React native rest with apisauce cookie - rest

I'm using in one of my project React Native with ApiSauce as rest client.
There is a lot of examples with parsing response, etc. I have got two questions:
1. It is possible to dump let's say with console.log request that was sent to endpoint?
2. what about cookie? It is possible to setup cookie that should be sent with request and read cookie that returned with response?


What is the purpose of having one endpoint for the whole app?

I'm building a web app with Laravel for scheduling emails and when I was checking out the competitors, I noticed that one of them is using only one endpoint for all the requests and sending different payload in the POST request.
I thought of building my app's API the same way but I really don't find the use of this point.
I noticed that one of them is using only one endpoint for all the requests and sending different payload in the POST request.
It's a common approach to use when you want transport agnostic messaging. See, for example, SOAP.

How to call Salesforce REST API from external web forms

I am a bit confused. The requirement is that we need to create a REST API in Salesforce(Apex class) that has one POST method. Right now, I have been testing it with POSTMAN tool in 2 steps:
Making a POST request first with username, password, client_id, client_secret(that are coming from connected app in Salesforce), grant_type to receive access token.
Then I make another POST request in POSTMAN to create a lead in Salesforce, using the access token I received before and the body.
However, the REST API that I have in Salesforce would be called from various different web forms. So once someone fills out the webform, on the backend it would call this REST API in Salesforce and submits lead request.
I am wondering how would that happen since we can't use POSTMAN for that.
These "various different web forms" would have to send requests to Salesforce just like Postman does. You'd need two POST calls (one for login, one to call the service you've created). It'll be bit out of your control, you provided the SF code and proven it works, now it's for these website developers to pick it up.
What's exactly your question? There are tons of libraries to connect to SF from Java, Python, .NET, PHP... Or they could hand-craft these HTTP messages, just Google for "PHP HTTP POST" or something... /
Depending how much time they'll have they can:
cache the session id (so they don't call login every time), try to reuse it, call login again only if session id is blank / got "session expired or invalid" error back
try to batch it somehow (do they need to save these Leads to SF asap or in say hourly intervals is OK? How did YOU write the service, accepts 1 lead or list of records?
be smart about storing the credentials to SF (some secure way, not hardcoded). Ideally in a way that it's easy to use the integration against sandbox or production changing just 1 config file or environment variables or something like that

Restrict exposing certain request headers for REST API in browser

I am fetching a GET API using the fetch command in react. When I run the production build, I can see the x-api-key in request header when I inspect in either Google/Firefox (network). This is the API key that my web app uses to make the request and I don't want it to get exposed in the browser's devtools. Any ideas on how to achieve this?
Fundamentally, you rewrite some stuff and proxy the request server side.
There is no way to hide the x-api-key header if you are directly making the request from the client. The only way is to make it from the server, then provide the results to the client.

REST client - How to send data with PUT request?

I've created a REST API using Codeigniter and I'm testing it with REST client
How can and should I send data for a PUT request? I've seen some PHP examples where JSON is sent in the headers but I'm not sure how to do this in the client I'm testing with or how to read this data from the request.
You can use cURL to send PUT requests.

maintaining session in REST web service

I have a COTS application(PLM application) which has provided few SOAP APIs to access. Since this SOAP API is highly complex, we are developing a easy to use REST wrapper service. Before invoking any API in my COTS application, authentication API needs to be invoked. In my REST wrapper web service, I have a login resource which invokes COTS SOAP login API. To keep things simple for my API users, I store the logged in user details in user session. In every other REST resoruces, I retrieve the session and check whether session has user details. If yes, I proceed and invoke the SOAP API. if not, I return proper HTTP status code. I use Apache CXF for service and client. I mandate my APIusers to maintain the session in the client like this
In every REST tutorials, it said REST is stateless. I am doubtful whether what I am doing is correct as per REST standards. Please suggest. Thanks
Basically the idea of REST is a stateless interface. However it is common practice to use some kind of authentication for API calls since most of the time not all resources should be public (e.g. the timeline of a twitter user over the twitter API)
Therefore it is ok if you do some kind of authentication and validate a session on further requests (or maybe authenticate with every single request, e.g. with HTTP Basic Access Authentication) to check if access should be granted.
Not part of this and not the idea of a RESTful API would be to store complex session information that would really make the whole thing stateful. This for example includes storage of information of an older request for processing together with one following later.
client.getRequestContext().put(Message.MAINTAIN_SESSION, Boolean.TRUE)
This code causes cookies to be maintained in that specific client only.
If you want those cookies be available in another client, it needs to be programmed.
And if the second client receives additional cookies and you want those cookies available in the first client too, how is that possible?
I need something like a root client that maintains cookies of all sub clients. All cookies must be shared among all clients. Like a shared cookie repository for all clients. Does anyone know how to achieve this?