Multiple rapid updates to a single resource getting collapsed into a single latest version - kubernetes

I was trying to create a kubernetes CRD to manage some of the resources on our system
But I noticed that in case the CROs for this CRD are operated on rapidly (delete after create, multiple updates, update after create etc) they get collapsed into a single latest version (I am not sure at what point in the kubernetes infra is this done).
Is is possible to disable such collapsing of CRO operations?


Updating helmfile state in the cluster without a helmfile apply

is there a way to directly edit the helm state in a cluster without a helmfile apply?
We're in a situation where we need to update resources (argo rollouts) managed by helmfile from outside, i.e., using either the Java APIs or directly editing them on k9s.
We have our helmfile configs pushed up on github, but simply updating these values to match the values changed via the Java API or k9s still results in a diff (which I don't want)

Helm Chart: How do I install dependencies first?

I've been developing a prototype chart that depends on some custom resource definitions that are defined in one of the child charts.
To be more specific, I'm trying to create the resources defined in the strimzi-kafka-operator within my helm chart and would like the dependency to be explicitly installed first. I followed the helm documentation and added the following to my Chart.yaml
- name: strimzi-kafka-operator
version: 0.16.2
I ran:
$ helm dep up ./prototype-chart
$ helm install ./prototype-chart
> Error: unable to build Kubernetes objects from release manifest: unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "KafkaTopic" in version ""
which shows that it's trying to deploy my chart before my dependency. What is the correct way to install dependencies first and then my parent chart?
(For reference, here is the question I opened on GitHub directly with Strimzi where they informed me they aren't sure how to use their helm as a dependency:
Regarding CRD's: the fact that Helm by default won't manage those1 is a feature, not a bug. It will still install them if not present; but it won't modify or delete existing CRD's. The previous version of Helm (v2) does, but (speaking from experience) that can get you into all sorts of trouble if you're not careful. Quoting from the link you referenced:
There is not support at this time for upgrading or deleting CRDs using Helm. This was an explicit decision after much community discussion due to the danger for unintentional data loss. [...] One of the distinct disadvantages of the crd-install method used in Helm 2 was the inability to properly validate charts due to changing API availability (a CRD is actually adding another available API to your Kubernetes cluster). If a chart installed a CRD, helm no longer had a valid set of API versions to work against. [...] With the new crds method of CRD installation, we now ensure that Helm has completely valid information about the current state of the cluster.
The idea here is that Helm should operate only at the level of release data (adding/removing deployments, storage, etc.); but with CRD's, you're actually modifying an extension to the Kubernetes API itself, potentially inadvertently breaking other releases that use the same definitions. Consider if you're on a team that has a "library" of CRDs shared between several charts, and you want to uninstall one — formerly, With v2, Helm would happily let you modify or even delete those at will, with no checks on if/how they were used in other releases. Changes to CRDs are changes to your control plane / core API, and should be treated as such — you're modifying global resources.
In short: with v3, Helm positions itself more as a "developer" tool to define, template, and manage releases; CRDs, however, are meant to be managed independently e.g. by a "cluster administrator". At the end of the day, it's a win for all sides, since developers can setup/teardown deployments at will, with confidence that it's not going to break functionality elsewhere... and whoever's on call won't have to deal with alerts if/when you accidentally delete/modify a CRD and break things in production :)
See also the extensive discussion here for more context behind this decision.
Hope this helps!

What is the right way to manage changes in kubernetes manifests?

I've been using terraform for a while and I really like it. I also set up Atlantis so that my team could have a "GitOps" flow. This is my current process:
Add or remove resources from Terraform files
Push changes to GitHub and create a pull request
Atlantis picks up changes and creates a terraform plan
When the PR is approved, Atlantis applies the changes
I recently found myself needing to set up a few managed Kubernetes clusters using Amazon EKS. While Terraform is capable of creating most of the basic infrastructure, it falls short when setting up some of the k8s resources (no support for gateways or ingress, no support for alpha/beta features, etc). So instead I've been relying on a manual approach using kubectl:
Add the resource to an existing file or create a new file
Add a line to a makefile that runs the appropriate command (kubectl apply or create) on the new file
If I'm using a helm chart, add a line with helm template and then kubectl apply (I didn't really like using tiller, and helm3 is getting rid of it anyway)
If I want to delete a resource, I do it manually with kubectl delete
This process feels nowhere near as clean as what we're doing in Terraform. There are several key problems:
There's no real dry-run. Using kubectl --dry-run or kubectl diff doesn't really work, it's only a client-side diff. Server-side diff functions are currently in alpha
There's no state file. If I delete stuff from the manifests, I have to remember to also delete it from the cluster manually.
No clear way to achieve gitops. I've looked at Weaveworks Flux but that seems to be geared more towards deploying applications.
The makefile is getting more and more complicated. It doesn't feel like this is scaleable.
I should acknowledge that I'm fairly new to Kubernetes, so might be overlooking something obvious.
Is there a way for me to achieve a process similar to what I have in Terraform, within the Kubernetes universe?
This is more of an opinion question so I'll answer with an opinion. If you like to manage configuration you can try some of these tools:
If you want to use existing YAML files (configurations) and use something at a higher level you can try kustomize.
If you want to manage Kubernetes configurations using Jsonnet you should take a look at Ksonnet. Keep in mind that Ksonnet will not be supported in the future.
If you want to just automatically do a helm update in an automated way, there is not a tool there yet. You will have to build something at this point to orchestrate everything. For example, we ended up creating an in house tool that does this.

Is there a concept of inheritance for Kubernetes deployments?

Is there a way to create a tree of inheritance for Kubernetes deployments? I have a number of deployments which are similar but not identical. They share many ENV vars but not all. They all use the same image.
For example, I have a dev deployment which is configured almost identical to a production deployment but has env vars pointing to a different database backend. I have a celery deployment which is configured the same as the production deployment, however, it has a different run command.
Helm is what many people are using for this. It let's you create templates for kubernetes descriptors and pass parameters in to generate descriptors from the templates.
There are other tools out there which can be used to generate variations on kubernetes deployment descriptors by injecting parameters into templates. Ansible is also popular. But Helm is closely connected with the Kubernetes CNCF and community and there's a good selection of official charts available.
EDIT: If the aim is to enable different deployments (e.g. for dev and prod) using a single docker image then that's probably best handled with a single chart. You can create different values files for each deployment and supply the chosen values file to helm install with the --values parameter. If there are parts of the chart that are only sometimes applicable then they can be wrapped in if conditions to turn them on/off.
On the subject of inheritance specifically, there's an example in the helm documention of how to take another chart as a parent/dependency and override its values and I created a chart earlier that you can see in github that includes several other charts and overrides parts of all of them via the values.yml. It also shares some config between the included charts with globals. If you're looking to use a parent to reduce duplication rather than join multiple apps then it is possible to create a base/wrapper chart but it may turn out to be better to just duplicate config.
EDIT (180119): The alternative of Kustomize may soon become available in kubectl
You may also want to check Kustomize. It provides some support to write your yaml manifests in hierarchical form, so that you don't have to repeat yourself.

Kubernetes Deployments

While working on creating a platform that will do microservice deployments using Kubernetes, we want to take a Dependency on the Kubernetes Deployment Object. However, we saw the documentation says the following "Note that Deployment objects effectively have API version v1alpha1. Alpha objects may change or even be discontinued in future software releases"
I am wondering if we should go about using the Deployment concept to do our deployments, essentially rolling updates or since it could be discontinued or change, should we just reimplement the same concepts ourselves like , creating a rc with new labels, create new pods with different labels then both old rc and new rc, scale down the old rc by slowly removing pods from the old rc and slowly adding new pods into the new rc.
What is the plan or proposed changes for Deployment or that concept is going away for a better concept ?
Also i am wondering why OpenShift did not use the Deployment object, was it not ready at that time ?
OpenShifts deployment object preceded the upstream Kube object (being feature complete in the March 2015 time frame). Once Kube Deployments support the remaining features in OpenShift deployments, we'll automatically migrate them. Some things OpenShift deployments support that are not upstream yet
Automatic deployment when Docker registry tags change
Custom deployments (run your own deployment logic in a pod)
Deployment hooks - execute "bundle exec rake db:migrate" before or after deploying your app
Recreate deployment strategy
Ability to pause or "hold" a deployment so it does not automatically run (so admins can choose to deploy).
Ability for deployments to "fail" and be recorded (so that end users know that the code they pushed failed to start).
It will take time to add those remaining options.
As of now, the Deployment concept has been moved to "v1beta1". The concept will most probably be continued, because it is a declarative approach (vs. the imperative approach with the older replication controller etc.).
Can't tell anything about OpenShift but on GKE it works for me pretty well!
Deployment is planned to graduate to beta in 1.2 release. See related issue #15313 for the changes to be made. We will also have new kubectl commands for rolling update which uses Deployment, see issue #17168 and the proposal.