Apache camel Restlet and swagger integration example - rest

I am using Apache camel and Spring boot and Rest service, we are exposing the rest service with Restlet component. Now I want to generate the API documentation using Swagger.
So I found two ways,
1) Add dependency and swagger config changes.
2) Create specification and invoke the developed service.
In both the ways I could not find any example with Restllet component. With restConfiguration() configuration its working, I want to do it with Restlet.
I have created specification in yaml and invoking the service, Service exposed using "restlet:" URI.
I am getting below error,
OPTIONS "" 500 (Internal Server Error)
Fetch API cannot load "". Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 500
with the swagger specification can we invoke camel Restlet? if yes, what is the approach?


Invoke external REST service form IBM BAW19.x

I need to invoke external webservice from IBM BAW 19.x. All documentation I referred to points to having a swagger file for the REST service, then create External Service using the swagger which will create all service artifacts (methods, parameters etc.) and then create a service flow which will use this service. My problem is I do not have a swagger file for this external REST service.
Is there any other way to do this?
Thanks in advance

How to invoke a Springboot Rest Service from ADF 12c

I have a Rest webservice to invoke from Oracle ADF. The service simply returns a success flag and a message. No need to have a Data Control for this.
Is there a rest client that I can use to invoke this rest service?
Other than 'REST Data Control, there is not any in-built in REST client available
in 'Oracle ADF'. Since 'Oracle ADF' is J2EE framework, you can any other java library like Jersey to invoke the RESTful service.
Rest client create http request GET, PUT, POST etc... to restful webservice.
You can use
To call restFul API
Other way is using postman

Creation of a SOAP service possible in micronaut?

I want to create a SOAP service in micronaut using kotlin. I can not find information about how to do this. Annotations like #WebService are not being hosted as an endpoint.
I've successfully exposed the result to a rest endpoint.
I found information about how to implement a soap client in micronaut.
I succeeded in publishing the endpoint using endpoint.publish(..., ...), but I want to use the built-in netty-server, and perhaps built-in annotations, to prevent having to expose my services in a different class.
I don't think you would use micronaut http client for that. Look at apache axis 2 and see how you can use that.

How consume REST service to expose it in oData

I have a REST service that I call from my client app. The service use JSON to manage data.
I want insert SAP NetWeaver Gateway between client and REST server to expose the REST data as oData.
The REST service have get and put methods to read and write data from/to db.
Now I have to decide the way in which starting:
Translate data from/to REST server using ABAP code to serialize data in the two ways (get REST data and create oData in response to a url get oData call and create the REST call in response to a url post oData call)
Use SMP - SAP Mobile Platform (Eclipse plugin) to write integration code (in javascript) to consume REST service in reading and writing exposing this service ad oData. http://scn.sap.com/community/developer-center/mobility-platform/blog/2015/04/08/integration-gateway-rest-data-source-overview-of-blogs
The 2nd solution seems to be the best way (no-require ABAP programming, use js high level language, parse-libs to manage oData and json ...) but i don't know if SMP was created to do this work.
And what is the result of the 2nd method? It seems to be a zip file (similar to a war) that I can push to the SAP Gateway to deploy the integration-logic. Right? How can I test my code without deploy every time the zip on SAP Gateway?
The recommended approach is to create a create Odata service in SAP Gateway and consume it in your app using SMP 3 or HCPms (SAP's mobile solution on cloud).
Use SMP SDK to consume the Odata service.

WSO2 ESB-4.8.1 connecting to WSO2-5.0.0 IS and UserInformationRecoveryService?wsdl

I am trying to connect WSO2 Identity Server to the WSO2 ESB. I have installed both products to my local computer and have configured them to run simultaneously. WSO2-IS has an offset of 1 and I set hostnameverifier to AllowAll. Given that both are on my local machine, I did not see the need to adjust or set anything in the Keystore. In WSO2-IS I have exposed the admin-wsdl's.
What I am trying to do is create an endpoint wsdl that points to
https://localhost:9444/services/UserInformationRecoveryService?wsdl (which is in the WSO2-IS).
In the admin console, I add the endpoint with the variables
1. The Name is UserInformationRecoveryService
2. The URI is https://localhost:9444/services/UserInformationRecoveryService?wsdl
3. The Service is UserInformationRecoveryService
4. The port is 9444 (which is the offset from 9443)
When I test this service, it says it is valid. When I add it, it disappears and I get the errors:
[2015-01-16 17:59:20,923] ERROR - WSDL11EndpointBuilder Couldn't retrieve endpoint information from the WSDL.
[2015-01-16 17:59:20,924] ERROR - WSDLEndpointFactory Couldn't create endpoint from the given WSDL URI : Couldn't retrieve endpoint information from the WSDL.
org.apache.synapse.SynapseException: Couldn't retrieve endpoint information from the WSDL.
at org.apache.synapse.config.xml.endpoints.utils.WSDL11EndpointBuilder.handleException(WSDL11EndpointBuilder.java:199)
... (I removed many of the other at's)
I also tried adding it as a wsdl proxy, but receive the error
Couldn't create endpoint from the given WSDL URI : Couldn't retrieve endpoint information from the WSDL.
and the errors:
[2015-01-16 18:06:49,890] ERROR - ProxyServiceAdminClient Couldn't create endpoint from the given WSDL URI : Couldn't retrieve endpoint information from the WSDL.
org.wso2.carbon.proxyadmin.stub.ProxyServiceAdminProxyAdminException: Couldn't create endpoint from the given WSDL URI : Couldn't retrieve endpoint information from the WSDL.
at org.wso2.carbon.proxyadmin.ui.client.ProxyServiceAdminClient.addProxy(ProxyServiceAdminClient.java:105)
at org.apache.jsp.proxyservices.template_005fwsdl_002dbased_jsp._jspService(org.apache.jsp.proxyservices.template_005fwsdl_002dbased_jsp:343)
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:111)
I am relatively new to the WSO2 suite, and have been unable to find many discussions on these two products working together.
From what I have read, WSO2-IS uses SOAP. The client that we are developing will be using REST. The ESB is to connect the client to WSO2-IS and convert SOAP-TO-REST.
My question is
1. Why do I receive these errors?
2. What is the best practice to connect the two services.
Thank you.
Enable option in carbon.xml and try your wsdl link in a browser and see whether you can access it or not.(All admin services's wsdls are hided) Later try to create proxy.
After more reading, I found that I was using the wrong port name. I was assuming the port was 9444, but having reread the wsdl again, I found that the ports were called
wsdl:port name="UserInformationRecoveryServiceHttpsSoap11Endpoint"
wsdl:port name="UserInformationRecoveryServiceHttpsSoap12Endpoint"
wsdl:port name="UserInformationRecoveryServiceHttpsEndpoint"