Does the Harvard architecture have the von Neumann bottleneck? - cpu-architecture

From the naming and this article I feel the answer is no, but I don't understand why. The bottleneck is how fast you can fetch data from memory. Whether you can fetch instruction at the same time doesn't seem to matter. Don't you still have to wait until the data arrive? Suppose fetching data takes 100 cpu cycles and executing instruction takes 1, the ability of doing that 1 cycle in advance doesn't seem to be a huge improvement. What am I missing here?
Context: I came across this article saying the Spectre bug is not going to be fixed because of speculative execution. I think speculative execution, for example branch prediction, makes sense for Harvard architecture too. Am I right? I understand speculative execution is more beneficial for von Neumann architecture, but by how much? Can someone give a rough number? On what extent can we say the Spectre will stay because of von Neumann architecture?

The term "von Neumann bottleneck" isn't just talking about Harvard vs. von Neumann architectures. It's talking about the entire idea of stored-program computers, which John von Neumann invented.
(Depending on context, some people may use it to mean the competition between code-fetch and data access; that does exacerbate the overall memory bottleneck without split caches. Or perhaps I'm mixing up terminology and the more general memory bottleneck for processors I discuss in the rest of this answer shouldn't be called the von Neumann bottleneck, although it is a real thing. See the memory wall section in Modern Microprocessors
A 90-Minute Guide! )
The von Neumann bottleneck applies equally to both kinds of stored-program computers. And even to fixed-function (not stored-program) processors that keep data in RAM. (Old GPUs without programmable shaders are basically fixed-function but can still have memory bottlenecks accessing data).
Usually it's most relevant when looping over big arrays or pointer-based data structures like linked lists, so the code fits in an instruction cache and doesn't have to be fetched during data access anyway. (Computers too old to even have caches were just plain slow, and I'm not interested in arguing semantics of whether slowness even when there is temporal and/or spatial locality is a von Neumann bottleneck for them or not.) points out that caching and prefetching is part of how we work around the von Neumann bottleneck, and that faster / wider busses make the bottleneck wider. But only stuff like Processor-in-Memory / truly solves it, where an ALU is attached to memory cells directly, so there is no central bottleneck between computation and storage, and computational capacity scales with storage size. But von Neumann with a CPU and separate RAM works well enough for most things that it's not going away any time soon (given large caches and smart hardware prefetching, and out-of-order execution and/or SMT to hide memory latency.)
John von Neumann was a pioneer in early computing, and it's not surprising his name is attached to two different concepts.
Harvard vs. von Neumann is about whether program memory is in a separate address space (and a separate bus); that's an implementation detail for stored-program computers.
Spectre: yes, Spectre is just about data access and branch prediction, not accessing code as data or vice versa. If you can get a Spectre attack into program memory in a Harvard architecture in the first place (e.g. by running a normal program that makes system calls), then it can run the same as on a von Neumann.
I understand speculative execution is more beneficial for von Neumann architecture, but by how much?
What? No. There's no connection here at all. Of course, all high-performance modern CPUs are von Neumann. (With split L1i / L1d caches, but program and data memory are not separate, sharing the same address space and physical storage. Split L1 caches is often called "modified Harvard", which makes some sense on ISAs other than x86 where L1i isn't coherent with data caches so you need special flushing instructions before you can execute newly-stored bytes as code. x86 has coherent instruction caches, so it's very much an implementation detail.)
Some embedded CPUs are true Harvard, with program memory connected to Flash and data address space mapped to RAM. But often those CPUs are pretty low performance. Pipelined but in-order, and only using branch prediction for instruction prefetch.
But if you did build a very high performance CPU with fully separate program and data memories (so copying from one to the other would have to go through the CPU), there'd be basically zero different from modern high-performance CPUs. L1i cache misses are rare, and whether they compete with data access is not very significant.
I guess you'd have split caches all the way down, though; normally modern CPUs have unified L2 and L3 caches, so depending on the workload (big code size or not) more or less of L2 and L3 can end up holding code. Maybe you'd still use unified caches with one extra bit in the tag to distinguish code addresses from data addresses, allowing your big outer caches to be competitively shared between the two address-spaces.

The Harvard Architecture, separated instruction and data memories, is a mitigation of the von Neumann bottleneck. Backus' original definition of the bottleneck addresses a slightly more general problem than just instruction or data fetch and talks about the CPU/memory interface. In the paragraph before the money quote Backus talks about looking at the actual traffic on this bus,
Ironically, a large part of the traffic is not useful data but merely
names of data that most of it consists of names as well as operations
and data used only to compute such names.
In a Harvard architecture with a separated I/D bus, that will not change. It will still largely consist of names.
So the answer is a hard no. The Harvard architecture mitigates the von Neumann bottleneck but it doesn't solve it. Bluntly, it's a faster von Neumann bottleneck.


Does memory copying on APUs (e.g. apple m1 mac) use GPU-specific wide vector instructions?

I was reading this article Why mmap is faster than system calls, where the main difference appeared to be mmap's ability to use vector instructions like AVX-2, something system calls can't.
I understand that the SIMD instructions used by GPUs tend to be much wider. A Nvidia warp of size 32 operating on float32 = 1024 bits (?) vs 256 bits of AVX-2. So potentially a 4x speedup. I guess this is not used in traditional discrete gpu settings as host-to-device (and back) copy would outweigh any benefit from wide registers.
However in APUs, GPU shares memory with CPU, eliminating the need for these expensive copies. I was wondering if those GPU instructions can therefore be used to accelerate mmap like vector operations further (numpy is another example). Has it already been done (in M1 mac or any CPUs with integrated graphics)? or can you please detail the architectural issues that prevent this?
You're kind of asking 2 separate questions: whether an OS (or user-space standard libraries?) can use GPGPU to speed up reading from the pagecache (into user-space memory with a read system call, or from an mmaped region). And separately whether GPGPU on normally-allocated process memory (and/or the pagecache) can avoid a copy to memory dedicated to the GPU.
For the 2nd part Apple has said the answer is yes for MacOS on M1 thanks to making the integrated GPU's memory accesses cache-coherent with the CPU. I think AMD made similar suggestions that copying could be avoided in graphics or GPGPU drivers on their APUs (Fusion IIRC?), but IDK if software ever took full advantage.
For the first part; doubtful. Large memory copies are bottlenecked by DRAM bandwidth, not CPU-core <-> L1d cache bandwidth (which scales with SIMD register width). On x86, an AVX2 loop on a single core can come pretty close to maxing out the DRAM bandwidth of an Intel "client" chip (quad-core or similar, not a big xeon with a higher-latency interconnect). Single-core bandwidth (to L3 or DRAM) tends to be limited by the number of outstanding cache misses that a core can track, not by doing the copy with fewer instructions. That mostly helps in terms of seeing farther with the same size out-of-order execution window, to start page walks sooner across page boundaries and stuff like that. See Why is std::fill(0) slower than std::fill(1)? for SSE (16-byte) vs. AVX (32-byte) vectors.
GPU offload would thus not help for large copies. It could only possibly help for small copies, and then it would not leave the copy result hot in L1d cache of the CPU. And/or not be able to take advantage of the source or destination already being hot in L1d cache of a CPU working with the data.
Also, setup overhead (to communicate with the GPU, going outside the current core) would dominate any faster copying for small copies.

What is the point of on-chip hardware accelerators, instead of that functionality being added as an instruction to the ISA?

I get that if a specialized operation is known to be common, it makes sense to do it in hardware. But at that point, why not make it a part of the ISA so it can be even faster?
Is there a benefit to making it a co-processor that communicates through shared memory?
This is a bit hand-wavy because I don't actually design hardware, but I think I know enough to say something that's at least plausible.
Adding it to the ISA means it has to be fairly tightly coupled to the pipeline, which doesn't fit well for things like integrated GPUs that have some specialized hardware and can filter out which pixels even need to be processed using dedicated hardware instead of software branching.
Even considering less complicated accelerators (e.g. for crypto):
Especially on simpler CPUs without out-of-order exec and large reordering windows, high-latency HW accelerators could stall the pipeline and stop it from getting other work done while waiting for a result.
Intel does tend to add things to the ISA, such as AES and SHA, because mainstream x86 CPUs do have the instruction throughput and vector registers to feed data to execution units that do one round of AES, for example.
If the accelerator is physically large but usually not needed by multiple cores at once, having groups of cores share one is more natural with some kind of co-processor arrangement to insulate the core from the round-trip latency of going off-core to compute something.
Also for GPUs, a GPU has more computational throughput than you can fit down the superscalar pipeline of a normal CPU. The FLOPS of an integrated GPU is typically much greater than a single core of a modern Intel CPU, even with 2x 256-bit FMA units. So you'd need to have a CPU instruction like "run shader" that runs a GPU program using its own separately-programmable machine code. GPU instruction scheduling is lighter weight than even a normal in-order CPU.

Why are CPU registers fast to access?

Register variables are a well-known way to get fast access (register int i). But why are registers on the top of hierarchy (registers, cache, main memory, secondary memory)? What are all the things that make accessing registers so fast?
Registers are circuits which are literally wired directly to the ALU, which contains the circuits for arithmetic. Every clock cycle, the register unit of the CPU core can feed a half-dozen or so variables into the other circuits. Actually, the units within the datapath (ALU, etc.) can feed data to each other directly, via the bypass network, which in a way forms a hierarchy level above registers — but they still use register-numbers to address each other. (The control section of a fully pipelined CPU dynamically maps datapath units to register numbers.)
The register keyword in C does nothing useful and you shouldn't use it. The compiler decides what variables should be in registers and when.
Registers are a core part of the CPU, and much of the instruction set of a CPU will be tailored for working against registers rather than memory locations. Accessing a register's value will typically require very few clock cycles (likely just 1), as soon as memory is accessed, things get more complex and cache controllers / memory buses get involved and the operation is going to take considerably more time.
Several factors lead to registers being faster than cache.
Direct vs. Indirect Addressing
First, registers are directly addressed based on bits in the instruction. Many ISAs encode the source register addresses in a constant location, allowing them to be sent to the register file before the instruction has been decoded, speculating that one or both values will be used. The most common memory addressing modes indirect through a register. Because of the frequency of base+offset addressing, many implementations optimize the pipeline for this case. (Accessing the cache at different stages adds complexity.) Caches also use tagging and typically use set associativity, which tends to increase access latency. Not having to handle the possibility of a miss also reduces the complexity of register access.
Complicating Factors
Out-of-order implementations and ISAs with stacked or rotating registers (e.g., SPARC, Itanium, XTensa) do rename registers. Specialized caches such as Todd Austin's Knapsack Cache (which directly indexes the cache with the offset) and some stack cache designs (e.g., using a small stack frame number and directly indexing a chunk of the specialized stack cache using that frame number and the offset) avoid register read and addition. Signature caches associate a register name and offset with a small chunk of storage, providing lower latency for accesses to the lower members of a structure. Index prediction (e.g., XORing offset and base, avoiding carry propagation delay) can reduce latency (at the cost of handling mispredictions). One could also provide memory addresses earlier for simpler addressing modes like register indirect, but accessing the cache in two different pipeline stages adds complexity. (Itanium only provided register indirect addressing — with option post increment.) Way prediction (and hit speculation in the case of direct mapped caches) can reduce latency (again with misprediction handling costs). Scratchpad (a.k.a. tightly coupled) memories do not have tags or associativity and so can be slightly faster (as well as have lower access energy) and once an access is determined to be to that region a miss is impossible. The contents of a Knapsack Cache can be treated as part of the context and the context not be considered ready until that cache is filled. Registers could also be loaded lazily (particularly for Itanium stacked registers), theoretically, and so have to handle the possibility of a register miss.
Fixed vs. Variable Size
Registers are usually fixed size. This avoids the need to shift the data retrieved from aligned storage to place the actual least significant bit into its proper place for the execution unit. In addition, many load instructions sign extend the loaded value, which can add latency. (Zero extension is not dependent on the data value.)
Complicating Factors
Some ISAs do support sub-registers, notable x86 and zArchitecture (descended from S/360), which can require pre-shifting. One could also provide fully aligned loads at lower latency (likely at the cost of one cycle of extra latency for other loads); subword loads are common enough and the added latency small enough that special casing is not common. Sign extension latency could be hidden behind carry propagation latency; alternatively sign prediction could be used (likely just speculative zero extension) or sign extension treated as a slow case. (Support for unaligned loads can further complicate cache access.)
Small Capacity
A typical register file for an in-order 64-bit RISC will be only about 256 bytes (32 8-byte registers). 8KiB is considered small for a modern cache. This means that multiplying the physical size and static power to increase speed has a much smaller effect on the total area and static power. Larger transistors have higher drive strength and other area-increasing design factors can improve speed.
Complicating Factors
Some ISAs have a large number of architected registers and may have very wide SIMD registers. In addition, some implementations add additional registers for renaming or to support multithreading. GPUs, which use SIMD and support multithreading, can have especially high capacity register files; GPU register files are also different from CPU register files in typically being single ported, accessing four times as many vector elements of one operand/result per cycle as can be used in execution (e.g., with 512-bit wide multiply-accumulate execution, reading 2KiB of each of three operands and writing 2KiB of the result).
Common Case Optimization
Because register access is intended to be the common case, area, power, and design effort is more profitably spent to improve performance of this function. If 5% of instructions use no source registers (direct jumps and calls, register clearing, etc.), 70% use one source register (simple loads, operations with an immediate, etc.), 25% use two source registers, and 75% use a destination register, while 50% access data memory (40% loads, 10% stores) — a rough approximation loosely based on data from SPEC CPU2000 for MIPS —, then more than three times as many of the (more timing-critical) reads are from registers than memory (1.3 per instruction vs. 0.4) and
Complicating Factors
Not all processors are design for "general purpose" workloads. E.g., processor using in-memory vectors and targeting dot product performance using registers for vector start address, vector length, and an accumulator might have little reason to optimize register latency (extreme parallelism simplifies hiding latency) and memory bandwidth would be more important than register bandwidth.
Small Address Space
A last, somewhat minor advantage of registers is that the address space is small. This reduces the latency for address decode when indexing a storage array. One can conceive of address decode as a sequence of binary decisions (this half of a chunk of storage or the other). A typical cache SRAM array has about 256 wordlines (columns, index addresses) — 8 bits to decode — and the selection of the SRAM array will typically also involve address decode. A simple in-order RISC will typically have 32 registers — 5 bits to decode.
Complicating Factors
Modern high-performance processors can easily have 8 bit register addresses (Itanium had more than 128 general purpose registers in a context and higher-end out-of-order processors can have even more registers). This is also a less important consideration relative to those above, but it should not be ignored.
Many of the above considerations overlap, which is to be expected for an optimized design. If a particular function is expected to be common, not only will the implementation be optimized but the interface as well. Limiting flexibility (direct addressing, fixed size) naturally aids optimization and smaller is easier to make faster.
Registers are essentially internal CPU memory. So accesses to registers are easier and quicker than any other kind of memory accesses.
Smaller memories are generally faster than larger ones; they can also require fewer bits to address. A 32-bit instruction word can hold three four-bit register addresses and have lots of room for the opcode and other things; one 32-bit memory address would completely fill up an instruction word leaving no room for anything else. Further, the time required to address a memory increases at a rate more than proportional to the log of the memory size. Accessing a word from a 4 gig memory space will take dozens if not hundreds of times longer than accessing one from a 16-word register file.
A machine that can handle most information requests from a small fast register file will be faster than one which uses a slower memory for everything.
Every microcontroller has a CPU as Bill mentioned, that has the basic components of ALU, some RAM as well as other forms of memory to assist with its operations. The RAM is what you are referring to as Main memory.
The ALU handles all of the arthimetic logical operations and to operate on any operands to perform these calculations, it loads the operands into registers, performs the operations on these, and then your program accesses the stored result in these registers directly or indirectly.
Since registers are closest to the heart of the CPU (a.k.a the brain of your processor), they are higher up in the chain and ofcourse operations performed directly on registers take the least amount of clock cycles.

What hash algorithms are parallelizable? Optimizing the hashing of large files utilizing on multi-core CPUs

I'm interested in optimizing the hashing of some large files (optimizing wall clock time). The I/O has been optimized well enough already and the I/O device (local SSD) is only tapped at about 25% of capacity, while one of the CPU cores is completely maxed-out.
I have more cores available, and in the future will likely have even more cores. So far I've only been able to tap into more cores if I happen to need multiple hashes of the same file, say an MD5 AND a SHA256 at the same time. I can use the same I/O stream to feed two or more hash algorithms, and I get the faster algorithms done for free (as far as wall clock time). As I understand most hash algorithms, each new bit changes the entire result, and it is inherently challenging/impossible to do in parallel.
Are any of the mainstream hash algorithms parallelizable?
Are there any non-mainstream hashes that are parallelizable (and that have at least a sample implementation available)?
As future CPUs will trend toward more cores and a leveling off in clock speed, is there any way to improve the performance of file hashing? (other than liquid nitrogen cooled overclocking?) or is it inherently non-parallelizable?
There is actually a lot of research going on in this area. The US National Institute of Standards and Technology is currently holding a competition to design the next-generation of government-grade hash function. Most of the proposals for that are parallelizable.
One example:
Wikipedia's description of current status of the contest:
What kind of SSD do you have ? My C implementation of MD5 runs at 400 MB/s on a single Intel Core2 core (2.4 GHz, not the latest Intel). Do you really have SSD which support a bandwidth of 1.6 GB/s ? I want the same !
Tree hashing can be applied on any hash function. There are a few subtleties and the Skein specification tries to deal with them, integrating some metadata in the function itself (this does not change much things for performance), but the "tree mode" of Skein is not "the" Skein as submitted to SHA-3. Even if Skein is selected as SHA-3, the output of a tree-mode hash would not be the same as the output of "plain Skein".
Hopefully, a standard will be defined at some point, to describe generic tree hashing. Right now there is none. However, some protocols have been defined with support for a custom tree hashing with the Tiger hash function, under the name "TTH" (Tiger Tree Hash) or "THEX" (Tree Hash Exchange Format). The specification for TTH appears to be a bit elusive; I find some references to drafts which have either moved or disappeared for good.
Still, I am a bit dubious about the concept. It is kind of neat, but provides a performance boost only if you can read data faster than what a single core can process, and, given the right function and the right implementation, a single core can hash quite a lot of data per second. A tree hash spread over several cores requires having the data sent to the proper cores, and 1.6 GB/s is not the smallest bandwidth ever.
SHA-256 and SHA-512 are not very fast. Among the SHA-3 candidates, assuming an x86 processor in 64-bit mode, some of them achieve high speed (more than 300 MB/s on my 2.4 GHz Intel Core2 Q6600, with a single core -- that's what I can get out of SHA-1, too), e.g. BMW, SHABAL or Skein. Cryptographically speaking, these designs are a bit too new, but MD5 and SHA-1 are already cryptographically "broken" (quite effectively in the case of MD5, rather theoretically for SHA-1) so any of the round-2 SHA-3 candidates should be fine.
When I put my "seer" cap, I foresee that processors will keep on becoming faster than RAM, to the point that hashing cost will be dwarfed out by memory bandwidth: the CPU will have clock cycles to spare while it waits for the data from the main RAM. At some point, the whole threading model (one big RAM for many cores) will have to be amended.
You didn't say what you need your hash for.
If you're not gonna exchange it with the outside world but just for internal use, simply divide each file in chunks, compute and store all the checksums. You can then use many cores just by throwing a chunk to each one.
Two solutions that comes to mind is dividing files in fixed-size chunks (simpler, but will use less cores for smaller files where you're not supposed to need all that power) or in a fixed-number of chunks (will use all the cores for every file). Really depends on what you want to achieve and what your file size distribution looks like.
If, on the other hand, you need hashes for the outside world, as you can read from the other replies it's not possible with "standard" hashes (eg. if you want to send out SHA1 hashes for others to check with different tools) so you must look somewhere else. Like computing the hash when you store the file, for later retrieval, or compute hashes in background with the 'free' cores and store for later retrieval.
The better solution depends on what your constraints are and where you can invest space, time or cpu power.

Data Scrambling Purpose

Can someone please explain to me what data scrambling is when it comes to a memory controller? According to Wikipedia, it somehow masks the user data with random patterns to prevent reverse engineering of a DRAM. But, it is also is used to finding electrical problems. Can someone please elaborate on these features of data scrambling? Thanks!
The Wikipedia article claimed:
Memory controllers integrated into certain Intel Core processors also
provide memory scrambling as a feature that turns user data written to
the main memory into pseudo-random patterns.[6][7] As such, memory
scrambling prevents forensic and reverse-engineering analysis based on
DRAM data remanence, by effectively rendering various types of cold
boot attacks ineffective. However, this feature has been designed to
address DRAM-related electrical problems, not to prevent security
issues, so it may not be rigorously cryptographically secure.[8]
However, I think that this claim is somewhat misleading because it implies that the purpose of data scrambling is to prevent reverse engineering. In fact the cited sources (listed as [6][7] in the quote) say the following:
The memory controller incorporates a DDR3 Data Scrambling feature to
minimize the impact of excessive di/dt on the platform DDR3 VRs due to
successive 1s and 0s on the data bus. Past experience has demonstrated
that traffic on the data bus is not random and can have energy
concentrated at specific spectral harmonics creating high di/dt that
is generally limited by data patterns that excite resonance between
the package inductance and on-die capacitances. As a result, the
memory controller uses a data scrambling feature to create
pseudo-random patterns on the DDR3 data bus to reduce the impact of
any excessive di/dt.
Basically the purpose of scrambling is to limit fluctuations in the current draw that is used on the DRAM data bus. There is nothing in the cited source to support the claim that it is designed to prevent reverse-engineering, though I suppose it is reasonable to assume that it might make reverse engineering more difficult. I'm not an expert in this area so I don't know for sure.
I have edited the Wikipedia article to remove the improperly sourced claim. Though I suppose someone could add it back it, but if so hopefully they can provide better sourcing.
It's not reverse engineering of the DRAM, it's reverse engineering of the data in the DRAM that scrambing is designed to prevent (e.g. forensics like cold-boot attacks), according to that article.
The electrical properties thing made me think of Row Hammer. Scrambling might make that harder, but IDK if that's what the author of that paragraph had in mind.