How do I select text between two specific symbols in Perl? - perl

I'm very new to Perl. I'm currently going through this Perl file and I've got this variable where I was able to format it down to get all the text after the "<" symbol using this line I found from another stackflow question.
($tempVariable) = $Line =~ /(\<.*)\s*$/;
So currently whenever I print this variable, I get the output
$tempVariable = <some text here #typeOf and more text here after
I need to get everything between the "<" symbol and the "#"symbol.
I tried looking at other stackflow questions and tried implementing it to mines but I keep getting errors so if anybody could help me out I would appreciate it.

my ($substr) = $str =~ /<([^<\#]*)\#/
or die "No match";

You'll need a regex that
looks for the starting < character
then (your question is unclear on this point)
captures one-or-more non-# characters, or
captures zero-or-more non-# characters
looks for the trailing # character
also not specified in your question: do you need to strip leading and trailing white space from the match?
use warnings;
use strict;
my $Line = '<some text here #typeOf and more text here after';
my $tempVariable;
# alternative 1: one-or-more characters
($tempVariable) = $Line =~ /<([^#]+)#/
or die "No match alternative 1";
print "Alternative 1: '${tempVariable}'\n";
# alternative 2: zero-or-more characters
($tempVariable) = $Line =~ /<([^#]*)#/
or die "No match alternative 2";
print "Alternative 2: '${tempVariable}'\n";
exit 0;
Test run (white space is not stripped):
$ perl
Alternative 1: 'some text here '
Alternative 2: 'some text here '


How do you match \'

I need a regex to match \' <---- literally backslash apostrophe.
my $line = '\'this';
$line =~ s/(\o{134})(\o{047})/\\\\'/g;
$line =~ s/\\'/\\\\'/g;
$line =~ s/[\\][']/\\\\'/g;
print "\n";
All I get out of this is
When what I want is
This occurs whether the string is declared using ' or ". This was a test script for tracking down a file parsing bug. I wanted to confirm that the regex was working as expected.
I don't know if when the backslash apostrophe is parsed by the regex it is not treated as 2 characters, but is instead treated as an escaped apostrophe.
Either way. what is the best way to match \' and print out \\'? I don't want to escape any other back slashes or apostrophes and I can't change the text I am parsing, just the way it is handled and outputted.
All three of your patterns match a backslash followed by a quote, the above being the simplest.
Your testing was in vain because your string doesn't contain any backslashes. Both string literals "\'this" (from earlier edit) and '\'this' (from later edit) produce the string 'this.
say "\'this"; # 'this
say '\'this'; # 'this
To produce the string \'this, you could use either of the following string literals (among others):
say "\\'this"; # \'this
say '\\\'this'; # \'this
The answer is, of course
This will match
And substitute with this
This was the only way I could get it to work.
Too much "regexing" in your snippet. Try:
my $line = '\'this';
$line =~ s/'/\\\\\'/g;
print "\n";
# \\'this
or... if you want another mode:
my $line = '\'this';
$line =~ s/'/\\'/g;
print "\n";
# \'this

Perl chomp doesn't remove the newline

I want to read a string from a the first line in a file, then repeat it n repetitions in the console, where n is specified as the second line in the file.
Simple I think?
open(INPUT, "input.txt");
chomp($text = <INPUT>);
chomp($repetitions = <INPUT>);
print $text x $repetitions;
Where input.txt is as follows
I expected the output to be
But words are new line separated despite that chomp is used.
You may try it on the following Perl fiddle CompileOnline
The strange thing is that if the code is as follows:
open(INPUT, "input.txt");
chomp($text = <INPUT>);
print $text x 3;
It will work fine and displays
Am I misunderstanding something, or is it a problem with the online compiler?
You have issues with line endings; chomp removes trailing char/string of $/ from $text and that can vary depending on platform. You can however choose to remove from string any trailing white space using regex,
open(my $INPUT, "<", "input.txt");
my $text = <$INPUT>;
my $repetitions = <$INPUT>;
s/\s+\z// for $text, $repetitions;
print $text x $repetitions;
I'm using an online Perl editor/compiler as mentioned in the initial post
The reason for your output is that string Hello\rHello\rHello\r is differently interpreted in html (\r like line break), while in console \r returns cursor to the beginning of the current line.

how can i fetch the whole word on the basis of index no of that string in perl

I have one string of line like
comments:[I#1278327] is related to office communicator.i fixed the bug to declare it null at first time.
Here I am searching index of I#then I want the whole word means [I#1278327]. I'm doing it like this:
print $indexof,"\n";
$string=substr($_,$indexof);##i m cutting that string first from index of I# to end then...
$string=substr($string,0,index($string," "));
print $lengthof,"\n";
print $string,"\n";
print $_,"\n";
Is any API is there in perl to find the word length directly after finding the index of I# in that line.
You could do something like:
$index2 = index($_,' ',$indexof);
$lengthof = $index2 - $indexof;
However, the bigger issue is you are using Perl as if it were BASIC. A more perlish approach to the task of printing selected lines:
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $read, '<', 'letter.txt'; # safer version of open
while (<$read>) {
print "$1 - $_" if (/(I#.*?) /);
I would use a regex instead, a regex will allow you to match a pattern ("I#") and also capture other data from the string:
$_ =~ m/I#(\d+)/;
The line above will match and set $1 to the number.
See perldoc perlre

Trying to understand Perl split() output

I have a few lines of text that I'm trying to use Perl's split function to convert into an array. The problem is that I'm getting some unusual extra characters in the output, specifically the following string "\cM" (without the quotes). This string appears where there were line breaks in the original text; however, (I believe) those line breaks were removed in the text that I'm trying to split. Does anybody know what's going on with this phenomenon? I posted an example below. Thanks.
Here's the original plain text that I'm trying to split. I'm loading it from a file, in case that matters:
Here is my Perl code that is supposed to do the splitting:
while(<$FH>) {
$string .= $_;
last if m/!$/;
#rows = split(qr/\$/, $string);
print; # a dummy line to provide a breakpoint for the debugger
This what the debugger outputs when it gets to the "print" line. The issue I'm trying to deal with appears in lines 3, 7, and 10:
DB<10> p $string
DB<11> x #rows
0 '10b2obo12b2o2b'
1 '6b3obob3o8bob3o2b'
2 '2bobo10bo3b2obo4bo2b'
3 "2o4b2o5bo3b4obo\cM3b2o2b"
4 '2bob2o2bo4b3obo5b4obob'
5 '8bo4bo13b3o'
6 '2bob2o2bo4b3obo5b4obob'
7 "2o4b\cM2o5bo3b4obo3b2o2b"
8 '2bobo10bo3b2obo4bo2b'
9 '6b3obob3o8bob3o2b'
10 "10b2obo12b2o!\cM"
You know, changing the file input separator would make this code a lot simpler.
$/ = '$';
my #rows = <$FH>;
chomp #rows;
print "#rows";
The debugger is probably using \cM to represent Ctrl-M which is also known as a carriage return (and sometimes \r or ^M). Text files from Windows use a CR-LF (carriage return, line feed) pair to represent the end of a line. If you read such a file on a Unix system, your chomp will strip off the Unix EOL (a single line feed) but leave the CR as is and you end up with stray CRs in your file.
For a file like you have you can just strip out all the trailing whitespace instead of using chomp:
while(defined(my $line = <$FH>)) {
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
$string .= $line;
last if($line =~ /!$/);
You don't say which OS you're on.
Check out binmode and what it has to say about \cM, and that their position coincides with the line endings of your input file:

How can i detect symbols using regular expression in perl?

Please how can i use regular expression to check if word starts or ends with a symbol character, also how to can i process the text within the symbol.
(text) or te-xt, or tex't. or text?
change it to
(<t>text</t>) or <t>te-xt</t>, or <t>tex't</t>. or <t>text</t>?
help me out?
I assume that "word" means alphanumeric characters from your example? If you have a list of permitted characters which constitute a valid word, then this is enough:
my $string = "x1 .text1; 'text2 \"text3;\"";
$string =~ s/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/<t>$1<\/t>/g;
# Add more to character class [a-zA-Z0-9] if needed
print "$string\n";
# OUTPUT: <t>x1</t> .<t>text1</t>; '<t>text2</t> "<t>text3</t>;"
Based on your example you seem to want to DELETE dashes and apostrophes, if you want to delete them globally (e.g. whether they are inside the word or not), before the first regex, you do
$string =~ s/['-]//g;
I am using DVK's approach here, but with a slight modification. The difference is that her/his code would also put the tags around all words that don't contain/are next to a symbol, which (according to the example given in the question) is not desired.
use strict;
use warnings;
sub modify {
my $input = shift;
my $text_char = 'a-zA-Z0-9\-\''; # characters that are considered text
# if there is no symbol, don't change anything
if ($input =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/) {
return $input;
else {
$input =~ s/([$text_char]+)/<t>$1<\/t>/g;
return $input;
my $initial_string = "(text) or te-xt, or tex't. or text?";
my $expected_string = "(<t>text</t>) or <t>te-xt</t>, or <t>tex't</t>. or <t>text</t>?";
# version BEFORE edit 1:
#my #aux;
# take the initial string apart and process it one word at a time
#my #string_list = split/\s+/, $initial_string;
#foreach my $string (#string_list) {
# $string = modify($string);
# push #aux, $string;
# put the string together again
#my $final_string = join(' ', #aux);
# ************ EDIT 1 version ************
my $final_string = join ' ', map { modify($_) } split/\s+/, $initial_string;
if ($final_string eq $expected_string) {
print "it worked\n";
This strikes me as a somewhat long-winded way of doing it, but it seemed quicker than drawing up a more sophisticated regex...
EDIT 1: I have incorporated the changes suggested by DVK (using map instead of foreach). Now the syntax highlighting is looking even worse than before; I hope it doesn't obscure anything...
This takes standard input and processes it to and prints on Standard output.
while (<>) {
s {
( [a-zA-z]+ ) # word
(?= [,.)?] ) # a symbol
{<t>$1</t>}gx ;
print ;
You might need to change the bit to match the concept of word.
I have use the x modifeid to allow the regexx to be spaced over more than one line.
If the input is in a Perl variable, try
$string =~ s{
( [a-zA-z]+ ) # word
(?= [,.)?] ) # a symbol
{<t>$1</t>}gx ;