revokeCredentials: Revokes access token and clears the credentials object
revokeToken: Revokes the access given to token.
What's the difference? There is no doc and sample for explaining these two methods here.
This ain't well documented.
revokeToken requires you pass a specific accessToken to the method:
revokeCredentials accepts no arguments, and revokes the access token currently configured in the OAuth2 instance:
Hope this helps!
What's the best practice of kuzzle.auth.createApiKey usage ?
Call it outside the app to generate a token then put the token in env variable and use it (kuzzle.jwt = <get(env.token_variable>) inside cade ?
or, call it in the code after the login to generate a token and set kuzzle.jwt = ?
Or ?
Does someone have a link to a usage in actual code (the exemple in the documentation does not help me much).
you may find more information about ApiKeys here
ApiKeys are authentication tokens that will never expire (by default) and will allow you to authenticate users without using an authentication strategy and the auth:login action.
Using an ApiKey following your second point doesn't make sense since calling kuzzle.auth.login already gives you an authentication token, you will just need to log in again when the previous token expires or the app restarts.
Concerning your first point, if you want the app to always be authenticated until you revoke the ApiKey, yes it seems to be the right way to do it.
Also, to genereate the ApiKey outside your app you should use kourou, as mentionned in the link above.
We have a REST resource like this:
We want to use the JWT tokens returned from AWS Cognito to secure access to this resource.
The {customerId} here is not the Cognito user id, it's a domain specific id. We have added this domain specific id to the Cognito user as a custom attribute. It comes in the ID token that Cognito returns like this:
"sub": "xxxxxxxx-852f-474d-aa9e-a50fd832bcb8",
"aud": "xxxxxxxxsijed6uf54dh0uhi",
"custom:customerId": "4044",
"event_id": "xxxxxx-fc0c-4ffc-affa-f8987714fb2b",
"token_use": "id",
If we use this ID Token in Authorization: Bearer <ID Token> we can write code (custom authoriser or in-app code) that ensures the customerId in /customer/{customerId}/bill is equal to the value of custom:customerId in the supplied token, and we have secured our API.
But then we read that you should not use ID tokens to secure APIs . The key point being:
"The audience (the aud claim) of the (ID) token is set to the application's identifier, which means that only this specific application should consume this token."
So it seems we need to send an Access Token to secure the API. With Cognito, there is no way we can add any concept of who the user is into the Access Token. We can't add a custom scope like user:4044 for example.
What folks suggest as an approach here is to call the /userinfo endpoint of Cognito on the server-side with the supplied Access Token to learn who the user is. This would enable us to write code (custom authoriser or in-app code) that calls this endpoint and asserts permission. But it's an endpoint call for every request, which seems crazy.
One thought that crossed our minds was to use the Access Token to secure access to the API itself, but also require the ID token, either as a query parameter or a header to allow us do the fine grained access control. But that too starts to feel wrong.
Surely this is a solved problem? What is the right thing to do here?
Sorry, this question is a year old, so my answer is probably irrelevant. But for future wanderer, I would say that, given the limitations of cognito in allowing custom claims in the access token, a call to the /userinfo route is definitely the best way.
The API GATEWAY lets you cache authorizer response for a given user, so you won't be calling the endpoint on every request. Note that some implementations recommend it as a way to make sure that the token haven't been revoked.
I've been developing my first REST API to serve as the back-end for a mobile application. I'm pulling info from different resources, and am a little confused when it comes to the token implementation (I'm using JWT).
The access token is used to ensure that the requester has access to the resource that is being called. My understanding is that I will then encode the user details in the ID Token, such that the relevant information can be returned. The refresh token is used as a security mechanism, to keep the user authenticated after the short-lived ID and access tokens expire.
The access token seems a little redundant, and maybe it is an interchangeable term for ID token? Can I just remove that part from my authentication scheme?
In the proposed scheme access and ID tokens are used interchangeably and do not provide any value over the other. All information provided in the access token can be stored in the ID token, or vice versa. The entire authentication scheme will then simply consist of an access token (containing both info on access permissions, and user info), and a refresh token (ensuring that users don't need to login again every t minutes).
Say I have a website secured with IdenityServer3. It uses the implicit flow so users are asked for their credentials. Now I'm facing a requirement where this application should access multiple (Web)API's on behalf of the user. These API's are secured using roles.
How do I go about this? Do I get one access_token for all by adding "token" to the ResponseType of the OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions? Do I have to change the Implicit flow (to Hybrid?) and manually request access_tokens for each individual API and add those to the user's claims, after authentication?
I'm not sure on how to approach this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can keep using Implicit flow and add "token" to reponse_type (so it becomes "id_token token"). That will give you access token as well. Additionally, you can specify any scopes that those APIs might require in order to include claims that might have to be present for API Authorize attribute to allow the call through.
Once you have the response from IdentityServer in your application along with access token, you call the api with that token in the Authorization header.
I was able to resolve my requirement by moving to a Hybrid flow. For the response type I ended up needing "id_token", "token" and "code". I also had to retrieve the user claims manually in a separate request and manually add them to the user's identity, because adding "token" besides the "id_token" would remove all claims from the server response (to keep the token smaller).
We are having troubles with getting the access token from fiware since 4th August.
We are using this URL to ask for the token: but it seems like it does not work.
Before using that URL we used to ask for this one:
Could anyone, please, help us?
Thank you in advance.
It depends on how you want to get the token. The current OAuth2 URL to get the tokens is This is the central authority for authentication, if you are accessing any common GE, but you will need to register your application in FIWARE Account and use your application credentials and some OAuth2 grant to get it.
If you want to get the token for the global instance without using a registered application, the URL you have mentioned contains a token service that can give you a valid token for your user and that purpose. You can test it (and see an example) with the following script: