How do I render different shapes on each row of a SAPUI5 Gantt chart? - sapui5

In my application, I have to render Projects, Tasks and Milestones. Projects and Tasks are differently coloured bars, and the Milestone is a Diamond (I'm using BaseRectangle and BaseDiamond respectively).
Since some items in my hierarchy are Projects, Some Tasks and Some Milestones, how can I render differing shapes on each row?
My first thought was to use the common "visible" property, but shapes don't have that, conversely "opacity" makes things invisible, but they still respond to mouse position.
I then tried using an Aggregation factory function, but although my chart renders correctly on first display, it doesn't recalculate the shapes on expanding or collapsing branches.
It seems to me that the factory function should work, but something is breaking in the chart that doesn't throw errors to console.
At the moment in my XML template, I have the following:
rowSettingTemplate has shapes1={path: factory:} and no shapes1 element.
Each of my BaseShapes is in a different fragment which are attached to my TreeTable as dependents.
Example Shape Fragment - Project.fragment.xml
<core:FragmentDefinition xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:gnt2="sap.gantt.simple">
<gnt2:BaseRectangle id="shapeProject"
shapeId="{plandata>id}" countInBirdEye="true"
time="{plandata>start_date}" endTime="{plandata>end_date}"
resizable="true" selectable="true" draggable= "true" connectable="true"
title="{plandata>text}" showTitle="true"
fill="#0c1" />
Factory function:
shapeFactory: function(sId, oContext) {
var parentId = (/(.*)-\d+$/.exec(sId))[1];
var rowSettings = sap.ui.getCore().byId(parentId);
var node: Project.Node = oContext.getProperty();
if (String( == rowSettings.getProperty("rowId")) {
switch (node.type) {
case "project":
return this.byId('shapeProject').clone(sId);
case "task":
return this.byId('shapeTask').clone(sId);
case "milestone":
return this.byId('shapeMilestone').clone(sId);
return this.byId('shapeErr').clone(sId);
} else {
return this.byId('shapeEmpty').clone(sId);
My empty shape is a BaseGroup - note that SAPUI5 crashes if I return a null from factory, so something has to be returned when I actually want nothing.
I also tried wrapping all my shapes in BaseGroup so that the chart always sees the same control type, but that doesn't work. Note also that if I return a clone of Empty each time without any special logic, then the chart works correctly.
I'm hoping that this is a settings or something to ensure that the aggregation works properly each time. My SAPUI5 version is 1.61.2 — I'll try 1.63.1 when I get some time, but I think that this issue is fairly deep down.
If anybody has any ideas or sample code, it would be greatly appreciated.

I have come up with a workaround for this, that may save somebody several hours. Basically instead of defining the shapes1 aggregation via a factory function, I have used the <shapes1> tag instead. My Shapes1 tag contains a reference to my own custom shape which derives from BaseRectangle. My custom shape can then render whatever SVG it requires based on the bound object context. Now my tree can expand and collapse whilst rendering whatever shapes are required.
My renderer now looks like this:
CustomChartShape.prototype.renderElementRectangle = BaseRectangle.prototype.renderElement;
CustomChartShape.prototype.renderElementDiamond = BaseDiamond.prototype.renderElement;
CustomChartShape.prototype.renderElement = function(oRm, oElement) {
// There is possibilities that x is invalid number.
// for instance wrong timestamp binded to time property
if (this.bHasInvalidPropValue) { return; }
var Node = this.getBindingInfo('endTime').binding.getContext().getProperty();
if (Node.type == "milestone") {
this.renderElementDiamond(oRm, oElement);
} else {
this.renderElementRectangle(oRm, oElement);
I had to provide a 'getD' function that has a fixed width, and I'll have o go through and rewrite several functions, but I think that this will work for me.


ag-grid - how to get parent node from child grid via context menu?

As an example, I have a Master\Detail grid.
Master\Detail defined as key-relation model and on getDetailRowData method parent node data exists in params
but how to get parent node data from child view?
Tried via context-menu:
On right click - getContextMenuItems got executed which has an input params
On this sample, child-grid doesn't have any row and node in context-params is null, it's ok,
but anyway it should be possible to retrieve the parent details at least via grid API, isn't it ?
Then I've tried to get parent via node:
but instead of detail_173 as you can see its ROOT_NODE_ID, and here is a confusion for me.
So question is that how to get parent node data (RecordID 173 just in case) through child-view context menu or any other possible way (without storing temp value, cuz multiple children's could be opened at the same time)
Yes, I've read this part Accessing Detail Grid API, and still unclear how to get parent-node via child-grid.
For React Hook users without access to lifecycle methods, use Ag-Grid Context to pass the parent node (or parent data) to the detail grid via detailGridOptions. No need to traverse the DOM or use a detailCellRenderer unless you want to :)
detailCellRendererParams: (masterGridParams) => ({
detailGridOptions: {
context: {
masterGrid: {
node: masterGridParams.node.parent,
onCellClicked: detailGridParams => {
Able to achieve it. Have a look at the plunk I've created: Get master record from child record - Editing Cells with Master / Detail
Right click on any child grid's cell, and check the console log. You'll be able to see parent record in the log for the child record on which you've click.
The implementation is somewhat tricky. We need to traverse the DOM inside our component code. Luckily ag-grid has provided us the access of it.
Get the child grid's wrapper HTML node from the params - Here in the code, I get it as the 6th element of the gridOptionsWrapper.layoutElements array.
Get it's 3rd level parent element - which is the actual row of the parent. Get it's row-id.
Use it to get the row of the parent grid using parent grid's gridApi.
getContextMenuItems: (params): void => {
var masterId = params.node.gridOptionsWrapper.layoutElements[6]
// get the parent's id
var id = masterId.replace( /^\D+/g, '');
var masterRecord = this.gridApi.getRowNode(id).data;
defaultColDef: { editable: true },
onFirstDataRendered(params) {
Note: Master grid's rowIds are defined with [getRowNodeId]="getRowNodeId" assuming that account is the primary key of the parent grid.
A very reliable solution is to create your own detailCellRenderer.
on the init method:
this.masterNode = params.node.parent;
when creating the detail grid:
detailGridOptions = {
onCellClicked: params => console.log(
Here is a plunker demonstrating this:
I struggled a lot in finding a solution to this problem without creating custom details renderer but I could not find any viable solution. So the real good solution is already answered. I am just trying to share another way to avoid creating custom renderer.
So What I did is that I changed the details data on the fly and added the field I required from the parent.
getDetailRowData: function (params: any) {
params?.data?.children?.forEach((child:any) => {
//You can assign any other parameter.
child.parentId= params?.data?.id;
When you expand the row to render details the method getDetailRowData gets called, so it takes in params as the current row for which we are expanding the details and the details table is set by invoking params.successCallback. So before setting the row data I am iterating and updating the parentId.

Is it fine to mutate attributes of React-controlled DOM elements directly?

I'd like to use headroom.js with React. Headroom.js docs say:
At it's most basic headroom.js simply adds and removes CSS classes from an element in response to a scroll event.
Would it be fine to use it directly with elements controlled by React? I know that React fails badly when the DOM structure is mutated, but modifying just attributes should be fine. Is this really so? Could you show me some place in official documentation saying that it's recommended or not?
Side note: I know about react-headroom, but I'd like to use the original headroom.js instead.
EDIT: I just tried it, and it seems to work. I still don't know if it will be a good idea on the long run.
If React tries to reconcile any of the attributes you change, things will break. Here's an example:
class Application extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
classes: ["blue", "bold"]
componentDidMount() {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("modifying state");
classes: this.state.classes.concat(["big"])
}, 2000)
render() {
return (
<div id="test" className={this.state.classes.join(" ")}>Hello!</div>
ReactDOM.render(<Application />, document.getElementById("app"), () => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Adding a class manually");
const el = document.getElementById("test");
if (el.classList)
el.className += ' grayBg';
}, 1000)
And here's the demo:,output
We start off with a component that has the classes blue and bold based on its state. After a second, we add the grayBg class without using React. After another second, the component sets its state so that the component has the classes blue, bold, and big, and the grayBg class is lost.
Since the DOM reconciliation strategy is a black box, it's difficult to say, "Okay, my use case will work as long as React doesn't define any classes." For example, React might decide it's better to use innerHTML to apply a large list of changes rather than setting attributes individually.
In general, if you need to do manual DOM manipulation of a React component, the best strategy is to wrap the manual operation or plugin in its own component that it can 100% control. See this post on Wrapping DOM Libs for one such example.

Issue removing and readding series to chart

I'm trying to write a method in GWT to override the function for all Highcharts series, on show I want to essentially copy the series, remove the series from the chart, and readd it so that showing the series will redraw the line (instead of the default behavior where the line appears and the chart redraws). I have this modeled in a Jsfiddle:
I used Moxie's highcharts wrapper for GWT and used the setSeriesPlotOptions() method to set the series show event handler and call this native method from inside the onShow().
public static native void showSeries(JavaScriptObject series, JavaScriptObject chart) /*-{
var options = series.options;
options.color = series.color;
options.index = series.index;
options.marker.symbol = series.symbol;
options.visible = true;
and everything worked fine. Then we updated the project's highcharts and highstock.js files and it broke everything. Now hiding and showing a series in the legend will cause it to redraw fine for the first series you do it for, but as soon as you try and show another series it breaks and goes back to the default functionality for all series. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong or what might be causing it to not work after showing a second series on the graph?
I'm not sure why but for some reason using the seriesShowEventHandler() caused it to break after trying to show more than one series, the solution I came up with was something like this:
setSeriesPlotOptions(new SeriesPlotOptions().setSeriesLegendItemClickEventHandler(new SeriesLegendItemClickEventHandler() {
public boolean onClick(SeriesLegendItemClickEvent seriesLegendItemClickEvent) {
Series series = getSeries(seriesLegendItemClickEvent.getSeriesId());
if(seriesLegendItemClickEvent.isVisible()) {
} else if((series.getOptions().get("type").toString()).equals("\"line\"")){
removeAndReAddSeries(getNativeChart(), series.getNativeSeries());
} else {;
return false;

How to scroll on multiple AmCharts simultaneously?

I just started using AmCharts and have setup two line plots, one on top of the other, with their respective scrollbars.
Now, I want to "link" the scrollbars of both plots, so that if I move the scrollbar on the chart1, I'll get the same date range on the chart2. I imagine this shouldn't be too difficult with a listener, a get value function and a set value function, but I'm unable to find how to get the start/end values of the scrollbar so that I can play with them.
Any help would be appreciated.
There is a demo for this in the AmCharts Knowledge Base
This is the code that is syncing the scrollbars, (I have added the annotations):
Create an array to populate with your charts
var charts = [];
Create how ever many charts you need
charts.push(AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", chartConfig));
charts.push(AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv2", chartConfig2));
charts.push(AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv3", chartConfig3));
Iterate over the charts, adding an event listener for "zoomed" which will share the event handler
for (var x in charts) {
charts[x].addListener("zoomed", syncZoom);
The event handler
function syncZoom(event) {
for (x in charts) {
if (charts[x].ignoreZoom) {
charts[x].ignoreZoom = false;
if (event.chart != charts[x]) {
charts[x].ignoreZoom = true;
charts[x].zoomToDates(event.startDate, event.endDate);

Isolate reactivity in an ordered list

I have got a template that shows tiles in a particular order:
<template name="container">
{{#each tiles}}{{>tile}}{{/each}}
Now the container is a list of tiles that is stored as an array in mongodb.
Since I want the tiles to be shown in the same order as they appear in that array, I'm using the following helper:
Template.container.tiles = function () {
return || [], function(tileId) {
return _.extend({
container: this
}, Tiles.findOne({_id: tileId}));
}, this);
The problem is, that I:
Do not want the entire container to rerender when the any of it's contain tiles changes. (Only the relevent tile should be invalidated).
Do not want the entire container to rerender when a new tile is inserted. The rendered tile should be simply appended or insteted at the respective location.
Do not want the entire container to rerender when the order of the tiles is changed. Instead, when the order changes, the DOM objects that represent the tile should be rearranged without re-rendering the tile itself.
With the above approach I will not meet the requirements, because the each tiles data is marked as a dependency (when running Tiles.findOne({_id: tileId})) of the entire container and the entire array of tile-ids is part of the containers data and if that changes the entire container template is invalidated.
I'm thinking I should mark the cursor for the container as non-reactive. Something like this:
Containers.findOne({_id: containerId}, {reactive:false});
But I still need to find out when this container changes it's tiles array.
So something like
Deps.autorun(function() {
updateContainer(Containers.findOne({_id: containerId}));
But I want that container template to be highly reusable. So whatever solution there it should not require some preparations with dependencies.
Where do declare I run that autorun function? (surely i cannot do that in that helper, right?)
Is this the right approach?
Does anybody have better ideas on how to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance...
The way I usually approach this problem is by creating an auxiliary Collection object and populate it with a help of appropriate observer. In your case this might be something like:
// this one should be "global"
var tiles = new Meteor.Collection(null); // empty name
Now, depending on the current container, you can populate the tiles collection with corresponding data. Also, you'll probably need to remember each object's index:
Deps.autorun(function () {
var containerId = ... // get it somehow, e.g. from Session dictionary
var tilesIDs = Containers.findOne({_id:containerId}).tiles;
tiles.remove({}); // this will be performed any time
// the current container changes
Tiles.find({ _id : { $in : tilesIDs } }).observeChanges({
added: function (id, fields) {
_index : _.indexOf(tilesIDs, id),
_id : id,
}, fields);
changed: ... // you'll also need to implement
removed: ... // these to guys
The helper code is now really simple:
Template.container.tiles = function () {
return tiles.find({}, {sort : {_index : 1}});
Please note, that in order to prevent the whole list being rerendered every time the container object changes (e.g. the order of tiles changes), you'll need to make a separate listOfTiles template that does not depend on the container object itself.