Pyspark / pyspark kernels not working in jupyter notebook - pyspark

Here are installed kernels:
$jupyter-kernelspec list
Available kernels:
apache_toree_scala /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/apache_toree_scala
apache_toree_sql /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/apache_toree_sql
pyspark3kernel /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/pyspark3kernel
pysparkkernel /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/pysparkkernel
python3 /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/python3
sparkkernel /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/sparkkernel
sparkrkernel /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/sparkrkernel
A new notebook was created but fails with
The code failed because of a fatal error:
Error sending http request and maximum retry encountered..
There is no [error] message in the jupyter console

If you use magicspark to connect your Jupiter notebook, you should also start Livy which is API service used by magicspark to talk to your Spark cluster.
Download Livy from Apache Livy and unzip it
Check SPARK_HOME environment is set, if not, set to your Spark installation directory
Run Livy server by <livy_home>/bin/livy-server in the shell/command line
Now go back to your notebook, you should be able to run spark code in cell.


Connection to remote Hadoop Cluster (CDP) through Linux server

I'm new to PySpark and I want to connect remote Hadoop Cluster (CDP) through Linux server by using spark-submit command.
Any help would be appreciated.
I need spark-submit command to connect remote CDP.
You can use Apache Livy to submit remote jobs to a CDP cluster. Here is detailed info on how to install and use Livy to submit jobs :
After downloading and unzipping Livy you should add following lines in livy.conf file. Then start livy service.
livy.spark.master = yarn
livy.spark.deploy-mode = cluster
You can find examples of how to create a spark submit script on following links:

Change Python version Livy uses in an EMR cluster

I am aware of Change Apache Livy's Python Version and How do i setup Pyspark in Python 3 with
I also have seen the Livy documentation
However, none of that works. Livy keeps using Python 2.7 no matter what.
This is running Livy 0.6.0 on an EMR cluster.
I have changed the PYSPARK_PYTHON environment variable to /usr/bin/python3 in the hadoop user, my user, the root, and ec2-user. Logging into the EMR master node via ssh and running pyspark starts python3 as expected. But, Livy keeps using python2.7.
I added export PYSPARK_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 to the /etc/spark/conf/ file. Livy keeps using python2.7.
I added "spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON":"/usr/bin/python3" and "spark.executorEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON":"/usr/bin/python3" to the items listed below and in every case . Livy keeps using python2.7.
sparkmagic config.json and config_other_settings.json files before starting a PySpark kernel Jupyter
Session Properties in the sparkmagic %manage_spark Jupyter widget. Livy keeps using python2.7.
%%spark config cell-magic before the line-magic %spark add --session test --url http://X.X.X.X:8998 --auth None --language python
Note: This works without any issues in another EMR cluster running Livy 0.7.0 I have gone over all of the settings on the other cluster and cannot find what is different. I did not have to do any of this on the other cluster, Livy just used python3 by default.
How exactly do I get Livy to use python3 instead of python2?
Finally just found an answer after posting.
I ran the following in a PySpark kernel Jupyter session cell before running any code to start the PySpark session on the remote EMR cluster via Livy.
%%configure -f
{ "conf":{
"spark.pyspark.python": "python3"
Simply adding "spark.pyspark.python": "python3"  to the .sparkmagic config.json or config_other_settings.json also worked.
Confusing that this does not match the official Livy documentation.

how to run first example of Apache Flink

I am trying to run the first example from the oreilly book "Stream Processing with Apache Flink" and from the flink project. Each gives different errors
Example from the book gies NoClassDefFound error
Example from flink project gives Connection refused (Connection refused) but does create a flink job, see screenshot.
Detail below
Book example
java.lang.BootstrapMethodError: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:scala/runtime/java8/JFunction1$mcVI$sp
at io.github.streamingwithflink.chapter1.AverageSensorReadings$$anon$3.createSerializer(AverageSensorReadings.scala:50)
The instructions from the book are:
download flink-1.7.1-bin-scala_2.12.tgz
start cluster ./bin/
open flink's web UI http://localhost:8081
this all works fine
Download the jar file that includes examples in this book
run example
./bin/flink run \
-c io.github.streamingwithflink.chapter1.AverageSensorReadings \
It seems that the class is not found from error message at the top of this post.
I put the jar in the same directory I am running the command
java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_242"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Zulu (build 1.8.0_242-b20)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Zulu (build 25.242-b20, mixed mode)
I also tried compiling the jar myself with the same error.
mvn clean build
error is the same.
Flink project tutorial
running the SocketWindowWordCount
./bin/flink run examples/streaming/SocketWindowWordCount.jar --port 9000
I get a job but it fails
gives Connection refused (Connection refused)
It is not clear to me what connection is refused. I tried different ports with no change.
How can I run flink code successfully?
I tried to reproduce the failing AverageSensorReadings example, but it was working on my setup. I'll try look deeper into it tomorrow.
Regarding the SocketWindowWordCount example, the error message indicates that the Flink job failed to open a connection to the socket on port 9000. You need to open the socket before you start the job. You can do this for example with netcat:
nc -l 9000
After the job is running, you can send messages by typing and and these message will be ingested into the Flink job. You can see the stats in the WebUI evolving according to the number of words that your messages consisted of.
Note that netcat closes the socket when you stop the Flink job.
I am able to run the "Stream Processing with Apache Flink" code from IntelliJ.
See this post
I am able to run the "Stream Processing with Apache Flink" AverageSensorReadings code on my flink cluster by using sbt. I have never used sbt before but thought I would try it. My project is here
Note that I moved AverageSensorReading.scala to chapter5 a since that is where the code is explained and changed the package to com.mitzit.
use sbt assembly to create jar
run on flink cluster
./bin/flink run \
-c com.mitzit.chapter5.AverageSensorReadings \
works fine. I have no idea why this works and the mvn compiled jar does not.

can sparkmagic be used outside the ipython?

i'm using a jupyter notebook with sparkmagic extension, but i can only access the spark cluster by create a pyspark kernel. The conflict is that i can't use the py3 environment(some installed python package) in pyspark kernel, either i can't use spark context in python3 kernel.
i don't know how to introduce packages in sparkmagic, so can i use pyspark that actually implement by sparkmagic in py3? or are there any other opinions?
Both kernels - PySpark and default IPython can be used with python3 interpreter on pyspark. It can be specified in ~/.sparkmagic/config.json. This is standard spark configuration and will be just passed by sparkmagic to the livy server running on the spark master node.
"session_configs": {
"conf": {
spark.pyspark.python Python binary executable to use for PySpark in both driver and executors.
python3 is in this case available as command on the PATH of each node in the spark cluster. You can install it also into a custom directory on each node and specify the full path. "spark.pyspark.python":"/Users/hadoop/python3.8/bin/python"
All spark conf options can be passed like that.
Thera are 2 ways for importing tensorflow:
install on all spark machines (master and workers) via python3 -m pip install tensorflow
zip, upload and pass the remote path through sparkmagic via spark.submit.pyFiles setting. Accepts a path on s3, hdfs or the master node file system (not a path on your machine)
See answer about --py-files

Where do you configure spark and hive settings on local install of jupyter?

I'm trying to configure Spark on my local IDE and local install of Conda jupyter environment to use our corp spark/hive connect which looks something specs similar to this:
port: 10003
I tried to configure spark-default.conf
spark.master spark://
And when I try and call the spark context : sc
I get the following error with Jupyter:
Exception: Java gateway process exited before sending the driver its port number
Does anyone know of any good documentation that I can use to configure my local instance of jupyter and or Netbeans to use Spark with Scala or Python?