How can I use #define to load tasks? - cakebuild

I try to find the best way to load addins and tasks in case of breaking changes.
I have created an addin and several tasks based on Cake 0.25.0. The addin as well as the tasks are packaged within a NuGet package. Now I would like to update the used Cake version to 0.32.1 but that is not so easy as I try to explain below.
These NuGet packages that I created are used in multiple repositories and I provide from time to time hotfixes. To be able to automatically load the latest version of the addin/tasks there is no version defined in the pre-processor directive. Means like this:
#load nuget:My.Tasks
#addin nuget:My.AddIn
My Dilemma
I need to make sure that older releases can still use the preprocessor directives as mentioned above. Now I am searching for an approach to achieve this target.
I thought renaming the original package id's would help and everyone who would like to use the upgraded version of my packages have to change the preprocessor directive in their build.cake.
But I am quite sure there must be a smarter way and I hope you can help me.
Next idea I had is to use #define preprocessor directives. So I created a new NuGet package containing only one Cake script named bootstrapper.cake as follows:
#if (V20)
#load nuget:My.Tasks
#addin nuget:My.AddIn
#load nuget:My.Tasks&version=1.0.55
#addin nuget:My.AddIn&version=1.0.55
This does not work as expected. Unfortunately both versions of the respective packages are loaded into the addins respectively tools directory and I am getting errors like "error CS0111: Type 'Submission#0' already defines a member called" and others.
Is there a way to achieve my goal? The idea to use #define was quite nice from my perspective. Maybe it is somehow possible or does anyone know a better way?
Personally I think the best would be, if Cakebuild would support wildcards in the preprocessor directives like
#load nuget:My.Tasks&version=1.0.*
Best Regards
Mr. T

Ifdef won't currently work with preprocessor directives, as they're handled by the C# compiler after preprocessor directives have been executed.
What you can do is to use an environment variable, preprocessor directives support environment variables substitution.
As an example:
Setting variable
Could be used like this
#load nuget:?package=Cake.Receipe%RECIPE_VERSION%
Without the environment variable set, it'll omit the version.


Best way to make #types packages visible in an nx workspace

I'm trying to remove resize-observer-polyfill from an nx workspace that I'm working on because it's natively supported in the browsers that we are targeting. Once I removed the polyfill, I needed to add #types/resize-observer-browser because the workspace currently uses typescript#4.0.5 and my understanding is that TypeScript does not have a "native" type for ResizeObserver until v4.2 which I'd love to update to, but can't atm.
In order to make TypeScript happy, it seems like I have to go in and manually add "resize-observer-browser" to individual tsconfig compilerOptions.types entries. This didn't seem that bad to me at first. I just updated the tsconfig.lib.json file of the libraries that happened to utilize ResizeObserver. However, I soon realized I needed to also add it to the tsconfig.spec.json of the libraries so that the unit tests could run, and then I also needed to add it to the of any applications that happened to import those libraries.
Is there an easier way in an nx workspace to handle this sort of problem?
I think that I could remove the default types overrides in each of the tsconfig files, since that would let TypeScript just utilize everything that exists under node_modules/#types when compiling. I didn't want to take that path since I assume there is a good reason for the default nx library/app generators to add the types override (I assume it's to force you to be explicit and not accidentally get away with accidental imports of test code from business logic).
The docs seem to recommend against this for #types packages, but /// <reference types="..." /> (e.g. /// <reference types="resize-observer-browser" />) can be also be used to include types, and might be easier to manage if the type is only used in a few places.

Xcode: stop lines of code / functions from compiling

I have common files in several projects and I need to stop from compiling some lines and functions for project A, meanwhile it should be compiled for project B.
I know that I can use preprocessor. But it's not convenient for me. Is there any way to stop lines of code from compiling with condition like below?
#if PhotosModuleSettings.type == .documents
... do not commpile
What's not convenient about using the preprocessor? You can specify the preprocessor macros in build settings of each target, or you can use .xcconfig files to specify them.
There's another simple way to do it, however. Separate the lines and functions that you want to conditionally compile into separate files. Maybe by using Swift extensions or subclassing or just separate global functions, etc..whatever. Then just choose which target(s) and/or project(s) you want those files added as membership.
Depending on your desire to refactor your code to make such a file separation, the preprocessor macros may be the better way to go, though.
You will need to make use of pre processor macros.
Add a configuration for your project, and use that in the pre processor macros.
You can set the value for these configuration in the pre processor macros section for your targets based on your build configuration.
Here is a detailed blog related to the same concept

Require module in Atom's

I've already Google'd for an answer, since this is a common problem, but all the replies point in using alternatives instead of explaining why this doesn't work, so I'm asking here.
I put this code in my Atom's script:
beautify = require('js-beautify').html
But Atom fails with Failed to load and Cannot find module 'js-beautify'. Curiously enough, this works on a package and this works if I type the exact same code on Atom's console.
Of course, I could write a package for this, in fact there are a couple available, this is just an example because I want to learn how to require modules from for future tweaks.
Thanks a lot!
When you require() from, Atom looks for those modules in its own path. An example of where you might want to do that is if you had oni = require('oniguruma') to get access to regular expression functions.
In order to get to js-beautify, you have to specify its complete path. So far, only explicitly declaring the entire absolute path has worked for me:
beaut = require 'C:\\Users\\<username>\\.atom\\packages\\atom-beautify\\node_modules\\js-beautify'
console.log beaut
In practice, the most reliable way to use a module like this is to globally install it so that you can link to your global NPM folder. Linking to a module inside a package will break if the package is ever uninstalled.

Using classes in TCL using Simple Agent Pro

I am using this software called Simple Agent Pro, and it primarily uses TCL code. I was wondering anybody familiar with TCL or Sapro would be kind enough to tell me how to import the modules into the .tel file for Sapro.
When I try this:
package require tclOO.h
The program stops working.
Any help would be appreciated.
I don't know Simple Agent Pro at all, but if you're doing a “guerilla install” of TclOO then you need a few things:
Make sure you're using Tcl 8.5 (see what package require Tcl returns).
If you're using 8.4 (note: 8.4 EOLed this month), TclOO will not work at all (and it cannot be backported).
If you're using 8.6, it already provides the TclOO package and you shouldn't need to fuss around with all this.
Do a build of TclOO and install it to a location you prefer.
This will require Tcl's internal source files; TclOO explicitly pokes its nose into places where most code shouldn't.
You probably don't need to have a custom build of 8.5; just the configured sources somewhere will do. (You might need to hack the configure scripts a little bit.)
Add the location that you installed TclOO to to the search path inside your Tcl 8.5 program.
lappend auto_path /the_dir/you_put/it_in
If you're using Windows, it's probably easiest to use forward slashes for this path anyway (this is a directory name that is always highly protected before it hits the OS, so that's OK).
Now you should be able to require/use the package.
package require TclOO
oo::class create Foo {
# etc.
Note that the case and exactly how you write it matters. The version you get ought to be at least 1.0 (earlier versions were for development only) which corresponds exactly with the API as supported in Tcl 8.6 (modulo a few things that require 8.6 for other reasons, such as being able to yield inside a method which only works in 8.6 because that's where yield was first defined).
You probably mean
package require TclOO
Case and other stuff is important there.
Next time you should also include the stack trace. If the program stops working, it should display that either as dialog or on stdout.

In a project using GNU Autotools, is there a task to launch xgettext?

Summary :
I have a project using GNU Autotools. I have a pot file. I need to update it. Is there a magical "make" task that run xgettext for me (I'm lazy ?)
Verbose version :
I am trying to setup a project using GNU autotools and gettext.
I'm trying to follow the 'lazy' path (that is, only writing,, and such, and let tools generate the rest for me as much as possible).
I used gettextize once on my package, so I got a package.pot file created, and I derived a fr.po file (I'm trying to translate in french).
I never managed to get my code translated, but I figured out it might be because the code was not in the proper place. The translated string is in a lib instead of a main, and the documentation is quite unclear about what I must do in this case. If my main call a function in a lib, and the function from the lib is using _(). Should I use gettext of dgettext in this case ? My lib is just here for organisation purpose, so I'm okay with using the same domain (only one package.pot file for the whole app).
So, to try something simpler, I moved my string to the main (it's really just a hello world, for the moment). So I need to update the package.pot file, at least, to realize that the string position changed, need I ? In this case, would I use xgettext manually (painfully passing it the list of all interesting cpp files, which will be a pain in the ass when I have more than one file), or is there a 'make whatever' task somewhere that I can run ?
This may look stupid, but I've not been able to find it.
Also, any help on finding why my code is not translated, (anything not in is welcome !
Ok, it turns out that :
there is a update-po task in the generated Makefile of the po/ folder, that does just what I want ;
this tasks looks to file referenced in the file, which I had forgotten to update.
So it was something stupid.