using a function from Page Object in Protractor - protractor

I have this code in my afterEach block that works to console log the page source for a failed spec. But I want to move it to another class instead.
afterEach(function () {
const state = this.currentTest.state;
if (state === 'failed') {
browser.driver.getPageSource().then(function (res) {
but when i try to use the following in another class, i get 'Property 'currentTest' does not exist on type 'HelperClass'. How do i declare the currentTest property?
import { browser, } from 'protractor';
export class HelperClass {
public getSource() {
const state = this.currentTest.state;
if (state === 'failed') {
browser.driver.getPageSource().then(function (res) {

Try like below
test file:
const helper = new HelperClass(); // create object for class
afterEach(async ()=> {
const state = this.currentTest.state;
await helper.getSource(state);
Class File
import { browser, } from 'protractor';
export class HelperClass {
public getSource(state:any) {
if (state === 'failed') {
browser.driver.getPageSource().then(function (res) {
Here we are sending the State from your test file.
Hope it helps you


How to set run time variable to postgresql in typeorm and nest js

Iam using the row level security in supabase with nest.js, So how can I set runtime variables safely to the DB so that I can be sure that the variables sync with each app user (due to the http request triggered the execution)?
I saw that it is possible to set local variables in a transaction but I wouldn't like to wrap all the queries with transactions.
Thanks & Regards
I tried to execute this with subscribers in nestjs it working fine . but it wont have a function like beforeSelect or beforeLoad , so i drop it
import { Inject, Injectable, Scope } from '#nestjs/common';
import { InjectDataSource } from '#nestjs/typeorm';
import { ContextService } from 'src/context/context.service';
import { DataSource, EntityManager, LoadEvent, RecoverEvent, TransactionRollbackEvent, TransactionStartEvent } from 'typeorm';
import {
} from 'typeorm';
export class CurrentUserSubscriber implements EntitySubscriberInterface {
#InjectDataSource() dataSource: DataSource,
private context: ContextService,
) {
async setUserId(mng: EntityManager, userId: string) {
await mng.query(
`SELECT set_config('request.jwt.claim.sub', '${userId}', true);`,
async beforeInsert(event: InsertEvent<any>) {
try {
const userId = this.context.getRequest();
await this.setUserId(event.manager, userId);
} catch (err) {
async beforeTransactionRollback(event: TransactionRollbackEvent) {
try {
const userId = this.context.getRequest();
await this.setUserId(event.manager, userId);
} catch (err) {
async beforeUpdate(event: UpdateEvent<any>) {
try {
const userId = this.context.getRequest();
await this.setUserId(event.manager, userId);
} catch (err) {
async beforeRemove(event: RemoveEvent<any>) {
try {
const userId = this.context.getRequest();
await this.setUserId(event.manager, userId);
} catch (err) {
After i get to know that we can use query runner instead of subscriber . but its not working ,
also i need a common method to use all the queries
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '#nestjs/typeorm';
import { Users } from 'src/common/entities';
import { DataSource, EntityManager, Repository } from 'typeorm';
export class UsersService {
#InjectRepository(Users) private userRepository: Repository<Users>,
private dataSource: DataSource,
private em: EntityManager,
) {}
getAllUsers(userId: string) {
const queryRunner = this.dataSource.createQueryRunner();
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let res: any;
try {
await queryRunner.connect();
await queryRunner.manager.query(
// like this we can set the variable
`SELECT set_config('request.jwt.claim.sub', '${userId}', true);`,
// after setting config variable the query should return only one user by userId
res = await queryRunner.query('SELECT * FROM users');
// but it reurns every user
} catch (err) {
} finally {
await queryRunner.manager.query(`RESET request.jwt.claim.sub`);
await queryRunner.release();
Thanks in advance....
Sorry to say, bro. But in currently state of development TypeORM does not have a feature that let us set conection variables. The roundabout for your problem is to do something like this.
* Note: Set current_tenant session var and executes a query on repository.
* Usage:
* const itens = = await tenantTransactionWrapper( manager => {
* return manager.getRepository(Entity).find();
* });
* #param {function} callback - a function thar receives an Entity Manager and returns a method to be executed by tenantTransactionWrapper
* #param {string} providedTenantId - optional tenantId, otherwise tenant will be taken from localStorage
async function tenantWrapper<R>(
callback: (manager: EntityManager) => Promise<R>,
providedTenantId?: string,
) {
const tenantId = providedTenantId || tenantStorage.get();
let response: R;
await AppDataSource.transaction(async manager => {
await manager.query(`SET LOCAL smsystem.current_tenant='${tenantId}';`);
response = await callback(manager);
return response;
Then create a custom repository to make use of the wraper a little bit simple.
const customRepository = <T>(entity: EntityTarget<T>) => ({
find: (options?: FindManyOptions<T>) =>
tenantTransactionWrapper(mng => mng.getRepository(entity).find(options))(),
findAndCount: (options?: FindManyOptions<T>) =>
tenantTransactionWrapper(mng =>
save: (entities: DeepPartial<T>[], options?: SaveOptions) =>
tenantTransactionWrapper(mng =>
mng.getRepository(entity).save(entities, options),
findOne: (options: FindOneOptions<T>) =>
tenantTransactionWrapper(async mng =>
remove: (entities: T[], options?: RemoveOptions) =>
tenantTransactionWrapper(mng =>
mng.getRepository(entity).remove(entities, options),
createQueryBuilder: () => {
throw new Error(
'Cannot create queryBuilder for that repository type, instead use: tenantWrapper',
And finally use our customRepository :
class PersonsRepository implements IPersonsRepository {
private ormRepository: Repository<Person>;
constructor() {
this.ormRepository = AppDataSource.getRepository<Person>(Person).extend(
public async create(data: ICreatePersonDTO): Promise<Person> {
const newPerson = this.ormRepository.create(data);
return newPerson;
public async getAll(relations: string[] = []): Promise<Person[]> {
return this.ormRepository.find({ relations });
I hope this may help someone and will be very glad if someone provides a better solution.
First you have to create a custom class for wrapping your userId or any stuff
custome_service.ts ==>
export class UserIdWrapper {
constructor(private dataSource: DataSource) {}
userIdWrapper = (callback: (mng: QueryRunner) => Promise<any>, userId: string) => {
const queryRunner = this.dataSource.createQueryRunner();
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let res: any;
try {
await queryRunner.connect();
await queryRunner.manager.query(
`SELECT set_config('your_variable_name', '${userId}', false)`,
//here is your funciton your calling in the service
res = await callback(queryRunner);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
await queryRunner.manager.query(`RESET your_variable_name`);
await queryRunner.release();
Now here you have to call the function inside user service
user.service.ts ==>
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '#nestjs/typeorm';
import { Users } from 'src/common/entities';
import { UserIdWrapper } from 'src/common/local-settup/userId_wrapper';
import { DataSource, EntityManager, QueryRunner, Repository } from 'typeorm';
export class UsersService {
#InjectRepository(Users) private userRepository: Repository<Users>,
private dataSource: DataSource,
private userIdWrapper: UserIdWrapper
) {}
async getAllUsers(userId: string) {
//This is your call back funciton that have to pass
const findOne = async (queryRunner: QueryRunner) => {
const res = await queryRunner.query('SELECT * FROM public.users');
return res;
try {
//hear we are passing the function in to the class funciton
return this.userIdWrapper.userIdWrapper(findOne, userId);
} catch (err) {
Dont forgot to provide the custom class service inside the provider of user service.

redux toolkit createAsuncThunk thunkApi return types

I'm trying to delete a todo while using thunkApi.fulfillwithValue and thunkApi.rejectWithValue but I cant seem to get the types right.
import { createAsyncThunk } from '#reduxjs/toolkit';
interface DeleteTodoError {
message: string;
interface DeleteTodoSuccess {
message: string;
export const deleteTodos = createAsyncThunk<DeleteTodoError | DeleteTodoSuccess, number>(
async (todoId: number, thunkApi) => {
try {
const response = await fetch(`${process.env.baseUrl}/todos/${todoId}`, {
method: 'delete',
if (response.status === 200) {
return thunkApi.fulfillWithValue({
message: 'todo deleted successfully',
} catch (error) {
return thunkApi.rejectWithValue({
message: 'failed to delete todo',
The rejected type is defined in the third generic argument.
You can find the docs on that here
export const deleteTodos = createAsyncThunk<
rejectValue: DeleteTodoError

object is probably 'undefined' - Mocha

I am using Protractor. The below solution works, but i get this warning:
- error TS2532: Object is possibly 'undefined'
(property) Mocha.Context.currentTest?: Mocha.Test | undefined
How do i fix this warning?
Test file:
const helper = new HelperClass();
afterEach(async ()=> {
const state = this.currentTest.state;
await helper.getSource(state);
Class File
import { browser, } from 'protractor';
export class HelperClass {
public getSource(state:any) {
if (state === 'failed') {
browser.driver.getPageSource().then(function (res) {
I think the error occurs because the access to this.currentTest.state happens inside another function: the arrow function passed in to afterEach--flow analysis does not cross function boundaries. Try simply pulling that line outside of the function:
const helper = new HelperClass();
afterEach(async ()=> {
const state = this.!currentTest.state;
await helper.getSource(state);
Does that change anything?

Calling mongodb insert,find functions from another class in react native , returns undefined

This is my first class where I defined all db functions.
import React,{Component} from 'react';
var Datastore = require('react-native-local-mongodb')
, db = new Datastore({ filename: 'asyncStorageKey', autoload: true });
export default class RDDBManager {
static dbmanager = null;
static getInstance() {
if (RDDBManager.dbmanager == null) {
RDDBManager.dbmanager = new RDDBManager();
return this.dbmanager;
constructor () {
//insert items
var json = item.toJsonString();
console.log("Inside insertItem ::: "+json);
return newDos;
//read single item
db.findOne({ id: itemId }, function (err, doc) {
return doc;
//read all items
db.find({}, function (err, docs) {
return docs;
getModalData(modalName) {
db.update({ id: itemId }, { $set: { system: 'solar system' } }, { multi: true }, function (err, numReplaced) {
//delete item
db.remove({ id: itemId }, {}, function (err, numRemoved) {
return numRemoved;
But,when I try to call these functions from another class,the data is undefined.
loadDataFromDB() {
var items = RDDBManager.getInstance().readAllItems();
console.log("Items ======>>>>>> "+items);
the value of items is undefined.
This is because you are not doing things right, Your readallitems is async in nature so you have to do something like this:-
//read all items
db.find({}, function (err, docs) {
And For calling something like this:-
loadDataFromDB() {
console.log("Items ======>>>>>> "+items);
Alternatively, you can use promise or Async await also.

Events in Ionic v4

I'm using Ioni v4Beta and I'm traying to update the sidemenu when the user is login.
I search but the usual solution is use Events:
Ionic 3 refresh side menu after login
But in the new version I don't find it, and I don't know how to do it
Thanks a lot, but I finally find how to import it:
import { Events } from '#ionic/angular';
Example on how to do it with subjects:
export const someEvent:Subject = new Subject();
export class ReceivingClass implements OnDestroy, OnInit
private someEventSubscription:Subscription;
public OnInit():void{
someEventSubscription = someEvent.subscribe((data) => console.log(data);
public onDestroy():void{
export class SendingClass implements OnInit
public OnInit():void{
setTimeout(() => {'hi');
}, 500);
Are you aware that Ionic v4 events will be deprecated soon?
I was also trying to update the sidemenu when a user logs in as well, so i tried using: import { Events } from '#ionic/angular';
However I got a warning referring me to this link which I failed to follow because am not that familiar with observables.
After much research I found that I can still use events but I had to import them from angular's router directive.
This was my code before:
/* import was */
import { Events } from '#ionic/angular';
import { Storage } from '#ionic/storage';//ignore this import if doesn't apply to your code
/* inside the class */
private events: Events,
private storage: Storage
) {"updateMenu", () => { => {"userLoginInfo").then((userData) => {
if (userData != null) {
console.log("User logged in.");
let user = userData.user;
else {
console.log("No user found.");
let user = {};
changes i made that actually got my code working and deprecation warning gone:
/* import is now */
import { Router,RouterEvent } from '#angular/router';
import { Storage } from '#ionic/storage';//ignore this import if it does't apply to your code
Rest of code
public router: Router,
public storage: Storage
){ RouterEvent) => { => {"userLoginInfo").then((userData) => {
if (userData != null) {
/*console.log("User logged in.");*/
let user = userData.user;
else {
/*console.log("No user found.");*/
let user = {};
I got the idea after seeing this I hope my answer can be useful.
Steps to resolve the issue
import events in login page and in sidemenu view
In login page, after login success do your logic to publish the events.
for eg:
this.authService.doLogin(payload).subscribe((response) => {
if (response.status) {'IS_LOGGED_IN', true);'user:login');
}, (error) => {
In sidemenu view, create a listener to watch the events 'user:login'
for eg:
this.menus = [];
// subscribe events'user:login', () => {
// check whether the user is logged in or not
checkIsUserloggedIn() {
let isLoggedIn = false;
if ('IS_LOGGED_IN') == '' ||'IS_LOGGED_IN') == null ||'IS_LOGGED_IN') == undefined) {
isLoggedIn = false;
} else {
isLoggedIn = true;
return isLoggedIn;
// to set your sidemenus
setSidemenu() {
let isUserLoggedIn = this.checkIsUserloggedIn();
if(isUserLoggedIn) {
this.menus = ['Home', 'Aboutus', 'Contactus', 'My Profile', 'Logout'];
} else {
this.menus = ['Login', 'Home', 'Aboutus', 'Contactus'];