How to find the root cause of high CPU usage of Kafka brokers? - apache-kafka

I am in charge of operating two kafka clusters (one for prod and one for our dev environment). The setup is mostly similiar, but the dev environment has no SASL/SSL setup and uses just 4 instead of 8 brokers. Each broker is assigned to a dedicated google kubernetes node with 4 vCPU and 26GB RAM.
On our dev environment we've got roughly 1000 messages in / sec and each of the 4 brokers uses pretty consistently 3 out of the 4 available CPU cores (75% CPU usage).
On our prod environment we got about 1500 messages in / sec and the CPU usage is also 3 out of 4 cores there.
It seems that CPU usage is at least the bottleneck for us and I'd like to know how I can perform a CPU profiling, so that I know what exactly is causing the high cpu usage. Since it's relatively consistent I guess it could be our snappy compression.
I am interested in all ideas how I could investigate the cause of the high cpu usage and how I could tweak that in my cluster.
Apache Kafka version: 2.1 (CPU load used to be similiar on Kafka 0.11.x too)
Dev Cluster (Snappy compression, no SASL/SSL, 4 Brokers): 1000 messages in / sec, 3 CPU cores consistent usage
Prod cluster (Snappy compression, SASL/SSL, 8 Brokers): 1500 messages in / sec, 3 CPU cores consistent usage
Side note: I already made sure producers produce their messages snappy compressed. I have access to all JMX metrics, couldn't find anything useful for figuring out the CPU usage though.
I already have metrics attached to my prometheus (this is where I got the CPU usage stats from too). The problem is that the container's CPU usage doesn't tell me WHY it is that high. I need more granularity e. g. what are CPU cycles being spent on (compression? broker communication? sasl/ssl?).

If you have access to JMX metrics you are almost done for profiling CPU. All thing have to do is installing Prometheus and Grafana and then store metrics in Prometheus and monitor them with Grafana. You can find complete steps in Monitoring Kafka
Note: If you are suspicious about snappy compression, maybe this performance test can help you
Based on Confluent, most of the CPU usage is because of SSL.
Note that if SSL is enabled, the CPU requirements can be significantly
higher (the exact details depend on the CPU type and JVM
You should choose a modern processor with multiple cores. Common
clusters utilize 24 core machines.
If you need to choose between faster CPUs or more cores, choose more
cores. The extra concurrency that multiple cores offers will far
outweigh a slightly faster clock speed.


Is there a way to force the use of the same physical CPU while allocating cores to a pod in Kubernetes?

I was wondering if it was possible to force Kubernetes to allocate the cores from the same CPU while spinning up a POD. What I would like Kubernetes to do is, as new PODs are created, the cores allocated to them should come from -let's say- CPU1 as long as there are cores still available on it. CPU2's, CPU3's, etc. cores should not be used in the newly initiated pod. I would like my PODs to have cores allocated from a single CPU as long as it is possible.
Is there a way to achieve this?
Also, is there a way to see from which physical CPUs the cores(cpu) of a POD is coming from?
Thanks a lot.
Edit: Let me explain why I want to do this.
We are running a Spark cluster on Kubernetes. The lead of system/linux administration team warned us about the concept of NUMA. He told us that we could improve the performance of our executor pods if we were to allocate the cores from the same physical CPU. That is why I started digging into this.
I found this Kubernetes CPU Manager. The documentation says:
CPU Manager allocates CPUs in a topological order on a best-effort
basis. If a whole socket is free, the CPU Manager will exclusively
allocate the CPUs from the free socket to the workload. This boosts
the performance of the workload by avoiding any cross-socket traffic.
Also on the same page:
Allocate all the logical CPUs (hyperthreads) from the same physical
CPU core if available and the container requests an entire core worth
of CPUs.
So now I am starting to think maybe what I need is to enable the static policy for the CPU manager to get what I want.

Cassandra and MongoDB minimum system requirements for Windows 10 Pro

PROCESSOR-i3 5010ucpu #2.10 GHz
64 bit OS
can Cassandra and MongoDB be installed in such a laptop? Will it run successfully?
The hardware configuration proposed does not meet the minimum requirements. For Cassandra, the documentation requests a minimum of 8GB of RAM and at least 2 cores.
MongoDB's documentation also states that it will need at least 2 real cores or one multi-core physical CPU. With 4GB in RAM, the WiredTiger will allocate 1.5GB for the cache. Please also note that MongoDB will require changes in BIOS to allow memory interleaving to enable Non-Uniform Access Memory, a.k.a. NUMA, such changes will impact the performance of the laptop for other processes.
Will it run successfully?
This will depend on the workload expected to be executed; there are documented examples where Cassandra was installed on a Raspberry Pi array, which since the design it was expected to have slow performance and have a limited amount of data that can be held in the cluster.
If you are looking to have a small sandbox to start using these databases there are other options, MongoDB has a service named Atlas, with a model of a database as a service, it offers a free tier for a 3-node replica and up to 512Mb of storage. For Cassandra there are similar options, AWS offers in the free tier a small cluster of their Managed Cassandra Service (MCS), Datastax is also planning to offer similar services with Constellation

Kubernetes limit and request of resource would be better to be closer

I was told by a more experienced DevOps person, that resource(CPU and Memory) limit and request would be nicer to be closer for scheduling pods.
Intuitively I can image less scaling up and down would require less calculation power for K8s? or can someone explain it in more detail?
The resource requests and limits do two fundamentally different things. The Kubernetes scheduler places a pod on a node based only on the sum of the resource requests: if the node has 8 GB of RAM, and the pods currently scheduled on that node requested 7 GB of RAM, then a new pod that requests 512 MB will fit there. The limits control how much resource the pod is actually allowed to use, with it getting CPU-throttled or OOM-killed if it uses too much.
In practice many workloads can be "bursty". Something might require 2 GB of RAM under peak load, but far less than that when just sitting idle. It doesn't necessarily make sense to provision enough hardware to run everything at peak load, but then to have it sit idle most of the time.
If the resource requests and limits are far apart then you can "fit" more pods on the same node. But, if the system as a whole starts being busy, you can wind up with many pods that are all using above their resource request, and actually use more memory than the node has, without any individual pod being above its limit.
Consider a node with 8 GB of RAM, and pods with 512 MB RAM resource requests and 2 GB limits. 16 of these pods "fit". But if each pod wants to use 1 GB RAM (allowed by the resource limits) that's more total memory than the node has, and you'll start getting arbitrary OOM-kills. If the pods request 1 GB RAM instead, only 8 will "fit" and you'll need twice the hardware to run them at all, but in this scenario the cluster will run happily.
One strategy for dealing with this in a cloud environment is what your ops team is asking, make the resource requests and limits be very close to each other. If a node fills up, an autoscaler will automatically request another node from the cloud. Scaling down is a little trickier. But this approach avoids problems where things die randomly because the Kubernetes nodes are overcommitted, at the cost of needing more hardware for the idle state.

Presto on Preemptible GCE instances

I am running an instance group of 20 Preemptible GCE instance to read ORC files on Google storage, The data partitioned by hour, each hour about 2GB.
What type of instances should i use ?
How many of the Ram should be used by the JVM ?
I am using autoscale configuration of 80% CPU and 10 minute cooldown, Is there more subtitle config for Presto ?
Is there a solution for servers shutdowns, due to lack of resources ?
Partial responses will be appreciated as well.
As 0.199 version of PrestoDB there's no google cloud storage connector for Presto, which makes impossible to query GCS data.
Regarding hardware requirements, I'll cite Terada doc here.
You should allocate a minimum of 16GB of RAM per node for Presto. But
recommend 64GB for most production workloads.
Network Bandwidth
It is recommended to have 10 Gigabit Ethernet between all the nodes in
the cluster.
Other Recommendations
Presto can be installed on any normally configured Hadoop cluster.
YARN should be configured to account for resources dedicated to
Presto. For example, if a node has 64GB of RAM, perhaps you would
normally allocate 60GB to YARN. If you install Presto on that node and
give Presto 32GB of RAM, then you should subtract 32GB from the 60GB
and let YARN only allocate 28GB per node. An optimized configuration
might choose to have separate Presto and Hadoop nodes. The optimized
configuration allows you to give more memory to Presto, and thus
perform larger join queries, for example.

Is there a reason not to share hosts for OSDs and Radosgw in a Ceph setup?

I am performance testing Ceph. I have a limited number of VMs to do this with. I want to have several radosgws, for a round-robin set up. Will my bechmarks be grossly inaccurate if I use the same hosts for OSDs and radosgw?
Main issue with sharing OSD with any other part of installation, is a thread count. Ceph OSD daemon creates a lot of threads during high load (you want to use Ceph under high load, aren't you?). I can't say how many threads radosgw creates, but it is a well known problem with scenario 'OSDs on compute hosts'. When you have too many threads, OS scheduler starts to mess up with them, threshing CPU cache and significantly drops performance (and raises latencies).
Ceph RGW is light weight process, does not require much CPU and Memory but it does require Network bandwidth. IMO you can collocate RGWs and OSDs provided that you have dedicated Ceph cluster and public networks and RGW should use Ceph public network.
I have done a similar kind of performance benchmarking which includes co-located and dedicated RGWs. I have not found significant performance difference between the two configurations. Co-located RGWs were performing a bit less ( but not substantial difference ).
So if one has to design a low cost object storage solution based on Ceph , then he might want to consider co-locating RGWs on OSDs. You can save some $$
FYI , co-located RGW configuration is not a supported configuration from RedHat point of view. Things are progressing preety fast in that direction.