Opening up specific posts inside Facebook app? - facebook

There doesn't seem to be a clear answer on whether its possible to open up a specific Facebook post (from a page) inside the app when clicking to it from outside the app.
Like if I link to
I want it to open up in the app (on IOS and Android).
But it doesn't, it just opens up the page for Facebook.
Is there a specific way to format the link so it does?


What happens when you click on a URL link and the link opens the app instead in flutter?

I have a link to a website but I want when the user clicks on the link, they are taken to the app instead of the browser.
You can achieve this using device_apps Flutter_device_apps (not supported for IOS).
firebase_dynamic_links package can help you in this regards.
With Dynamic Links, your users get the best available experience for the platform they open your link on. If a user opens a Dynamic Link on iOS or Android, they can be taken directly to the linked content in your native app. If a user opens the same Dynamic Link in a desktop browser, they can be taken to the equivalent content on your website.

Is it possible to deeplink from a facebook post to an app and does it need to be approved by facebook?

I would like to have my app post to facebook and then when "friends" see the link, they can click on it and since it is a deeplink, clicking on it would take the user to the app store if the app isnt downloaded otherwise it would take them to the correct page of the app. Would this need approval from Facebook?
No approval needed, but in most cases this is currently not possible — Facebook has decided to block the functionality. The best option is to post a link pointing to a page on your website, and then open your app from there.
In other words, you can't open a link from the news feed and have it launch the app. However you can open a link to your website, and once the website is open you can launch your app successfully from there. This is the approach we currently use at

codename one. How to share a link to your app.

What I want to achieve here is similar to what most apps do, specifically like Youtube. If I share a video on youtube the user gets a link to the video. When the link is clicked the user is automatically taken to the video in the Youtube app (if the user has the app). I want that sort of functionality. My app has different stores on it and information about the store. I want the user to be able to "Share" a store via Whatsapp, sms etc so then when the receiver clicks on the shared link they are automatically taken to that specific store's page INSIDE my app. And if they do not have the app the link must take them to my app's page in the app store to allow them to download it. How do I achieve this in codename one. I looked at the share functionality in the developer doc and the How To section and that only shows me how to share text or images. Not a link to my app.
You can use the ShareButton or it's underlying native share API call (notice this behaves differently on devices as this relies on native functionality).
To share one URL that works on all platforms you need server side code as we have no way of knowing if the guy who will click the link has the same device as you have.
How to make QR code for BOTH Android Market and App Store answers that although it discusses QR codes this is applicable to links as well e.g. looks like it could solve that although I haven't tried their service.
The correct answer to this question was actually URL intercepting. You share a url from your app to an external application. When the user opens that lick in an external application the user is automatically taken to your app if your app intercepts it.

Deep linking not working from the Facebook timeline

I am trying to enable deep linking from custom open graph stories. I have gone through the instructions listed
Deep linking works fine when I click from the Facebook timeline to the actual story post page and then click the object button. If I click the object button on the timeline itself, the url is NOT handled and instead is open directly in the Facebook webview.
This may be because I don't have a web platform added on my App Dashboard.
Facebook documentation reads
Deep linking in Open Graph stories If you're deep linking from an Open
Graph story published from your app, you will need to go through one
more step.
If you HAVEN'T already added a website for this app, in the App
Dashboard, inside your app's settings, click on ''Add platform'', and
select ''Website''. Then in any of the fields (either ''Site URL'' or
''Mobile site URL''), fill in your subdomain. It doesn't matter if you
don't have a website that you're integrating with Facebook, this will
register this subdomain for use with your native app.
However, when I try to add a the url in app settings (the screenshots match those in the documentation), my open graph submission is rejected by Facebook with the note:
Your app does not qualify for the submitted platform. In the app
settings tab, please remove platforms without Facebook integration.
Canvas or page tab apps cannot redirect users, and websites must
properly integrate Facebook login.
Anybody been through this before and can lend some guidance? I am very much confused by the documentation.
The deep-linking started working on its own about a week later without any changes on my part.

Is there anyway to open a facebook URL in the facebook app of a phone? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
launch facebook app from other app
I was wondering if there is anyway I could put a facebook link into a webpage, and, if a facebook app is installed, to get the link to facebook open in the fb app instead of the broswer?
The facebook application link starts with fb://, (according to this site), for the iPhone. So in theory clicking a link that starts with fb:// would launch the facebook app.
The problem is that the web browser application (Safari, or some custom app) decides how to handle that link, and it won't necessarily try to open another app unless it is preprogrammed to do so. If you're planning to put this on a web page, for example, and browse to it from an iPhone, there's no guarantee it will work. Better off putting two links I believe.
Not sure if the same is true for Android.
If you are showing the webpage in a Web View you can intercept the link procedure in its delegate. When a link is pressed, the message is sent to the delegate to check if the request should proceed. If you detect that it is a facebook link, you can alter it to use the fb scheme and open it with UIApplication's openURL:. To check if there is an application that can handle the fb: link you can call canOpenURL:, also of UIApplication.
Facebook applications for handheld devices aren't standard. They mostly use the API and I don't believe any application would provide you a way to open an URL.