Spring Data Jpa : java 8 instant comparaison - date

In my app i need to search an order by his creation_date.
In my entity, the type of the creationDate field is java.time.Instant.
In my class ManualOrderSpecification i need to check the creation_date.
I would like to compare the date of creation without the hours or with the same hour (0 hour for example).
My code :
if (searchBean.getCreatedDate() != null) {
Instant createdInstantFromForm = ZonedDateTime.of(searchBean.getCreatedDate(), LocalTime.of(0, 0, 0, 0), ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant();
p.getExpressions().add(criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get(ManualOrder_.createdDate), createdInstantFromForm ));
Of course it doesn't work because i compare the same date but with different hours, 0 hour to another hours.
How can i force to compare to a localdate
can i force to 0 hours the root.get(ManualOrder_.createdDate) attribute ?
Many thanks


Get every round hour from Firestore

I have a data stored in Firestore, the data add to Firestore every second, so in 24 hours I have 1440 documents (24 * 60), I want to fetch only round hour from the Firestore for show it on a Graph, how can I get only round hour from Firestore?
First of all, you will have to store the firestore documents with a timestamp property and then query the documents with the timestamp value which gives a rounded hour using DateTime and DateFormat APIs of flutter.
Once you've got a timestamp back from Firestore, something like :
Timestamp(seconds=1560523991, nanoseconds=286000000)
You can get only rounded hour from the timestamp value using 2 ways :
You need to parse it into an object of type DateTime:
DateTime myDateTime = (snapshot.data.documents[index].data['timestamp']).toDate(); // prints 2020-05-09 15:27:04.074
This will return your Firestore timestamp in the dart's DateTime format. In order to convert your DateTime object you can use DateFormat class from the intl package. You can use your obtained DateTime object to get the format of your choice like this:
Possible Solution 1 :
DateFormat.Hm().format(myDateTime); //prints 15.27
So the query should look for documents with:
DateFormat.m().format(myDateTime) to be “00” as
DateFormat.m() returns minutes and if minutes == 00 then the timestamp is rounded to the nearest hour.
Possible Solution 2 :
Convert timestamp into timestring using :
Let TimeString = snapshot.data.documents[index].data['timestamp']).toDate().toString() // prints ‘2019-12-28 18:48:48.364’
Let time = TimeString.split(“ “)[1] // prints 18:48:48.364
To check if the minutes is “00” :
if time.substring(3,5) == “00”, then it's a rounded hour. //here it is 48
You will have to put these timestamp conversion logics and then query as I mentioned for the rounded hour timestamp. There are no readymade available functions/methods to get the firestore documents with rounded hours.
Firestore supports "IN" Queries.
Store as Timestamp, and try with following
const roundhour1 = new Date('2021-10-01T01:00:00.000z');
const roundhour2 = new Date('2021-10-01T02:00:00.000z');
And then write the query like below:
database.collection("collectionName").where("fieldName", "in", ["roundhour1", "roundhour2"]);
You can have up to 10 values (roundhourX) to check "IN" of, so need to fire 3 queries to get all 24 hours data.

Named query to show results by date (Year, month, day) in Grails 3.2.10

Given this domain:
class Burger{
String description
Date dateCreated
Currently, I have this namedQuery
queryOnDateCreated {Date dateArgument ->
eq 'dateCreated', dateArgument
I need a query that allows me find all the objects in the domain Burger with a specific dateCreated only taking into accountYear, Month and day (of month), while ignoring hours, minutes, seconds, miliseconds.
After some additional research, I found a solution which I'm going to share in case it helps someone else:
The named query needs to be as follows:
queryOnDateCreated {Date dateArgument ->
def dateArgumentIntervalEnd = DateUtils.addMilliseconds(dateArgument + 1, - 1)
between 'dateCreated', dateArgument, dateArgumentIntervalEnd
The "between" criteria returns every object in the domain whose date is between the interval given.
Since dateArgument is a Date created only with Year, Month and Day, it's time should be 00:00:00:000 (the first moment of the day).
Furthermore, "dateArgument + 1" holds the value of the next day (at the same time), which is why the substraction of 1 millisecond is required, that way "dateArgumentIntervalEnd" will hold the value of the same Year, Month and Day of "dateArgument" but the time will be 23:59:59:999 holding an interval of the whole day.

Is it possible to find data from MySQL by month using JPA and java.time.LocalDate date format?

I creating an application, for that I need to find data by month using JPA and java.time.LocalDate. So, is it possible to retrieve data by month from mysql?
Thanks in advance for help.
First find start and end date of month and use between method of JPA to find data of current month.
LocalDate start = LocalDate.ofEpochDay(System.currentTimeMillis() / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) ).withDayOfMonth(1);
LocalDate end = LocalDate.ofEpochDay(System.currentTimeMillis() / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) ).plusMonths(1).withDayOfMonth(1).minusDays(1);
In Repository
List<Object> findByCreatedateGreaterThanAndCreatedateLessThan(LocalDate start,LocalDate end);
Its better to use the between keyword, it makes things allot shorter.
List<Object> findByCreatedateBetween(LocalDate start,LocalDate end);
Also if you want to use the LocalDate or LocalDateTime objects with Spring Data you should use the converter class Jsr310JpaConverters or else the documents will be stored as Blobs instead of Dates (which is bad for portability of the database). Please see this tutorial on how to implement the Converter.
YearMonth.now( ZoneId.of( "Pacific/Auckland" ) ) // Get current month for particular time zone.
.atDayOfMonth( 1 ) // Get the first date of that month.
.plusMonths( 1 ) // Get first of next month for Half-Open query.
Assuming your column in MySQL is of DATE type…
The LocalDate class represents a date-only value without time-of-day and without time zone.
Time zone
A time zone is crucial in determining a date. For any given moment, the date varies around the globe by zone. For example, a few minutes after midnight in Paris France is a new day while still “yesterday” in Montréal Québec.
Specify a proper time zone name in the format of continent/region, such as America/Montreal, Africa/Casablanca, or Pacific/Auckland. Never use the 3-4 letter abbreviation such as EST or IST as they are not true time zones, not standardized, and not even unique(!).
ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
LocalDate today = LocalDate.now( z );
The YearMonth class represents an entire month. Getting the current month requires a time zone as discussed above. Around the beginning/ending of the month, the current moment could be “next” month in Auckland New Zealand while still “previous” month in Kolkata India.
YearMonth currentMonth = YearMonth.now( z ) ;
Get the first date of the month.
LocalDate start = currentMonth.atDayOfMonth( 1 ) ;
Generally best to use the Half-Open [) approach to defining a span of time, where the beginning is inclusive while the ending is exclusive. So defining a month means starting with the first date of the month and running up to, but not including, the first date of the following month.
LocalDate stop = start.plusMonths( 1 ) ;
Do not use the BETWEEN command in SQL as it is fully closed [], both beginning and ending being inclusive. Half-Open uses >= & < logic.
SELECT when FROM tbl
WHERE when >= start
AND when < stop
it's also useful
#Query("from PogWorkTime p where p.codePto = :codePto and month(p.dateApply) = :month and year(p.dateApply) = :year")
Iterable<PtoExceptWorkTime> findByCodePtoAndDateApply_MonthAndDateApply_Year(#Param("codePto") String codePto,#Param("month") int month, #Param("year") int year);

MS Access 2010 (Design View): return Monday of the current week with Monday as 1st day of the week

I need to make my Access query always return the Monday of the current week. I have seen a few solutions on Google/StackOverflow but they are written in SQL and I am a beginner in creating Access queries (I am using the Design view to make them).
Goal: The week should be considered as M T W T F S S. Then, the query should always return the Monday of the current week. Therefore, if it is Sunday, it should still return the Monday before, NOT the next week's Monday. Can anyone explain how to do this using the Design View in Access 2010?
Keep in mind that in this context we are working with dates, so if we do Date() - 1, we will get 1 day prior to today.
Date() ~ Today's date
"w" - Weekday
Date() - Today's date
2 - vBMonday (Access assumes Sunday is the first day of the week, which is why this is necessary.)
1 - vbFirstJan1 - This gets into using the first week of the year. We could have omitted this, as 1 is the default.
-1 - Subtract 1 from the DatePart value.
Date() = 4/27/2015 (at time of this writing)
DatePart("w",Date(),2,1) = 1
DatePart("w",Date(),2,1)-1 = 0
So we have Date()-0... Okay, what's so great about that? Well, let's look at a more useful scenario where today's date is a day other than Monday.
Let's act like today is 4/28/2015 (Tuesday)
Date() = 4/28/2015
DatePart("w",Date(),2,1) = 2
DatePart("w",Date(),2,1)-1 = 1
So, from the outside, in; give me the current weekday value. (1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, etc.), and subtract 1 from that -> that's how many days we need to subtract from the current date to get back to the weekday value of 1 (Monday).
Here's a function that will do this:
Public Function DatePrevWeekday( _
ByVal datDate As Date, _
Optional ByVal bytWeekday As VbDayOfWeek = vbMonday) _
As Date
' Returns the date of the previous weekday, as spelled in vbXxxxday, prior to datDate.
' 2000-09-06. Cactus Data ApS.
' No special error handling.
On Error Resume Next
DatePrevWeekday = DateAdd("d", 1 - Weekday(datDate, bytWeekday), datDate)
End Function
As vbMonday is 2 and your date is today, you can use the core expression in a query:
PreviousMonday: DateAdd("d",1-Weekday(Date(),2),Date())

Merge a Date object which has 04:00 as its time with another time string ("8:30am") into a new Date object

I have a mongo db with a document that has a date and a time separately.
Date object was intended to be just a date, so it has the time as
04:00 (time-zone adjusted to -4)
And there's a separate time field which is still a string
How do I merge them both into one field?
Do the combination client-side, using appropriate libraries to handle calendar and clock calculations, and then update/insert the document. MongoDB (as of 2.6, anyway) doesn't have facilities for updating to the combination server side.
db.logs.find().forEach(function(log) {
log.date = new Date(log.date.getFullYear(),
/* date */ log.date.getMonth(),
/* time */ parseInt(log.time)
/* + 12 if PM */ + (((log.time.charAt(log.time.length - 2) + log.time.charAt(log.time.length - 1)) === 'pm') ? 12 : 0));