Retry processing logic in spring batch - spring-batch

I am developing a spring batch application.I want to retry processor logic.As in processor,I have some db tables to monitor,i want to update some other tables depending on these monitored table.Is there any way to do this?

You can retry items by using a fault tolerant step. You can configure which exception to retry and the retry limit. Here is an example:
public Step faultTolerantStep() {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("faultTolerantStep")
.<String, String>chunk(2)
In this example, when a MyTransientException is thrown from the processor or writer, the item will be retried at most 3 times.
Hope this helps.


Spring Batch partitioned job JMS acknowledgement

Let's say I have a Spring Batch remote partitioned job, i.e. I have a manager application instance which starts the job and partitions the work and I have multiple workers who are executing individual partitions.
The message channel where the partitions are sent to the workers is an ActiveMQ queue and the Spring Integration configuration is based on JMS.
Assume that I wanna make sure that in case of a worker crashing in the middle of the partition execution, I want to make sure that another worker will pick up the same partition.
I think here's where acknowledging JMS messages would come in handy to only acknowledge a message in case a worker has fully completed its work on a particular partition but it seems as soon as the message is received by a worker, the message is acknowledged right away and in case of failures in the worker Spring Batch steps, the message won't reappear (obviously).
Is this even possible with Spring Batch? I've tried transacted sessions too but it doesn't really work either.
I know how to achieve this with JMS API. The difficulty comes from the fact that there is a lot of abstraction with Spring Batch in terms of messaging, and I'm unable to figure it out.
I know how to achieve this with JMS API. The difficulty comes from the fact that there is a lot of abstraction with Spring Batch in terms of messaging, and I'm unable to figure it out.
In this case, I think the best way to answer this question is to remove all these abstractions coming from Spring Batch (as well as Spring Integration), and try to see where the acknowledgment can be configured.
In a remote partitioning setup, workers are listeners on a queue in which messages coming from the manager are of type StepExecutionRequest. The most basic code form of a worker in this setup is something like the following (simplified version of StepExecutionRequestHandler, which is configured as a Spring Integration service activator when using the RemotePartitioningWorkerStepBuilder):
public class BatchWorkerStep {
private JobRepository jobRepository;
private StepLocator stepLocator;
#JmsListener(destination = "requests")
public void receiveMessage(final Message<StepExecutionRequest> message) throws JMSException {
StepExecutionRequest request = message.getObject();
Long jobExecutionId = request.getJobExecutionId();
Long stepExecutionId = request.getStepExecutionId();
String stepName = request.getStepName();
StepExecution stepExecution = jobRepository.getStepExecution(jobExecutionId, stepExecutionId);
Step step = stepLocator.getStep(stepName);
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
} finally {
jobRepository.update(stepExecution); // this is needed in a setup where the manager polls the job repository
As you can see, the JMS message acknowledgment cannot be configured on the worker side (there is no way to do it with attributes of JmsListener, so it has to be done somewhere else. And this is actually at the message listener container level with DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory#setSessionAcknowledgeMode.
Now if you are using Spring Integration to configure the messaging middleware, you can configure the acknowledgment mode in Spring Integration .

spring batch schedule chunk of data

i am new to spring batch and i have a task that i read chunk from database (100 items) and send it to another data source through kafka topic and this job runs every day, how is that done with chunk-based processing?
what i have done that i created a chunk-based processor and create step
public Step sendUsersOrderProductsStep() throws Exception {
return this.stepBuilderFactory.get("testStep").<Order, Order>chunk(100)
and i have created job
Job sendOrdersJob() throws Exception {
return this.jobBuilderFactory.get("testJob")
but this read the data all once and send to writer chunks until the reader finishes all the data, i want to send every 100 periodically
but this read the data all once and send to writer chunks until the reader finishes all the data,
That's how the chunk-oriented processing model works, please check the documentation here: Chunk-oriented Processing.
i want to send every 100 periodically
You can try to set the maximum number of items in each job run by using JdbcCursorItemReader#setMaxItemCount for example.

Spring Batch multiple process for heavy load with multiple thread under every process

I have a scenario where I need to have roughly 50-60 different process running concurrently and executing a task.
Every process must fetch the data from DB using a sql query by passing a value and fetching data to be run against in the subsequent task.
select col_1, col_2, col_3 from table_1 where col_1 = :Process_1;
public Job partitioningJob() throws Exception {
return jobBuilderFactory.get("parallelJob")
.incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())
public Step masterStep() throws Exception {
//How to fetch data from configuration and pass all values in partitioner one by one.
// Can we give the name for every process so that it is helpful in logs and monitoring.
return stepBuilderFactory.get("masterStep")
.partitioner("partition", partitioner())
.taskExecutor(new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor())
public Partitioner partitioner() throws Exception {
//Hit DB with sql query and fetch the data.
public Step slaveStep() throws Exception {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("slaveStep")
.<Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>>chunk(1)
As we have Aggregator and parallelProcessing in Apache Camel, does Spring Batch has any similar feature which does the same job?
I am new to Spring Batch and currently exploring whether it can handle the volume.
As this would be a heavy loaded application running 24*7 and every process needs to run concurrently where every thread should be able to support multiple threads inside a process.
Is there a way to monitor these processes so that it it gets terminated anyhow, I should be able to restart that particular process?
Kindly help to give some solution to this problem.
Please find the answers of above questions.
parallelProcessing - Local and Remote partition supports parallel processing and can handle huge number of volumes as we are currently handling 200 to 300 million data per day.
Is it can handle the volume - Yes, this can handle huge volumes and is well proven.
Every process needs to run concurrently where every thread should be able to support multiple threads inside a process - Spring batch will take care based on your ThreadPool. Make sure you configure the pool based on System resources.
Is there a way to monitor these processes so that it it gets terminated - Yes . Each parallel process of partition is a step and you can monitor in BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION and have all the details
Should be able to restart that particular process - Yes this is a built in feature and restart from failed step . Huge volume jobs we always use Fault tolerance so that rejections will process later. This is also built in feature.
Example project below
Database added - H2 and create table available in resource folder . We always prefer to use Data source pooling and pool size will be greater than your thread pool size.
Summary of the example project
Read from table "customer" and divide into step partitions
Each step partition write to new table "new_customer"
Thread pool config available in method name "taskExecutor()"
Chunk size available in slaveStep().
You can calculate memory size based on your parallel steps and configure as VM max memory.
Query help you analyze based on your above questions after executing
If you want to change to MYSQL add below as datasource
Please refer always to below guthub URL. You will get lot ideas from this.

Read large amount of data

I'm having large amount of data (5 million ligne) to read from a table A. Then calculate some data and finally save in database in another table B. So it's consuming much time. My Spring-batch job have only one step (read, process and writer).
How i can parallelize my job to process 500 ligne by second ?
public Job myJob() {
return jobBuilderFactory.get("myJob")
public Step myStep() {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("myStep")
.<ObjectDto, List<ObjectDto>>chunk(1)
You are setting the chunk size to 1. This means each record will be processed in a separate transaction which is probably the cause of your performance issue. Try to increase the chunk size so that you have less transactions, and you should notice a performance improvement.
Now to answer your question, there are multiple ways to scale a Spring Batch chunk-oriented step. The easiest one is probably using a multi-threaded step where each chunk is processed by a separate thread.
Another option is to partition your table and use a partitioned step where each partition is processed by a separate thread.

How to partition a serial steps in sequence in spring batch

I know the spring batch framework can partition a master step in order to run multiple slave steps in parrallel.
My requirement is to partition a serial steps in sequence (like a flow) to operate multiple tables, instead of only one step. I can only think of two alternatives on top of my head.
Create just one tasklet to assemble all the logics to update a serial tables.
Create the partition step for each step in the flow.
Ideally, I would like spring batch supports this function out of box. Please shed some light what is the best way to achieve the goal.
An example is much appreciated.
Update: I did some google search and found that I may partition the flow using FlowStep as below. Is this right approach to do it?
public Step partiotionStep() {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("partiotionStep")
.partitioner("slaveStep", partitioner())
.step(new FlowStep(flow()))
public Flow flow() {
return new FlowBuilder<Flow>("flow")
You can define a job with multiple steps in sequence, each step being a partitioned step:
public Job job() {
return jobBuilderFactory("job")
.start(step1()) // step1 is a partitioned step
.next(step2()) // step2 is also a partitioned step
You can find a similar question with an example in my answer here: Is it possible to combine partition and parallel steps in spring batch?
Hope this helps.