I am invoking axios post method in aws lambda. Most of the times lambda does not return any result.logs show the following results
START RequestId: ac92d268-d212-4b80-a06c-927922fcf1d5 Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: ac92d268-d212-4b80-a06c-927922fcf1d5
But some times lambda return expected results. Looks like lambda is not waiting for axios to complete. below is lambda code.
var axios = require('axios')
exports.handler = async (event, context,callback) => {
axios.post('https://example.com/testapi/api.asmx/GetNames', {})
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {
Your handler is async which means it will run asynchronously and return a Promise. This means that your function is being terminated before your code actually runs.
Since axios already works with Promises and your method already is async, you don't need to change too much. This will fix the problem:
const axios = require('axios')
exports.handler = async (event) => {
try {
const res = await axios.post('https://example.com/testapi/api.asmx/GetNames', {})
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify(res)
} catch (e) {
return {
statusCode: 400,
body: JSON.stringify(e)
You can understand more around async/await if you want to.
I was having a similar issue where I make a 3rd party API call with Axios in Lambda, after spending almost a day noticed that my lambda had 6 seconds default timeout. Sometimes the response from the api was getting longer than 6 seconds and it was causing a 502 response.
I am trying to test error states of the following MSW rest endpoint:
import { rest } from 'msw'
export const exceptionHandlers = [
rest.post(config.accountApiUrl + '/login', (req, res, ctx) => {
return res(
ctx.json({ data: { message: 'Mock Error Message' } })
This endpoint is called in a custom hook return function thats using React Query's mutateAsync:
const { mutateAsync } = useMutation(AuthApi.login)
const handleLogin = async (props): Promise<void> => {
await mutateAsync(props, {
onSuccess: async () => {
// this block tests fine
onError: async () => {
// it reaches this block, '!!!' is logged to the console,
// but the test still fails with `Request failed with status code 500`
return handleLogin
In a test file:
it('handles network errors', async () => {
const user = userEvent.setup()
const screen = render(<LoginForm />)
const submitButton = screen.getByTestId('Login.Submit')
// Complete form
await user.click(submitButton)
It doesnt matter what comes after that, the test always fails with
Request failed with status code 500
at createError (node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15)
at settle (node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:17:12)
at XMLHttpRequestOverride.onloadend (node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/xhr.js:54:7)
at XMLHttpRequestOverride.trigger (node_modules/#mswjs/interceptors/src/interceptors/XMLHttpRequest/XMLHttpRequestOverride.ts:176:17)
at node_modules/#mswjs/interceptors/src/interceptors/XMLHttpRequest/XMLHttpRequestOverride.ts:354:16
But its supposed to fail with status 500. That's the whole point. If I change the handler to return another error, ie ctx.status(404), then the test just fails with that error code.
I've tried wrapping the assertion in a try/catch block but the same thing results. I see examples online of people doing (apparently) exactly this and it works fine, so I'm quite confused what's causing this. All other tests that check success states work as expected.
i've had the same problem.
As far as i could understand, the problem is that in test environment there is no handler for the rejected promise.
I'm using a combination of Axios and react-query to make a POST request to a server that may answer with response code 400 and validation errors.
export const axiosDefault = axios.create({
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
const contactMutation = useMutation(
(data) => axiosDefault.post('/contact', data),
onSuccess: (response) => {
console.log('Success', response)
onError: (error) => {
console.log('Error', error)
However, when calling contactMutation.mutate(someData) the error response from the server does not get processed by the react query library and instead propagates upward. Neither the onSuccess or onError handlers get called, the isError property of the mutation is also not set.
I've spent hours tearing my hair out over this, what am I doing wrong?
hi i also had same issue i solved by wrapping api function to try/catch block and throw the catched Error.
(data) => {
try {
axiosDefault.post('/contact', data),
} catch (error) {
throw error
Basically, my question is the exact one here https://github.com/axios/axios/issues/583. It can be done via throw new axios.Cancel('Operation canceled by the user.');.. But how can I do this in nuxt axios module?? I can not see it in the document and I tried $axios.Cancel('Error') but returned $axios.Cancel is not a constructor
Basically, the something like the snippet below is what I am looking for:
axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
throw new axios.Cancel('Operation canceled by the user.');
}, function (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
Emphasis on throw new axios.Cancel
While #nuxtjs/axios does not expose axios.Cancel, you could still import axios directly to get that symbol. Note axios is already a dependency of #nuxtjs/axios, so no extra dependency necessary.
Example (tested with #nuxtjs/axios v5.11.0):
// plugins/axios.js
import { Cancel } from 'axios'
export default function ({ $axios }) {
$axios.onResponse((response) => {
if (response.code !== 200){
throw new Cancel(response.msg)
With nuxt/axios v5.8.0 IsCancel available
v5.8.0 add CancelToken and isCancel to axios instance
Seems like nuxt-axios does not have any exact equivalent but I found a work around.
export default function({ $axios, req, store, redirect, app }, inject) {
// const source = $axios.CancelToken.source()
const timeout = process.env.API_TIMEOUT || 10000
const errorHandling = function(error) {
console.log(`API ${error}`)
return new Promise(() => {})
$axios.onResponse((response) => {
// Any condition that could be considered an response based on standard response
if(response.code !== 200){
throw response.msg
I am writing some end-to-end test cases to test socket connections in my app. I expect receiving socket events after specific rest API requests. For instance, after hitting: /api/v1/[createTag], I expect receiving createTag event to be captured by socket.io-client. The issue is that, it is very inconsistently passing, and sometimes failing, with good rest API requests. The reason to fail is that done() event inside socket.on('createTag' ... is never called, so it gets timeout. On browser, currently all the API endpoints and sockets seem to be working fine. Is there a specific configuration that I might be missing in order to test socket.io-client within Node.js environment and Jest?
Below is my test cases, and thanks a lot in advance:
describe('Socket integration tests: ', () => {
beforeAll(async done => {
await apiInit();
const result = await requests.userSignIn(TEST_MAIL, TEST_PASSWORD);
TEST_USER = result.user;
SESSION = result.user.session;
console.log('Test user authenticated succesfully.');
beforeEach(done => {
socket = io(config.socket_host, { forceNew: true })
socket.on('connect', () => {
console.log('Socket connection succesful.');
socket.emit('session', { data: SESSION }, (r) => {
console.log('Socket session successful.');
test('Receiving createTag socket event?', async(done) => {
console.log('API request on createTag');
const response = await Requester.post(...);
console.log('API response on createTag', response);
socket.on('createTag', result => {
console.log('createTag socket event succesful.');
createdTagXid = result.data.xid;
afterEach(done => {
if(socket.connected) {
} else {
console.log('no connection to break');
Basically, setting event handles after async API calls seems to be the issue. So I should have first set the socket.on( ... and then call rest API.
I'm having issues getting stubRequest to work properly. Here's my code:
it('should stub my request', (done) => {
moxios.stubRequest('/authenticate', {
status: 200
//here a call to /authenticate is being made
SessionService.login('foo', 'bar')
moxios.wait(() => {
This works fine:
it('should stub my request', (done) => {
SessionService.login('foo', 'bar')
moxios.wait(async () => {
let request = moxios.requests.mostRecent()
await request.respondWith({
status: 200
The second method just get's the last call though, and I'd really like to be able to explicitely stub certain requests.
I'm running Jest with Vue.
I landed here with a similar goal and eventually solved it using a different approach that may be helpful to others:
moxios.requests has a method .get() (source code) that lets you grab a specific request from moxios.requests based on the url. This way, if you have multiple requests, your tests don't require the requests to occur in a specific order to work.
Here's what it looks like:
moxios.wait(() => {
// Grab a specific API request based on the URL
const request = moxios.requests.get('get', 'endpoint/to/stub');
// Stub the response with whatever you would like
.then(() => {
// Your assertions go here
The name of the method .get() is a bit misleading. It can handle different types of HTTP requests. The type is passed as the first parameter like: moxios.requests.get(requestType, url)
it would be nice if you show us the service. Service call must be inside the moxios wait func and outside must be the axios call alone. I have pasted a simplified with stubRequest
describe('Fetch a product action', () => {
let onFulfilled;
let onRejected;
beforeEach(() => {
store = mockStore({});
onFulfilled = sinon.spy();
onRejected = sinon.spy();
afterEach(() => {
it('can fetch the product successfully', done => {
const API_URL = `http://localhost:3000/products/`;
moxios.stubRequest(API_URL, {
status: 200,
response: mockDataSingleProduct
axios.get(API_URL, mockDataSingleProduct).then(onFulfilled);
const expectedActions = [
payload: mockDataSingleProduct
moxios.wait(function() {
const response = onFulfilled.getCall(0).args[0];
return store.dispatch(fetchProduct(mockDataSingleProduct.id))
.then(() => {
var actions = store.getActions();
expect(actions[0].payload).not.toBe(null || undefined);