How can you use "use framework" Foundation " and " use scripting additions " with " info for POSIX file "? - frameworks

I went around every framework, every time I try "info for POSIX file" or "info for file" I have a file error not found.
For the moment, I've gone back to the "do shell script" (basename, dirname, ls) which works very well. it is very penible in an applescript script to have recourse to "do shell script"
below an example script that does not work with "use framework" Foundation "
and " info for POSIX file "
global testdir
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
set testdir to POSIX path of (choose file)
set {name:Nm, name extension:Ex} to info for POSIX file testdir

info for takes an alias or file reference, such as the result from choose file. POSIX file is from the StandardAdditions Scripting Addition (Foundation is a Cocoa framework that applies more to AppleScriptObjC), and is just one of those items that doesn’t work well everywhere. In this case, it works better as a coercion:
set {name:Nm, name extension:Ex} to info for (testdir as POSIX file)
info for has also been deprecated for a while - System Events is the recommend alternative, and tends to work better with POSIX paths:
tell application "System Events" to set {name:Nm, name extension:Ex} to disk item testdir

Just skip the POSIX path detour:
set testfile to (choose file) -- The name testdir for a file is confusing 😉
set {name:Nm, name extension:Ex} to info for testfile


Windows Powershell Basic Questions - new user

When trying to open a file with text editor VIM, I am unable to open the file unless VIM (shortcut) is in my current working directory. As an example, I am able to write start firefox to open a firefox window. However, start vim C:\filepath\filename.txt does not work unless a vim shortcut is in my current directory. How do I get around this?
Also, is there a way to have a program execute a file in the current working directory without having to reference the entire file path? For example instead of Start-Process vim C:\Users\User\Desktop\File\file.txt is there an available path shortcut like Start-Process vim ~\file.txt with ~ representing the current working directory?
The OS need to determine the full path of the exe, no matter what.
There's 2 ways that it will happen.
You're calling the executable from it's working directory
The executable location is in the Windows environment variable.
You can view the PATH variable content through this simple statement
$env:Path -split ';' | sort
You sill see that the Firefox path is listed there, but not the one from VIM.
That's why the former can be started by it's executable name and the latter require the full path.
You need to add VIM directory to your PATH variable if you want to be able to call it just by typing vim
Otherwise, if you have restricted access or don't want to edit that variable, you can also set a $vim variable, then invoke it whenever you want to call the executable.
Regarding the second part of your question
Powershell use the dot as a reference to the current directory .\file.txt.
You can also just specify the filename without anything else file.txt.
Both backslash \ & slash / work for filepath so .\file.txt and ./file.txt are both valid ways to reference the file.
Use ..\ to reference the parent directory (e.g. ..\file.txt)
$Vim = "c:\Path\To\Vim.exe"
& $vim "file.txt"
& $vim ".\file.txt"
#Forward slash also work for paths
& $vim "./file.txt"

checking to see if files are executable perl

I have a program that checks to see if the files in my directory are readable,writeable, and executable.
i have it set up so it looks like
if (-e $file){
print "exists";
if (-x $file){
print "executable";
and so on
but my issue is when I run it it shows that the text files are executable too. Plain text files with 1 word in them. I feel like there is an error. What did I do wrong. I am a complete perl noob so forgive me.
It is quite possible for a text file to be executable. It might not be particularly useful in many cases, but it's certainly possible.
In Unix (and your Mac is running a Unix-like operating system) the "executable" setting is just a flag that is set in the directory entry for a file. That flag can be set on or off for any file.
There are actually three of these permissions why record if you can read, write or execute a file. You can see these permissions by using the ls -l command in a terminal window (see man ls for more details of what various ls options mean). There are probably ways to view these permissions in the Finder too (perhaps a "properties" menu item or something like that - I don't have a Mac handy to check).
You can change these permissions with the chmod ("change mode") command. See man chmod for details.
For more information about Unix file modes, see this Wikipedia article.
But whether or not a file is executable has nothing at all to do with its contents.
The statement if (-x $file) does not check wether a file is an executable but if your user has execution priveleges on it.
For checking if a file is executable or not, I'm affraid there isn't a magic method for it. You may try to use:
if (-T $file) for checking if the file has an ASCII or UTF-8 enconding.
if (-B $file) for checking if the file is binary.
If this is unsuitable for your case, consider the following:
Assuming you are on a Linux enviroment, note that every file can be executed. The question here is: The execution of e.g.: test.txt, is going to throw a standard error (STDERR)?
Most likely, it will.
If test.txt file contains:
Some text
And you launched it in your Perl script by: system("./test.txt"); This will display a STDERR like:
./test.txt: line 1: Some: command not found
If for some reason you are looking to run all the files of your directory (in a for loop for instance) be warned that this is pretty dangerous, since you will launch all your files and you may not be willing to do so. Specially if the perl script is in the same directory that you are checking (this will lead to undesirable script behaviour).
Hope it helps ;)

AppleScript copy/duplicate only newer files

I have created an AppleScript that mounts a network smb share, creates folders if they don't exist then copy files to these new folders.
I am using:
duplicate items of folder <source> to <destination> with replacing
This will copy over and replace all the files. Is there a way to only duplicate newer files?
Should I be using rsync rather than duplicate?
I'd definitely use rsync, with possibly the -a flag (archive option, it will work recursively along with other mirroring options, check the man page for better options for you)
rsync -a (source) (destination)
Call from applescript using the do shell script command, making sure you pass in posix paths.
set source_path to quoted form of POSIX path to source
set dest_path to quoted form of POSIX path to destination
do shell script "rsync -a " & source_path & " " & dest_path

Open file by name only, no extension

How can I open any type of file in a .bat by providing only a name of the file, no extension?
I want to let windows decide the application to use.
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe E:\SomeFolder\
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe E:\SomeFolder\file1
Use START command:
start "Any title" E:\SomeFolder\
start "Any title" E:\SomeFolder\file1
Taken from Start help:
If Command Extensions are enabled, external command invocation
through the command line or the START command changes as follows:
non-executable files may be invoked through their file association just
by typing the name of the file as a command. (e.g. WORD.DOC would
launch the application associated with the .DOC file extension).
See the ASSOC and FTYPE commands for how to create these
associations from within a command script.
When searching for an executable, if there is no match on any extension,
then looks to see if the name matches a directory name. If it does, the
START command launches the Explorer on that path. If done from the
command line, it is the equivalent to doing a CD /D to that path.
Note that previous description imply that the pure filename must also execute the right application, with no START command. To pick up the first file with a given name:
for %%f in (name.*) do set "filename=%%f" & goto continue
... and to execute it:
PS - Note that you want "to let windows decide the application to use", but in your example you explicitly select %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe as the application to use. So?

How to handle this situatiuon in Perl

I am having a configuration INI file to store all configuration required for my script to run. I have a Logger.PM which uses Log4Perl, and ConfigReader.PM which reads the INI file and stores the value in global variable. My Start.PL is the entry point where i call the methods from Logger and configreader.
What I do currently
In Start.PL I hardcoded the INI file path
In Logger.Pm I harcoded the directory name where log files should be stored
What I want
I want the INI file path as configurable
I want the log folder path to be taken from the INI file
I could do this by following
Pass the INI file path as a parameter to the
Read the INI file and get the folder path from INI file
What I could face is that
I cannot use the Logger.PM in ConfigReader (partially) since the
folder name required for logger is part of INI file
I want to log every step of my script (for logging/debugging purpose in case of failure. )
I can use print but this will write to console and to capture i need to use >>log.txt. Then i will be forced to maintain 2 logs for my application which is not what I wanted
Anyone have a good solution for this scenario?
You can pass INI file path in command line using Getopt::Long, and command line switches for istance: --ini=/path/to/INI_file
Here is a code sample to show what changes are needed in, in order to have switches:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.12;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
# That little tiny 's' after 'ini=' is for string
GetOptions ( 'ini=s' => \my $ini_file );
say $ini_file;
After this change, you can read all options from your INI file, including log folder path ( are you already using a module to manage INI files like Config::IniFiles? ).
There is something still unclear in your question about print: although one of my master said that print with a pair of square brackets is the best debugger in the world, why use print when you have set up Log::Log4perl?
When you say that Logger.PL can't be used in ConfigReader, are you referring to the log object?