Simulating a ship sailing in water wave in Matlab - matlab

I have a project in which I have to simulate a ship which is sailing in a water wave. I have decided to do it in by 3D surface plot. I have created water waves but I'm having trouble making the ship which should sit right at the centre of the plot. Following is my water wave simulation code:
clc; clear all ;
x_l = -20;
x_r = 20;
y_l = -20;
y_r = 20;
ds = 0.5;
A = 1;
k = 1;
dt = 0.05;
w = 1;
x = [x_l:ds:x_r];
y = [y_l:ds:y_r];
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
for i = 1:100
Z = A*sin(k*Y+(w*i/2));
CO(:,:,1) = 0.3*ones((y_r-y_l)/ds + 1) + 0.3*cos(k*Y+(w*i/2));
CO(:,:,2) = 0.3*ones((y_r-y_l)/ds + 1) + 0.3*cos(k*Y+(w*i/2));
CO(:,:,3) = 0.7*ones((y_r-y_l)/ds + 1) + 0.3*cos(k*Y+(w*i/2));
hold on;
shading interp;
xlim([x_l x_r]);
ylim([y_l y_r]);
zlim([y_l y_r]);
Zc = sqrt(X.^2+Y.^2);
shading interp;
hold off;
Please guide me in the right direction if I'm doing this in the wrong way.

I just made a simple model of a sailing boat that is made up of quads. This allows us to use the surf function to draw it too. This should just serve as a starting point to see how you could do it. But keep in mind that this is probably not the best way of doing it. As a comment already mentioned, MATLAB is really not the best software for this, Blender is probably a way better option, but still we can make a nice little ship.
The first step is creating the fixed model in a local coordinate system. The NaNs are just to separate the different components of the ship, because otherwise we would have additional quads connecting e.g. the hull to the sails that would look out of place. (If it is unclear, just replace them with some arbitrary coordinates to see what is happening.)
Then to give it some movement, we have to incorporate the temporal component. I just added a slight rocking motion in the y-z plane as well as a little bouncing in the z-direction to give it the look of a ship moving through waves. I made sure to use the same frequency w/2 as you already used for the waves. This is important to make the boat to apper to rock with the waves.
clc; clear all ;
x_l = -20;
x_r = 20;
y_l = -20;
y_r = 20;
ds = 0.5;
A = 1;
k = 1;
dt = 0.05;
w = 1;
x = [x_l:ds:x_r];
y = [y_l:ds:y_r];
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
U = 0.7*[0,-1,-1,1,1,0;...%hull
0,0,0,0,0,0; NaN(1,6);...
0,0,NaN,0,0,NaN; %sails
V = 0.7*[3,1,-3,-3,1,3;%hull
1,1,-2,-2,1,1; NaN(1,6);...
3,0,NaN,0,-3,NaN; %sails
W = 0.7*[1,1,1,1,1,1;%hull
0,0,0,0,0,0; NaN(1,6);...
2,6,NaN,7,2,NaN; %sails
H = ones(2,6);
S = ones(3,3);
C = cat(3,[H*0.4;S*1,S*1],[H*0.2;S*0.6,S*0],[H*0;S*0.8,S*0]);
for i = 1:100
hold on;
Z = A*sin(k*Y+(w*i/2));
CO(:,:,1) = 0.3*ones((y_r-y_l)/ds + 1) + 0.3*cos(k*Y+(w*i/2));
CO(:,:,2) = 0.3*ones((y_r-y_l)/ds + 1) + 0.3*cos(k*Y+(w*i/2));
CO(:,:,3) = 0.7*ones((y_r-y_l)/ds + 1) + 0.3*cos(k*Y+(w*i/2));
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');
% rocking the boat
angle = 0.5*cos(w*i/2); %control rocking
Vs = V*cos(angle) - W*sin(angle);
Ws = V*sin(angle) + W*cos(angle) + 0.4 + 0.8*cos(w*(i - 0.5 * 2*pi)/2);%control amplitude
xlim([x_l x_r]);
ylim([y_l y_r]);
zlim([y_l y_r]);
Zc = sqrt(X.^2+Y.^2);
az = interp1([1,100],[-30, -120],i);
el = interp1([1,100],[1,30],i);
shading interp;
hold off;
EDIT: The key to creating these "models" is knowign how surf works: Given some matrices X,Y,Z, each 2x2 submatrix of these matrices define the vertices of a quadrilateral. So the idea is decomposing our models into quadrilaterals (and adding NaN in this matrix where we do not want any quadrilaterals in between). Check out following snippet that shows just the hull and the quadrilaterals involved. The displayed numbers show the index of the coordinates of the corresponding points in the coordinate matrices U,V,W. I added a small number e that pulls the seams apart so that you can actually see the quadrilaterals. Set it to 0 to see the original shape:
e = 0.2; %small shift to visualize seams
U = 0.7*[0-e,-1-e,-1-e,1+e,1+e,0+e;...%hull
V = 0.7*[3+e,1,-3,-3,1,3+e;%hull
W = 0.7*[1,1,1,1,1,1;%hull
axis equal
hold on
for i=1:2
for j=1:6
text(U(i,j),V(i,j),W(i,j),[num2str(i),',',num2str(j)]); %plot indices of points
title('i,j refers to the point with coordinates (U(i,j),V(i,j),W(i,j))')
hold off


Is there a matlab function(s) I can use to create a realistic diagram of the I.S.S?

As part of a project I am undertaking at the moment, I have to solve the two-body problem of the international space station orbiting the Earth. I have managed to approximate this so far by using the sphere/surf function, however, I was wondering if there was any way I could create a more realistic figure representing the ISS? Unfortunately,this project has to be done solely through MATLAB so I cannot use any other tools which may provide better visualisation
NASA has 3D models of many objects, including the ISS, which can be found here. This file can be converted to an STL however you want, I found this random website which worked for me.
In Matlab, you can read in this file via
stl = stlread('isscombined.stl');
V = stl.Points;
F = stl.ConnectivityList
Then, you can plot it using
p = patch('vertices',V,'faces',F,'FaceColor',[.8 .8 .8]);
and then you can update the object with new vertex positions as the station orbits the Earth. Obviously, you can also scale the object by multiplying the vertices by some amount. If you don't want the facet edges plotted, you can also add 'EdgeAlpha', 0 to your patch options.
Here's a simple example which shows the ISS orbiting around a sphere
% Note: not to scale
ISS_radius = 2; % distance from center of Earth
RE = 1; % radius of earth
theta = 0:.05:2*pi;
x = ISS_radius*cos(theta);
y = ISS_radius*sin(theta);
stl = stlread('isscombined.stl');
r = .01; % scaling factor
V = stl.Points * r;
V = V - mean(V); % center at origin
F = stl.ConnectivityList;
figure; hold on;
[X,Y,Z] = sphere(50);
surf(RE*X,RE*Y,RE*Z,'FaceColor',[0 0 .8],'EdgeAlpha',0);
p = patch('Vertices', V*r, 'Faces', F, 'FaceColor', [0 0 0], 'EdgeAlpha', 0);
axis equal;
set(gca,'View',[200 13])
grid on;
counter = 1;
while true
p.Vertices = V + [x(counter), y(counter), 0];
counter = mod(counter + 1, numel(theta)) + 1;
axis([-1 1 -1 1 -1 1]*ISS_radius*1.2)

Plotting spheres around given coordinates in 3D in Matlab

I am working on model of an object sliding on some rough surface consisting of spheres with a small random variance in position. In the graphics I want the spheres to be of a given radius, however when using scatter3 this wont work, the sizes of the circles change when I zoom in or out. I could easily solve this in 2D by using "rectangle"-function instead but for 3D this doesn't work.
Is there a better function for plotting spheres around points?
I have read this But it either doesn't work for scatter3 or I do it wrong.
Sizes change when zooming in.
fig = figure(1);
hold on
surface.xnum = 16;
surface.znum = 16;
surface.r = 1;
circlenumber = 0;
for n = 1:surface.xnum
for m = 1:surface.znum
circlenumber = circlenumber + 1;
surface.circlecentre(circlenumber,:) = [n + 0.1*surface.r*randn , 0, m + 0.1*surface.r*randn ];
plt.surface = scatter3(surface.circlecentre(circlenumber, 1),surface.circlecentre(circlenumber, 2),surface.circlecentre(circlenumber, 3), 850*surface.r,'filled','r','MarkerEdgeColor','k');
Relevant part of the code. Setting coordinates to center of the spheres and plotting spheres around them.
This was the solution i found by the hint from Ander Biguri. I used surf to plot spheres instead of scatter3.
fig = figure(1);
hold on
colormap summer
shading interp % removes the lines in surfplot
surface.xnum = 8;
surface.znum = 8;
surface.r = 0.75;
circlenumber = 0;
for m = 1:surface.xnum
for n = 1:surface.znum
circlenumber = circlenumber + 1;
surface.circlecentre(circlenumber,:) = [m + 0.1*surface.r*randn ,0 , n + 0.1*surface.r*randn ];
[x,y,z] = sphere; surf(x*surface.r+m*2*surface.r+0.1*surface.r*randn, y*surface.r, z*surface.r+n*2*surface.r+0.1*surface.r*randn,'Edgecolor','none');

How do I visualize the intersection of spheres in MATLAB?

It seems this question has been asked in a few places (including on SO). I recently came across the need for this when visualizing results of a trilateration problem.
In almost every case, the answer directs the inquiry to look at Wolfram for the math but excludes any code. The math really is a great reference, but if I'm asking a question on programming, some code might help as well. (It certainly is also appreciated when answers to a code question avoid pithy comments like "writing the code is trivial").
So how can one visualize the intersection of spheres in MATLAB? I have a simple solution below.
I wrote a small script to do just this. Feel free to make suggestions and edits. It works by checking if the surface of each sphere falls within the volume of all of the other spheres.
For sphere intersection, it's better (but slower) to use a larger number of faces in the sphere() function call. This should give denser results in the visualization. For the sphere-alone visualization, a smaller number (~50) should suffice. See the comments for how to visualize each.
close all
% centers : 3 x N matrix of [X;Y;Z] coordinates
% dist : 1 x N vector of sphere radii
%% Plot spheres (fewer faces)
figure, hold on % One figure to rule them all
[x,y,z] = sphere(50); % 50x50-face sphere
for i = 1 : size(centers,2)
h = surfl(dist(i) * x + centers(1,i), dist(i) * y + centers(2,i), dist(i) * z + centers(3,i));
set(h, 'FaceAlpha', 0.15)
shading interp
%% Plot intersection (more faces)
% Create a 1000x1000-face sphere (bigger number = better visualization)
[x,y,z] = sphere(1000);
% Allocate space
xt = zeros([size(x), size(centers,2)]);
yt = zeros([size(y), size(centers,2)]);
zt = zeros([size(z), size(centers,2)]);
xm = zeros([size(x), size(centers,2), size(centers,2)]);
ym = zeros([size(y), size(centers,2), size(centers,2)]);
zm = zeros([size(z), size(centers,2), size(centers,2)]);
% Calculate each sphere
for i = 1 : size(centers, 2)
xt(:,:,i) = dist(i) * x + centers(1,i);
yt(:,:,i) = dist(i) * y + centers(2,i);
zt(:,:,i) = dist(i) * z + centers(3,i);
% Determine whether the points of each sphere fall within another sphere
% Returns booleans
for i = 1 : size(centers, 2)
[xm(:,:,:,i), ym(:,:,:,i), zm(:,:,:,i)] = insphere(xt, yt, zt, centers(1,i), centers(2,i), centers(3,i), dist(i)+0.001);
% Exclude values of x,y,z that don't fall in every sphere
xmsum = sum(xm,4);
ymsum = sum(ym,4);
zmsum = sum(zm,4);
xt(xmsum < size(centers,2)) = 0;
yt(ymsum < size(centers,2)) = 0;
zt(zmsum < size(centers,2)) = 0;
% Plot intersection
for i = 1 : size(centers,2)
xp = xt(:,:,i);
yp = yt(:,:,i);
zp = zt(:,:,i);
zp(~(xp & yp & zp)) = NaN;
surf(xt(:,:,i), yt(:,:,i), zp, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
and here is the insphere function
function [x_new,y_new,z_new] = insphere(x,y,z, x0, y0, z0, r)
x_new = (x - x0).^2 + (y - y0).^2 + (z - z0).^2 <= r^2;
y_new = (x - x0).^2 + (y - y0).^2 + (z - z0).^2 <= r^2;
z_new = (x - x0).^2 + (y - y0).^2 + (z - z0).^2 <= r^2;
Sample visualizations
For the 6 spheres used in these examples, it took an average of 1.934 seconds to run the combined visualization on my laptop.
Intersection of 6 spheres:
Actual 6 spheres:
Below, I've combined the two so you can see the intersection in the view of the spheres.
For these examples:
centers =
-0.0065 -0.3383 -0.1738 -0.2513 -0.2268 -0.3115
1.6521 -5.7721 -1.7783 -3.5578 -2.9894 -5.1412
1.2947 -0.2749 0.6781 0.2438 0.4235 -0.1483
dist =
5.8871 2.5280 2.7109 1.6833 1.9164 2.1231
I hope this helps anyone else who may desire to visualize this effect.

Matlab - Subtracting two 3D figures with surf and min function

I'm trying to make a surf plot that looks like:
So far I have:
x = [-1:1/100:1];
y = [-1:1/100:1];
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
Triangle1 = -abs(X) + 1.5;
Triangle2 = -abs(Y) + 1.5;
Z = min(Triangle1, Triangle2);
shading flat
colormap winter;
hold on;
[X,Y,Z] = sphere();
Sphere = surf(X, Y, Z + 1.5 );% sphere with radius 1 centred at (0,0,1.5)
hold off;
This code produces a graph that looks like :
A pyramid with square base ([-1,1]x[-1,1]) and vertex at height c = 1.5 above the origin (0,0) is erected.
The top of the pyramid is hollowed out by removing the portion of it that falls within a sphere of radius r=1 centered at the vertex.
So I need to keep the part of the surface of the sphere that is inside the pyramid and delete the rest. Note that the y axis in each plot is different, that's why the second plot looks condensed a bit. Yes there is a pyramid going into the sphere which is hard to see from that angle.
I will use viewing angles of 70 (azimuth) and 35 (elevation). And make sure the axes are properly scaled (as shown). I will use the AXIS TIGHT option to get the proper dimensions after the removal of the appropriate surface of the sphere.
Here is my humble suggestion:
N = 400; % resolution
x = linspace(-1,1,N);
y = linspace(-1,1,N);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
Triangle1 = -abs(X)+1.5 ;
Triangle2 = -abs(Y)+1.5 ;
Z = min(Triangle1, Triangle2);
Trig = alphaShape(X(:),Y(:),Z(:),2);
[Xs,Ys,Zs] = sphere(N-1);
Sphere = alphaShape(Xs(:),Ys(:),Zs(:)+2,2);
% get all the points from the pyramid that are within the sphere:
inSphere = inShape(Sphere,X(:),Y(:),Z(:));
Zt = Z;
Zt(inSphere) = nan; % remove the points in the sphere
shading interp
axis tight
I use alphaShape object to remove all unwanted points from the pyramid and then plot it without them:
I know, it's not perfect, as you don't see the bottom of the circle within the pyramid, but all my tries to achieve this have failed. My basic idea was plotting them together like this:
hold on;
Zc = Zs;
inTrig = inShape(Trig,Xs(:),Ys(:),Zs(:)+1.5);
Zc(~inTrig) = nan;
hold off
But the result is not so good, as you can't really see the circle within the pyramid.
Anyway, I post this here as it might give you a direction to work on.
An alternative to EBH's method.
A general algorithm from subtracting two shapes in 3d is difficult in MATLAB. If instead you remember that the equation for a sphere with radius r centered at (x0,y0,z0) is
r^2 = (x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2 + (z-z0)^2
Then solving for z gives z = z0 +/- sqrt(r^2-(x-x0)^2-(y-y0)^2) where using + in front of the square root gives the top of the sphere and - gives the bottom. In this case we are only interested in the bottom of the sphere. To get the final surface we simply take the minimum z between the pyramid and the half-sphere.
Note that the domain of the half-sphere is defined by the filled circle r^2-(x-x0)^2-(y-y0)^2 >= 0. We define any terms outside the domain as infinity so that they are ignored when the minimum is taken.
N = 400; % resolution
z0 = 1.5; % sphere z offset
r = 1; % sphere radius
x = linspace(-1,1,N);
y = linspace(-1,1,N);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
% pyramid
Triangle1 = -abs(X)+1.5 ;
Triangle2 = -abs(Y)+1.5 ;
Pyramid = min(Triangle1, Triangle2);
% half-sphere (hemisphere)
sqrt_term = r^2 - X.^2 - Y.^2;
HalfSphere = -sqrt(sqrt_term) + z0;
HalfSphere(sqrt_term < 0) = inf;
Z = min(HalfSphere, Pyramid);
shading interp
axis tight

3D filled line plot

I have a matrix for contact positions and these positions are linear, therefore I can easily plot the contact positions within MATLAB and come out with the x amount of lines. At the moment I am plotting within a 2D graph.
for j= 1:5
for k= 1:20
x_axis = linspace(0,b*1000, N+1);
for j=1:zPairs;
hold on
hold off
The above is only a small section of a large coding so all variables and parameters are stated else where.
Below is the graph this simply creates with a 2D graph:
What I wish to do is plot the correspoding contact to each of these positions, contact only occurs at positions > 0 and therefore will only occur along the lines plotted above. Therefore the plot will need to be in a 3D format and I am assuming that the lines will be plotted initially, then the contact_force and then a fill command as such - but I may be wrong.
What I am aiming to create is something similar to:
If any one has any guidance or tips it will be greatly appreciated as I am getting nowhere.
Please note the contact_force is also a matrix of the same dimensions as the contact positions.
for j = 1:zPairs
Xx = linspace(0,b*1000,N+1);
Yy = Yijk(j,:,1);
n = length(Xx);
Zz = contact_force(j,:,1);
Xp = zeros(2*n,1);
Yp = zeros(2*n,1);
Xp(1:N+1) = Xx;
Xp(N+2:2*(N+1)) = Xx(N+1:-1:1);
Yp(1:N+1) = Yy;
Yp(N+2:2*(N+1)) = Yy(N+1:-1:1);
Zp(1:N+1) = 0;
Zp(N+2:2*(N+1)) = Zz(N+1:-1:1);
hold on
title('Zone of Contact');
hold off
The above code works great, but only creates one graph as it is for (j,:,1). I would like to change this so as that it is for (j,:,k) and k number of graphs are created. How would I set up this for loop ?
I wrote a little MATLAB code to test it out. This program creates a polygon on top of a 2D line. fill3 or patch functions are what you are looking for.
a = 2;
b = 1;
X = 0:10;
Y = a*X + b;
n = length(X);
Z = rand(n,1)*2+1;
Xp = zeros(2*n,1);
Yp = zeros(2*n,1);
Xp(1:n) = X;
Xp(n+1:2*n) = X(n:-1:1);
Yp(1:n) = Y;
Yp(n+1:2*n) = Y(n:-1:1);
Zp(1:n) = 0;
Zp(n+1:2*n) = Z(n:-1:1);