I am trying to upload a list of survey participants on LimeSurvey (Ver 2.06) with a .CSV file.
I have the following columns: firstname lastname email attribute_1 attribute_2 attribute_3
When I try uploading the CSV file, only firstname, lastname, and email show up on the token list. The three additional attributes do not show up at all. FYI they are country names, company names, and titles - nothing long.
Please help! Thank you :)
Make sure to also create the additional attributes at the Limesurvey admin backend. If the additional token attributes were not created before upload, uploading the data will fail.
When an user submits a webform, the data is stored in a document with a random ID like "5c58393da6". Is it possible to give the document a name, for example use the input in one of the form-fields as the name?
Thank you in advance!
I imported certain Workitems data from my Devops project into excel using Odata queries.
In that data under certain columns for eg: AssignedToUserSK its showing the user id values like this 06ea0e70-432d-4315-8ffd-87706966a7b6
Instead of this i need the username to be displayed instead of user id.
How to solve this?
If you want to see usernames in the Odate query instead of user id, you need add the columns AssignedTo.UserName, CreatedBy.UserName and ChangedBy.UserName. Then you can see the user name.
I'm trying to follow some instructions with the first line:
1) Set the "query field" (Account Name in getUserProfileByName Secondary Recieve data source) to the Account Id of field selected in People Picker.
From here. But when I go try and edit queryfields it's greyed out? Ultimately I'm trying to populate fields when a user selects a user from a People Picker. Any help appreciated.
I'm using InfoPath 2013.
To autocomplete this you'll have to use a support or population-related field, with a new action rule. This is due to people picker fields not allowing any action rules applied to them.
Use the condition DisplayName is not blank by using "Select a field or group..." in advanced view and selecting your people pickers field
Set a field's value
Field: data connection queryFields DisplayName of people picker
Value: your forms DisplayName of people picker
Query using a data connection: getUserProfileByName / User Information List
Set a field's value
Field: your forms Department field
Value: data fields > Department of your data connection
Please note: getUserProfileByName / User Profile Service Data Connection no longer works in SharePoint Online and results in an error 5566. Please use a SharePoint list data connection to the hidden User Information List on the stem of your SharePoint site instead. It provides you with most of the same fields you'd find in getUserProfileByName, see below:
Hope that helps!
I have an Ms Excel file listing the users of my application. This file contains a set of informations of them(firstname, lastname, email...) but it does not contain the password and of course the Id fields. I want to load this file into the AspNetUsers table defined by the Ms Identity framework. How could i do this task?
thanks for your help
what i can suggest to you is to creat a consolen application or maybe a test Which can get the items from excel and isert them in sql by EF
Alright so I am working on a site and it requires some 100 names of people to create an account for. We are using the latest version of Concrete5(c5 is a pain). I have a template for the profile page and all i need to do is edit in the boxes of all the people. is their any easier way than adding them all in manually. We are open to the option of not using c5 for the profile creation portion. I have never had to do something like this so if anyone has any clue on how this could be completed faster please give me some feedback
also all the people i need to add profiles for are in a custom made excel sheet
A fairly easy option would be to create a csv file of the contacts, upload that csv to your C5 directory and then create a single page to import the contacts.
The single page shows nothing only reads the csv file and create new users using the following function: $newUserInfoObject = UserInfo::add($data);
Where $data is an array that can contain
uName - the username. Required.
uEmail - Email address. Required.
uPassword - the non-encrypted password.
uIsValidated - Whether the email address has been validated. If not
specified, -1 will be saved.
uIsFullRecord - Set to 1 unless set in the array to 0.
source: C5 users
(you should check if the username already exists, and if so add an incrementing integer to the username)
After you coded the single page to read the csv and added it in the dashboard (back-end), you go to the page once and your contacts will be imported.
How to create a single page: C5 single pages
After importing the data, delete the single page from the system, so no one else can accidently import the same contacts again.