Perl syntax (replacing 'defined(#array') - perl

Let me start by saying I haven't programmed in Perl in a LONG time.
Currently trying to get some older code to work that relies on defined with an array.
Code (abridged):
# defined outside the file-reading block
my %refPRE;
# line from a file
#c = split();
if (defined #{$refPRE{$c[0]}})
# do stuff
Now this won't run like this because of the following error:
Can't use 'defined(#array)' (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
Fine, but if I removed the defined then I get the following error:
Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference.
I can see what it's trying to do (if $c[0] is in the $refPRE then do this, else do something else) but I'm not familiar enough with Perl to figure out what the right way to get this to work is. Hoping this is trivial for someone.

Apparently posting here is all the catalyst I needed...
Switching if (defined #{$refPRE{$c[0]}}) to if ($refPRE{$c[0]}) was sufficient to work! Hopefully this helps someone else who searching for this (specific) problem...

Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference.
This is saying that $refPRE{ $c[0] } is returning undef, and you cannot dereference undef as an array.
#{ undef } # will error
You don't need to deref this at all. If it returns undef, it's false. If it returns anything else, that will (likely) be true.
if ( $refPRE{$c[0]} )
my $foo = #{ $refPRE{$c[0]} };
# do stuff

Looking at your second error $refPRE{$c[0]} can be undefined so #{ ... } is failing. You can fix this using the undef or opperator // like this.
if (#{ $refPRE{$c[0]} // [] }) { ... }
This checks if $refPRE{$c[0]} is defined and if not returns an empty anonymous array. An empty array is false in an if statement.


Perl error, cant use defined(#array). How can i fix this?

I am getting this error -> "Can't use 'defined(#array)' (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)"
On this line of code:
if ( defined( #{ $linkbot{"$nroboton"} } ) ) {
How can i fix this?
defined tests whether a scalar value is undef, therefore it's nonsensical on an array. You can test whether the scalar is defined before using it as an arrayref, or if you're trying to test if the array is empty, just removed the defined() as the error message says.
# if this hash value is defined
if (defined $linkbot{$nroboton}) {
# if this referenced array has elements
if (#{ $linkbot{$nroboton} }) {
Use define on the variable $nroboton itself, and/or if (#{$linkbot{$nroboton}}) for the anonymous array whose reference is the value for that key, as explained.
Once you need to check on any of that it stands to reason that you may well also need to test whether there is a key $nroboton in the hash %linkbot, with exists
if ( exists $linkbot{$nroboton} ) { ... } # warning if $nroboton undef
so altogether
if (defined $nroboton and exists $linkbot{$nroboton}) { ... }
and now you can check and work with the data in the arrayref, #{$linkbot{$nroboton}}.
Note that there is no need to double-quote that variable; it will be evaluated.

How to check whether an attribute of an object has a value?

I get an error such as "can't call method 'xxxx' on an undefined value" when attempting to check if an object has been created (by the perl module Bio::Perl).
Is there a general way of checking if an attribute has a value or not? I would have liked to do something like:
if ($the_object->the_attribute) {
But as long as the attribute is "undef", calling the method will only give me the error message. I have not been able to find a solution to this problem - which is real, because the object is created by the Bio::Perl module, and some attributes may or may not be set. Maybe I should add that I am not particularly perl-objects-savvy.
Below is a relevant part of my code. The get_sequence() function is in the Bio::Perl module. On line 13, how can I make sure that there is a value (sequence in this case) before checking the length of it?
my #msgs;
my #sequence_objects;
my $maxlength = 0;
for ( #contigs ) {
my $seq_obj;
try {
$seq_obj = get_sequence( 'genbank', $_ );
catch Bio::Root::Exception with {
push #msgs, "Nothing found for $_ ";
if ( $seq_obj ) {
my $seq_length = length( $seq_obj->seq );
if ( $seq_length > $maxlength ) {
$maxlength = $seq_length;
push #sequence_objects, $seq_obj;
if ($the_object->the_attribute) {
This checks if the return value of the method the_attribute is true. True means that it's not 0, the empty string q{} or undef.
But you said you want to know whether the object exists.
Let's go over some basics first.
# | this variable contains an object
# | this arrow -> tells Perl to call the method on the obj
# | | this is a method that is called on $the_object
# | | |
if ($the_object->the_attribute) {
# ( )
# the if checks the return value of the expression between those parenthesis
It looks like you're confusing a few things.
First, your $the_object is supposed to be an object. It probably came from a call like this:
my $the_object = Some::Class->new;
Or maybe it was returned from some other function call. Maybe some other object returned it.
my $the_object = $something_else->some_property_that_be_another_obj
Now the_attribute is a method (that's like a function) that returns a specific piece of data in your object. Depending on the implementation of the class (the building plan of the object), if that attribute is not set (initialized), it might either just return undef, or some other value.
But the error message you are seeing is not related to the_attribute. If it was, you'd just not call the code in the block. The if check would catch it, and decide to go to else, or do nothing if there is no else.
Your error message says you are trying to call a method on something that is undef. We know you are calling the the_attribute accessor method on $the_object. So $the_object is undef.
The easiest way to check if something has a true value is to just put it in an if. But you already seem to know that.
if ($obj) {
# there is some non-false value in $obj
You've now checked that $obj is something that is true. So it could be an object. So you could now call your method.
if ($obj && $obj->the_attribute) { ... }
This will check the true-ness of $obj and only continue if there is something in $obj. If not, it will never call the right hand side of the && and you will not get an error.
But if you want to know whether $obj is an object that has a method, you can use can. Remember that attributes are just accessor methods to values stored inside the object.
if ($obj->can('the_attribute')) {
# $obj has a method the_attribute
But that can blow up if $obj is not there.
If you're not sure that $obj is really an object, you can use the Safe::Isa module. It provides a method $_call_if_object1 that you can use to safely call your method on your maybe-object.
$maybe_an_object->$_call_if_object(method_name => #args);
Your call would translate to.
my $the_attribute = $obj->$_call_if_object('the_attribute');
if ($the_attribute) {
# there is a value in the_attribute
The same way you can use $_isa and $_can from Safe::Isa.
1) Yes, the method starts with a $, it's really a variable. If you want to learn more about how and why this works, watch the talk You did what? by mst.

Evaluating the success/failure of a subroutine

There's something quite unclear to me about subs return value.
I like to test my modules, sub by sub, and check whether they issue the correct return value or the correct exception if the case arise.
For example, let's say I have the following code (X::Argument::BadFormat is an exception handler derived from Exception::Class):
package My::Module;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new{#does things unrelated to the current question}
sub my_sub {
my ($self,$possible_value) = #_;
if ($possible_value =~ q{\w}) { #Affect value to current object
$self->{field} = $possible_value;
}else{ #throw an exception
arg => 'possible_value',
expected_format => 'something that looks like a word',
received_value => $possible_value,
In the test file, I will run tests such as:
my $object = My::Module->new();
throws_ok(sub {$object->my_sub('*')}, 'X::Argument::BadFormat', 'Faulty value will raise an exception');
It is easy to test when:
the sub returns a value,
the test conditions must raise an exception,
However, when I just set the value of a field in the current object, I have no reason to return anything.
In that case:
is the simple execution of the code enough to evaluate the sub output as "true" ?
Shall I add an explicit "return 1;" ?
does the sub actually return the last evaluation, in this case the sucess of the
test in the "if"? Something else I did not think about but which is
obvious to everybody?
In this case, I'd just check to ensure that the object's attribute was set correctly. That's all this particular sub does. If it's set ok, the sub ended correctly. If it wasn't set, something went wrong before the sub ended.
my $p='blah';
is $obj->{field}, $p, "my_sub() set the field attr ok";
It would be better if the field attribute had a getter so you're not breaking encapsulation, but I digress.
A sub that has no need to return a value should end with
In your case, without it, you will be returning the value of $possible_value, which is the last thing executed. This doesn't look like a useful thing to return.
Assuming you add the explicit return:
Your throws_ok test looks fine. You should then test that the field was correctly set. Your ok test isn't needed, since your sub won't be returning anything.
Perl returns the result of the last executed code by default.
For example:
print main();
sub main {
my $var = 9 * 7;
print will output 63. If your code may be affected by the output of a given subroutine, then you need to set a return value (it's generally considered a best practice to always set an explicit return at the end of a subroutine/method).
print main();
sub main {
my $var = 9 * 7;
print will output nothing.
Personally, I always try to set a return value depending on the context of what the subroutine will be returning to, but if you're writing code other people will be using, then it's generally safest to just do return;.
An additional explanation from Perl::Critic (link to the specific policy):
Subroutine "main" does not end with "return" at line 8, near 'sub main {'.
Subroutines::RequireFinalReturn (Severity: 4)
Require all subroutines to terminate explicitly with one of the
following: return',carp', croak',die', exec',exit', goto', or
Subroutines without explicit return statements at their ends can be
confusing. It can be challenging to deduce what the return value will
Furthermore, if the programmer did not mean for there to be a
significant return value, and omits a return statement, some of the
subroutine's inner data can leak to the outside. Consider this case:
package Password;
# every time the user guesses the password wrong, its value
# is rotated by one character
my $password;
sub set_password {
$password = shift;
sub check_password {
my $guess = shift;
if ($guess eq $password) {
} else {
$password = (substr $password, 1).(substr $password, 0, 1);
In this case, the last statement in check_password() is the assignment.
The result of that assignment is the implicit return value, so a wrong
guess returns the right password! Adding a `return;' at the end of that
subroutine solves the problem.
The only exception allowed is an empty subroutine.
Be careful when fixing problems identified by this Policy; don't blindly
put a `return;' statement at the end of every subroutine.

Perl get parameter datatype

Am trying to make a subroutine that replaces data depending on datatype: the problem is i can't get the datatype of the parameter, i used this:
sub replace {
my ($search, $replacement, $subject) = #_;
if (ref($search) eq "HASH") {
print "r is a reference to a HASH.\n";
elsif (ref($search) eq "SCALAR") {
print "r is a reference to a SCALAR.\n";
elsif (ref($search) eq "ARRAY") {
print "r is a reference to a ARRAY.\n";
my $str = "Foo";
my #arr = ("Foo");
But none works. am really new to perl
ref() takes a reference to something, not the something itself. Here:
replace(#arr); are sending in the something directly. Send in a reference to the something instead, by putting a \ in front of it (which says, "take a reference to this something"):
r is a reference to a SCALAR.
r is a reference to a ARRAY.
Note also that in your replace() function, in this line:
my ($search, $replacement, $subject) = #_;
You are effectively asking for a scalar value as the thing to search, so passing in a list (array, hash etc) will clobber $replacement and $subject if the passed in list has more than one element, so you may want to do something like this to ensure you're getting the proper params, and nothing is clobbered unexpectedly:
sub replace {
my ($search, $replacement, $subject) = #_;
die "first arg must be a ref\n" if ! ref $search;
Of course, you can do further argument checking, but this'll ensure that the first parameter can only be a reference to something. Instead of die(), you can also just return so the program doesn't crash, or print or warn and then return.
It is not stated what you want to do with it, but here's what is wrong with what you show.
The ref function shows the datatype of the reference subtmitted to it, or it returns an empty string if its argument isn't a reference at all.
So to get the expected behavior you should do
Also, you need to add the test to your function
else (not ref $search)
for when a submitted string is not a reference.
For completeness, I should also point out an issue, explained in the answer by stevieb. When you pass an array to a function, it receives it as a flat list of arguments. With your function you clearly do not want replace(#arr). They are assigned to your list of scalar variables in order, one element to each. (As soon as there is an array variable it all goes into it.) See, for example, this post.

What does "Useless use of a variable in void context" mean in this Perl script?

The following script gives me what I want but Perl also throws me a warning saying "Useless use of a variable in void context". What does it mean?
use strict;
use warnings;
my $example = 'http\u003a//main\u002egslb\u002eku6\u002ecom/c0/q7LmJPfV4DfXeTYf/1260269522170/93456c39545857a15244971e35fba83a/1279582254980/v632/6/28/a14UAJ0CeSyi3UTEvBUyMuBxg\u002ef4v\u002chttp\u003a//main\u002egslb\u002eku6\u002ecom/c1/q7LmJPfV4DfXeTYf/1260269522170/3cb143612a0050335c0d44077a869fc0/1279582254980/v642/10/20/7xo2MJ4tTtiiTOUjEpCJaByg\u002ef4v\u002chttp\u003a//main\u002egslb\u002eku6\u002ecom/c2/q7LmJPfV4DfXeTYf/1260269522170/799955b45c8c32c955564ff9bc3259ea/1279582254980/v652/32/4/6pzkCf4iqTSUVElUA5A3PpMAoA\u002ef4v\u002chttp\u003a//main\u002egslb\u002eku6\u002ecom/c3/q7LmJPfV4DfXeTYf/1260269522170/cebbb619dc61b3eabcdb839d4c2a4402/1279582254980/v567/36/19/MBcbnWwkSJu46UoYCabpvArA\u002ef4v\u002chttp\u003a//main\u002egslb\u002eku6\u002ecom/c4/q7LmJPfV4DfXeTYf/1260269522170/1365c39355424974dbbe4ae8950f0e73/1279582254980/v575/17/15/EDczAa0GTjuhppapCLFjtaQ\u002ef4v';
my #raw_url = $example =~ m{(http\\u003a.+?f4v)}g;
my #processed_url = map {
} #raw_url;
print join("\n",#processed_url);
And why this map thing doesn't work if I omit those dollar underscores like so?
my #processed_url = map {
} #raw_url;
When I omit those dollar underscores, I get nothing except for a possibly success flag "1". What am I missing? Any ideas? Thanks like always :)
What you want is...
my #processed_url = map {
} #raw_url;
A map block returns the value composed of the last statement evaluated as its result. Thats why we pass the $_ as the last statement. The substitution operator s{}{} returns the number of substitutions made.
In your prior setup, you had by itself the following statement. Which is pretty much meaningless and that is what Perl is warning about.
s{\\u003a}{:}g, $_;
You already have the answer you were looking for, but I wanted to point out a subtlety about using the substitution operator inside a map block: your original array is also being modified. If you want to preserve the original array, one way to do it is to make a copy of the array, then modify only the copy:
my #processed_url = #raw_url;
for (#processed_url) {
Or, if you only need one array, and you want the original to be modified:
for (#raw_url) {