get historical data - best way?

I'm pretty confused concerning this hip thing called NoSQL, especially CloudantDB by Bluemix. As you know, this DB doesn't store the values chronologically. It's the programmer's task to sort the entries in case he wants the data to.. well.. be sorted.
What I try to achive is to simply get the last let's say 100 values a sensor has sent to Watson IoT (which saves everything in the connected CloudantDB) in an ORDERED way. In the end it would be nice to show them in a D3.css style kind of graph but that's another task. I first need the values in an ordered array.
What I tried so far: I used curl to get the data via PHP from https://averylongID-bluemix.cloudant.com/iotp_orgID_iotdb_2018-01-25/_all_docs?limit=20&include_docs=true';
What I get is an unsorted array of 20 row entries with random timestamps. The last 20 entries in the DB. But not in terms of timestamps.
My question is now: Do you know of a way to get the "last" 20 entries? Sorted by timestamp? I did a POST request with a JSON string where I wanted the data to be sorted by the timestamp, but that doesn't work, maybe because of the ISO timestamp string.
Do I really have to write a javascript or PHP script to get ALL the database entries and then look for the 20 or 100 last entries by parsing the timestamp, sorting the array again and then get the (now really) last entries? I can't believe that.
Many thanks in advance!
I finally found out how to get the data in a nice ordered way. The key is to use the _design api together with the _view api.
So a curl request with the following URL / attributes and a query string did the job:
The curl result gets me the first (in terms of time) 120 entries. I just have to find out how to get the last entries, but that's already a pretty good result. I can now pass the data on to a nice JS chart and display it.
One option may be to include the timestamp as part of the ID. The _all_docs query returns documents in order by id.
If that approach does not work for you, you could look at creating a secondary index based on the timestamp field. One type of index is Cloudant Query:
Cloudant query allows you to specify a sort argument:
Another approach that may be useful for you is the _changes api:
The changes API allows you to receive a continuous feed of changes in your database. You could feed these changes into a D3 chart for example.

Strongloop API response limit over Oracle Database

I've just started using Strongloop to define a REST api over my oracle database.
Everything works fine when I check my API using "localhost:3000/explorer".
For instance, when I send a "get" to list all persons, the server answers with the list of people in the PERSONS table.
The issue is that the server does not return all the records in the table.
It returns a 100 records only, knowing that the table contains more than a 100 records.
Am I missing something?
I found the solution, in case someone faces the same issue.
The problem is that in loopback-connector-oracle, the maximum number of rows is set to 100.
To change the maximum rows you should :
1- In "datasources.json" file, set the property "maxRows" to the number you want, for instance "maxRows":1000
2- Replace the file \node_modules\loopback-connector-oracle\lib\oracle.js with the file oracle.js
3- Restart your API, now it will return more than 100 records
See this link for more details about the issue
I don't think there is any such thing, by default it will fetch all the records.
Please check your table/database settings.

paginated data with the help of mongo inbound adapter in spring integration

I am using mongo inbound adapter for retrieving data from mongo. Currently I am using below configuration.
id="mongoInboundAdapter" collection-name="updates_IPMS_PRICING"
mongo-template="mongoTemplatePublisher" channel="ipmsPricingUpdateChannelSplitter"
query="{'flagged' : false}" entity-class="com.snapdeal.coms.publisher.bean.PublisherVendorProductUpdate">
<poller max-messages-per-poll="2" fixed-rate="10000"></poller>
I have around 20 records in my data base which qualifies the mentioned query but as I am giving max-messages-per-poll value 2 I was expecting that i will get maximum 2 records per poll.
but I am getting all the records which qualifies the mentioned query. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
Actually I'd suggest to raise a New Feature JIRA ticket for that query-expression to allow to specify org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query.Query builder, which has skip() and limit() options and from there your issue can be fixed like:
query-expression="new BasicQuery('{\'flagged\' : false}').limit(2)"/>
The mongo adapter is designed to return a single message containing a collection of query results per poll. So max-messages-per-poll makes no difference here.
max-messages-per-poll is used to short-circuit the poller and, in your case, the second poll is done immediately rather than waiting 10 seconds again. After 2 polls, we wait again.
In order to implement paging, you will need to use a query-expression instead of query and maintain some state somewhere that can be included in the query on each poll.
For example, if the documents have some value that increments you can store off that value in a bean and use the value in the next poll to get the next one.

Can response data from core reporting api be grouped?

I am able to query the Google Core reporting APIv3 using the client library to get data on pageviews for specific URLs of a website I am working on. I want to get data(pageviews) for each day within a specified range. So far I am simply looping through the range, sending individual request to the API. in each request I am setting the same value for the start date and the end date.
Obviously this gets the job done, BUT it is certainly not the best way to go about it. Because, assumming I want to get data for the past 3 months for each of about 2000 URIs. Then I will need 360000 number of requests and that value is well over the limit quota defined by Google.
Potential solution: So one way I thought of solving this issue is probably to send a request setting start-date and end-date to be a week apart but the API will return a sum of the values rather than the individual values.
main question: So is there a way to insist that these values should not be added up and returned as a sum but rather returned (as associative array or something like that) separately for each.
I hope the question is clear and that there is a solution! Thank you!
Very straightforward:
Metric: ga:pageview, Dimension: ga:date, Set a filter for your pagepath, and set a start-date and end-date.
This will return the pageviews for that the faq.html& page for each day in the time-frame.
You should check out the QueryExplorer. Great tool to find out how to structure queries.

How to implement robust pagination with a RESTful API when the resultset can change?

I'm implementing a RESTful API which exposes Orders as a resource and supports pagination through the resultset:
GET /orders?start=1&end=30
where the orders to paginate are sorted by ordered_at timestamp, descending. This is basically approach #1 from the SO question Pagination in a REST web application.
If the user requests the second page of orders (GET /orders?start=31&end=60), the server simply re-queries the orders table, sorts by ordered_at DESC again and returns the records in positions 31 to 60.
The problem I have is: what happens if the resultset changes (e.g. a new order is added) while the user is viewing the records? In the case of a new order being added, the user would see the old order #30 in first position on the second page of results (because the same order is now #31). Worse, in the case of a deletion, the user sees the old order #32 in first position on the second page (#31) and wouldn't see the old order #31 (now #30) at all.
I can't see a solution to this without somehow making the RESTful server stateful (urg) or building some pagination intelligence into each client... What are some established techniques for dealing with this?
For completeness: my back-end is implemented in Scala/Spray/Squeryl/Postgres; I'm building two front-end clients, one in backbone.js and the other in Python Django.
The way I'd do it, is to make the indices from old to new. So they never change. And then when querying without any start parameter, return the newest page. Also the response should contain an index indicating what elements are contained, so you can calculate the indices you need to request for the next older page. While this is not exactly what you want, it seems like the easiest and cleanest solution to me.
Initial request: GET /orders?count=30 returns:
From this the consumer calculates that he wants to request:
Next requests: GET /orders?start=1009&count=30 which then returns:
Instead of raw indices you could also return a link to the next page:
This approach breaks if items get inserted or deleted in the middle. In that case you should use some auto incrementing persistent value instead of an index.
The sad truth is that all the sites I see have pagination "broken" in that sense, so there must not be an easy way to achieve that.
A quick workaround could be reversing the ordering, so the position of the items is absolute and unchanging with new additions. From your front page you can give the latest indices to ensure consistent navigation from up there.
Pros: same url gives the same results
Cons: there's no evident way to get the latest elements... Maybe you could use negative indices and redirect the result page to the absolute indices.
With a RESTFUL API, Application state should be in the client. Here the application state should some sort of time stamp or version number telling when you started looking at the data. On the server side, you will need some form of audit trail, which is properly server data, as it does not depend on whether there have been clients and what they have done. At the very least, it should know when the data last changed. No contradiction with REST here.
You could add a version parameter to your get. When the client first requires a page, it normally does not send a version. The server replies contains one. For instance, if there are links in the reply to next/other pages, those links contains &version=... The client should send the version when requiring another page.
When the server recieves some request with a version, it should at least know whether the data have changed since the client started looking and, dependending of what sort of audit trail you have, how they have changed. If they have not, it answer normally, transmitting the same version number. If they have, it may at least tell the client. And depending how much it knows on how the data have changed, it may taylor the reply accordingly.
Just as an example, suppose you get a request with start, end, version, and that you know that since version was up to date, 3 rows coming before start have been deleted. You might send a redirect with start-3, end-3, new version.
WebSockets can do this. You can use something like pusher.com to catch realtime changes to your database and pass the changes to the client. You can then bind different pusher events to work with models and collections.
Just Going to throw it out there. Please feel free to tell me if it's completely wrong and why so.
This approach is trying to use a left_off variable to sort through without using offsets.
Consider you need to make your result Ordered by timestamp order_at DESC.
So when I ask for first result set
This is the case when you ask for the first page (in terms of URL probably the request that doesn't have any
Then When receiving your data set. just grab the timestamp of last viewed item. 2015-12-21 13:00:49
Now to Request next 25 items go to: yoursomething.com/orders?limit=25&left_off=2015-12-21 13:00:49 (to lastly viewed timestamp)
In Sql you would just make the same query and say where timestamp is equal or less than $left_off
SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM Orders ORDER BY order_at DESC) as a
WHERE a.order_at < '2015-12-21 13:00:49' LIMIT 25;
You should get a next 25 items from the last seen item.
For those who sees this answer. Please comment if this approach is relevant or even possible in the first place. Thank you.