How to ensure that two columns in different tables have the same values - tsql

What T-SQL DDL is required to create a constraint that ensures that the values in a column in one table are the same as the values in a column in a different table?
I want to do this without using a PK-FK relationship.
The T-SQL DDL at the end of this post is an example of the generic problem that I'm trying to solve.
In this example, I want to know how to add an equality constraint between the two tables that ensures that the set of values in the column:
is always equal to the set of values in the column
CREATE SCHEMA "Equality Constraint"
CREATE TABLE "Equality Constraint".PersonMayDriveCar
carVin nchar(4000) NOT NULL,
personName nchar(70) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PersonMayDriveCar_PK PRIMARY KEY(personName, carVin)
CREATE TABLE "Equality Constraint".DriverLicense
driverLicenseNr int NOT NULL,
personName nchar(70) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT DriverLicense_PK PRIMARY KEY(driverLicenseNr),
CONSTRAINT DriverLicense_UC UNIQUE(personName)

I see that you want to maintain referential integrity between the two tables without using a foreign key.
Based on my past experience, I solved such an issue using a trigger.
So you can create a trigger on the DriverLicense table which ensures that any insert or update into the DriverLicense table will be rolled back if the inserted driverLicenseNr doesn't exist in the PersonMayDriveCar table.
You can go through this for a full example:

Adhere to convention:
Use an FK. It’s that simple.
Don’t link these table together with an FK, because they are both child tables of ...
Create a person table, which is the parent of the other two tables
Try this:
- id (PK)
- name
- other columns
- person_id (FK to person)
- other columns
- person_id (FK to person)
- other columns


Postgres - PK with two columns, FK references one of the columns

I am adding declarative partitioning to an existing table TEST which already has a PK on ID column.
Another table FOREIGN has a FK on TEST (ID).
I am going to partition TEST by range on TIME_STAMP column, and Postgres is telling me the partitioned column must be part of the PK.
If I update the PK to (ID, TIME_STAMP) that breaks the FK in FOREIGN table.
FOREIGN does not have a TIME_STAMP table so I can't extend the FK to include it.
I have tried adding a unique constaint for ID, but again, postgres tell me the unique constraint must include all columns in the PK.
Any solution to this? Inheritance partitioning is beginning to look much more straight forward.

PostgreSQL declarative partition - unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns
(1 answer)
Closed last month.
I'm trying to create a partitioned table which refers to itself, creating a doubly-linked list.
id serial NOT NULL,
category integer NOT NULL,
time timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
prev_event integer,
next_event integer
) PARTITION BY HASH (category);
Once I add primary key I get the following error.
alter table test2 add primary key (id);
ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns
DETAIL: PRIMARY KEY constraint on table "test2" lacks column "category" which is part of the partition key.
Why does the unique constrain require all partitioned columns to be included?
EDIT: Now I understand why this is needed:
Once I add PK with both columns it works.
alter table test2 add primary key (id, category);
But then adding the FK to itself doesn't work.
alter table test2 add foreign key (prev_event) references test2 (id) on update cascade on delete cascade;
ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "test2"
Since PK is not just id but id-category I can't create FK pointing to id.
Is there any way to deal with this or am I missing something?
I would like to avoid using inheritance partitioning if possible.
EDIT2: It seems this is a known problem.
Seems that there is no straightforward solution. PostgreSQL simply doesn't support this as of v14. One solution is to use triggers to enforce 'foreign key' behavior. Other is to use multi-column foreign keys. Both are far from optimal.

How to edit a record that results in a uniqueness violation and echo the change to child tables?

PostgreSQL 11.1
How can "Editing" of a record be transmitted to dependent records?
Summary of my issue:
The master table, disease, needs a unique constraint on the description column. This unique constraint is needed for foreign key ON UPDATE CASCADE to its children tables.
To allow for a temporary violation of the unique constraint, it must be made deferrable. BUT A DEFERABLE CONSTRAINT CAN NOT BE USED IN A FOREIGN KEY.
Here is the situation.
The database has 100+ tables (and keeps on growing).
Most all information has been normalized in that repeating groups of information have been delegated to their own table.
Following normalization, most tables are lists without duplication of records. Duplication of records within a table is not allowed.
All tables have a unique ID assigned to each record (in addition to a unique constraint placed on the record information).
Most tables are dependent on another table. The foreign keys reference the primary key of the table they are dependent on.
Most unique constraints involve a foreign key (which in turn references the primary key of the parent table).
So, assume the following schema:
CREATE TABLE phoenix.disease
recid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('disease_recid_seq'::regclass),
code text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
description text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT disease_pkey PRIMARY KEY (recid),
CONSTRAINT disease_code_unique UNIQUE (code)
CONSTRAINT disease_description_unique UNIQUE (description)
CONSTRAINT disease_description_check CHECK (description <> ''::text)
CREATE TABLE phoenix.dx
recid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('dx_recid_seq'::regclass),
disease_recid integer NOT NULL,
patient_recid integer NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_dx_recid PRIMARY KEY (recid),
CONSTRAINT dx_unique UNIQUE (tposted, patient_recid, disease_recid)
CONSTRAINT dx_disease_recid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (disease_recid)
REFERENCES phoenix.disease (recid) MATCH SIMPLE
CONSTRAINT dx_patients FOREIGN KEY (patient_recid)
REFERENCES phoenix.patients (recid) MATCH SIMPLE
(Columns not involved in this question have been removed. :) )
There are many other children tables of disease with the same basic dependency on the disease table. Note that the primary key of the disease table is a foreign key to the dx table and that the dx table uses this foreign key in a unique constraint. Also note that the dx table is just one table of a long chain of table references. (That is the dx table also has its primary key referenced by other tables).
The problem: I wish to "edit" the contents of the parent disease record. By "edit", I mean:
change the data in the description column.
if the result of the change causes a duplication in the disease table, then one of the "duplicated" records will need to be deleted.
Herein lies my problem. There are many different tables that use the primary key of the disease table in their own unique constraint. If those tables ALSO have a foreign key reference to the duplicated record (in disease), then cascading the delete to those tables would be appropriate -- i.e., no duplication of records will occur.
However, if the child table does NOT have a reference to the "correct" record in the parent disease table, then simply deleting the record (by cascade) will result in loss of information.
Disease Table:
record 1: ID = 1 description = "ABC"
record 2: ID = 2 description = "DEF"
Dx Table:
record 5: ID = 5 refers to ID=1 of Disease Table.
Editing of record 1 in Disease table results in description becoming "DEF"
Disease Table:
record 1: ID = 1 "ABC" --> "DEF"
I have tried deferring the primary key of the disease table so as to allow the "correct" ID to be "cascaded" to the child tables. This causes the following errors:
A foreign key can not be dependent on a deferred column. "cannot use a deferrable unique constraint for referenced table "disease"
additionally, the parent table (disease) has no way of knowing ahead of time if its children already have a reference to the "correct" record so allowing deletion, or if the child needs to change its own column data to reflect the new "correct" id.
So, how can I allow a change in the parent table (disease) and notify the child tables to change their column values -- and delete within them selves should a duplicate record arise?
Lastly, I do not know today what future tables I will need. So I cannot "precode" into the parent table who its children are or will be.
Thank you for any help with this.

Sync Primary Key in Parent and Child Table

I need to keep 3 columns in 2 different tables synchronized.
MS SQL Server 2008
create table a(
id int IDENTITY(1,1),
name1 nvarchar(255),
name2 nvarchar(255),
date1 date default null,
date2 date default null,
CONSTRAINT pk primary key (id),
CONSTRAINT uniqueNames UNIQUE (name1,name2))
I'm looking to create another table that will duplicate the first 3 columns in my second table, and keep them up to date (insert, delete, update). I was looking at triggers, but the consensus seems to be that if I insert or update multiple rows at once, this will not execute correctly. Any idea's on how to accomplish this?
Ideally you would normalise the data by moving the duplicated fields in to another table and referencing them via a foreign key.
However triggers could also be used to solve this problem. take a look here : How to write trigger for multiple row update?

parent and child table foreign key

I currently have a parent table:
CREATE TABLE members (
first_name varchar(20)
last_name varchar(20)
address address (composite type)
contact_numbers varchar(11)[3]
date_joined date
type varchar(5)
and two related tables:
CREATE TABLE basic_member (
activities varchar[3]) // can only have 3 max activites
INHERITS (members)
CREATE TABLE full_member (
activities varchar[]) // can 0 to many activities
INHERITS (members)
I also have another table:
CREATE TABLE planner (
day varchar(9) FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES days(day)
time varchar(5) FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES times(time)
activity varchar(20) FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES activities(activity)
member bigint FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES members(member_id)
ALTER TABLE planner ADD CONSTRAINT pk_planner PRIMARKY KEY (day,time,activity,member);
I am currently trying to add with
INSERT INTO planner VALUES ('monday','09:00','Weights',2);
I have added a set into full_members with
INSERT INTO full_members
VALUES (Default, 'Hayley', 'Sargent', (12,'Forest Road','Mansfield','Nottinghamshire','NG219DX'),'{01623485764,07789485763,01645586754}',20120418,'Full');
My insert into Planner is currently not working — can you explain why?
i managed ot answer my own question it was becuase at the moment posgreSQL doesn't work very well with inheritence and foreign keys, so i have ot create a rule
CREATE RULE member_ref
WHERE new.member NOT IN (SELECT member_id FROM members)
this is basically the same as a foreign key
Not sure if this will be better solution but here it goes...
The principle is quite simple:
create new table lets call it table_with_pkeys which will replicate primary key column(s) of inherited tables child1, child2, child3...
create triggers on inherited tables, after insert, insert new PK into table_with_pkeys newly created PK, after update if it changes update it and after delete delete the same PK from table_with_pkeys.
Then in every table which should reference child1, child2 or whichever through parent table's PK using FK, point that FK not to parent's PK, but to table_with_pkeys which has copies of all childs PK's, and so you will have easy manageable way to have foreign keys that can cascade updates, restrict updates and so on.
Hope it helps.
You are missing an open quote before the 12 in the address:
INSERT INTO full_members
VALUES (Default, 'Hayley', 'Sargent', (12 Forest Road', 'Mansfield', 'Nottinghamshire', 'NG219DX'),
should be:
INSERT INTO full_members
VALUES (Default, 'Hayley', 'Sargent', ('12 Forest Road', 'Mansfield', 'Nottinghamshire', 'NG219DX'),
If the materialized view approach doesn't work for you above, create constraint triggers to check the referential integrity. Unfortunately declarative referential integrity doesn't work well with inheritance at present.