Swift: Index of an element in enum (CaseIterable) - swift

The following code (compiles without errors) retrieves index of an element
in a particular CaseIterable enum type
public enum MyEnum : CaseIterable {
public func ordinal() -> Int? {
return MyEnum.allCases.firstIndex(of: self)
I want to make a generic function to work with all CaseIterable enums.
If I try:
public extension CaseIterable {
public func ordinal() -> Int? {
return CaseIterable.allCases.firstIndex(of: self)
I get a compiler error "Member 'allCases' cannot be used on value of protocol type 'CaseIterable'; use a generic constraint instead" which is quite logical, as the actual enum type is unknown".
When I try CaseIterable<T>, I get another error, as CaseIterable is not declared as generic type.
Is there a way?

Couple of changes are necessary:
The return type needs to be Self.AllCases.Index? rather than Int?. In practice, these types will be equivalent, as seen below.
You also need to constrain any types to Equatable, because you need to be equatable in order to use firstIndex(of:). Again, in practice, any CaseIterable will usually be an enum without associated values, meaning it will be equatable automatically.
(Optional change) This function will never return nil, because you're finding one case in a CaseIterable. So you can remove the optionality on the return type (Self.AllCases.Index) and force unwrap.
public extension CaseIterable where Self: Equatable {
public func ordinal() -> Self.AllCases.Index {
return Self.allCases.firstIndex(of: self)!
enum Example: CaseIterable {
case x
case y
Example.y.ordinal() // 1
type(of: Example.y.ordinal()) // Int
Personally, I'd add that "Ordinal" usually means something different than what you're doing, and I'd recommend changing the function name to elementIndex() or something. But that's an aside.


Understanding CaseIterable in swift

I've read the documentation, and seen perhaps only a part of what the protocol is. I just am not following the logic. Can someone help me understand this?
What I see in xcode when I examine the protocol
/// Conforming to the CaseIterable Protocol
/// =======================================
/// The compiler can automatically provide an implementation of the
/// `CaseIterable` requirements for any enumeration without associated values
/// or `#available` attributes on its cases. The synthesized `allCases`
/// collection provides the cases in order of their declaration.
/// You can take advantage of this compiler support when defining your own
/// custom enumeration by declaring conformance to `CaseIterable` in the
/// enumeration's original declaration. The `CompassDirection` example above
/// demonstrates this automatic implementation.
public protocol CaseIterable {
/// A type that can represent a collection of all values of this type.
associatedtype AllCases : Collection = [Self] where Self == Self.AllCases.Element
/// A collection of all values of this type.
static var allCases: Self.AllCases { get }
I'm struggling to follow what is happening here and why. Can someone walk me through the logic of this please?
One of the other big struggles I'm having because of this is if I conform a protocol to be CaseIterable.
protocol Foo: CaseIterable {}
I can't use it as a variable anymore.
struct Bar {
var foo: Foo
I get this error
Protocol 'Foo' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements.
It does have Self requirements but I can't figure out how to get around this problem. If someone could help me understand why this happens and how to fix it too, I'd be very grateful.
Edit: - This is the playground code copied directly. I've updated it to use the some, but I'm not quite sure how to proceed past this error.
import Foundation
protocol Zot: CaseIterable {
var prop: Data { get }
enum Bar: Zot {
case thing3
case thing4
var prop: Data {
switch self {
case .thing3, .thing4: return Data()
init() {}
enum Baz: Zot {
case thing1
case thing2
var prop: Data {
switch self {
case .thing1, .thing2: return Data()
init() {}
enum Foo {
case bar
case baz
var otherValues: some Zot {
switch self {
case .bar:
return Bar
case .baz:
return Baz
CaseIterable exists to allow you to programmatically walk through all the possible cases of an enum, allowing you use the enum type as a Collection of its cases:
enum CardinalDirection: CaseIterable { case north, south, east, west }
for direction in CardinalDirection.allCases {
// Do something with direction which is one of north, south, east, west
This prints
There is nothing that prevents you from making other kinds of types conform to CaseIterable; however, the compiler will only synthesize conformance for enum types. It's not useful for most other kinds of types; however, I have occasionally found it useful for types that conform to OptionSet. In that case you have to manually implement conformance.
struct AssetFlags: OptionSet, CaseIterable
typealias RawValue = UInt8
typealias AllCases = [AssetFlags]
let rawValue: RawValue
static let shouldPreload = AssetFlags(rawValue: 0x01)
static let isPurgeable = AssetFlags(rawValue: 0x02)
static let isLocked = AssetFlags(rawValue: 0x04)
static let isCached = AssetFlags(rawValue: 0x08)
static var allCases: AllCases = [shouldPreload, isPurgeable, isLocked, isCached]
Note that OptionSet is conceptually similar to an enum. They both define a small set of distinct values they can have. With one they are mutually exclusive, while for the other they may be combined. But the key thing for CaseIterable to be useful is the finite nature of the set of possible distinct values. If your type has that characteristic, conforming to CaseIterable could be useful, otherwise, it wouldn't make sense. Int or String, for example, are not good candidates for CaseIterable.
In my own code, I don't bother conforming to CaseIterable, even for enum types, until a specific need arises that requires it. Actually I take that approach to all protocol conformance. It's a specific case of the more general YAGNI rule of thumb: "You ain't gonna need it."
Regarding your Bar struct, the problem is not specifically related to CaseIterable, but rather to using a protocol with Self or associated type requirements, which for Foo happens to be inherited from CaseIterable.
Swift 5.7 relaxed the rules concerning Self and associated type requirements a bit, allowing you to use the any keyword to tell the compiler you want to use an existential Foo instead of a concrete Foo to write
struct Bar {
var foo: any Foo
If you want a concrete Foo you could use some. The original way to do it though, which still works, is to make Bar explicitly generic
struct Bar<T: Foo> {
var foo: T
Update based on revised question code
The way you're using enums is... well, let's say it's out of the ordinary. There are two problems. The first is that you're returning types not values:
enum Foo {
case bar
case baz
// Will return a *value* of a type that conforms to Zot
var otherValues: some Zot
switch self {
case .bar:
return Bar // Bar is a *type* not a value
case .baz:
return Baz // Baz is a *type* not a value
I'll fix this is in a way that is almost certainly wrong for what you want to do, but allows moving forward to the other problem. We need to return values, so I'll just pick the first of the corresponding cases of Bar and Baz, and that will expose the other problem.
enum Foo {
case bar
case baz
var otherValues: some Zot
switch self {
case .bar: return Bar.thing3
case .baz: return Baz.thing1
The problem here is that some means that there will be one specific concrete type that conforms to Zot, so the compiler will be able to access its properties and methods directly rather than via its protocol witness table... it's basically a way to have the efficiency of having the calling code use the concrete types without having to tie to calling code to the concrete type at the source code level. otherValues, however, returns a value of either of two types, so the return type would have to be an existential type rather than a concrete one. You could do this if you return any Zot instead of some Zot.
Of course even using any, this version is wrong, because it doesn't take into account half of the cases of Bar and Baz. I assume that you want to be able to construct a Foo from a Bar or Baz while preserving its original value somehow, and I guess retrieve it later.
Before I present solutions, I want to mention that without knowing exactly what you are trying to accomplish, your code feels like it took a wrong design turn at some point. It would probably be better to rethink how you're doing what you want to do to see if there is a better way.
If I understand what your trying to do, I can think of at least three of ways, none of which requires CaseIterable, but maybe that's needed for other reasons.
Option 1
The first is to define Foo so that it explicitly contains all of the cases of Bar and Baz:
enum Foo: Zot
case thing1, thing2, thing3, thing4
init(_ value: Bar)
switch value
case .thing3: self = .thing3
case .thing4: self = .thing4
init(_ value: Baz)
switch value
case .thing1: self = .thing1
case .thing2: self = .thing2
var prop: Data
switch self
case .thing1: return Baz.thing1.prop
case .thing2: return Baz.thing2.prop
case .thing3: return Bar.thing3.prop
case .thing4: return Bar.thing4.prop
var bazValue: Baz?
switch self
case .thing1: return .thing1
case .thing2: return .thing2
default: return nil
var barValue: Bar?
switch self
case .thing3: return .thing3
case .thing4: return .thing4
default: return nil
This has the advantage of being straight-forward, but will require more maintenance if you add/remove cases from Bar or Baz - or even add a whole other enum that conforms to Zot.
Option 2
The second way is to define Foo so that it uses associated values:
enum Foo
case bar(value: Bar)
case baz(value: Baz)
init(_ value: Bar) { self = .bar(value: value) }
init(_ value: Baz) { self = .baz(value: value) }
I think this second case is cleaner, and you don't need otherValues because usage code can do:
switch foo
case let .bar(value: bar):
// do whatever with bar
case let .baz(value: baz):
// do whatever with baz
Still assuming second version of Foo, maybe an even cleaner way is:
extension Foo
func withZotValue<R>(_ code: (any Zot) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
switch self
case let .bar(value: value): return try code(value)
case let .baz(value: value): return try code(value)
That allows you to eliminate a lot of switch statements in usage code. To use it:
foo.withZotValue { zotValue in
// Do something with zotValue that the Zot protocol supports.
If you need this second version of Foo to conform to CaseIterable, Swift won't synthesize conformance for you because of the associated values, but you can write the conformance yourself.
extension Foo: CaseIterable
typealias AllCases = [Self]
static var allCases: AllCases {
Baz.allCases.map { .baz(value: $0) },
Bar.allCases.map { .bar(value: $0) },
Option 3:
The last possible solution, which actually should probably be the first, if it applies, would be to define whatever you're trying to do that's common to both Bar and Baz in Zot. Whether that's a good idea or not depends on what you're trying to do, but let's assume it does make sense. For example, I notice that both Bar and Baz support a prop property, but the Zot protocol doesn't list prop. Why not? Is it unrelated to "Zotness"? If anything that conforms to Zot should have a prop property, then add it to the protocol:
protocol Zot: CaseIterable {
var prop: Data { get }
You still provide implementations of prop in Bar and Baz - that's kind of like overriding a base class method in subclasses.
Let's say the Data returned from prop is encoded JSON and you want be able to decode a Codable thing from a Zot. You can now do that without caring if its a Bar or a Baz (or any other new Zot-conforming type you might add later):
func decode<T: Codable>(_ type: T.Type, from src: some Zot) throws -> T {
return try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: src.prop)

XCT assert case of enum

I'd like to assert whether a value is a specific enum case.
For example, if I have the following enum class, and a variable let value: MyEnum:
enum MyEnum {
case firstCase(value: Int)
case secondCase
I'd like to check whether value is an instance of firstCase.
In essence, I'd like to be able to write the following or something equivalent:
let value: MyEnum = .firstCase(value: 3)
XCTAssertEnumCase(value, .firstCase)
How can I achieve this? I'm looking for an already existing XCT function, or for instructions how to write XCTAssertEnumCase myself.
You can easily create a function that works for specific enums, however, creating a generic assert function that works for any enums will be quite hard to achieve, because there's no protocol/type constraint that could represent any enum. You can use RawRepresentable for enums with raw values, but that won't cover all enums, such as the one in your question.
This is the function for your specific enum.
func XCTAssertEnumCase(_ testValue: MyEnum, _ expectedValue: MyEnum) -> Bool {
switch (testValue, expectedValue) {
case (.firstCase, .firstCase):
return true
case (.secondCase, .secondCase):
return true
return false
Alternatively, you can make your enum conform to Equatable in your test target (if it doesn't already conform in your actual production target) and only check case equality in your Equatable conformance, but then you won't be able to easily test "full equality" (including the associated values). Also, the solution will require you to manually implement Equatable conformance for all protocols that you are testing.
You cannot instantiate an enum case that has an associated value without actually supplying an associated value. So XCTAssertEnumCase(value, .firstCase) cannot be achieved.
You can do XCTAssertEnumCase(testValue, .firstCase(value: 3313) where you can pass in any Int to the associated value of firstCase and as long as testValue is also firstCase, the func will return true, regardless of the associated values.
Alternatively, you could create separate functions for asserting each case of your enum.
extension MyEnum {
func assertFirstCase() -> Bool {
switch self {
case .firstCase:
return true
return false
func assertSecondCase() -> Bool {
switch self {
case .secondCase:
return true
return false
And then use it like this:
let value: MyEnum = .firstCase(value: 3)
value.assertFirstCase() // returns true
value.assertSecondCase() // returns false

Generic constraints specific to an enum member

I have a protocol with an associated type:
protocol MyProtocol {
associatedtype Q
Now I'd like to have an enum like
enum MyEnum<Q> {
case zero
case one(MyProtocol)
case two(MyProtocol, MyProtocol)
where each associated value has Q as its associated type. This doesn't work:
enum MyEnum<Q> {
case zero
case one<P: MyProtocol where P.Q == Q>(P)
case two<P1: MyProtocol, P2: MyProtocol where P1.Q == Q, P2.Q == Q>(P1, P2)
Apparently, individual enum members can't have their own generic constraints.
The only thing I can think of is to move those constraints to the enum declaration, but this fixates the associated types. To demonstrate why that's not what I want, this is what I'd like to be able to do:
struct StructA: MyProtocol {
typealias Q = Int
struct StructB: MyProtocol {
typealias Q = Int
var enumValue = MyEnum.one(StructA())
enumValue = .two(StructB(), StructA())
enumValue = .two(StructA(), StructB())
Is there a way around this limitation?
Type erasure. The answer is always type erasure.
What you need is an AnyProtocol type:
struct AnyProtocol<Element>: MyProtocol {
typealias Q = Element
// and the rest of the type-erasure forwarding, based on actual protocol
Now you can create an enum that uses them
enum MyEnum<Q> {
case zero
case one(AnyProtocol<Q>)
case two(AnyProtocol<Q>, AnyProtocol<Q>)
For a deeper discussion of how to build the type erasers see A Little Respect for AnySequence.
Swift cannot discuss PATs (protocols with associated types) as real types or even abstract types. They can only be constraints. In order to use it as even an abstract type, you have to distill it into a type eraser. Luckily this is quite mechanical and in most cases not difficult. It's so mechanical that eventually the compiler will hopefully do the work for you. But someone has to build the box, and today that's you.

Swift "Enum" base object

If I want to add an extension to every object I can do the following:
extension AnyObject
func myFunc() { ... }
Is there something similar where I can add a function to every Enum? In other words, what is the base "class" for every enum?
First of all, note that you cannot do an extension to AnyObject as above, as AnyObject is a protected protocol (to which all classes implicitly conform) rather than a type. See e.g.
Is there a way to add an extension to AnyObject?
Now, you could, however, extend any specific type as you show above, e.g., extension Int { ... }. However enum is not a type; rather a "container" of ordered raw representable values. So a more valid comparison could be "If I want to add an extension to every class, by extension class ...", which is, naturally, trickier.
Now, all enumerations with a rawValue and an initializer by rawValue conforms to protocol RawRepresentable, so you could extend this protocol for specific types of raw values:
extension RawRepresentable where RawValue == Int {
var sqrt: Double {
return pow(Double(rawValue),(1/2))
And this extension property would be available to all enumerations that explicitly use the same raw value type, in this case, Int:
enum MyIntegerLiteralEnum : Int {
case One = 1
case Two
case Three
case Four
/* 1.0
2.0 */
As a disclaimer, note that this extension will be made available to all types that conforms to RawRepresentable with a rawValue of type Int, not only enum types. E.g.:
struct Foo : RawRepresentable {
typealias RawValue = Int
var bar : Int
var rawValue: RawValue {
get {
return bar
init(rawValue bar: Int) {
self.bar = bar
var a = Foo(rawValue: 16)
print(a.sqrt) // 4.0

Is it possible to declare swift generic for enums of particular type?

Would it be possible to have a function that allows any enum where the rawValue is of a certain type? For example, any enum that has a string rawValue.
This can be done using generics and the "where" keyword
enum EnumString: String {
case A = "test"
func printEnum<T: RawRepresentable where T.RawValue == String>(arg: T) {
printEnum(EnumString.A) //Prints "test"
You can declare a generic that conforms to the type RawRepresentable, which is a protocol that all enums declaring a primitive rawValue conform to.
enum EnumA: Int {
case A = 0
enum EnumB {
case A
func doGenericSomething<T: RawRepresentable>(arg: T) {
doGenericSomething(EnumA.A) //OK
doGenericSomething(EnumB.A) //Error! Does not conform to protocol RawRepresentable
You cannot, however, specify an enum's rawValue type in a generic. For information you can see the post here.